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现代政治和传统政治的区别在于它是以理性和主体(性)为根基的.现代政治从它诞生的那天起,就蕴涵了理性主义的基本假定而成为现代政治的缺憾,并进而使自身陷入到困境中.解构主义者对此进行了"积极"的"解构",并提出了解构主义的"出路"--消解主体,在现代理,I生的限制之外,主张理性与非理性的平等相待,探讨日常生活领域的微观政治.  相似文献   

"公民"一词是个舶来品,它最早出现在古希腊和古罗马.现代意义上的公民概念出现在启蒙思想运动中.公民是由宪法赋予权利和义务的法律概念,它既不同于"人民",也不同于"群众"和"老百姓".公民意识主要体现为权利意识和法律意识等.公民意识的提高是建设服务型政府的基础性因素.服务型政府理论的提出是一个创新,为我国行政学研究开辟了新的领域,同时也推动了我国的行政改革.作为一种理论它还有必要进一步地探究和完善,作为行政改革的一个目标它应是一种合理的制度设计.  相似文献   

政治社团是现代政治社会的有机组成部分。它的产生具有客观必然性:经济的发展,利益的分化,特殊利益群体的形成,是政治社团产生的经济前提和社会基础;国家公共权力作用的普遍性和政治社会的民主化,是政治社团产生的政治原因和政治条件;群体共同利益意识的孕育成熟,是政治社团产生的内在根据。政治团体不同于一般社会组织,它具有存在的历史性、政治主体性和围绕国家权力运作性;它不同于国家组织,具有地位的依存性、存在的二重性和功能的不可替代性;它不同于政党组织,具有不求占有政权性和公益代表上的相对狭窄性。政治团体有其单体功能:聚合群体意志、整合群体力量和影响国家权力过程的功能;也有交互作用而成的综合功能;推进政治社会民主、增强社会政治监督和促进国家公共权力机构提高公共决策科学性、公正性和可行性的功能。  相似文献   

农民的公民意识问题及其增强   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前我国农民的公民意识存在不少问题,主要表现为农民公民意识缺乏系统性,呈现"碎片化"状态;不能正确认识权利与义务关系,法律意识比较淡薄;旧有的农民意识虽日益"边缘化",但现代公民意识还不够强;政治参与意识较差,参与主动性不高。增强农民公民意识,必须加强对农民的公民意识教育,大力发展农村市场经济,不断提高农民的政治参与水平。  相似文献   

马克思在《论犹太人问题》中肯定了鲍威尔对宗教批判的积极意义,通过将现代资产阶级国家与基督教社会的类比分析,发现现代资产阶级国家以自身为中介,将人们的生活分为共同体生活和市民社会生活,共同体并没有消灭人与人之间的差别,而是以这种差别作为自身存在的前提,从而得出现代资产阶级国家是真正的基督教国家的结论,具有不可克服的局限性,必须像基督教国家需要宗教意识一样需要政治意识。但是,现代资产阶级国家守护所谓"神圣人权"的目的,必将使得政治意识瓦解,现代资产阶级国家最终被市民社会吞噬。马克思希望人们从对宗教的批判转向对现代资产阶级国家和市民社会的批判,实现从政治解放走向人的解放。  相似文献   

制度化不信任:内涵、理论原型和意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制度化不信任是内化了不信任的政治原则和政制形式,包括现代民主体系中的合法性原则、定期选举与公职任期制、分权制衡、多数原则与集体决策、问责政治、传媒自主和公开透明等。权力的工具性和人性的"幽暗意识"是制度化不信任的理论原型。制度化不信任的根本意义在于,通过保障公民权利、建构优良秩序、创设合理程序等促生现代政治信任。  相似文献   

"公共领域"虽然是一个舶来词,但它在当代中国社会已经成为一种现实性存在。从社会政治功能来看,公共领域具有独特的作用:它培养了民主政治所必需的参与意识、权利意识、责任意识、义务意识和公共精神等公民意识。因此,培育和壮大公共领域是建设民主政治和构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容和关键环节。  相似文献   

