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目的建立巯基丁二酸修饰的水溶性碲化镉量子点溶液(MSA/CdTe QDs)显现多种客体表面的血潜指纹的方法。方法利用量子点对人体血液成分的特异性标识作用,365nm紫外光激发使其荧光显像。结果 MSA/CdTe溶液显现时间显著短于文献报导的同类方法;显现效果和灵敏度优于显现血潜指纹常用试剂四甲基联苯胺和氨基黑10B。结论水溶性MSA/CdTe溶液适于显现多种客体表面的血潜指纹,效果优异。  相似文献   

目的比较巯基乙酸包覆的硒化镉(CdSe/TGA)和硫化镉/聚酰胺-胺(CdS/PAMAM)量子点溶液显现胶带粘面手印的性能。方法两种材料在显现指纹的过程中,通过比较观察显现时间、显现温度、遗留时间等因素来考察显现效果。结果 CdSe/TGA溶液的荧光强度、显现时间以及材料的稳定性较好;CdS/PAMAM溶液显现的手印纹线流畅,显现细节特征能力强,对陈旧的或微弱的油潜手印的显现效果好。结论两种材料各有所长,对胶带粘面手印有良好的显现效果。  相似文献   

8种方法显现的汗潜指印STR分型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究常见指印显现方法对指印STR检验的影响。方法采用Invisorb spin forensic试剂盒提取纯化人汗潜指印DNA,低拷贝模板(LCN)STR复合扩增,荧光电泳检验。结果用铜粉、铝粉、荧光粉、黑磁粉、"502"胶、茚三酮、磺酸双三嗪荧光显色液显现的玻片、纸张和胶带纸粘面上的汗潜指印可成功进行STR分型。结论常见指印显现方法不影响指印STR检验。  相似文献   

近些年来,遗留有指印的粘面往往与玻璃、窗框、衣料(布、绒、毛料等)、纸张,以及胶带本身的粘面与粘面、粘面与光面粘贴在一起,若一律采取撕剥的方法,留有指印部位的胶带粘面往往受到破坏,为下一步显现指印带来困难。过去,对胶带粘面指印的剥离,技术上一般采用化学试剂剥离法,主要有:氯仿与无水乙醇混合液、丁酮与无水乙醇混合液、二甲基甲酰胺混合液、四氯化碳与无水乙醇混合液等。最近,笔者在实践中采用乙醇汽油剥离胶带指印用碳素墨水显现处理,取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

目的研究水浸客体表面潜指纹的显现方法;方法利用CdSe巯基乙酸溶液显现被水浸泡过的黄色封箱胶带、黑色塑料袋、玻璃等常见非渗透性客体上的潜手印,讨论影响水浸非渗透性客体上潜手印显现效果的各种因素,并与传统方法进行比较,初步探讨了CdSe巯基乙酸溶液显现水浸非渗透性客体表面潜手印的方法;结果使用巯基乙酸包覆CdSe纳米复合材料显现潜在手印,使每分子纳米复合材料外表包覆足够数量的羧基,则可以提高它同手印残留物的结合能力,从而得到更高清晰度、更高分辨率的手印显像;结论巯基乙酸包覆CdSe纳米复合材料可以很好的显现水浸塑料、胶带等表面潜指纹。  相似文献   

在指印显现实践中,渗透性客体上的汗液指印显现方法主要是有损显现,对此,本实验尝试建立远红外加热无损显现渗透性客体上汗液指印,介绍如下。1材料和方法1.1材料检材加温设备:HGXJ-807潜在手印无损显现系统(上海恒光警用器材有限公司),HGXJ-447nm激光生物显现仪(上海恒光警用器材有限公司),NIKON单反数码照相机,447nm干涉滤光镜。1.2方法(1)将HGXJ-807潜在手印无损显现系统通上电,预加热5min~6min,箱内温度设置185℃。  相似文献   

胶带的广泛使用和胶带面的粘性,造成了胶带粘面上易遗留犯罪嫌疑人的指印,对这类指印的显现方法通常用悬浮液法、炭素墨水法、染色法等。而笔者在实践中发现,利用8羟基喹啉显现胶带粘面上的指印效果较好,经其它方法验证试验很成功,现介绍如下:  相似文献   

