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随着计算机技术的普及,摹拟画像已由过去手工画像发展到电脑人像组合阶段。计算机摹拟画像的核心问题就是制作者与目击者之间有效的合作。这是决定摹拟画像是否成功的关键。目击者在摹拟画像中的作用有现场目击者是进行摹拟画像的前提条件。摹拟画像的第一手资料就是目击者的记忆。目击:目击者所处的环境、条件及心理状态直接影响目击者的观察效果。如观察的角度不同,所看到目击对象的相貌就会有所差异。正面观察和有一定角度观察到的脸型就会有差别,后者观察到的脸型比前者观察到的脸型要瘦一些或长一  相似文献   

付旭东 《刑事技术》2003,(Z1):58-58
通常我们所说的摹拟画像是根据目击者的口述将目击对象绘制成摹拟像的技术,也称口述记忆画像。事实上,摹拟画像还包含一些特殊的摹拟方式如根据儿童时期人像资料,污损、模糊、变形的人像资料等绘制摹拟人像。在此,笔者就实际应用较多的用模糊(变形)图像摹拟人像的操作作一些探讨。1模糊图像的形成电子监控技术作为一种现代化的技术防范和内部监控手段,已经愈来愈广泛地运用到各个领域,在如交通、金融、商贸、服务等行为中,以其高效隐蔽等特点发挥着重要的作用。从使用现状看,该技术尚受到一些主客观因素的限制,以至容易产生部分盲点,拿摄像…  相似文献   

面像识别与摹拟画像   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
面像是一个人最重要的外部标志。刑侦部门在案件的调查访问过程中总是将犯罪嫌疑人的面部特征作为要寻找的重要线索之一,所以计算机科学领域的人像摹拟技术很快应用到刑侦工作中并日益发挥出巨大的作用。几年来,作者成功运用这一技术破获了一百余起案件。作者认为,摹拟画像成功的关键在于,是否能够有效地激活目击者的面像识别记忆,是否能够准确把握面像识别的整体性特征。1目击者面像识别记忆的激活作为侦破手段的摹拟面像技术,在实际操作中始终存在着这样一个困扰技术员的问题:目击者认为自己没有记清楚犯罪嫌疑人的面像,而技术员用于摹拟…  相似文献   

摹拟画像是通过画像专家与目击者之间的沟通来实现的,是从目击者的描述中不断发现线索并逐步构建犯罪嫌疑人相貌的过程,这一过程需要去再现目击活动、复原犯罪嫌疑人的相貌,还需要了解目击者,严格地讲后者更为重要,因为目击者是一切记忆的载体,这些记忆不可避免地受到主观意识的影响,从认知的角度讲,所有出现在目击者回忆或描述中的“事实”都是目击者“想当然”的结果,只有经过检验和佐评才能袖采胃。  相似文献   

"3.7"抢劫杀人案电脑摹拟画像的体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2000年3月7日早7时40分左右,某区发生一起抢劫信用社杀人案,两名女营业员一人被杀死,一人被重伤,抢走现金12万余元。案发当天,作者通过目击者描述对犯罪嫌疑人做出了电脑摹拟画像(图1)。并在当地电视台播出后,许多群众向该案指挥部提供了很有价值的线索。尤其是在侦查人员沿着犯罪嫌疑人的行走路线一路访问到两市县的过程中摹拟画像起到了关键的作用。最后,分别抓获了刑事技术2002年第6期跨省流窜、专门针对银行系统做案的犯罪嫌疑人张某和王某。电脑摹拟画像在这起案件的侦破过程中起到了很关键的作用,是一个成…  相似文献   

在摹拟画像中,画像专家与目击者的沟通并非单一采用语言的形式来进行交流的。人像照片资料作为一种辅助工具能够有效地降低语言表达的局限性,为描述、问答以及回忆、再认等沟通活动提供更直观、准确的认知环境。1在沟通中运用人像照片资料的目的和意义1.1有助于目击者描述语言表达具有局限性,不同的人表达能力存在着差异。从实际案例中发现,目击者很难用诸如高低、大小、厚薄、长短之类的词汇对相貌特征作完整、  相似文献   

摹拟画像技术作为一种侦查手段已被广泛应用。在1000多年前,古人已运用画像的方法缉拿罪犯。由于摹拟画像需要手工制作,因而这项技术发展非常缓慢。直到20世纪60年代出现合成方法制作摹拟画像,才使这项技术在刑事侦查工作中得到普遍应用。近年来,随着计算机图像技术的应用,形成了计算机摹拟画像技术,从而使更多的人可以掌握使用,使这项技术得到了普及。正确地运用摹拟画像技术,可以为侦查工作提供重要线索,在侦查破案中发挥重要作用。寻找目击证人寻找目击证人是制作摹拟画像的必要条件,这项工作在任何案件侦查中都是非常重要的。原则上说,进行摹拟画像的条件是普遍存在的。案犯在实施犯罪的过程中,必然与周围的人有过接触。我们所以有时找不到目击证人,只能说明案犯正在实施犯罪的过程可能没有人看到,然而这并不表明其在实施犯罪前或实施犯罪后都没有人看到,只是在一些情况下由于条件  相似文献   