政治体制改革是一项极为复杂的系统工程,现代公民意识是一种以权利与义务为统一体的意识观念结构体系,它彰显着“以人为本”的价值诉求,以人的解放与自由为其伦理精神,是人的主体性在每个特定历史时空中的折射与反映,它在政治观念形态中的集中体现与根本要求就是“以人为本”的政治观,而这种政治观也正是在以往改革基础上将政治体制改革进一步推向深入的合法性前提、核心理念、价值导向及精神动力.  相似文献   

思想政治教育是一个与社会环境密切相关,与社会发展积极互动的教育体系.创新思想政治教育必须将视野伸向广阔的社会环境和时代发展的前沿.公民意识是一种现代社会意识,公民意识觉醒已经成为当代中国社会发展的基本趋势.正视公民意识并把公民意识培育纳入思想政治教育体系,已成为增强思想政治教育效果的重要途径.  相似文献   

在现代性的阴影下,在剧烈的社会变迁中,面对高度分化的现代社会结构,培育现代城市社区的"共同体意识"是社区共同体建设的核心问题。积极构建社区参与共同体、社区服务共同体、社区思想政治工作共同体和社区自治共同体,是重建社区"共同体意识"的有效途径。  相似文献   

This article explores individual differences in citizens’ reliance on cues and values in political thinking. It uses experimental evidence to identify which citizens are likely to engage in heuristic processing and which citizens are likely to engage in systematic processing in developing opinions about a novel issue. The evidence suggests that political awareness crisply distinguishes between heuristic and systematic processors. The less politically aware rely on party cues and not on an issue-relevant value. As political awareness increases, reliance on party cues drops and reliance on an issue-relevant value rises. Need for cognition fails to yield clear results. The results suggest two routes to opinion formation: heuristic processing and systematic processing. Political awareness, not need for cognition, predicts which route citizens will take.  相似文献   

Cassel  Carol A.  Lo  Celia C. 《Political Behavior》1997,19(4):317-335
This paper tests cognitive mobilization, structural role, and traditional socialization agent theories of political literacy, conceptualized as the potential for informed political participation. Political literacy cannot be measured directly, but we presume that if people are politically literate, they understand party differences and know basic political concepts and facts. Other names for this concept include political expertise, political awareness, and civic competence. Using Jennings and Niemi's youth-parent panel socialization data, we conclude that cognitive mobilization has the largest effect on political literacy, followed fairly closely by structural roles. Socialization agents have a very minor effect. This conclusion partly supports prevailing cognitive mobilization explanations of this concept. However, self-selection causes much of the relationship between political literacy and education, making education's cognitive mobilization potential far smaller than most political scientists assumed. Political involvement and ability are the main sources of cognitive mobilization instead, and education's spurious cross-sectional effect primarily reflects structural roles.  相似文献   

This article explores how fear contributes to empowerment and citizenship practices among youth who choose alternative lifestyles. Fear is conceived in a threefold manner: (1) as a manipulated resource in the political process, (2) as energy to be tamed through individual will, and (3) as radiating from actors and flowing through situations of action. Through an examination of how ‘risk-taking’ youths play with fear, the article critically reflects on the modern and advanced modern conceptualizations of the political ‘heroic’ actor and its articulation with an understanding of political action as decentered from human actors. Citizenship practices, it is argued, operate on five distinct levels of political engagement ranging from an awareness of the world outside of oneself to empathy for others and activism. Rather than being state-centered, the article develops an understanding of intersubjective citizenship based on affective memory.  相似文献   

The authors' previous research has established that the 1967 Arab–Israeli Six-Day War resulted from a deliberate Soviet plan to provoke Israel into a pre-emptive strike, which would legitimize and trigger a massive Soviet military intervention to aid an Egyptian–Syrian counteroffensive. However, US documents released until recently provided no evidence that the American intelligence community, and particularly the CIA, detected this threat or informed the political leadership about it – even though some indications were picked up at the field level. A newly declassified, retrospective report appears for the first time to show that there was awareness of major components of the Soviet operation (preparations for a naval landing and parachute drop). But closer scrutiny finds that this report reflects Soviet propaganda more than factual intelligence – thus further tarnishing what has hitherto been held as an outstanding achievement for the Agency and its chief.  相似文献   