研究文书上伪造红印油指印的鉴别方法。首先,利用光敏指纹印章制作不同遗留时间的伪造红印油指印,手指直接捺印不同遗留时间的真实红印油指印。其次,利用转移介质完成真伪红印油指印的印迹物质转移,并对介质进行手印显现(茚三酮显现方法)处理,具体分为两种模式,模式一:在物质转移过程中,使红印油指印的印迹物质与转移介质上的手印显现工作液物质发生显现反应,即物质转移与显现反应同时进行;模式二:先将红印油指印中的印迹物质通过转移工作液转移至介质上,再对介质上的印迹物质进行显现处理,即先进行物质转移,后完成显现反应。最后,观察显现处理前后的转移介质上指印变化情况(有无赫鲁曼紫物质生成)。结果表明:1)模式一与模式二均成功实现红印油真伪指印物质转移及显现反应,介质上真实红印油指印位置处有赫鲁曼紫物质生成,而伪造指印无赫鲁曼紫物质生成;2)模式二的显现处理效果更优于模式一;3)采用模式二成功实现遗留时间分别为1、2、7、15、30 d的红印油指印物质转移,且转移介质经茚三酮显现处理,介质上真实红印油指印位置处均有赫鲁曼紫物质生成,伪造指印均无赫鲁曼紫物质生成。本文成功验证了真伪红印油指印的物质成分的分布存在差...  相似文献   

1994年6月,笔者在勘查一起入室蒙面抢劫案现场时,提取到一黄色胶带。现场其他部位未提取到任何有直接认定犯罪价值的证据,唯一的希望寄托在胶带上。胶带光面上的指印只有几条线并且重叠,没有鉴定价值。胶带胶面上在侧光下观察发现有一指印,在显微镜下观察,系油质指印,直接拍照,反差弱,效果不理想。如何显现胶面上的油指印呢?笔者曾做过处理胶带胶面上汗液手印方面的试验,用生物染色剂法显现时,汗液指印部位与胶面同时吸附染色剂,只是吸附能力不同,受这一实验的启发,对胶带胶面上的油指印进行了试验研究,证明用生物染色剂染胶面法,方法简单,易操作,效果理想。操作方法1.涂抹法:将被显客体放平(可固在一硬板上),胶面向上,  相似文献   

胺端基型CdS/PAMAM潜在显现指印的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索一种新型纳米荧光材料的制备方法及其在潜在指印显现方面的应用前景。方法以聚酰胺-胺(PAMAM)树形分子为模板,原位合成CdS纳米簇。并使用荧光光谱法对产物进行表征:应用这种新型荧光材料对多种客体表面、不同陈旧程度的潜在指印进行显现.并将显现结果与传统荧光染料进行比对。结果该荧光材料在365nm紫外光激发下可以发出很强的可见荧光:与传统的荧光染料相比。-NH2端基型CdS/PA—MAM可以同指印残留物进行靶向结合.其荧光强度高、背景干扰小,指印纹线与客体反差大。结论-NH2端基型CdS/PAMAM可以有效地显出非渗透性客体表面的潜在指EP。  相似文献   

目的介绍1种新型PolyCyano UV粉末显现非渗透性光滑客体表面潜手印的新技术。方法选取多种常见客体,由志愿者在客体上捺印指印,将PolyCyano UV粉末加热至230℃使其升华,待该粉末在手印纹线上聚合后使用长波紫外线照射若干时间,然后在蓝光激发下使用滤色镜观察并拍照。结果绝大部分非渗透性光滑客体表面上的潜手印均有很好的显现效果,尤其是对浅色或白色客体有十分明显的荧光效果,对陈旧手印也有较好的显现效果。结论该方法熏显操作简便、显现时间短、无需二次染色增强、不破坏生物检材、显现效果明显,适合推广使用。  相似文献   

Nile red has been an alternative reagent for detecting latent fingerprints on wetted substrates. However, the presence of methanol in nile red solution could make injury to handlers and destroy the traces on surfaces, such as texts on thermal papers. A novel small particle reagent formulation constituting of mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) based on nile red was prepared to overcome the problem. Compared with the conventional reagents Oil Red O or nile red solution, the nile red‐loaded MSNs are highly selective to lipid residues of fingerprints and showed a greater ability to develop clear, sharp, and detailed fingerprints on thermal papers after these were immersed in water. In addition, it can retain texts on the thermal papers well and use only water as a solvent. These suggested that nile red‐loaded MSNs are a safe, efficient, and convenient method to develop latent fingerprints on wide range of substrates of forensic importance.  相似文献   

目的探究刑事照相常用紫外光源照射不同客体上的血指印和汗潜指印后对DNA检验产生的影响。方法分别使用254nm和365nm紫外光源在不同照射距离,不同照射时间下对不同客体表面制备的原血指印、微量血指印和汗潜指印检材进行照射,随后进行DNA定量分析。结果原血指印经紫外照射后对DNA检验结果无显著影响,微量血指印和汗潜指印经紫外照射对后续DNA检验结果认定影响较大。结论紫外光波长越短、功率越大、照射距离越短、照射时间越长,对DNA检验结果的影响越大。  相似文献   

目的根据胶带粘面上潜在手印的特点,利用染料和潜手印的理化性质,研究开发胶带粘面手印荧光显现剂。方法在各种胶带粘面上显现潜在手印,并与常规的碳素墨水染色法进行比较。结果在长波紫外线照射下手印呈黄色明亮荧光,手印纹线清晰、连贯,基本不受手印遗留时间、客体表面颜色和性质的影响。结论胶带粘面上的汗潜手印和血潜手印用荧光显现剂显现效果优于碳素墨水染色法,在实际案件的侦破中有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

