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范春阳 《刑警与科技》2008,(20):168-171
9月4日发生的辽宁阜新市清河门区河西镇第八煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故共造成27人死亡。事故发生后,阜新市当天下午要求境内小煤矿全部停产整顿,辽宁省内的中小煤矿5日起也全部停产整顿…据统计,我国煤矿百万吨死亡率高于国际平均值。类似于这样的有关矿难事故、煤矿整治的新闻我们屡有看到,但遗憾的是,到今天,爆炸声依然不断,矿难屡屡回潮。可见,我国煤矿安全基础薄弱,存在安全投入不足、监管不利等严重问题。面对这种状况,如何让煤炭安全生产走向现代化管理迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

虽然我国宪法第5条、第11条和第15条均支持政府监管企业,并且"建立了以《安全生产法》为核心的煤矿监管的法律法规体系,以及一个从中央垂直到地方的煤炭监管系统,但是这种监管法律体系和监管部门系统并没有有效遏制矿难事故。在这种情况下,接受美国启示则实属必要。  相似文献   

罗超 《刑警与科技》2007,(9B):100-107
中国是世界上最大的煤炭生产和消费大国。近些年随着煤炭供需紧张,一部分企业重生产、轻安全的“单效益模式”经济追求,使“矿难事故”成为频频进入人们视野的一个新闻词汇。建国以来,煤矿矿难死亡人数过百的已有19次,最大矿难事故发生在山西大同,死亡达600多人。煤矿安全系统数字化革命势在必行。煤矿安全生产监管的数字化监控需要解决哪些实际应用中的问题?满足哪些安全需求?它的发展趋向是什么?本文进行详细解答。[编者按]  相似文献   

杨柳青 《法制与社会》2010,(26):173-173
我国是用煤产煤大国。在全面建设小康社会和国民经济不断发展的背景下,作为能源主体的煤炭生产持续快速增长,但随之而来的是煤矿,特别是小煤矿的矿难事故不断发生,死亡人数居高不下。本文重点分析了矿难事故频发背后官煤勾结的原因,并对煤矿安全生产的监察与监督提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

德国在矿业方面立法的历史是十分悠久的,其实早在19世纪初期的时候,德国政府就开始对矿山安全问题进行研究和探讨。德国煤炭的地质蕴藏量约2300亿吨,不仅煤炭储量丰富,而且矿山安全在全球也名列前茅,其中煤矿百万吨死亡率仅为0.04。近年来,虽然我国煤矿安全生产在稳步好转,但是仍然面临严峻的形势,重特大事故仍时有发生。尤其是与发达国家德国相比,我国的煤矿安全生产管理还有待加强与改善。所以,本文试图根据我国的国情,合理借鉴德国的煤矿安全生产的成功经验,来不断完善我国的煤矿管理体制机制,建立起适应我国社会主义市场经济的煤矿安全管理体制。  相似文献   

重庆市南川区高桥煤矿一起死亡13人的矿难事故.因检察机关介入而掀开背后的官煤勾结丑闻,10人涉案,包括煤矿安全监管行业的6个正、副处级贪官、3个执法人员、1个矿主.这也是重庆矿难引发的最大官场地震.  相似文献   

煤炭是经济发展的重要支柱,是财税的重要来源。目前,在煤炭资源整合、兼并重组的关键时期,在煤炭市场节节攀升的形势下,坚持“安全第一、预防为主、综合治理”的方针尤为重要。发展需要生产,生产必须安全,安全促进生产。因此,抓好煤矿安全思想政治工作是抓好煤矿安全管理的重要环节,它的本质也是抓好煤矿安全生产,防止煤矿事故发生。  相似文献   

论煤矿安全投入法律制度的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤矿安全投入的足额到位对预防事故的发生至关重要,急需完善的法律制度对其加以保障。但是我国尚未建立起煤矿安全投入的法律制度体系,现存立法较为混乱,内容互相矛盾,先期投入规定笼统,煤矿安全的"软件"投入被忽视,安全投入的监管机制不健全,违法责任的设定较轻。建议对现有立法进行全面清理,构建煤矿安全投入的制度体系,重视煤矿安全的"软件"投入,细化煤矿投产前的先期安全投入规定,借助社会力量来加强对煤矿企业安全投入的监管,强化安全投入的违法责任,加大处罚力度。  相似文献   

2005年9月3日,国务院第446号令颁布了《国务院关于预防煤矿生产安全事故的特别规定》。《特别规定》在总结近年来煤矿安全生产工作实践经验和事故教训的基础上,坚持“预防为主”的方针,按照依法行政、执法从严的要求和责权一致的原则,构建了预防煤矿事故的责任体系,明确了煤矿事故预防工作的程序和步骤,提出了预防煤矿事故的一系列制度保障,把预防煤矿生产安全事故纳入了法制化轨道。《特别规定》的颁布实施,充分体现了党中央、国务院对煤矿安全生产的重视和遏制煤矿重特大事故、扭转煤矿安全状况的决心,体现了“以人为本”的施政理念,是落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会的现实需要,反映了人民群众的迫切愿望。很及时,很有必要,也很有针对性。  相似文献   

近几年来,我国煤矿企业的安全事故频繁发生,其中有国家煤矿相关政策法规不健全的原因,也有煤矿企业监管执行不力及其厂矿企业主和职工自身素质的因素。本文从煤矿安全管理、安全经济的角度,运用博弈论和数学模型的方法,对煤矿安全管理工作做了些研究。以期实现安全资源的有利配置,获得煤矿安全效益最大的产出,提高煤矿安全管理的能力。  相似文献   

