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马秀贞 《行政论坛》2012,19(3):28-31
政府转型及公共服务型政府构建是当前我国政治学(行政学)理论研究热点之一和重大现实问题,经济转型是后危机时代和"十二五"时期我国经济发展的主线。国内外理论界的研究及我国经济社会发展的严峻现实都表明,政府转型及公共服务型政府构建滞后已成为经济转型的主要约束,构建公共服务型政府是促进经济转型的根本路径。政府转型在很大程度上是基于外部压力的、被动的自我革命,存在巨大阻力,转型的难点是对阻力的克服。为此,既要创造政府转型的环境条件,又要发挥执政党领导、谋划、推动的作用,更要通过深刻的"政府革命",调整利益关系和格局。  相似文献   

社区公共服务:政府社会管理的新载体   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公共服务的社区化是中国社会结构转型、政府行政体制改革和社区建设运动等多因素共同作用的必然结果。中国社区公共服务经过了从“单位———街居”模式、“政府———社区”模式到对“市民社会———社区”整合性模式的推进历程,成为政府进行社会管理的新的载体。而要达到市民社会与社区互动的理想目标,仍有艰难的路程和不可回避的现实问题。  相似文献   

论服务型政府与公共服务型政府的区别   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
服务型政府与公共服务型政府是两个不同的概念,无论是其提出背景还是其研究视角都是有区别的。在这两个概念中,公共服务型政府涉及的仅仅是政府职能结构的调整,而服务型政府才是整个政府管理模式从管制向服务的根本性转型。  相似文献   

从总体上说,中国当前的改革攻坚面临着三大挑战:一是能否实现市场化改革的实质性突破;二是能否解决好改革与多数人利益关系的问题;三是能否实质性推进政府转型。在这三大挑战中,政府自身建设与改革已成为影响整体改革进程的关键性因素。推进政府改革、实现经济建设型政府向公共服务型政府的转变,已成为新阶段中国改革攻坚的重要任务。  相似文献   

我国实行社会主义市场经济以来,市场经济的巨大发展推动着政府公共权力由传统的强制属性向契约和服务属性转型,政府由管制型向服务型转变,政府的公共服务职能日益凸显。与公共权力的本质要求相适应,政府公共服务应具备契约性、有限性、公共性及公正性等特征。在公共权力转型期,应该通过完善公共服务信息公开体系、创新公共服务公民参与机制以及构建公共服务监督体系来加强政府公共服务体制建设。  相似文献   

公共服务型政府的兴起很大程度上是当代政府公共责任和公共服务职能不断强化的结果。随着中国改革的不断深入,以及市场经济体制的逐步建立,政府管理需要由过去的政治导向、经济导向转为服务导向,把构建公共服务型政府作为当代中国政府转型的目标取向。  相似文献   

公共服务供给模式的选择,体现了政府职能的定位与公共事务治理之道。补缺式模式是改革开放以来非营利组织参与公共服务供给的一种基本形态,有效地填补了政府的缺位,为民众适时地提供了力所能及的公共服务。在政府逐渐履行其基本公共服务职责后,非营利组织在这些领域的角色越来越弱化,需要有一个角色的战略性转型和功能的全新提升,相应的,中国的公共服务供给模式逐渐从补缺式公共服务供给模式走向定制式公共服务供给模式。作为公共服务供给模式的革新方向,其目标就是建构非营利组织与政府的战略性合作联盟这一理想模式。这种战略性联盟是以政府为主导、政府与非营利组织合作的公共服务供给新体制,即通过政府购买服务方式提升合作治理的制度化水平,以及通过个性化、差异化的定制方式提升政府回应性水平,进而形成一种战略性联盟,并在此基础上,以深化流程再造方式来全面提升公共服务供给模式的服务质量。  相似文献   

政府转型与社会管理体制改革   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
改革开放以来的社会转型引发了政府的两次转型,第一次转型实现政治主导型政府向经济建设型政府的转变,第二次转型实现经济建设型政府向公共服务型政府的转变。政府转型推动了我国的社会管理体制改革。今后一个时期,我国社会管理体制改革的主要目标是实现国家事业向公共事业转变、“文教事业”向社会事业转变、国家包办向多元参与转变、管办不分向管办分离转变、政事不分向政事分开转变。  相似文献   

