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曹植的游仙诗反映其欲保全生命、以期建功立业的愿望;郭璞的<游仙诗>写其才高位卑的痛苦.他们都把游仙诗作为排遣人生苦闷、实现理想的一种手段,其实咏怀才是他们游仙诗的真正精神实质.  相似文献   

曾丹伟 《学理论》2013,(24):181-182
诗歌以游仙为题材则可上溯到战国时期。游仙诗是我国古代重要的文学体裁,曹植和郭璞则是魏晋时期继承和发展游仙诗的两位重要人物。本文将从写作动机、思想和旨趣、艺术特色等方面入手,对郭璞、曹植二人的游仙诗做一个分析和比较。  相似文献   

黄宁 《学理论》2010,(21):155-157
作为文学史和思想史上的特殊阶段,建安文学具有独特的美学价值。游仙诗以其风骨与绮靡并存,写实与避世共生的异质,从另一个角度辉映了建安美学的一切特征:雅好慷慨,追求一种清刚之美;诗赋欲丽,注重情感表达性;天人合一,打造抽象形式美。  相似文献   

三、造成劳动力管理问题的原因分析深圳劳动力管理的现状是,劳动力市场在形式上已经形成但运作上并不完善;劳动管理制度体系在形式上已经成型但在有效性上并不到位,由此,劳动力市场管理的问题正好由于管理体制的初步建立而由表层转为深层,即从劳动力资源配置是否由市场配置转为如何在市场中实现劳动力资源的低成本高质量配置;从初步建立劳动管理的制度调控机制转为如何最终建成高效有序的劳动力管理调控制度体系。而这正是一个成熟的劳动力要素市场的基本标准。在此理解基础之上,笔者认为,深圳劳动力管理上存在的所有问题,根本上源…  相似文献   

奥巴马执政以来,对美国全球战略进行了阶段性调整。转移战略关注点,全球战略重心进一步向亚太倾斜;转变军事战略思维,由全球反恐转向应对多种安全威胁;灵活运用“巧实力”,外交手法由单边主义转向多边主义;改变民主战略,由强制输出转向示范引导,由强制改造转为稳定为先等。  相似文献   

潘明 《党政论坛》2010,(15):51-53
“村转居”特指农民通过土地征用和征收,户口由农业户口转为城镇户口,农民居住动迁到安置小区或在城镇购买商品房居住,农民成为城市居民。区别于单纯村委会建制转为居委会建制,伴随“村转居”而来的是长期积累的、大量的村集体资产和土地征用补偿费用如何处置的问题越来越突出。“村民转居民”过程在一定程度上讲是一个农民集体失去土地的过程,也是农民脱离农村、  相似文献   

公共医疗卫生服务是社会文明的体现,人人不可或缺,谁也无法避免。在现实中,我国医疗资源配置不公、医疗服务供给效率不高、"看病难、看病贵"的问题仍然存在。"医改"直接关系到政府与市场边界的重新定位,医疗卫生市场服务主体追逐正当利益是市场逻辑的一般内涵。政府坚守"人人享有基本医疗卫生服务"是市场逻辑的本质内涵。"医改"旨在实现三大转变,由政府主宰转为政府主导、由服务主体单元转为多元、医疗卫生市场竞争由无序转为有序。  相似文献   

曹殿国 《学理论》2008,(18):F0004-F0004
哈尔滨市第24中学创建于1953年,他伴随着国家“一五”工程建设诞生并成长壮大。恢复高考后,1978年被黑龙江省确定为首批省重点高中,2002年被黑龙江省教育厅授予省示范性高中,2005年12月由企业办校转为政府办校.  相似文献   

天津市国家税务局直属税务分局由原涉外分局转为直属分局组建成立。分局组建以来,以组织收入为中心,加强领导,制定措施,确定了“向加强征管、清理欠税、强化稽查要收入”的工作方针,全局形成了齐抓共管的组织收入的良好工作氛围。  相似文献   