Marsiglio of Padua's Defensor Pacis contains a sustained critique of crucial features of the theory and practice of political representation. Citizens are deemed to be vested with a basic knowledge of the public interest and are bound, under the terms of their civic identity, to consent individually to any legislative proposal which the community seeks to impose upon itself. The existence of such a duty to consent reflects for Marsiglio the way in which political society originally joined together into a corporate body. He contends that the very nature of representative government, in which responsibility for consent is conceded to quasi-independent representatives, is antagonistic to the foundations of a well-ordered political community.  相似文献   

全球范围内存在着程度不同的政治地位性别差距问题。造成政治性别差距的显性因素已经随着历史发展过程的推进而逐渐破除,但是形成政治地位上性别差距的隐性因素如文化、制度和人自身仍然在实践中大量存在,需要进一步关注和研究。去除我国女性政治发展边缘化隐性因素的关键在于:通过多种方式尤其是在媒体传播中增强社会性别意识,创造有利的文化舆论环境;公共政策尤其是党政干部的培养选拔要防止产生无意识损害女性群体政治权利的问题;女性领导者自身增强职业发展规划意识,实现从优秀到卓越的跨越。  相似文献   

Abstract.  Quotas for women in politics have diffused rapidly around the globe in recent years, with political parties and national legislatures in more than a hundred countries adopting – or debating the adoption of – reserved seats, party quotas or legislative quotas to increase the selection of female candidates to political office. These developments have sparked an explosion of research on candidate gender quotas. However most of this work focuses on single cases and reflects little awareness of developments in other countries around the world. As a result, the findings in one case are often contradicted in other studies, revealing few clear patterns with regard to the origins and outcomes of gender quota policies. To foster a more cumulative research agenda, this article approaches quotas as a global phenomenon and elaborates a framework for analyzing and comparing the actors, motivations and contexts at work in specific quota reforms.  相似文献   

The Political Environment and Ballot Proposition Awareness   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Studies that examine whether voters make informed decisions on direct legislation and whether direct legislation enhances civic engagement presume a basic awareness of ballot propositions, yet little is known about why some ballot propositions are more widely known than others. Despite the fact that research on awareness of ballot propositions and political awareness focus on individual factors, the political environment plays a vital role. This study seeks to advance our understanding of environmental factors in explaining awareness of ballot propositions. Using data on California ballot elections between the years 1956 and 2000, I find that the political environment has a substantial effect on voter awareness. Specifically, I find that the electoral cycle, media coverage, campaign spending, voter fatigue, the number of days before an election, and issues that concern morality, civil liberties, and civil rights contribute to ballot proposition awareness.  相似文献   

The council's political system (CPS) is based on a basic idea that the legislative authority dominates the executive authority as the sole representative of the people, it authorizes the executive authority to carry out executive activities on its behalf with the latter remaining subordinate to the former and operating under its supervision and direction. CPS is considered one of the few systems of Parliament in application compared to other parliamentary systems and was often used by countries in times of crises experienced by them in an attempt to overcome those crises, given that this system limits the power of actual decision‐making to the legislative authority. CPS can be distinguished from other parliamentary political systems both presidential and parliamentary through several things, the most prominent of which is based on the idea of the relationship between its powers being included in favor of the legislative authority, and not on the basis of cooperation as is the case in the parliamentary system, or on the basis of complete separation as it is the situation in the presidential system. The results indicated that the success of the implementation of the council system depends on the nature of the ruling system that will be adopted and the philosophy that is based on it, in addition to the necessity of a high degree of political awareness. Through these results, we recommend the application of the CPS in light of the outbreak of the COVID‐19 and the subsequent political and societal changes.  相似文献   


This paper reflects on the aims and outcomes of an innovative methodology of participatory technology appraisal, called Deliberative Mapping, which seeks to contribute to theoretical debates and practical experimentation around what it might mean to bring the technosciences into democracy. Deliberative Mapping is a hybrid methodology, involving both calculative and deliberative processes, which seeks to map the entanglements of biotechnological imbroglios, and translate these connections into the contexts of decision-making. Through application to the case study of organ transplantation, these procedures of calculation and articulation are critically examined, exploring their aim to reduce asymmetries between scientific, political, economic and other framings of the issue and their operation in contexts already complexly structured through existing power relations, which indicate the challenge of co-fabricating these experimental forms of intervention into political facts.  相似文献   

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