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对于网络犯罪的刑法解释,主观解释论过于机械地理解立法原意,往往忽略了刑法的适用与社会发展之间的关联;虽然"以主观限制客观"或"在主观的基础上纳入客观"的折中解释在应对网络犯罪上显露出一定的优势,但实则是一种非必要的折中,反而不当限缩了网络犯罪的范围,导致难以有效规制网络犯罪;针对网络空间中层出不穷的新型违法犯罪行为,应...  相似文献   

周华 《法制与社会》2010,(24):69-70
以网络钓鱼为典型方式的网络犯罪随着信息技术的增长而增长,为规制此类犯罪行为,诸如美国等发达国家已经取得了相当的刑事立法成就,而我国现行立法模式难以应对此种新的犯罪形态。本文认为我国应当在吸取国外经验的基础上完善网络犯罪的刑法规制措施,加强单行立法,在以人为本、技术制衡和国际合作等原则的基础上建立我国专门性的刑法规制体系。  相似文献   

从首例“男男强奸案”司法裁判看刑法解释的保守性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏东 《当代法学》2014,(2):38-46
我国首例"男男强奸案"的司法判决在一定程度上诠释了刑法解释的保守性命题,值得刑法解释论予以深入检讨。"文本原意"应当获得刑法解释论的充分确认,并将其作为入罪解释时不可逾越的刚性底线,以有效杜绝司法上犯罪化现象。刑法解释论上,"法律漏洞"可以划分为"真正的法律漏洞"与"非真正的法律漏洞"、犯罪化功能性的法律漏洞与非犯罪化功能性的法律漏洞。在现代刑事政策理念下考量真正的法律漏洞时应注意区分其政策功能属性,犯罪化功能性的法律漏洞不准许通过刑法解释加以司法填补,而非犯罪化功能性的法律漏洞则可以进行刑事政策考量并准许通过刑法解释加以司法填补。承认、发现刑法漏洞尤其是真正的刑法立法漏洞,然后通过修订完善刑法立法以填补刑法立法漏洞,而不是通过刑法解释技术来对刑法漏洞进行司法填补,是实现良法之治的基本要求,也是刑法解释的保守性所内含的基本立场。  相似文献   

"网络钓鱼"与刑法规制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前"网络钓鱼"现象十分猖獗,带来了严重的社会危害,国际社会积极应对,其中以美国最为重视.随着我国网上银珩币电子交易的发展和普及,"网络钓鱼"犯罪在国内也屡屡出现,而我国刑法对此却应对不足,因此我们应当借鉴美国的先进做法,对相关立法进行完善.  相似文献   

网络空间犯罪是计算机犯罪、网络犯罪在网络平台时代的新相态,为了有效打击网络空间犯罪,中国刑法既要坚持本土化发展,也要借鉴国外立法的成功经验,积极推动国际社会相关立法协调一致。计算机数据和信息系统安全是独立的公共法益,应当给予全面的刑法保护。惩治网络化的传统犯罪应当坚持科学防控和法治原则,避免以刑代管,更不应突破法律规定解释立法。妨害信息网络安全管理秩序犯罪是独立的、具有"积量构罪"特征的正当立法,司法适用中应坚持独立适用和实质正当原则,合理缩限解释构成要件要素,对情节要件进行必要的类型化。充分保护个人信息符合中国国家利益、公共利益和公众利益,应在平衡个人信息法律保护和合法利用的基础上,为公民个人信息提供更全面的法律保护。  相似文献   

涉信用卡犯罪刑法修正案及立法解释解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近期,全国人大常委会相继颁布了有关信用卡犯罪的立法解释和刑法修正案,从而为打击涉信用卡犯罪提供了充分的刑法依据.本文主要就立法解释及修正案中所规定有关信用卡犯罪的相关内容如"信用卡"的含义、"使用以虚假的身份证骗领的信用卡"行为的认定以及"妨害信用卡管理的"行为的界定等内容进行探讨.  相似文献   