一、“学习型组织”概念的提出学习型组织的早期思想源于美国麻省理工学院的杰伊·福瑞斯特(JayForrester),早在上世纪六十年代中期他就运用系统动力学原理具体构想出未来企业组织的理想状态一层次扁平化、组织信息化、结构开放化,成员间逐渐由从属关系转为工作伙伴关系,不断学习,不断调整结构关系。  相似文献   

意境是诗歌的灵魂,而意象是为建构诗歌意境而存在的。诗歌翻译的关键在于译文是否将原诗的意象再现。诗歌翻译的过程是译者对原作的意象解读和意象再造的过程。以乔治.桑塔耶纳的一首组诗的第二首为例,以认知语言学为理论参照,比较这首诗的两个汉译版本,尝试探讨意象再造在英诗汉译中的作用。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes contemporary written Navajo in public signs, newspapers, and poetry. While the number of public space displays of written Navajo has increased in recent years, this has not met with an increase in either Navajo literacy or in the number of Navajo speakers. This paper argues that much written Navajo is read not for semantico-referential content, but either as icons and indexes of Navajo spaces and identity or as icons and indexes of fidelity to an orthographic norm. Contemporary written Navajo poetry is not normally read as poetry but as a success or failure to align with the orthographic norm. This mirrors nothing so much as how many Navajos were taught English literacy in the boarding schools.  相似文献   

This article explores IVIark Frost and David Lynch's television series Twin Peaks from the perspective of the two dominant world-views it dramatized. The world-view based in bourgeois myth can be described as employing significations that are always present in naturally and mythically transcendent terms. The other world-view is generated by media poetry, which is a virtual mode of signification that re-mediates linguistic/audio/visual phenomena with contingent capacities for meaning. That generative potential for signification is an aspect of all media use, but media poetry specifically highlights and exploits the capacity of new multi-media to enhance “poetic” possibilities for meaning-making. This may occur through either the actual use of virtual media, through a critical ambiguity with regard to official ideologies and formal/generic con-straints, or through thematic content that destabilizes fixed meanings/representations and entertains possibilities for alternative significations. The article makes the case that the adolescent characters in the show specifically embody the productive world-view inherent in media poetry, and the “poetic” challenges they present to adult, mythic society allow for the continual re-mediation of any and all bourgeois myths. Those adolescents, especially Laura Palmer, embody cultural meanings that refuse ideological codification; that is, that can still become. Twin Peaks, as the article demonstrates, is a striking example of media poetry since it was aired on prime-time network television; it still deserves attention for the stunning ways it remediated the mythic nature of American, middle-class society.  相似文献   

魏新俊 《学理论》2010,(5):124-125
英诗是一座知识的宝库,也是一门美的艺术。作为美的艺术,英诗能给我们带来快乐;作为知识的源泉,英诗能给我们增添才智。英诗涉及的主题非常广,其功用多种多样。它的知识含量丰富,又是多种情感和想象力的反映。诗人提供给我们的是如何看待生活和解决问题的方式。它还有优美动人的旋律,甚至能谱曲歌唱,悦耳动听。朗读或背诵诗歌能得到音乐美的熏陶,是一种真正的艺术享受。因此,英诗能给予我们无穷的智慧和快乐。  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(3):321-340

Looking at Dickinson and Hölderlin, this essay begins by exploring the idea of the poetic dimension of existence and its relation to the image, or more precisely, to the capability to disclose into images. For Dickinson the relentless “poverty” of a non-poetic existence indicates that what is missing from such existence are not just images but the capacity for their “disclosing” - the poetic gift or aptitude. With the help of Heidegger’s essays on poetry and poverty, I invert this relation between image and poverty to show that, even though the inceptive character of the poetic word and the element of poetic dwelling it allows to emerge appear poor in comparison to images or concepts, it is the poetic word that for the very first time lets humans dwell. Although it can neither boast the richness of “pictures” nor the strength and precision of conceptual comprehension, the poetic is what opens up the world for humans and simultaneously opens their being to its characteristic manner of inhabiting this world.  相似文献   

