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近年来司法廉洁的理论和实践一直受到高度关注,法官良知则是跨越法官文化、司法廉洁、司法伦理等多个领域且经久不息的论题.从司法廉洁视角审视法官良知建设的内涵,或以法官良知印证司法廉政建设的内在机理,均有更为深刻的含义.  相似文献   

李丽 《法律适用》2011,(4):119-120,封3
马塞诸塞州有两个直接负责法官职业道德的机构,一个是司法行为委员会,一个是司法道德委员会.司法行为委员会是负责调查对法官不当司法行为投诉并给予纪律处分的机构.司法道德委员会仅是一个咨询机构而非纪律处分机构,它的主要任务是接受州法官和已经被任命为法官但尚未就职的人就法官职业道德相关问题提出的咨询.  相似文献   

一切社会改革都是以人为基础的改革。司法改革也必须以有一个优秀的法官群体为前提。在司法改革日益深化的形势下,大量的法官流失和司法权威的日渐式微,告诉我们必须关注、关心最基础的对象——法官。本文从一个法官的视角解析当前法官群体职业中遇到的各种困难、困惑、困境,探讨中国现实语境下如何破解法官困境,构建合理司法体制的可行性及现实路径。  相似文献   

熊晓平 《中国审判》2014,(4):100-101
法官职业化进程中为民品性的内涵 品性是一种"品质性格"(见《现代汉语词典》),法官品性是法官在司法实践活动中所必备的职业品质性格,在我国,体现为一种司法为民的法官职业道德、职业作风与精神风貌。  相似文献   

在改革开放三十多年来经济情势变迁背景下,我国法院系统已面临愈来愈多的挑战,因此必须向治理模式下的司法功能转变.司法仅是多元纠纷解决方式中的一种;法院是法官居中裁判的场所;司法应公开、法官应独立,并以此来衡量新一轮司法改革蓝图.自由贸易试验区建设是司法试验的一条现实途径,而通过司法试验,及时总结可复制可推广的司法经验,将成就司法改革的顺利进行.  相似文献   

洪芳  程广来 《法制与社会》2013,(29):284-285
司法公信力问题这是我们建设法治国家和构建和谐社会必须面对和要解决的重大理论和现实课题。司法活动的非常态性、专业性和对决性决定了司法公信力的天生脆弱性,随着我国法治进程的推进,我国司法公信力得到增强,但目前司法公信力不高仍然是一个严重的现实问题,司法审判不独立、法官素质不高、个案出错、执行不力等问题困扰着我国的司法界。提高司法公信力,必须创新法官机制、树立司法权威、不断提升法官的执业素质并从全社会深入推进公众的法律认知,力争使我国司法公信力步入良性的上升轨道。  相似文献   

法官的司法伦理基础探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
岳悍惟 《法学论坛》2002,17(6):105-110
司法制度设计本身及司法运行实践表明中国法官地位不高 ,这与法官本应具备的极高社会威望相悖。而出现司法不公时 ,公众往往对法官进行道德先究 ,法官整体的司法伦理匮乏又使公众道德先究的结果更加不利于司法公信力。因此要想使中国法官也具有西方法官神坛的地位 ,司法伦理可谓之基础。司法伦理具有底位、中位和高位三个层面 ,它要求法官具备良好的司法伦理道德素养并使之制度化 ,从而构建一个规范、养育及运用它的理性环境。  相似文献   

刘学智 《山东审判》2007,23(3):60-64
司法能动性是法官在司法过程中,积极应对社会现实需要,遵循一定的程序和规则,创造性地理解和适用法律,对案件做出理性判断并能动地服务社会的一种结果和过程.当代中国的法官应当发挥司法能动性,在裁决过程中充分考虑法律、道德、政策、经济等多种因素,使司法裁决等司法活动更加贴近现实,更加符合理性,更加符合法律精神.  相似文献   

现代法治社会中,法官充当着社会治理的重要角色,而实现良善的治理效果却是以"治理"法官为基础的.在现代社会对法官的治理主要是通过知识规训、体制规训、道德规训等多个层面来进行的,而我国传统家国式的治理模式,行政与司法合为一体,法官不仅没有获致应有的权威性,而且治理法官的机制也存在着诸多弊端.因此,当前我国应该通过多重规训机制的综合来逐渐调和司法职业化与生活化、法官精英化与法院官僚化之间的现实冲突.  相似文献   

一、法官职业化的现实内涵 (一)经济体制的改革,在生产力层面对作为司法裁判的主体——法官——提出了职业化的要求,要求其成为具有相对中立地位和独特法律素质的法律家共同体,以承担协调社会关系的重任  相似文献   

法制现代化的范畴能力是指其反映现实、评价现实、规范现实与指引现实的能力。法制现代化具有较强的范畴能力,但是由于其不尽适当的时间维度、与西方中心主义的过分纠缠、与对立范畴的复杂关系以及宏大叙事的色彩,使这种能力有着一定的改善空间。提升法制现代化的范畴能力,应强调其内部的合理化这个要素,从宏观思辨转向微观论证,以个案的合理性分析来实现具体正义。  相似文献   

