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为建立前置物射入口与典型射入口的检验鉴别方法,使用国产54式7.62mm口径手枪及56式7.62mm口径半自动步枪,以3m的距离射击约克夏种白猪义3只,同时以各种玻璃、木板。汽车门、动物躯干等物质作为中间障碍物,制成前置物射入口36例,并与对照组6例射入口进行对比观察。结果显示,前置物射入口较典型射入口增大,撕裂,创线挫伤增宽,创周出现卫星创或假点彩,创道内异物及弹头严重变形。此检验诊断方法有助于法医在实际检验中对射击距离的判断和对现场环境的分析。  相似文献   

对跳弹碰击痕迹及枪创特点的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制式枪支具有较大的杀伤威力,在执行公务或某种特殊情况下,造成跳弹枪创致人死亡的案件偶有发生,过去曾有定错案件性质的报导。如何正确认识和解决好这类涉案难题,作者通过对6起枪击案件中的跳弹碰击痕迹及枪创特点进行分析,并对制式枪支模拟跳弹做了实验研究,报道如下。1枪击案件材料来源在对枪击案件形成跳弹碰击痕迹及枪伤特点的分析研究中,本文所利用的案件资料,来源于对实际检案。有2例是上个世纪60年代纠正过的错案。1例为1988年,解决案件中擦损弹头变形原因的实际检案。另3例分别为:枪支从裤带上掉入厕所粪池内形成跳弹,致持枪人死亡…  相似文献   

为建立后置物射出口与射入口的检验鉴定方法,使用国产五四式7.62mm口径手枪及五六式7.62mm口径半自动步枪,以5米的距离射击约克夏种白猪18只,同时以木板、水泥板、玻璃及衣服等作为射出口衬垫物,制成后置物射出口56例,并与对照组12例射出口进行对比观察。结果表明,射出口与后置物距离在3cm以内均可出现创缘伸展轮及皮下出血,且与后置物质地及距离成正比。根据其形态分为典型及非典型两类,并建立了此类射出口的检验方法及其与射入口鉴别的依据,有助于法医在实际检验中对射击方向的判断。  相似文献   

就侦破涉枪案件而言,如何发挥刑事科学技术在侦破涉枪案件中的作用,是打击涉枪犯罪的一个十分重要的问题。在枪击案件中可利用的痕迹物证比较多。如根据枪击案件现场射击痕迹(弹孔、弹道、射击残留物等)及现场的其他物证(弹头、弹壳),经过分析、检验,可确定枪种,发射枪支,判断是几支枪发射,并据此枪种的特征参数和条件(如弹重、弹径、弹形、初速、落角及气象条件等)进行弹头诸元计算,以划定侦查范围或解决证实犯罪所需要的诸种问题。实践证明,公安机关只有高度重视利用刑事技术在涉枪案件侦破中的作用,切实加强领导,充实技术力量,不断培养技术队伍,提高技术水平,才能更有效地打击涉枪犯罪。  相似文献   

回旋枪弹创是指弹头射入人体后,受到组织,尤其是骨骼的抗阻,改变了前进方向,沿皮下或骨表面或器官表面弧形行走所形成的枪弹创[1]。笔者在检案中遇到1例右耳前至左背部的跨区域回旋枪弹创,报道如下:1案例资料1999年5月26日,沈某在轿车中遭两名歹徒抢劫受伤,陈述曾被歹徒在右侧面部开枪射击。1999年6月21日,其父在家给沈某擦澡时发现左背部有一硬块,后到医院切开取出一枚弹头。2004年案件告破,二名犯罪嫌疑人供述:一人在副驾驶座与沈某搏斗,另一人于副驾驶室后座以自制仿六四式手枪朝事主右侧面部射击。离由右面部射入,沿直线往项部走行,受到…  相似文献   

杨军 《法医学杂志》1993,9(3):130-130,133
近年来,枪击案件在我国逐年增多,大多数案件中枪弹创为贯通创。回旋状盲管枪弹创少见。笔者遇到一例从右背部射入,弹头存于左上臂的特殊枪弹创,报告如下:彭×,男,16岁,1986年4月12日下午5时许,因涉嫌盗窃被民警李×传唤而发生争执,在拉扯过程中,被李×的五·四式手枪意外击毙。  相似文献   