摹拟画像是一门沟通的艺术,画像专家总是希望通过目击者的描述并且从描述内容中挖掘素材、寻找灵感,从而在脑海中逐步构建一张与现实相符的脸。描述内容的重要性无容置疑,但实际的情形却令人堪忧,这些内容似乎永远满足不了需求。在沟通中我们发现,他们要么缺乏目的和动机,要么缺乏细致的分析,因而不可避免地具有琐碎凌乱、模棱两可的特性。  相似文献   

人像组合就是利用计算机技术通过目击人的口述把犯罪嫌疑人的相貌刻画出来。笔者认为,摹拟画像的成功与否关键在于画像员要找准人像组合的“切入点”。把握“切入点”的第一步就是公安部刑侦专家张欣同志所讲的:一是熟悉现场情况;二是判断目击者的记忆能力;三是掌握目击者的心理状态;四是画像与对象接近相似程度的预测。此外,还要对犯罪嫌疑人的脸型、胖瘦、年龄有一个大概的判断。1发现“切入点”1.1“一针见血”的外貌特征实际工作中能遇到的高素质的目击者是不多的,他们往往说出一些民间通俗的外貌特征描写词汇,笔者把它们列为“切入点”…  相似文献   

浅析摹拟画像在侦破中的运用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
张丽 《刑事技术》2003,(4):44-46
摹拟画像是根据受害人或目击证人的回忆,口头描述罪犯或嫌疑人面貌特征,通过操作人员整理后用手工绘画的方法再现其像貌。史料记载:我国西周时期,奴隶制专政的国家机关已采用摹拟画像这一方法缉拿罪犯,时称“画容图形”。现在摹拟画像在刑事侦察工作中,仍然发挥着重要的作用,并且随着刑事技术的发展和要求运用的更加广泛、更为科学,作者联系自身的工作实际,略谈对摹拟画像的粗浅认识。1摹拟画像在案件侦破中的成功运用1998年12月9日晚,某镇一名女学生在回家途中被歹徒劫持强奸,由于该镇人口众多、人员流动量大,单纯的摸排工作收效甚微。一星…  相似文献   

This article considers the claim in the government's White Paper, Justice for All , to put victims and witnesses at the heart of the criminal justice system and argues that there is an unresolved tension within the paper between instrumentalist crime control concerns and intrinsic concerns for the rights of victims and witnesses. It is argued that many of the proposals now contained in the latest Criminal Justice Bill are so preoccupied with rebalancing the system away from offenders that they risk doing injustice to defendants with little tangible benefit to victims and witnesses in terms of rights and remedies.  相似文献   

Expert witnesses are sometimes asked to assess the reliability of young witnesses and victims’ statements because of their high susceptibility to memory biases. This technical note aims to highlight the relevance of the Griffiths Question Map (GQM) as a professional forensic tool to improve expert witnesses’ assessments of young witnesses and victims’ testimonies. To do so, this innovative question type assessment grid was used to proceed to an in‐depth analysis of the interview of an alleged 13‐year‐old victim of a sexual assault and two rapes. Overall, the GQM stressed how the interview was mainly conducted in an inappropriate manner. The results are examined with regard to scientific knowledge on young witnesses and victims’ memory. Finally, it is argued that expert witnesses in inquisitorial systems might use the GQM while encountering difficulties to fulfill the legal standards for expert evidence in adversarial systems because of the lack of studies regarding its reliability.  相似文献   

Purpose. This study examined United Kingdom police officers' perceptions about older witnesses (>60 years) and their thoughts about employing the cognitive interview (CI) with this group. Method. A questionnaire was used to assess officers' opinions about current interviewing protocols for older witnesses, including the CI, and to explore the challenges involved with interviewing older witnesses. Results. Over half of the officers surveyed perceived older witnesses to be less reliable and less thorough than younger witnesses. Many officers lacked confidence in dealing with the emotional distress and memory loss often displayed by older witnesses and victims. Several officers stated they were inadequately trained and had insufficient time to devote to interviewing in general. Moreover, the number of officers who considered the CI to be helpful with older witnesses was roughly equivalent to the number of officers who believed it was not. Conclusions. These results suggest that police officers, like mock jurors, consider older adult witnesses and victims to be less reliable and thorough than younger adult witnesses. Furthermore, the results indicate that many officers are not always satisfied with their interviews of older witnesses and victims. Implications for officer training are discussed.  相似文献   