I argue for a new conception of practical authority based on an analysis of the relationship between authority and subject. Commands entail a demand for practical deference, which establishes a relationship of hierarchy, vulnerability, and responsibility that involves a variety of signals and commitments. In order for this relationship to be justified, the subject must be under a preexisting duty, the authority’s commands must take precedence over the subject’s judgment regarding fulfillment of that duty, the authority must accept the position and responsibilities of command, and the authority must be sufficiently trustworthy relative to how vulnerable the subject makes herself by deferring. This results in an instrumentalist conception of practical authority that can be favorably compared to Joseph Raz’s influential service conception. The relational conception’s main advantage is that it focuses on the authority as much as the subject, requiring that the authority accept responsibility for the relationship and be sufficiently trustworthy. This allows the relational conception to avoid problems that the service conception faces and illuminates institutional authority.  相似文献   

This article explores the social processes through which ideas about the family become translated into regulation and practice in assisted conception. Drawing on social problems literature, it is suggested that claims are made (by regulators, practitioners and others) about the desirability of certain family types and that forms of regulation occur when families transgress, in particularly obvious ways, the boundaries of those definitions. The apparently disparate examples of lesbian access to donor insemination and donor anonymity are brought together to illustrate the argument. It is also suggested that much formal regulation and clinical practice is directed towards making such transgressions less transparent, thus protecting the practice of assisted conception from unwelcome scrutiny.  相似文献   

Faced with the present migrant crisis and the dismal record of Europe in protecting vulnerable refugees’ and migrants’ rights, what could be the view of the moral philosopher? The contrast between the principles enshrined in the European Charter of Fundamental Rights and the reality of present policies is shocking, but more scrutiny will show that it is the result of a larger trend towards an understanding of freedom mostly in economic terms, at a time when economists such as Amartya Sen have revised their approach to economic growth and prosperity, noting the central role played by a much richer conception of freedom. The paper will scrutinize these inconsistencies and the conception of the person from which they derive and will provide an alternative and more coherent moral vision that could strengthen the legitimacy of the European Charter, at a time of growing dissatisfaction and so-called democratic deficit. Such a vision could help reconnect the Charter with a conception of the human person as in need not solely of passive legal protection, but also of active promotion of her self-respect and capabilities, and of her aspiration to a valuable life.  相似文献   

宪法文本中"公共利益"的规范分析   总被引:55,自引:1,他引:54  
在现代法治社会中 ,公共利益与个人利益之间始终存在着一定的张力 ,如何在两者的冲突中寻求合理的平衡 ,实现国家、社会与个人共同利益 ,是宪法学研究的重要课题。公共利益价值的合理认定首先应回归到宪法文本 ,从文本的角度提供解释公共利益的价值基础、基本原则与具体规则 ,使公共利益的实现获得宪法基础 ,避免对公共利益理解上的随意性与主观性  相似文献   

论法律概念的特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
法律概念是法律的基本构成要素,没有法律概念,我们就不能正确地理解法律问题。与哲学、政治学等学科相比,我国的法学对法律概念的研究却显得相对薄弱。然而,在司法实践中,要正确运用法律推理,必须首先研究法律概念。本文从研究概念入手,阐明了法律概念的涵义以及法律概念与一般概念的不同点。从立法、司法的角度,分析了法律概念的特征。  相似文献   

In his rich and stimulating book, Blake argues (among other things) that comprehensive coercion triggers egalitarian obligations of distributive justice. I argue that (1) coercion is not a necessary condition for egalitarian justice to apply; (2) Blake’s use of a moralised conception of coercion is a mistake; (3) coercion is a redundant member of any set of sufficient conditions that might explain why distributive justice applies; (4) Blake’s emphasis on providing conditions for the exercise of autonomy might support a much more cosmopolitan theory of distributive justice.  相似文献   

正犯概念是共犯论体系的基石性范畴,限制正犯概念与扩张正犯概念是法理层面被学者所广泛探讨的两种正犯概念。究其实质,是对实行行为的解释不同,前者是一种"自然意义上"的理解,而后者是一种"规范意义上"的认识。限制正犯概念体系虽然为目前学界的通说,但由于其先天存在的对实行行为理解的缺陷,导致其自身存在若干理论弱点。扩张正犯概念的实质是主张从刑法目的出发,对实行行为进行"合目的"的解释,较之限制正犯概念,无论从立法论还是解释论的层面均具有更大的优势。  相似文献   

按照"改革、发展、稳定三者统一"的原则,"以人为本"的科学改革发展观必然引出"以人为本"的科学改革观.科学改革观要求中国的改革必须合规律,即合乎人类社会发展的一般规律和中国近现代社会运动的特殊规律;又必须合目的,即以人民的共同富裕和全面发展为价值导向."以人为本"的科学改革观,包括改革目的、思路和动力三个方面的深刻内涵.为了坚持贯彻这一改革观,需要对党的思想路线作出再认识,既要反对对马克思主义文本搞教条主义,也要反对对西方的经济政治思想搞教条主义.  相似文献   

The veiled woman troubles feminism and secularism in much the same way. Both feminism and secularism face a problem of finding a position that respects individual autonomy, and simultaneously sustains a conception of politics freed from heteronomous determination. This article gives an account of what is being resisted and by whom in modes of politics which seek to produce an autonomous subject emancipated from 'other laws'(heteronomy). It also draws on Jean-Luc Nancy in order to consider what has been termed the problem of Islam in Europe as a wider juridical and political problem centred on the significance of affect as heteronomy. It thus explores the tension between piety and polity.  相似文献   

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