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一个重大案件发生后,如果有现场鞋印,紧接着一项重要任务就是寻找现场鞋印的样本鞋,通过样本鞋的销售范围来确定犯罪嫌疑人的活动范围;通过样本鞋的价格档次来确定犯罪嫌疑人的生活水平;通过样本鞋来还原现场的残缺鞋印,并在周围地区通过鞋印进行案件串并;通过样本鞋的销售人员来回忆近期购鞋人员的特征,以期从中发现犯罪嫌疑人。  相似文献   

2例足迹检验出现差错的原因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
足迹检验鉴定理论的发展已经突破了根据鞋印形象特征检验的范畴,发展到根据鞋(或鞋印)上所反映的磨损特征、动力形态特征、结合步法检验技术对同一人穿用不同鞋进行人身同一认定,这是足迹检验鉴定理论一个质的飞跃。这一理论在实际办案中对于串并案件、揭露证实犯罪提供了有力的支持。但是,不可否认的是近几年在实际案例操作时,足迹检验中根据同一人穿用不同鞋对穿鞋人进行同一认定有时会出现差错。我们在实际工作中,就曾经遇到两例,报道如下:1案例简介案例12002年某日,在一起盗窃案件的外围现场,提取到一枚平面灰尘加层足迹,该足迹边缘完整…  相似文献   

马刚 《刑事技术》2001,(3):41-42
在犯罪现场上,经常遇到犯罪分子遗留的残缺鞋印。这里所说的“残缺鞋印”是指那些没有反映出鞋底形态全貌的鞋印。例如只反映出鞋底的前掌中部或只反映出鞋底后跟某一部分的鞋印等等。这类足迹可利用的特征少,给检验鉴定工作带来一定的困难。要分析利用此类足迹,确定特征位置,提高检验效率,首先要确定其留痕部位。做好这项工作对提高现场足迹的利用率非常重要。笔者从鞋底的花纹分布规律、伴生痕迹以及鞋底的磨损特征等方面阐述如何分析确定残缺鞋印的留痕部位。1根据残缺鞋印反映的周边形状及鞋底花纹、图案分析确定由鞋底花纹分布规…  相似文献   

1994年6月26日零晨4时许,西安市蓝田县海绵厂发生一起特大纵火案。该厂14间仓库被人付之一炬,库内堆放的成品海绵全部化为灰烬,损失折价达441万余元。市、县两级痕检技术人员在勘查现场时,从外围现场发现了成趟反常鞋印,提取了其中两枚鞋底花纹反映较好的鞋印,当场比对检验,认定了案犯,成功地侦破了这一案件。现场鞋印分析情况由于现场堆放的海绵燃烧殆烬,仓库屋顶、门窗结构等全部烧毁,加上消防灭火等人为原因,中心现场遭到严重破坏,勘查未发现明显的痕迹物证。在此情况下,技术人员重点对仓库外围做了勘查、搜索。很快就在仓库以北与厂后(北)围墙之间的空地内发现了成趟大步幅鞋印,分析为跑动足迹,且奔跑方向反常(向东到仓库东墙与东围墙之间过道处的隔离墙,翻过墙,进到厕所后因地面条件限制而失踪),从而确定为案犯鞋印。鞋印全长25cm士,花纹为细波浪形,分析为24码网球鞋所留;而海绵厂劳保用鞋正好是这种球鞋,职工每人都发有一双,再结合现场情况和具体案情,技术人员当即确定案犯为厂内职工,要求侦察方面搜集同类型网球鞋备检。  相似文献   

篮球鞋的鞋底多是模压胶底,其外底的花纹形态规则,在穿用过程中形成的磨损特征明显。多数案件中,可以利用现场鞋印中反映出来的磨损特征与嫌疑鞋进行比对检验,以确定现场鞋印是否为嫌疑鞋所留。如果现场鞋印清晰完整、磨损特征反映较好,比对检验工作比较容易完成。但如果作案人穿的篮球鞋是新鞋或者较新的鞋时,鞋底磨损特征不明显,比对检验有一定的难度。在这种情况下,可以利用篮球鞋印痕中反映的底部外观缺陷特征进行比对检验,对嫌疑鞋进行排除或认定,为侦查破案提供依据。1篮球鞋底部外观缺陷特征形成的原因篮球鞋的生产工艺一般是胶粘成…  相似文献   