In this commentary, we point to similarities in characteristics of suspect and victim/witness statements and the underlying motivations of these individuals. Despite the similarities, there are differences in how such statements are evaluated by fact-finders and investigators. Retractions, for example, cast serious doubt on the credibility of victims/witnesses but appear not to diminish the power of confessions. Investigators need to recognize the wide range of motivations behind statements made to the authorities and be mindful of biased dispositions to doubt victims and believe confessors, especially when their statements are inconsistent or retracted. An investigative process that was entirely transparent would help ensure that inconsistencies and retractions, whether in statements from victims, witnesses, or suspects, are viewed in the context of other statements and eliciting circumstances.  相似文献   

倪铁 《犯罪研究》2009,(1):21-27
在中国传统侦查中,“讯”与“供”构成一对相反相成的共同体,传统侦查人员、犯罪嫌疑人、被害人、证人等不同诉讼角色参与其间,在不断的互动中完成传统侦查的中心任务——查明案情、收集证据和捕获犯罪嫌疑人。传统侦查奉行“有罪推定”、“无供不录罪”,对“供”的高度关注使得“讯”获得了巨大的生存和发展的空间,犯罪嫌疑人、被害人和证人动辄遭侦查人员的拷讯,刑讯制度渐臻发达。中国传统法律规定了拷讯的对象、使用条件和具体运作,并且也规定了对违制拷讯行为的惩戒机制,但并没有阻却传统侦查实践中肆虐的违制拷讯。  相似文献   

Any witness who is not able to testify due to lack of support or protection is a loss to the proper functioning of a criminal justice system. In this context it is generally accepted that creating a climate for witnesses to testify truthfully and without fear of reprisals is essential to fulfilling the goals of truth and justice. Accordingly, addressing the issues of witness protection and support is a central aspect of a well-functioning criminal justice system; one that contributes not only to the rule of law through more effective investigations and trials, but also ensures that witnesses are treated with the recognition and care they deserve for their contribution to finding the truth. The principle that victims in the criminal justice system must be treated with courtesy, compassion and respect for their personal dignity entails a responsibility on the part of national authorities to realise this basic principle through the development of appropriate mechanisms designed to provide assistance to the victims. However, building effective national victims/witness support and protection is challenging for any state, and especially so for small Commonwealth jurisdictions due to capacity and other constraints. The Commonwealth seeks to provide technical assistance and capacity building to support its members in promoting the rule of law and has developed and disseminated a best practice guide for the protection of victims and witnesses in the criminal justice system. This article seeks to highlight the valuable findings of the Commonwealth guide and to provide guidance to policy-makers, legislators, police, prosecutors and other stakeholders in criminal justice practice.  相似文献   


In the legal context, the elicitation of complete and accurate statements from witnesses and victims is essential. The Cognitive Interview (CI) was devised to improve eyewitnesses' memory by using mnemonic strategies which ask witnesses to think about what happened and encourage them to make as many retrieval attempts as possible. However, no known study has experimentally examined whether (or not) the CI superiority effect is something more than merely asking a witness to retrieve information four times. The aim of this study was to compare the recall obtained by means of the CI - in which mnemonics are used - to that obtained as a result of asking subjects to make a multiple free recall task - without using mnemonics - in a single interview session. It was expected that significant differences would still exist. Results confirmed this hypothesis.  相似文献   

本文对法庭语音学进行了研究综述,主要介绍了该学科的核心内容:说话人鉴定。在实际办案中,当未找到嫌疑人,只有犯罪分子的检材语音时,可以使用说话人画像/说话人分类技术。若没有犯罪分子的录音证据时,可以让受害人和证人进行说话人的听觉辨认。具体的辨认形式有两种:对熟人辨认和对陌生人辨认,在对陌生人辨认时可以采用语音辨认的方法进行。当检材语音和样本语音都齐备的时候,法庭语音分析专家就可以对二者进行比对检验了。目前语音比对分析涉及到的问题和领域有:基于贝叶斯方法的法庭推理和似然比计算、共振峰频率的测量应用、非解析感知与样例理论、法庭说话人自动识别以及不同方法的综合应用等。  相似文献   

An existing victim and witness advocate program is described and evaluated in terms of costs, benefits, and operations. Quantitative and qualitative data indicate that the program is cost beneficial and is also socially beneficial to both the victims and witnesses and the criminal justice system. Proposed programmatic changes are recommended to further improve the programs.  相似文献   

Victims' Rights in Criminal Trials: Prospects for Participation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Victims in common law jurisdictions have traditionally been unable to participate in criminal trials for a number of structural and normative reasons. They are widely perceived as 'private parties' whose role should be confined to that of witnesses, and participatory rights for such third parties are rejected as a threat to the objective and public nature of the criminal justice system. However, recent years have witnessed both a major shift in attitude in relation to the role of victims within the criminal justice system and a breakdown in the public/ private divide in criminal justice discourse. This article considers the standing of the victim within the criminal trial against the backdrop of such changes, and examines the arguments for a more radical course of reform that would allow victims to participate actively in criminal hearings as they are able to do in many European jurisdictions.  相似文献   

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