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The world economy is now plagued by the deadly A/H1N1 flu. While many worry that it will cause a further economic slide, Ni Xiaolin, a senior commentator with Xinhua News Agency, told Beijing Review that she believes its influence on the Chinese economy can be limited. Her comments follow.  相似文献   

Playing the Role     
The G20 London summit made history. While applauding the summit's productive communique, Ni Xiaoling, senior financial observer with Xinhua News Agency, warns of the gap between the greater responsibilities the International Monetary Fund shoulders and its limited capabilities to play the role of coordinator in economic globalization.  相似文献   

文章对黄育馥和刘霓的著作《e时代的女性———中外比较研究》做了评述,认为该书填补了我国从性别角度研究信息技术社会问题论著的空白。本文分析了该书揭示性别“数字鸿沟”的方法、过程,归纳了形成“数字鸿沟”的原因,重点论述了性别数字鸿沟使女性在全球化中处于不利地位的观点,并提出相应消除性别数字鸿沟的方针和建议。  相似文献   

行政公益诉讼发展到今天.在全球基本已形成两种典型的模式,即英美法系模式和大陆法系模式。两大行政公益诉讼模式很难说孰优孰劣.他们都是从自己的法律制度中演化出来的新型诉讼,对传统的行政诉讼制度构成一定的挑战。尽管各国(地区)行政公益诉讼的表现形式和称谓不尽一致,但却有许多共同特征:  相似文献   

如何激励私人积极提起行政公益诉讼以维护社会公共利益,已成为构建行政公益诉讼制度的重要课题。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》的修改已经提上议事日程,行政公益诉讼何去何从,已经到了无法回避的地步。近年来,围绕行政公益诉讼问题可谓是观点纷呈。热吹捧者有之,冷思考者有之,反对者也不乏。为了使得我国行政公益诉讼制度的最终确立有一个坚实的理论基础,尚有大量的问题需要进一步的探讨。这里发表的一组笔谈是黄学贤教授主持的司法部项目《行政公益诉讼研究》(06SFB5007)的阶段性研究成果。由于是笔谈,课题组成员(黄学贤教授的两个研究生:陈峰、廖振权)观点不强求一致,其宗旨是为《行政诉讼法》的修改提供一孔之见。本刊将分上、下两部分对其予以摘登。  相似文献   

The joint meeting mechanism for the National Human Rights Action Plan(NHRAP)is a multi-faceted mechanism which unifies political,legislative,administrative,judicial and social sectors.It undertakes the responsibility of formulating,implementing,supervising and evaluating the NHRAP,promotes mutual learning,exchange and competition among member units in the protection of human rights.Over the ten years since it was established,it has proved to be a successful innovative mechanism for protecting human rights that is in line with China's national conditions.In order to improve the operation of the joint meeting mechanism the NHRAP,it is necessary to establish a more effective coordination mechanism within the joint meeting mechanism,and to subdivide the monitoring and evaluation functions into three levels.  相似文献   

文学理论:从教学形态到理论本体探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张永刚 《思想战线》2002,28(4):76-79
探讨文学理论的学科体系和理论本体问题 ,可以从文学理论的教学形态入手。在我国现行文学理论教学形态中 ,其学科概念、范畴所指存在着一些习惯性的理解与表达错误 ,导致文学理论与文学发展史、文学批评相分离。文学理论的理论活力减弱 ,使其逐渐成为知识汇编。重建文学理论学科 ,改进其教学形态 ,其思想基点是深入探索文学理论赖以生存的哲学美学资源和文学构成本身。文学理论首先是一种“理论” ,思维与方法是其不可缺少的特质 ;然后是关于“文学的”理论 ,必须紧扣文学本身进行言说。  相似文献   

正The world gets tired of the U.S. ‘Wuhan lab leak' claim ‘They(the U.S.) have been saying that for almost a year. If there is real evidence, then it's the responsibility of the U.S. to share it," Marion Koopmans, a top virologist, told the BBC on May 27, when asked about her opinion on a recent U.S. report claiming it was "plausible" that the coronavirus had been leaked from a Wuhan lab.  相似文献   

"Today there are nearly 300 million people learning to play guzheng (a Chinese plucked zither) in China,but the number of people learning konghou is less than 500" Wu Qian said.Thus by contrast,konghou,a multi-stringed plucked instrument of the harp family,proves to be the one only for a selected few.However,Wu,a foremost konghou master and virtuoso,surprisingly seems to be very satisfied with this figure.As kong-hou has always been primarily made and played for display and appreciation throughout history,it is not likely it will ever become a popular musical instru-ment any time in the future.For the vast majority of people,they learn about konghou by admiring,watching,and listening to it and deem it as one of the most crucial musical embodiments of Chinese culture.Nevertheless,they do not feel any desire to learn to play it.  相似文献   