网络时代我国刑法解释的理论与实践呈明显的扩张化趋势,这一趋势以解决社会中出现的问题为导向,不断地突破罪刑法定原则。划定刑法解释的内部限度应该在坚持"法条用语的可能含义"、"一般人的预测可能性"这两条一般标准的前提下,先根据网络犯罪的类型确定刑法解释的大致方向,再根据网络犯罪与传统犯罪的等价性确定刑法解释的具体限度。划定刑法解释的外部限度应该立足于现实主义的网络治理模式,探索刑法与准则、市场、技术各自作用的边界:刑法不应该沦为保护网络准则的工具;刑法应该为P2P网贷等互联网金融的发展留有出路;通过技术代码能够保护的法益不应求助于刑法。  相似文献   

一、"轻轻重重"刑事政策概述第二次世界大战后,世界各国的刑事政策呈现出朝着"轻轻"和"重重"两个方向并行发展的特点。所谓"轻轻",是指对罪行轻微或主观恶性较轻的犯罪,进行更为轻缓的政策性调整和处理,具体表现为立法上的非犯罪化(即缩小犯罪圈、将一些轻微的犯罪从刑法中剥离出  相似文献   

在国内刑法中确认和体现国际刑法规范是缔约国应尽的国际义务,也是有效打击国际犯罪的需要。国际刑法公约中有关国际犯罪的实体法规定、程序和证据规则的规定、刑事合作的规定、预防性措施的规定等,应当成为国内立法体现国际刑法规范的主要内容。在中国,国内立法确认和体现国际刑法公约的主要途径有制定单行刑事法律、修改补充现有法律条款、立法解释和司法解释等。  相似文献   

三网融合视野下刑事立法的调整方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三网融合的趋势引发了"三屏合一"。网络与屏幕的融合虽然给我们的生活带来极大的便利,但是新的犯罪类型的出现,犯罪模式由"一对一"向"一对多"的转变,也给传统刑法理论、刑事立法和司法带来极大的挑战。采用传统的思路对于刑法规范的扩张解释并不能从根本上解决问题,传统犯罪的整体异化更需从刑事立法层面上进行积极回应。  相似文献   

从刑法的特征看刑法解释的立场   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刑法解释的立场,就是关于刑法解释的目标的理论,即解释者在解释刑法时应该处于一个什么样的姿态,是应当"固守原意"来解释刑法,还是努力解释刑法使之不断适应现实社会.不同的部门法的立法价值、理念及法律规定的方式等不同.会对法律解释的立场有不同的要求.刑法是公法的代表,调整的是国家与犯罪人之间罪刑关系,直接涉及公民的重大权益如生命、自由等,刑法的规定较为明确.留给法官自由裁量的空间极其有限.因此其解释更为严格.民法作为私法的代表.体现的是当事人的意思自治,立法的规定也较为概括、抽象,与刑法存在很大的不同.刑法解释的立场应不同于民法解释,刑法解释中形式合理性更具意义,应采主观说为主、客观说为辅.  相似文献   

In the context of the global information age, cases concerning the provision of technical assistance to commit cybercrimes are growing in leaps and bounds and a brand-new crime-as-a-service industry is beginning to take shape. German criminal law addresses this issue in the context of joint commission theory and individual incrimination as complementary, whereas the Chinese model, by contrast, has made marked progress in the fight against cyber aiding by introducing new criminal provisions. The change of cyber-aiding indeed represents a significant challenge to current criminal legislation and consideration of its criminal countermeasures is indispensably significant.  相似文献   

在理论研究的层面,国际犯罪的范围包括战争罪、侵略罪、危害人类罪等31种犯罪。在对这些国际犯罪进行类分时,根本立足点是国际犯罪,即以国际犯罪的自身特性为视角。由于国际犯罪是一定的主体所实施的严重危害国际社会共同利益,依据国际刑法应当承担刑事责任的行为,因此,在划分国际犯罪的基本类型时,可以采取如下几项标准:一是国际刑法的"两重性";二是国际犯罪的主体;三是国际犯罪的行为特征;四是国际犯罪侵害的法益。  相似文献   

The individual liability of corporate officers for crimes that are often framed as transnational human rights abuses is much debated. While it seems that some standards of liability are developing in the field of international criminal law, standards of criminal liability in cases where the alleged crimes do not amount to international crimes remain to some extent unclear. This article will examine a concrete case that was investigated by the Frankfurt/Main prosecutor’s office. Additionally, it will be considered whether international soft law standards on corporate human rights due diligence have an influence on how the existing standards of guarantor’s liability, and especially that of principals (Geschäftsherrenhaftung), are to be interpreted in these cases.  相似文献   

