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试论罚金刑的缓刑   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着罚金刑的广泛适用,罚金刑暴露出越来越多的缺陷,面临着越来越多的难题。本文针对罚金刑的诸多问题加以分析,全面论证了罚金刑适用缓刑的可能性与现实性,认为缓刑制度是加强罚金刑刑罚功能的有力手段  相似文献   

关于完善罚金刑的构想   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
关于完善罚金刑的构想廖东明,朱华长期以来,我国刑法学界关于罚金刑的讨论一直没有间断,其占主导地位的观点是发展、完善罚金刑;与此相适应,立法界亦日益重视罚金刑的适用,近几年所颁布的刑法单行法规大都有关于罚金刑的规定。但众所周知,在司法实践中罚金刑的适用...  相似文献   

在英美法系国家罚金刑的使用范围非常广泛,除了最短时间监禁刑、谋杀罪以及叛国罪外,其余犯罪都可以附加或单独使用罚金刑。英美法系国家的法官在判处被告人罚金时,通常既要考虑罚金的数额与被告人的犯罪行为相适应,也要考虑被告人承受罚金的能力。由于受罚金的执行难的困扰,英美法系国家除加强罚金刑的执行力度外,更从立法入手完善罚金刑的执行制度,如在定期缴纳或分期缴纳制度的基础上,发展了日罚金制度、以社区服务偿付罚金、罚金易科劳役、罚金易科自由刑的制度等。  相似文献   

罚金刑的适用、执行问题越来越受到理论界和司法实践界的关注。但是迄今很少有人以效率观点分析罚金刑。笔者认为罚金刑的质量是其效率决定的,因此有必要用效率的观点,通过经济分析的方法探讨这个问题。一、罚金刑效率的含意效率是一个经济学概念,表明收益与成本之间的比例关系。犯罪给社会带来损失,罚金刑可以遏制一定量犯罪,尤其是贪利型犯罪,降低犯罪率。也就是说,罚金刑发挥其威慑力能够增加社会收益,这种社会收益就是罚金刑收益,也可以理解为罚金刑的威慑力。为了获得这些收益,国家要投入查处、执行费用,占用、消耗一部分社…  相似文献   

罚金是我国的法定附加刑的一种,无论在立法上,还是在实践中均有广泛的应用,但是在我国罚金的运用不很合理,以致于使罚金刑处于很尴尬的地位。本文将分析罚金刑的作用、地位、问题和完善罚金刑的建议。  相似文献   

略论罚金刑的法律适用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国修订前的《刑法》(以下简称旧刑法)由于受计划经济、“社会本位”思想的影响.忽视罚金刑的立法.适用罚金刑的法条少,可操作性差.适用率低。修订后的刑法(以下简称新刑法)适应改革开放和生产力发展的要求,扩大了罚金刑的适用范围,由原来的20条,增至142条.并结合我国司法实践的情况,对部分犯罪的罚金数额作了明确规定,罚金刑在我国刑罚体系中的地位愈来愈重要。但是新刑法关于罚金刑的规定仍不尽完善,加之以前又没有成熟的经验和相关司法解释可借鉴参考,怎样准确适用罚金刑.值得探讨。一、罚金刑的适用(一)罚金刑的适…  相似文献   

易科罚金制度及其积极意义易科罚金制度(即以罚金代替短期自由刑的执行),是指被判处短期自由刑的犯罪分子,符合刑法规定条件,准以罚金替代自由刑执行,折抵的罚金完纳后,原判自由刑就认为已经执行的制度。这是自由刑的一种执行制度,不是对原判刑罚的否定。对于易科...  相似文献   

试论罚金刑的效率齐文远王安异罚金刑的适用、执行问题越来越受到理论界和司法实践界的关注。但是迄今很少有人以效率观点分析罚金刑。笔者认为罚金刑的质量是其效率决定的,因此有必要用效率的观点,通过经济分析的方法探讨这个问题。一、罚金刑效率的含意效率是一个经济...  相似文献   

我国目前"执行难"的现象仍然日益突出,尤其是我国的罚金刑执行率更是不容乐观.影响罚金刑执行率的因素很多,但主要是"必并科"罚金刑数量的增加,使得执行率降低;法官对罚金数额的确定缺乏可靠依据,给罚金刑的执行带来困难;现有罚金刑的法律不完善使得罚金刑的执行缺乏制度支撑;罚金刑的执行主体不明确也是影响罚金刑执行的重要原因.  相似文献   

