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On September 21, during the general debate of the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed to all member states the building of a global community of development with a shared future. This initiative comes at a time when the world is halfway to meet-ing the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and at a time when COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on global development, and climate change is bringing both op-portunities and challenges. It aims to encourage countries to work together to steer the world toward a new stage of balanced, coordinated and inclu-sive growth. Inadequate, unbalanced and unequal development is a prob-lem faced by many countries and a major challenge to the international community. The solution put forward by Xi underlines the importance of common prosperity in achieving sus-tainable development and building a global development community.  相似文献   

Investing over $30 billion in 80 projects, from clean energy to digital infrastructure. Setting up a $10-billion emergency assistance loan facility for COVID-19 control. Approving around $9 billion in loans under this program. These are a few examples of what the New Development Bank (NDB), a multilateral financial institution established by the BRICS countries— Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, has achieved since its debut in 2015.  相似文献   

The Belt and Road Initiative makes an important contribution to the right to development in theory and practice in the current world. Since the reform and opening-up, the Chinese government puts the rights to subsistence and development before any other human rights, which effectively guarantees and accelerates a rapid economic development in China. Nowadays, countries along the Belt and Road have joined a "community of common destiny". Inside the "community of common destiny," countries have enjoyed not only the responsibility, rights and benefit of the right to development, but also a win-win cooperation that ensured the right to development. Therefore, the Belt and Road initiative enriches the UN Declaration on the Right to Development, and "community of common destiny" of countries becomes a higher form of the right to development.  相似文献   

During the three decades after the adoption of the Declaration on the Right to Development, the right to development has received wider acknowledgement throughout the international community, and has become a typical example of "third-generation rights." The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which puts forward 17 goals of sustainable development, was adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit on September 25, 2015. From the contents of the agenda, we can see that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development highly conforms to the right to development. Both match, not only in purpose and content, but also in object and subject, as well as in demands for countries and the foundations needed. We may regard the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as setting action targets for the realization of the right to development in the new era. Meanwhile, to realize the right to development in the new situation is to accomplish the aim of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The two adopt different approaches that lead to the same destination.  相似文献   

The development philosophy of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), one of President Xi Jinping's signature projects, has reverberated across the international community following its splendid achievements benefiting people across its participating countries. Over the past eight years, regions across China have opened wider to the world through the initiative, and win-win cooperation has been achieved between China and participating countries, Xi said at a symposium on the initiative on November 19.  相似文献   

From December 7 to December 8, 2017, the State Council Information Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs jointly organized the first South-South Human Rights Forum in Beijing. With the topic of "Building a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings: New Opportunity for South-South Human Rights Development," participants conducted in-depth discussions on topics including "global human rights governance", "inclusive development and South-South human rights cooperation", "China and the SouthSouth cooperation", "right to education for the countries of the Global South" and "poverty reduction, right to food and right to health", which achieved great consensuses and yielded results. This Forum was the first time that countries of the Global South have jointly discussed human rights issues.  相似文献   

科学发展观是新一届中央领导集体理论创新的标志性成果,是中国共产党在中国特色社会主义发展进程中,为人类认识未来和发展开辟的一个新的视角.科学发展观是由一系列相互联系的新思想、新观点、新论断构建起来的中国特色社会主义的发展理论.它标志着当代中国将走出一条独特的、既不同于欧美发达国家又不同于东亚新兴工业化国家的、促进人的全面发展和社会和谐进步的新道路及新模式.  相似文献   

西部大开发战略已正式开始实施 ,但“西部开发”并非中国之“专利” ,很多国家都有“西部开发”史。所以 ,借鉴国外成功之经验 ,吸取国外失败之教训 ,将会使我国的“西部开发”顺利进行 ,少走弯路。通过比较中外“西部开发”之措施 ,作者发现 ,私权在“西部开发”中具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

The Belt and Road Initiative not only represents a new blueprint for realizing the right to development, but also provides a realistic approach and a possible solution for it. With clear goals and paths, the Belt and Road Initiativ e serves as a model for SouthSouth cooperation to promote development. Under the background of China's economic progress, given China has the strong political will, adequate financial resources, and advanced technology to advance the initiative it will prove to be reliable driver of development. With the joint efforts of China and relevant countries, the Belt and Road Initiative will greatly promote the right to development of countries along the routes.  相似文献   

The economic rise of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) inevitably leads to a redistribution of power in the international system. Chinese leaders today accord a considerable priority to this group, and there are elements of realism, liberalism/institutionalism and constructivism in their approach. This article intends to study China's policy towards BRICS and examine the above elements so as to better understand how the Chinese leadership perceives China's role in the international system, and how it seeks to articulate its interests and enhance its influence.  相似文献   