将绩效审计纳入政府公共服务过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋云根的"将绩效审计纳入政府公共服务过程"一文指出,中国的政府改革正由"职能转变"向"功能转型"的纵深方向发展,建设服务型政府将成为我国下一阶段政府改革的重点。建立并完善一整套行之有效的绩效审计制度,将有助于进一步优化政府公共服务体系,满足社会公众对政府公共服务职能的基本要求。  相似文献   

周望 《行政论坛》2008,(5):37-40
建设服务型政府是近年来理论界研究的一个重要课题,但对于服务型政府的概念在学术界还存有不少争论.虽说服务型政府一词已被大多数研究者采用,但仍有部分学者对这一提法存有异议,如有人认为它在很大程度上是改革开放后通过引进西方相关学术理论形成的,明显脱离中国实际.与服务型政府同样流行的是公共服务型政府的概念,关于两者的关系主要有这样几种观点:两者是平行关系;两者是等同关系;公共服务型政府优于服务型政府;服务型政府优于公共服务型政府.在研究服务型政府其他政府形态的关系方面,多教学者认为民主、法治、责任、服务、质量和效益等诸多现代政府形态是服务型政府的发展方向.学者对服务型政府概念的界定呈现出"一个概念,各自表述"的局面,主要表现为从价值理念、政府模式、政府职能、实践操作和综合概括等角度来各自界定其内涵.  相似文献   

服务型政府是对政府职能的重新审视和定位,其实质是贯彻"以人为本"理念的制度架构。不仅有新公共管理所关注的如何从组织技术和管理手段等操作层面上改进公共服务效率的问题,更涉及到政府与公民关系的宪政民主主义的重构,涉及到公共行政的理念转变与制度创新。以新公共服务为代表的民主治理理论突破了新公共管理"管理主义"思维的窠臼,指出了一条通过政府与社会、公民关系的民主化治理模式的重构,推进公共行政改革,为服务型政府建设指明了正确的改革方向。  相似文献   

A growing awareness among officials in Haiti of the need for public service reforms has resulted in the reorganization and revitalization of the country's Administrative Reform Commission (Commission Administrative). At present there is no uniformity in organization, procedures, regulations or remuneration between the different government agencies. The bureaucrats have little security and the bureaucracy is completely dominated by the executive branch of government. Coupled with this, owing largely to the budgeting system, the public service has developed into virtually two separate services, one dealing with development and the other with recurrent tasks. The number of public servants has doubled in the past decade. The Administrative Reform Commission has identified its priorities including the creation of a unified career service system, a restructuring of the bureaucracy and decentralization. This article comments on the Commission's proposals and the problems of implementing them.  相似文献   

This paper analyses poor service delivery at local government level, which is attributed to the politicisation of administrative components in municipalities, resulting in poor local governance. The public service delivery system has been perceived as one of the most important ways of reducing poverty through poverty alleviation programmes. As part of the South African government's cooperative system, key stakeholders in municipalities ought to adopt an integrated approach to public service delivery. An integrated approach to public service delivery demands that local municipalities, together with relevant stakeholders, integrate processes and services to ensure effective and efficient service delivery. This ultimately will result in an improved standard of living and sustainable livelihood for communities. With regard to public service delivery, local municipalities have the obligation of creating income opportunities people, especially the poor, with the sole aim of contributing towards poverty reduction and the realisation of the expectations of people, as stated in the South African government's White Paper of transforming public service delivery. The political interface in local municipalities greatly affects effective and efficient administration, as well as growth opportunities. Administrators, therefore, have the important function of ensuring that explicit assignments of objectives and administrative functions are wholly separated from the policymaking activities of government. This paper, therefore, suggests that municipalities adopt the merit system and abandon the spoils system that is highly characterised by political favours and political interferences. Political favours and interferences are dominant in local South African government, and they hinder the process of providing services equally.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 21st Century, local government faces the major challenge of restructuring and managing a new interface with its social, economic, and political environment. The devolution of public tasks to society requires a redefinition of the role of local government. The shift from producing to guaranteeing the remaining services requires at least the adoption of best practices from private-sector strategic marketing, production, and purchasing management. The restructuring of local government for customer satisfaction and decentralized decision-making requires careful attention to the demands of democratic political control, as well as to legitimate public interests that may not be included in the customer-satisfaction model. Thus, public management of local government cannot be content with internal modernization, but must redefine its relationships with its environment.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, governments have restructured their public services. Public administration has been largely replaced by public management, reflecting a more market oriented approach. In line with this pattern of change, the Australia public services at both state and Commonwealth levels, since the early 1980s, have undergone significant change. The aim of this symposium is to explore the dimensions, detail and impact of these developments, tracing the implications of public service reorganisation and operations for public sector industrial relations. The contributions therefore focus on government policies, management and industrial relations and implications for collective organisation and action. Changes in five states and one territory are considered as well as those at the Commonwealth level.  相似文献   