正China takes action to control an invasive species The fire ant, a creature measuring only 3 to 6 mm, recently caused a big stir in China. It has prompted a joint prevention and control drive by nine ministries as it has already caused a lot of harm that is difficult to control.  相似文献   

最近几年的村民委员会改选实现了真正的民主选举。村级民主选举将从根本上动摇村干部配合乡镇政府乱收费的行为,但这会强化乡镇政府所属的众多的站、所、室及公司直接进入市场,征收费用。乡镇政府的市场介入会导致巨大的效率损失。因此,有必要规范乡镇政府行为,而实现乡镇级民主选举则是规范乡镇政府行为的必然选择。而且,从笔者论证的结果和选举实践来看,在我国实行乡镇级民主选举是可行的。  相似文献   

“三流转”制度与中国“三农”问题的解决   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文指出,中国的"三农"问题是相互关联的,解决的关键在于实现农业生产的跨越式发展.另外还指出,中国农业生产的桎梏在于其三大要素流转不畅.在此基础上本文提出必须建立和完善"三流转"制度的建议.  相似文献   

Chongqing, Yunnan, Sichuan, from city cravings in below-zero temperatures to finger licking fondue-styled provincial penchants, hot flashes of steamy nights flare before the hungry eyes… Yep, we're talking hotpot. Chinese hotpot (aka huoguo) is one of the most popular meals in China. So where does it actually come from? Why is it so important in Chinese cuisine? What's in it? Why is it an ever sweltering topic? How does it stand the test of time? Time to dip into the hotness.  相似文献   

I F we think back to the China of some 70 years ago,it was the heir to one of the greatest civilizations in world history,but it was also a country that had en-dured unspeakable tragedies from foreign invasion,civil war,famine,and economic decline.Today,China is a leader in the global economy,it has pulled hundreds of millions of its citizens from grinding poverty,it has municipal and transportation infrastructure that is the envy of the world,and it is so technologically advanced that the country is now a genuine space power.Few countries have made such a rapid advance in so short a time.  相似文献   

法律规范的结构是法学研究中的基础性问题。目前法学教科书中流行的三要素说或二要素说,远未能达到使人满意的程度,对该问题重新加以认识是非常必要的。从法律主体的角度讲,法律规范包括立法者、用法者和司法者三个主体,相应地包括三种行为模式、三重行为规范。每一法律规范都是用法者规范,立法者规范和司法者规范的三重叠加复合体。  相似文献   

不真正不作为犯是不作为犯的核心问题,它在理论上和实践中都具有非常重大的意义,有必要对之进行深入研究。本文阐述了不真正不作为犯的概念、性质和成立要件三个问题,以望有助于不真正不作为犯之立法能日臻完善。  相似文献   

“经营城市”的新理念及风险回避   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
经营城市是市政建设管理的新理念 ,这一理念是市场经济发展和政府职能转变的必然要求 ,也是增强城市竞争力、完善城市功能的要求。经营城市的主要内容 ,主要体现在三个方面 :第一 ,盘活城市自然资本 ,实现自然资本的增值 ;第二 ,对于城市人化资本 ,引进竞争机制 ,实现公用事业多元化经营 ;第三 ,做好城市延伸资本的开发 ,树立良好城市形象。经营城市的理念是城市管理对新公共管理理论的理论的回应 ,但我们也要注意回避经营城市中所内含的风险。  相似文献   

以人为本的哲学阐释及其对思想政治教育的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从哲学角度对以人为本的内涵加以阐释,认为以人为本是一种对人在社会历史发展中的主体作用与地位的肯定,是一种价值取向和思维方式。当代思想政治教育中坚持以人为本,就是坚持人是目的和人是手段的统一,就是坚持个人价值和社会价值的统一,就是坚持人的自然属性和社会属性的统一,就是坚持生存、发展和幸福的统一。  相似文献   

当前推动习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想“往心里走”的举措具有整体性、全面性的特点。基于项目组开展的一系列调研,从基本认知、情感认同、行为考察等三个层面得出目前“往心里走”取得一定成效。但同时,在教育培训、自主学习、主动践行、社会宣传和评价体系等方面也面临诸多问题。应以体制机制创新推动教、学、用、宣的联动和集成;发挥领导干部、行业精英、教师群体等关键人群的带动、示范、引导作用;进一步发挥党校(行政学院)、社会主义学院、干部学院等主阵地在基层教育培训中的重要作用;坚持以引导性原则、实用性原则、层次性原则构建“往心里走”的评价体系。  相似文献   

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