TFD-2纸张手印快速显现系统的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的介绍一种利用特殊的红外热成像技术显现常见纸张上汗潜手印的新方法。方法利用英国Foster4-Freeman公司生产的TFD-2纸张手印快速显现系统,通过特殊的红外热成像技术,使汗潜手印呈现强烈荧光,从而显现手印。结果红外热成像方法处理后,汗潜手印在特种激发光(带宽为450nm-510nm)激发下显出较强的橙色荧光;持续处理后,汗潜手印在自然光下呈棕褐色,并在短波紫外光源(254nm)激发下也可显出清晰连贯的手印纹线;而且,新鲜和陈旧手印均有较好的显现效果。结论TFD-2纸张手印快速显现系统显现纸张上汗潜手印的方法,具有操作简单、快速安全、无需化学试剂、显现效果明显的特点,适合推广使用。  相似文献   

Duct tape is sometimes recovered as physical evidence in crimes. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of latent prints on the adhesive and non-adhesive surfaces of duct tape samples that were separated using three methods. Three hundred donor fingerprint impressions were deposited on duct tape. Sections of duct tape were affixed to sections of cardboard and a fingerprint placed on the non-adhesive surface of the tape. A second layer of duct tape was prepared and a fingerprint placed on the adhesive side of the tape and then the tape was affixed to the piece of tape on the cardboard. After a 24-h period, the samples were separated using gradual force, liquid nitrogen applied with a cryogun and an adhesive neutralizer to separate the layers of tape. The recovered fingerprints were processed with a fingerprint powder suspension method. The recovered fingerprint images were evaluated and rated as +1, +2, or +3. The liquid nitrogen spray separation method yielded the highest number of +3 prints.  相似文献   

Former studies [Nature (1997) 387, Electrophoresis 20 (1999) 2870, P. Van Renterghem, D. Leonard, C. De Greef, Progress in Forensic Genetics, Vol. 8, 2000, p. 501, J. Forensic Sci. 45 (3) (2000) 687] have shown that even a single skin contact, documented by a latent fingerprint, can transfer enough DNA for a genetic analysis. It was proven in these studies that it is possible to swab fingerprints from surfaces [Nature (1997) 387, Electrophoresis 20 (1999) 2870, P. Van Renterghem, D. Leonard, C. De Greef, Progress in Forensic Genetics, Vol. 8, 2000, p. 501] and use them as a DNA source. Usually, however, discovered fingerprints are removed with scotch tape and placed on evidence cards for further investigation.In this study, we tried to assess the potential use of latent fingerprints as a DNA source for STR typing. The materials (magnetic powder, soot powder and scotch tape) used for visualization and archiving fingerprints in Germany were tested for their PCR inhibitory characteristics. Then, fingerprints were placed on clean glass surfaces, visualized and tested for their usefulness as a DNA source.Obtained DNA was quantified and tested in an STR system. Partly it proved possible to type fingerprints taken directly from the surface as well as fingerprints removed from the surface with scotch tape.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to determine if latent fingerprints deposited on the exterior glass surfaces of vehicles, then covered in debris, can be recovered. Past research used liquid latex to lift soot to recover trace evidence. Recently, liquid latex has been used to recover latent fingerprints along the bottom of vehicles. In this study, a total of 216 latent fingerprints were deposited on the exterior windows of three vehicles. Three control and three experimental latent fingerprints were placed on each side window. The vehicles collected debris for either 2, 3, or 4 weeks. After debris collection, liquid latex was applied to the experimental sections. The underlying fingerprints were developed with white granular powder. Control fingerprints were developed directly with white granular powder. A chi-square test revealed a significant difference in fingerprint recovery between the control and liquid latex method (X2 = 9.026, d.f. = 1, p = 0.003). An odds ratio determined that the control method increases the probability of latent fingerprint recovery by 2.68. Fisher's exact test indicated that there is no statistically significant difference between the detail of the recovered control and experimental fingerprints (p = 0.065). This study demonstrates that recovery of fingerprints is possible using the liquid latex method; however, the control method recovers more fingerprints on the glass exterior of vehicles. If latent fingerprints are thought to be present on the exterior glass surfaces of vehicles, the control method should be used to improve vehicle processing by investigators.  相似文献   

目的 建立NaYF4∶Er,Yb微粒悬浮液显现手印技术方法并界定适用范围与条件.方法 用NaYF4∶Er,Yb微粒悬浮液显现瓷砖、玻璃等19种(各50枚)不同客体上皮脂汗手印,并对结果进行分析比较.结果 该方法对背景复杂的非渗透性客体上的油汗手印显现良好,其效果优于普通ZnO小颗粒悬浮液.结论 该方法操作简便、适用客体广泛、背景干扰少,适合进一步研究推广.  相似文献   

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