徐杰  张广莹  王毓  霍鑫 《刑事技术》2013,(1):48+71-48,71
1案件简介某年8月10日夜,某公司七车间铜锭被盗,现场勘查在车间地面上提取了成趟鞋印。8月13日抓获犯罪嫌疑人王某,根据案件要求,检验了现场鞋印是否为王某所穿的布鞋所留。  相似文献   

现场勘查人员对犯罪现场进行勘查时往往会提取到很多细节特征点不多的残缺现场指印,我国指纹技术人员一般认为能作出同一认定的现场指印细节特征点一般不少于8个(特殊除外),这样那些现场提取的细节特征点少于8个的残缺现场指印往往由于不能同一认定而被丢弃,这就影响了刑事案件的侦破进程,造成了不可估量的损失。笔者在指纹检验鉴定工作中认为用虚拟特征法能对一些细节特征点多于2个而少于8个的残缺现场指印进行同一认定,现就具体操作方法探讨如下。  相似文献   

PP背胶纸是彩色喷绘使用的专用纸,由纸张、胶面和透明塑料薄膜组成,其胶面无色,粘合力较强,塑料薄膜透明度高、弹性小且可反复覆盖。基于上述特点,将其用于提取现场光滑地面上的灰尘鞋印和制作鞋印检验样本,十分便捷,省时省力。在现场使用时,可立即让进入过现场的人,直接踩出鞋  相似文献   

犯罪现场中墙壁书写笔迹不是很常见,在现场勘查中受重视程度不高,但一旦现场中出现墙壁书写笔迹,这些笔迹往往都与案件紧密相关,是案件侦破和定罪的关键性证据。因此针对此类案件制定快捷、有效的勘查、鉴定策略,指导相关人员进行相关工作,会对案件的勘查、侦破、鉴定发挥积极意义。  相似文献   

近年来,涉枪案件特别是恶性涉枪案件呈逐年上升趋势,给社会治安造成严重威胁。如何更有效地检验涉枪案件现场遗留的痕迹物证,为此类案件的侦破、检验和鉴定提供科学、客观的法庭依据和成功率,是从事刑事痕迹检验人员的主要技术课题之一。笔  相似文献   

The length of a shoe has significant value in reflecting characteristics of the owner, and thereby, it can help in tracking suspects in criminal cases. However, the shoeprints left at a crime scene are often incomplete, resulting in difficulties in assessing shoe length. To find a way to estimate the shoe length from a partial shoeprint, 109 shoes with different sizes and general patterns were collected, and their prints were lifted using magnetic powder. Four feature points were defined on a shoeprint, and the longest distance between the feature points was defined as shoe length. Using linear, quadratic, and cubic regression analyses, a total of 15 equations were obtained between the shoe length and the other distances between the feature points. Out of these, the five most accurate equations were selected as the optimal equation. The verified test, including another 18 pairs of shoes, showed an average error of equations between 0.591 cm and 0.732 cm. The equations were also applied in two practical cases, resulting in good accuracy. The study demonstrates that shoe length could be determined from partial shoeprints through the proven equations.  相似文献   

Shoeprints left at the crime scene provide valuable information in criminal investigation due to the distinctive patterns in the sole. Those shoeprints are often incomplete and noisy. In this study, scale‐invariance feature transform is proposed and evaluated for recognition and retrieval of partial and noisy shoeprint images. The proposed method first constructs different scale spaces to detect local extrema in the underlying shoeprint images. Those local extrema are considered as useful key points in the image. Next, the features of those key points are extracted to represent their local patterns around key points. Then, the system computes the cross‐correlation between the query image and each shoeprint image in the database. Experimental results show that full‐size prints and prints from the toe area perform best among all shoeprints. Furthermore, this system also demonstrates its robustness against noise because there is a very slight difference in comparison between original shoeprints and noisy shoeprints.  相似文献   