Cybercrime has become a growing national and international concern because of its potential for widespread and devastating financial impact. Gauging the effect of cybercrimes is extremely difficult because of its multi-faceted nature and evolving definitions, especially in cross-culture analyses. Using data generated from cybercrime reports from two leading national newspapers during the past ten years, this study compares major cybercrimes and law enforcement in China and the United States. Similarities and differences between the two nations are highlighted and policy implications are presented based on these findings.  相似文献   

Conclusion With the Laundering Convention, the Council of Europe has contributed once again to the development of the international criminal law and to the promotion of international criminal law cooperation. The Council has shown that it is possible to elaborate a complex, highly technical convention within a period of less than a year so long as the political will exists. It is now a matter for the individual member states and other states to sign, if they have not done so, or to ratify, if they have already signed the convention. The future of the Laundering Convention lies in the hands of those states that have responsibility for its application. An efficient tool for international criminal law cooperation has been created-it must now be used.This is a revised version of a paper presented at an international workshop on Principles and Procedures for a New Transnational Criminal Law, organized jointly by the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law and the Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Germany, May 21–25, 1991. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Council of Europe.Juris kandidat, Uppsala University 1979. The author was Secretary to the Council of Europe expert committee that elaborated the Laundering Convention.  相似文献   

This article dissects the Tadi court's argument for findingthe doctrine of joint criminal enterprise in the ICTY Statute.The key arguments are identified and each are found to be eitherproblematic or insufficient to deduce the doctrine from thestatute: the object and purpose of the statute to punish majorwar criminals, the inherently collective nature of war crimesand genocide and the conviction of war criminals for joint enterprisesin World War II cases. The author criticizes this over-relianceon international case law and the insufficient attention tothe language of criminal statutes when interpreting conspiracydoctrines. The result of these mistakes is a doctrine of jointcriminal enterprise that fails to offer a sufficiently nuancedtreatment of intentionality, foreseeability and culpability.Specifically, the doctrine in its current form suffers fromthree conceptual deficiencies: (1) the mistaken attributionof criminal liability for contributors who do not intend tofurther the criminal purpose of the enterprise, (2) the impositionof criminal liability for the foreseeable acts of one's co-conspiratorsand (3) the mistaken claim that all members of a joint enterpriseare equally culpable for the actions of its members. The authorconcludes by briefly suggesting amendments to the Rome Statuteto rectify these deficiencies.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on domestic law in the Netherlands, with special regard to criminal procedure. The Convention has contributed to slow but profound transformations in the structure of criminal proceedings and to making these proceedings more adversarial and more rights oriented. It has opened up the Dutch system of criminal justice to the world and forced it to adapt itself to international standards of fairness. As a result, this system has become less naïve, more sophisticated, and more mature. Moreover, the case of the Netherlands illustrates how the Convention acts as a motor of convergence between civil law and common law systems of criminal justice.  相似文献   

论国际法与和谐世界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龚瑜 《现代法学》2006,28(6):158-164
利用法律尤其是国际法维护国际和平是法学家们的崇高理想,国际条约是谋求国际和平与建立和谐世界的重要方式,推进国际经贸发展与解决经贸冲突是构建和谐世界的重要措施,国际法解决国际争端的目的在于谋求国际和平与建立和谐世界,从谋求国际和平到建立和谐世界是国际法目标的超越。“国际法—国际和平—和谐世界”之间具有内在逻辑联系。  相似文献   

Between May 1997 and August 2006 over 3,000 new crimes and offences entered the statute book expanding the criminal law exponentially and insinuating criminal liability into areas of everyday life previously untouched. This unremitting intensification of the criminal law where often quite random and unrelated provisions are embedded in huge, generic and virtually annual Criminal Justice Acts has made the law inaccessible and unknowable to the public, and uncertain to those charged with interpreting and applying it. This article examines the phenomenon of accretion in the criminal law within the last decade drawing on historico-legal contexts, jurisprudential theory (particularly the Rule of Law), and contemporary illustrations. It argues that uncontrolled legislative accretion and a bloated statute book may introduce dangerous levels of uncertainty into the law not only undermining its integrity but eroding the essential mutual respect between government and the governed which legitimises the authority of the criminal law. The political hothouse of spin-cycle government has sought to rely on the creation of new law as the panacea to all ills blurring the democratic boundary between citizen and government.
Candida HarrisEmail:

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