利用颅骨枪弹创骨折类型推断射击方向和顺序的实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立利用颅骨枪弹创骨折类型推断射击方向和顺序的方法。使用国产五四式7.62mm口径手枪及五六式7.62mm口径半自动步枪,以3m的距离2次射击16具尸体的头颞部及枕部,造成颅脑贯通创,制成颅骨枪弹射入、出口各32例,并根据定位标记进行观察。结果显示:颅骨枪弹创骨折形态可分为带有斜面的孔状骨折,锁孔状骨折,放射状骨折和环状隆起骨折4种类型,其出现多见于低速枪射击,并与射击方向和顺序有直接关系。根据颅骨枪弹创骨折类型可推断射击方向和顺序。  相似文献   

目的总结铁路行车影响下形成的头部道碴创之形态特点,探索其与一般头部钝器打击创的鉴别方法。方法对1994~2008年间怀化、长沙铁路公安处管辖内发生的因铁路行车的影响形成了头部道碴创的损伤案例从创的分布特点、创角的锐利程度、创缘的挫伤、创壁的光滑程度、创的深度、颅骨的损伤特点等方面进行分析,并与常见棍棒、锤类、石头等钝器打击头部形成的创相比较。结果与打击时受害者处于相对静止状态不同,铁路行车影响下人体头部所形成的道碴创是在头部处于运动中形成;两者由于致伤机理不同,导致头部创呈现不同的特征。结论铁路行车影响下形成的头部道碴创具有独特的特征,可与头部钝器打击创鉴别。  相似文献   

陈钢  周海龙 《法制与社会》2012,(29):273+277
枪支发射时,在射击弹头、弹壳上将形成多种射击痕迹,对其进行分析检验可以帮助判明射击距离、射击方向、射击者和被害人所处位置,为侦查提供线索;可以确定犯罪行为人作案时所用枪支、子弹的类型;还可以根据弹头、弹壳上的痕迹,对嫌疑枪支进行同一认定,以认定现场上发现的弹头和弹壳是否嫌疑枪支所发射,为侦查诉讼提供证据.本文将根据射击弹头、弹壳痕迹特征的特定性及稳定性进一步研究其在枪弹痕迹鉴定中的价值.  相似文献   

七七式手枪推弹突笋痕与发射顺序的研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
目的研究七七式手枪射击弹壳的排序,找出射击顺序之间的关系。方法通过已知顺序的实弹射击取样,用显微镜观察弹壳上连续射击过程中形成的推弹突笋痕迹,经过统计、归纳,从中发现与射击顺序之间的关系。结果根据弹壳底面的推弹突笋痕迹变化规律判断出七七式手枪发射子弹的顺序。结论为指导涉枪案件的检验鉴定提供依据。  相似文献   

目的观察橡胶弹射人口的形态特征,并探讨其法医学意义。方法使用9mm警用转轮手枪发射橡胶弹,在实验动物胸腹部侧面垂直射击,射击距离分别为紧密接触射击(0cm),相对接触射击(1~6cm),近距离射击(6-60cm)和远距离射击(60cm~有效射程25m)。92式手枪采取相同方式射击实验动物作为对照。观察射入口的形态特征,制作组织病理学切片,HE染色显微镜下观察。结果橡胶弹接触射击和近距离射击,射入口边缘整齐,有明显的擦拭轮、挫伤轮和火药斑纹;远距离射击,可见射人口边缘撕裂,挫伤轮明显增宽,皮下出血显著;与手枪弹射入口形态特征明显不同。结论9mm警用转轮手枪橡胶弹射入口典型的形态特征,可作为此类损伤的诊断指标。  相似文献   

七七式手枪弹头发射顺序的规律性研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
目的研究总结七七式手枪射击弹头的排序。方法对已知顺序的实弹射击取样,显微观察弹头上连续射击过程中形成的痕迹,通过统计、归纳,从中发现各痕迹与射击顺序之间的关系。结果根据弹头上的磕碰痕迹、顶压痕迹的出现规律判断出七七式手枪发射子弹的顺序。  相似文献   

From forensic point of view, it is important to clarify the condition whether ricochet or perforate for a bullet fired toward the automobile windshield. The purpose of this study was to specify the critical angle at which the ricochet of the fired bullet takes place. To estimate the result of firing, a rigid‐body dynamics simulation of the bullet together with the test‐firing using .38 CAL. LRN bullet was examined. It was found both from numerical simulation and firing test that when the incidence angle is <45°, a complete perforation of the windshield was observed, whereas the bullet ricocheted remaining a characteristic damage on the windshield when the incidence angle is >60°. To measure the static failure resistance of various windshields, static indentation test was also examined.  相似文献   