In this case report, the authors show an interesting case of a physical match between an insole and a suspect shoe that was connected to the crime scene by a blood drop. Several pairs of shoes were seized and inspected. On the insoles of the main suspect's shoes, two different types of prints were seen, one was clear and the other image was faint. A physical match examination was conducted and the authors could place the right insole inside the right shoe. The insole was apparently glued to the shoe by the sweat, heat and dirt inside the shoe, and not by the manufacturer. In this case, the critical questions were how conclusive can the complexity of the random contours be, and whether the physical match between the two objects could pass the "Daubert challenge."  相似文献   

Stature is used for constructing a biological profile that assists with the identification of an individual. So far, little attention has been paid to the fact that stature can be estimated from hand impressions left at scene of crime. The present study based on practical observations adopted a new methodology of measuring hand length from the depressed area between hypothenar and thenar region on the proximal surface of the palm. Stature and bilateral hand impressions were obtained from 503 men of central India. Seventeen dimensions of hand were measured on the impression. Linear regression equations derived showed hand length followed by palm length are best estimates of stature. Testing the practical utility of the suggested method on latent prints of 137 subjects, a statistically insignificant result was obtained when known and estimated stature derived from latent prints was compared. The suggested approach points to a strong possibility of its usage in crime scene investigation, albeit the fact that validation studies in real-life scenarios are performed.  相似文献   

Recovery of trace DNA and its application to DNA profiling of shoe insoles   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In recent years, the analysis of trace amounts of DNA has become a necessary and useful forensic tool. DNA profiles can be obtained from items that have been worn or handled, due to the presence of transferred DNA derived from skin cells. Shoeprints collected from crime scenes that match a suspects shoe can link a shoe to the crime scene. A DNA profile from inside the shoe can link a wearer to a shoe thus increasing the evidential value of the forensic evidence. In this work, variation in the amount of DNA recovered from hands and feet of different individuals is investigated. Sites for sampling DNA from shoe insoles are compared and a protocol for the subsequent sampling and extraction is developed. Finally, a case study is described where DNA analysis of shoe insoles has provided forensic evidence.  相似文献   

Five methods are described for the detection of latent fingerprints on human skin: the X-ray method, the application of laser radiation, the iodine-silver plate transfer method, development with iron powder and Dakty-foil, as well as the photographic paper lift technique. Experiences with the application of these methods in forensic investigations are reported, and impeding factors are outlined. The simpler methods (the detection of such prints with iron powder and Dakty-foil as well as the photographic paper lift technique) are to be preferred for the investigation at the scene of the crime.  相似文献   

目的由于主客观条件的影响,犯罪现场中常见的足迹多为不完整的残缺足迹,如何能够有效地利用残缺足迹,对案件破获往往具有至关重要的作用。方法从残缺赤足足迹的反映形态出发,选择足迹中明显、稳定的特征点,确定特征量,通过数理统计分析,建立残缺赤足足迹推算身高的经验公式。结果在4个特征量中,跖前缘突点到跟后缘突点的距离与身高的相关性最好,跖内、外缘突点到跟后缘突点的距离与身高具有一定的相关性。结论根据现场残缺赤足足迹的反映情况,也可以近似推断嫌疑人的身高特点,为侦查提供方向。  相似文献   

Luminescence is specially a useful property for the search of invisible evidences at the scene of a crime. In the latent fingerprints particular case, there are at one's disposal fluorescent reagents for their localization. The study of latent lip prints (that is lip prints from protective lipstick, or permanent or long-lasting lipstick that do not leave any visible marks) is more recent than fingerprints study. Because of the different composition of both types of prints, different reagents have been tried out on their developing. Although, lysochromes are particularly useful reagents to obtain latent lip prints, it may occur on coloured or multicoloured surfaces, the developing is not perceived due to contrast problems between the reagent and the surface where the print is searched. Again, luminescence offers the possibility to solve this problem. Nile Red is being studied as a potential developer for latent lip prints. The results on very old prints (over 1year) indicate that this reagent is highly efficient to get latent lip prints.  相似文献   

The FearID research project is aimed at the individualisation of earprints for the purpose of forensic research. The study presented here was carried out within the framework of this project. It intends to combine a review of what is known from literature on the classification and individualisation of earprints with results from a preliminary study of earprints. Possibilities for, and limitations to, the use of earprints in forensic investigation are addressed. Differences between eliminating a suspect, placing a suspect at a crime scene, and linking crimes by prints left at different scenes are considered.  相似文献   

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