汪增相 《学理论》2012,(15):110-113
曹操重视恢复因汉末战乱而遭到破坏的学校教育,希望通过发展学校教育来移风易俗,实现对社会的教化。曹操认为人才对政治成败具有十分重要甚至关键的作用,因此不仅渴求人才,提倡唯才是举,而且对人才善加管理。曹操注重家庭教育,有一些较成功的思想和方法。  相似文献   

Noting Silence     
《Critical Horizons》2013,14(3):359-377

In coming to words, language "reserves" itself: it holds back its event, keeping it illegible and silent. It is possible to see much of modern innovative or "experimental" poetry as such an experience of reticence and stillness, an experiment of language listening to itself "speaking" in order to allow the force of the illegible to come to speech. How this silence both limits what can be said and holds what has been written open to the possibilities of saying otherwise comes from the "restraint" characteristic of the specific way in which language "speaks", that is, arrives each time singularly as words precisely by withholding this very arrival from signification. Myung Mi Kim's poetry stands out among contemporary American poets precisely for its specific attentiveness to this simultaneously "generative" and "constraining" force of silence. To understand better the workings of this force of silence, I examine Kim's poetry in the context of Heidegger's reflection on language, specifically his point about the withdrawal and restraint "essential" to the unfolding of language. I suggest that this withdrawal marks the poietic momentum of language, which can be traced, though, only by way of a listening response. This listening response becomes in turn a kind of constraint under which poetic thinking operates, a holding back of assertions and statements in favor of a listening which responds precisely to how the saying withholds itself from what comes to be said. Exploring the proximity between Kim's poetry and Heidegger's thinking, this essay examines how this withdrawal—a restraint at play in language itself—necessitates the attitude of poetic "reservedness".  相似文献   

Post‐Mao Chinese new poetry may still be highly controversial in terms of its poetic experiments and the undecidablity of its position in literary history. However, its attempts to destabilise previous concepts and meanings of Chinese language have undoubtedly made a tremendous impact upon Chinese poetry, and indeed contemporary Chinese culture. In so far as the challenges to the stability of meaning are concerned, the poetic experiments of the new poets offer themselves as practical instances which in a way could be said to parallel deconstruction theory in the postmodern West This paper looks at the poetry of the Obscure poets and Third Generation poets from the perspective of the critique of conceptuality as advanced by Jacques Derrida. It examines specifically the intertextual relations which we can discover between a body of postmodern theory and the poetic practices of post‐Mao poets in contemporary China, and in so doing offers an insight into the reading of Chinese new poetry. The paper argues that such a perspective is far from spurious since a certain instability of meaning is at the heart of both movements. Of particular interest for the question of the relative instability introduced by the poetry of the Obscure and Third Generation poets is Derrida's central infra structural tool ‘Differance’. Differance and such other infrastructual devices as metaphoricity, the critique of structure, supplementarity, iterability and pharmakon will be used to support the main argument of the paper.  相似文献   

Since protest poetry is considered a voice on behalf of victims of war and the oppressed, an epic poem such as the Iliad, which appears to celebrate a culture of male violence, is an unlikely example of protest poetry. This epic story of Achilles, however, brings to the forefront several themes of protest poetry: challenge to authority, anger at injustice, and confrontation with the fragility of the human condition. Even the form of epic as a product of oral culture reflects traditional protest song. Specifically, this article argues that revisiting the themes of protest in the Iliad provides insights into why human beings protest, connects political poetry to philosophic questions, and highlights the human being as a perennial protester who must face the inevitable choice of safety or perilous political action.  相似文献   

石中晨 《学理论》2009,(8):102-103
“死亡”作为女性诗歌的“主题语象”,实践着与生命的自动同构,承载着具有内在深度模式的“个人化”认知。死亡感觉的残留生成转化为独特的美学内涵。通过对死亡意象的象征信码进行解读,深刻体认女性诗歌形而下的死亡哲学。  相似文献   

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