国家公职人员中存在的腐败现象有着深刻的历史文化背景。中国社会几千年封建专制历史所形成的"差序格局"中的熟人社会交往方式,对当前的公职人员的工作与处事方式有着根深蒂固的影响。西方社会中影响深远广泛的是"契约论"精神,形成了分权制衡的格局,有利于公民权力空间的成长。当前中国社会经济的发展促成了公民社会的逐步形成,中国传统的伦理观念已难以适应公共交往领域,治理公职人员的腐败行为要大力培养民众的公民意识,尤其公职人员自身的公民意识和公民伦理道德观念,从而保障国家和政府职能的正当行使和公民权益的实现。  相似文献   

在服务型政府建设过程中,标准化作为一种科学的工作方法逐步被地方政府采用。由于没有国家统一标准,各地政府基于本地实际情况开展公共服务标准化实践呈现出多种模式。公共服务标准化价值不言而喻,但由于标准化作为促进公共服务均等化的一种路径选择,其根本属性在于统一性,在有限政府的前提下,中国基本的公共服务标准化有必要建构指标体系,为实现基本公共服务均等化提供现实的指引。  相似文献   

服务型政府建设是一项比经济体制改革更为艰巨的系统工程,政府在这项工程中无可争议地处于“主角”地位,但“主角”绝非“独角”。服务型政府建设只有在党和政府、中央政府和地方政府、行政机关和立法机关、行政机关和司法机关、政府和社会的双向互动中,通过循序渐进的方式得以实现。  相似文献   

Local government restructuring should no longer be viewed as a simple dichotomy between private and public provision. A 1997 survey of chief elected township and county officials in New York shows that local governments use both private and public sector mechanisms to structure the market, create competition, and attain economies of scale. In addition to privatization and inter‐municipal cooperation, two alternative forms of service delivery not previously researched—reverse privatization and governmental entrepreneurship—are analyzed here. Logistic regression on the 201 responding governments differentiates the decision to restructure from the level and complexity of restructuring. Results confirm that local governments are guided primarily by pragmatic concerns with information, monitoring, and service quality. Political factors are not significant in the restructuring process and unionization is only significant in cases of simple restructuring (privatization or cooperation used alone). Fiscal stress is not a primary motivator, but debt limits are associated with more complex forms of restructuring. Restructuring service delivery requires capacity to take risks and is more common among experienced local officials in larger, higher‐income communities. Restructuring should be viewed as a complex, pragmatic process where governments combine public and private provision with an active role as service provider and market player. © 2001 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

A paper of this type clearly calls for some definition of terms. Although "The Public Services" are usually seen to comprise the State Public Services and the Australian Public Service, in reality of course, government institutionalized services to the public go beyond these seven agencies. All the statutory authorities—Commissions, Corporations, Boards and Trusts—are part of public administration; so also are local government bodies. There are in the various public services some agencies which form part of the public service proper (i.e. a Department defined as such under one or other of the Public Service Acts) whereas in others they have the independence of a corporate entity. In South Australia for instance the whole state water supply and sewerage services are provided by one public service department, the Engineering and Water Supply Department. In the other states those services are provided by more than one agency and these range from government departments and local governing bodies to statutory authorities. A similar division of responsibility exists in the road construction area where some states perform their highway undertakings through the agency of a statutory authority, while others prefer the tighter Ministerial control of a government department.  相似文献   

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