Studies on ballistic trauma to the ribs and thorax, cranium, and long bones demonstrate the potential of obtaining a bullet caliber from an entrance wound. In order to validate prior research on caliber estimation in bone tissue and assess the viability of bullet type determination based on the macroscopic evidence at the entrance wound, thirty fleshed pork (Sus scrofa) shoulders (humeri) were shot with either lead or copper jacketed bullets in one of three calibers; 0.22, 9 mm, or 0.38. Overall, our findings are consistent with previous research indicating that calibers can be grouped into “small” and “large” categories. Bullet type, lead or copper jacket, can be ascertained based on cortical flaking and the analysis of materials deposited around the entry wound. The addition of this evidence holds value in cases where no firearm or ballistic evidence is recovered from a crime scene.  相似文献   

Various methods for calculating the amount of kinetic energy dissipated by a bullet into ballistic gelatine have been suggested in literature. These methods were compared using the results of thirteen 9 mmx19 mm pistol and five 7.62 mmx 39 mm rifle bullets shot into 10% ballistic gelatine. The Wound Profile Method gave the highest correlation, 0.89, with the measured amounts of dissipated kinetic energy. The Fissure surface area and total crack length method gained 0.51 and 0.52, respectively. The experimental results were also compared with those from pig tests with the same bullet types. Using the z-test at 95% level of confidence no difference between impact velocity normalized bullet decelerations could be determined for the 9 mm bullet used. The same test showed significant difference for 7.62 mm bullets. That, however, can be considered to be the result of the bullet's tendency to tumble in non-homogenous living tissue causing significant dispersion of observed deceleration values. The results add further evidence supporting the validity of 10% gelatine at +4 degrees C as wound ballistic tissue simulant. The study also introduces the use of an elastic "shroud" to hold the gelatine in place, to some extent reduce the effects of asymmetric expansion of the gelatine and to simulate the expansion suppression effect of surrounding tissues.  相似文献   

A case of disguised suicide is presented. A 77-year-old man had made technical arrangements so that the pistol with which he shot himself was thrown aside by the elasticity of a rubber band, to which it was tied, and was thereby hidden. After the shot the man fell and crushed his head, which initially concealed the bullet wound. A scrutinizing technical investigation at the scence of the death with close collaboration between the experts involved, revealed the true circumstances. No explanation for the attempt to conceal the suicide was found.  相似文献   

We demonstrate here how the shooting distance of a 9-mm Parabellum FMJ bullet (115gr) has been estimated via shooting experiments. Such a bullet was found by investigators near a concrete wall, fairly distorted at its tip. The bullet carries no evidence of multiple impact and no evidence of ballistic impact on the wall has been reported. We estimated the impact velocity by comparing the questioned bullet with a set of comparison bullets hitting a wall (rigid target) with different velocities. The shooting distance was recovered from the impact velocity by studying the typical behavior of a manufactured 9 mm bullet weighting 115 g (7.45 g), shot in pistol or a sub-machine gun. The results demonstrated that the questioned bullet was a lost bullet. The shooting distance also helped the investigators, narrowing the range of the estimated positions of the shooter.  相似文献   

For shooting scene reconstruction purposes, knowledge about the ricochet behavior of bullets provides valuable information. In this study, the critical ricochet angles of four cartridge types were established on plain float glass. The estimates of the critical ricochet angles varied between cartridge types and were 21.0° for .32 Auto FMJ bullets, 15.8° for 9 mm Luger FMJ bullets, 17.6° for .45 Auto FMJ bullets, and 21.3° for 9 mm Luger, Action NP bullets. The corresponding ricochet and deflection angles per incidence angle varied depending on the state of the ricocheted bullets. The mean ricochet angles are always lower than the corresponding angles of incidence, and the mean ricochet angles for the FMJ bullets with undamaged jackets are lower than those of bullets where the jacket is either damaged or the bullet partially ricocheted and partially perforated. Mean ricochet angles are lower for undamaged FMJ bullets than for undamaged Action NP bullets.  相似文献   

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