基于区位竞争优势的产业竞争力:整合与升级   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着全球化和新经济的深入发展,以信息技术为核心的新技术革命加速了国际分工和世界产业结构的全方位变革,在发达国家推动建立全球生产体系的过程中,后发国家通常面临两难选择:融入这一趋势很可能成为发达国家获取低成本要素的基地,陷入“轴与轮”的困境;反之则可能被排斥在全球经济社会发展浪潮之外,进而被“边缘化”。破解这一难题的关键是提升后发国家的产业竞争力。传统理论对于提升产业竞争力的理论指导已力不从心,因此,需要结合特定的经济成长阶段,从区位竞争优势的视角进行深入研究产业竞争力的理论内核、外生变量和成长方式,在区住竞争优势升级中提升产业竞争力。  相似文献   

自从2000年《联合国千年宣言》把孕产妇健康作为八项千年发展目标之一以来,增进孕产妇健康和减少孕产妇死亡率成为全社会共同的重点内容。本文通过对全球孕产妇健康状况、自1990年以来的变化趋势及区域之间变化差异的分析,指出减少孕产妇死亡比率和实现普遍享有生殖保健服务的全球发展目标依然艰巨,需要发达国家和发展中国家共同为之努力。  相似文献   

Caught up in the whirlwind of the global fi-nancial crisis since last October, governments worldwide have rushed to adapt to the drastic economic changes that have occurred both in their own countries and internationally. Anticipating that this year may witness heavier storms, Wang Jian, Secretary General of the China Society of Macroeconomics under the National Development and Reform Commission, warned about some trends in China's macro-control efforts in 2009. Edited excerpts of his interview with China S...  相似文献   

全面建设小康社会是在中国特色社会主义旗帜下实现许多国家在资本主义制度条件下做过的工业化 ,我们就是要发挥中国特色社会主义制度和处于后发展方位的优越性 ,认识工业化的发展规律 ,把握全面建设小康社会与资本主义工业化阶段的异同 ,发挥历史主动性 ,兴利避弊 ,积极探索 ,从而努力干得比资本主义工业化阶段要多、要快、要好、要省 ,再创辉煌  相似文献   

From December 10 to 11,2019,the State Council Information Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs jointly held the 2019 South-South Human Rights Forum in Beijing.Participants from more than 80 countries,regions and international organizations discussed and exchanged views on such topics as "the practices and experiences of human rights protection in the countries of the Global South","path of human rights development against the background of the diversity of civilizations","building a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings and global human rights governance".Participants in the forum actively voiced their national human rights views,exchanged human rights development experiences,explored human rights development paths in developing countries,and reached broad consensus.In an international environment featuring the rise of unilateralism and hegemonism,the South-South Human Rights Forum issued a strong message of solidarity and cooperation among developing countries on human rights issues,and also conveyed to the world the firm determination of developing countries to jointly promote the healthy development of the world's human rights cause.  相似文献   

正As the BRICS group enters its second decade,the collective is now ready to consolidate its early achievements.In this context,the leaders of Brazil,Russia,India,China,and South Africa met virtually on September 9 for their13th summit under India's chairship,themed Cooperation for Continuity,Consolidation and Consensus.  相似文献   

本文通过对两个离婚个案的研究,从女性个人自主性的视角来考察在离婚的过程中不同的主体意识对离婚事件的影响。离婚事件中个体行为的差异实质上是女性个人自主性的反应,而个人自主性的程度与个体在社会结构中的位置有关。女性在家庭和社会中的双重角色在两个相反的方向上起作用:一方面,造成了她们周旋于家庭和社会的双重负担,使之成为弱势群体;而另一方面,又为个人自主性的成长提供了可选择的空间。离婚观念的不同,也和自主性有关。  相似文献   

The human rights cause in the world still faces structural challenges and crises, the factor of which including scarcity of living material resources, global environmental crisis and global terrorism. However, the existing global governance model and governance pattern have made it difficult to deal effectively with the above structural challenges and crises facing the development of human rights in the world. Therefore, it's necessary to advance and modernize global governance. In order to realize these ends, the Chinese government presents the ideal of a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings as the modernization of global governance and the Belt and Road Initiative as the proper project for this process of modernization. It calls on all countries to work hand in hand and work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind so as to realize the modernization of global governance and hence the comprehensive development of human beings.  相似文献   

随着中国逐渐成为国际治理结构中的重要组成部分,国际组织反过来在中国政策变迁中也扮演着越来越重要的角色。本文通过辨析超国家组织的"超国家性"和国际组织的"国际性",提出了国际组织在跨国政策转移过程中的特殊作用。在实证上,文章研究了联合国发展计划署(UNDP)在中国小额信贷政策制定中的作用。UNDP在最近十多年间有策略地向中国政府推介小额信贷扶贫政策的过程中扮演着信息传播者、政策试验室和政策顾问三方面角色。另外,国际组织在对发展中国家的政策转移的消极影响主要表现为对发展中国家的政策主权和政策价值的冲击。  相似文献   

New concept in five-year plan can be applied worldwide and beyond 2025 The Outline for the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25)for Economic and Social Development and Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035 contains a section on promoting the implementation of the Peaceful China initiative to a higher level.It states that protection of people's lives comes first and public security will be improved.  相似文献   

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