完善我国食品安全监管体系的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
食品安全问题正日益成为世界各国政府关注的重大问题。本文论及我国食品安全监管体系现状和存在问题,提出建立垂直独立的食品安全管理机构体系、完善食品安全法律法规和执法体系、建立食品安全预警和溯源体系、统一食品安全信息网络体系等九项措施,以确保广大民众食品安全。  相似文献   

The major conclusions advanced in the 1967 report by the U.S. President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice under President Johnson are reviewed in this article. Six of the Commission's visions for law enforcement are described, and subsequent changes in the character of American policing are traced. Many of the concerns of the Commission linger until this day. Progress on many fronts has been halting, their impact more muted than reformers had hoped, and the framework of institutions that define law enforcement in the United States has proved remarkably resistant to change.  相似文献   

While the U.S. struggled to quickly mobilize a coordinated national homeland security office after the September 11 attacks, the National Security Council (NSC) has been responsible for monitoring security in the Republic of China since the Nationalists moved to Taiwan in 1949. Although its primary mission has been to prevent Taiwan from being invaded by Mainland China, recent world events have awakened us to a need for security, a need that seemed to have faded away after the end of the Cold War. Although not a strong probability, Taiwan is still a possible target of terrorism because of its close relationship with the U.S. Thus, it is worthwhile to explore the role of NSC in antiterrorist efforts. The NSC plays a vital role in coordinating executive agencies in antiterrorism efforts. The NSC's antiterrorist measures cover the whole spectrum of the executive branch ranging from law enforcement to non‐law enforcement efforts. The tradition of collaboration among the military, police, and private security in Taiwan may help the NSC to smoothly coordinate these three parties.  相似文献   


Police and minority relations have received much interest among public and academic audiences, yet little is known about policing in Latino communities. As Latinos emerge as the largest minority group in the United States, researchers and police agencies are increasingly concerned with the experience of Latinos in the criminal justice system. One strategy for improving police and community relations is to enhance the diversity of law enforcement agencies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the ethnic composition of law enforcement agencies in major U.S. metropolitan areas between 1990 and 2000. Using data from the U.S. Census and the Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) survey, it appears that the growth in the U.S. Latino population has been met with an increase in the percentage of Latinos as sworn full-time police officers. Further, the degree of enhanced diversity varies by the ethnic composition of the community served. Implications of findings for improving relations between police and the Latino community are discussed.  相似文献   

This article analyzes and criticizes the " technocratic " view of occupational health and safety policies, which sees the values of the personnel in "post-industrial" regulatory agencies as the most important determinant of those policies. It takes an alternate position, which explains occupational health and safety policies as primarily resulting from the different degrees of political power of the two major classes (capital and labor), and from the set of influences exerted on the regulatory agencies by the instruments (e.g., parties, unions, trade organizations) of those classes. It shows how an analysis of the historical evolution of those classes in Sweden and their conflict in both civil and political societies explains Swedish occupational health and safety policies better than a mere analysis of the regulators' views. And it concludes that the occupational health and safety policies in Sweden are not identical to those in the U.S.--as the " technocratic " theorists assume--but rather offer more protection to the workers than U.S. policies do. This situation is a result of labor having more power in Sweden than it has in the U.S. The different class formations and class behavior in the two societies are compared, and the implications of this comparison for occupational health and safety policies are discussed.  相似文献   

This special issue aims to set a course for future inquiry on regulatory enforcement in industrializing countries. With examples from major countries including Brazil, China, and Indonesia, the articles develop four cross-cutting themes: (1) how enforcement and its institutional context vary geographically and temporally, (2) how enforcement is affected by deficiencies in regulatory capacity and autonomy, (3) how civil liability regimes interact with enforcement, and (4) the relationship between enforcement and regulatory instrument choice.  相似文献   

The cost of greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation over time depends on both the rate of technical change in leading-edge technologies and the diffusion of knowledge and capabilities throughout international markets. This paper presents a framework developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and RTI International (RTI) for incorporating technical change in non-CO2 GHG mitigation projections over time. An engineering (bottom-up) approach is used to model technical change as a set of price and productivity factors that change over time as a function of technology advances and the location of developing countries relative to the technology efficiency frontier. S-shaped diffusion curves are generated, which demonstrate the maturity of the market for a given technology in a given region. The framework is demonstrated for coal mine methane mitigation technologies in the United States and China, but it is applicable for the full range of technology adoption issues.  相似文献   

蔡奕 《行政与法》2006,(3):94-96
在行政执法中,市场操纵的证明是行政机关、当事人和其它行政程序参与人按照法定的范围、方式、标准和程序,运用证据查明、阐明和认定与市场操纵相关的特定事实或争议事实的法律活动,是连接行为事实与法律责任的核心环节,在证券执法领域具有极其重要的意义。本文将从证明构成要素的各个层面,对美国、德国、英国、澳大利亚、香港和中国内地行政执法中市场操纵的证明机制进行比较研究,总结和提炼出一般原则和主要特点,以期为中国的证券执法提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

Various explanations have been offered regarding the causes of the current global economic crisis that was spawned by the collapse of mortgage-based securities in the U.S. that were sold world-wide and that contained "toxic assets" comprised of subprime loans. There is ample evidence that such loans were originated through fraud. Firms recorded huge profits, and executives were awarded large bonuses even though some had led their companies into bankruptcy and plunged both the U.S. and global economies into the greatest recession since the Great Depression. This paper assesses the reasons why there have been no major prosecutions to date, and compares the U.S. government's response to that in the savings and loan crisis. It analyzes the influence of large financial institutions on lawmaking, regulation, and the allocation of enforcement resources, the continued general lack of understanding of financial fraud including control fraud, and problems related to the higher status and power of potential defendants.  相似文献   

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