论我国刑法中罚金刑的立法完善鲜铁可一、我国刑法中罚金刑的现状与特色我国刑法典在总则部分就罚金刑的地位(第29条)、罚金刑的裁量(第48条)及罚金的执行(第49条)作了明确的规定,在分则部分用20个条文规定23种罪名可以适用罚金,后来全国人大常委会相继...  相似文献   

吕志兴 《现代法学》2007,29(5):175-179
《折杖法》的制定与实施使得宋代五刑体系名存实亡,主要表现为:主刑种类减少,刑种配置不合理。为遏制犯罪,宋政府通过颁敕和编敕,规定或创设新刑种,形成以臀杖、脊杖、编管、配刑、死刑为主的刑罚体系,凌迟亦成为常用刑,结果使宋代刑罚较唐代更为严酷。宋代制定与实施《折杖法》,本欲轻刑,但导致刑种配置缺乏科学性,刑罚轻重失衡,反而促使刑罚重刑化  相似文献   

The EU has recently mooted the possibility of harmonising minimum penalties. ‘Minimum criminal penalties’ refers to the lowest sanction available for a judge in a concrete case. Calculating the actual penalty involves legal mechanisms that might mitigate that penalty. Comparative analysis reveals that a distinction needs to be made between minimum penalties included in national criminal codes (in abstracto penalty) and the lowest penalty that might be imposed (in concreto penalty). Although in abstracto minimum penalties are found in the criminal codes of most Member States, they are fiercely opposed in others. In concreto minimum penalties that constitute an absolute limit to the discretion of a judge are even more controversial. Against that background, this contribution reviews whether or not the EU should force the Member States to impose absolute, in concreto minimum criminal penalties. It examines the justifications presented in recent proposals in light of legal and criminological research.  相似文献   

The author discusses some background matters concerning the US criminal justice systems that may provide useful context for non-US readers, and summarises the main general conclusions about the operation of community penalties from two decades' research. He also briefly summarises research concerning each of the major penalties that have been attempted. Why American jurisdictions have been comparatively unsuccessful at use of community penalties as alternatives to incarceration and whether that lack of receptivity can be changed is discussed in the conclusion.  相似文献   

财产刑执行完善路径之探寻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为刑罚方法,财产刑在抗制和预防犯罪中发挥着积极的作用。但是,司法实践中财产刑执行率偏低,这大大限制了财产刑尤其是罚金刑积极功能的发挥。因此,从财产刑设置的价值诉求出发,积极探寻完善财产刑执行的路径具有深刻的现实意义。  相似文献   

我国刑罚体系外资格刑的整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李荣 《法学论坛》2007,22(2):66-70
在我国刑罚体系外存在大量资格刑.这些资格刑无资格刑之名,行资格刑之实,且设计存在诸多不合理之处.为更好地发挥资格刑预防再犯的作用,有必要对这些体系外资格刑进行整合:在刑罚体系中增设禁止从事特定职业或活动资格;分解剥夺政治权利刑,将体系外的剥夺公职资格相关规定纳入其中;增设复权制度.  相似文献   

王克稳 《法学研究》2022,44(1):22-37
从地方治理的现实需要出发,无论地方创制性立法设定“其他行政处罚”,还是地方执行性立法补充、增设违法行为与行政处罚,皆有其必要性与合理性。行政处罚法第12条第3款,赋予了地方执行性立法以行政处罚补充设定权,为确保地方立法机关合理行使该项权力,有必要对其适用空间加以厘定。为避免行政处罚过.多过繁,地方立法机关补充设定行政处罚时,应当遵循“非必要不设定”的原则,并综合考虑义务内容的确定性、合理性和可履行性,以及违法行为的可认定性等多项因素。地方性法规补充设定的行政处罚,只能限于上位法规定的行政处罚种类,且不能突破_上位法规定的处罚幅度。  相似文献   

Mark Migotti 《Ratio juris》2015,28(3):372-391
In this paper I show that penalties are not prices, and explain why the difference matters. In section one, I set up the problem which the following two sections will solve: namely, that it is easy enough to make certain kinds of penalties look just like prices. In section two, I lay out and dismantle an argument for reducing the former to the latter; and in section three I dismantle an argument for taking penalties and prices to be pragmatically equivalent, on the grounds that the essential function of both is to attach costs to actions.  相似文献   

Tax offences and penalties are created to tackle tax non-compliance. Tax penalties bear civil liabilities while tax offences portends criminal sanctions. This paper employs the deterrence theory of penalty to determine whether tax penalties and enforcement agencies are effective in ensuring tax compliance in Nigeria. It is found that the dwindling economic situation in the country has diminished the deterrent effect of pecuniary tax sanctions. Hence, there is need to review the tax statutes. Corroborative effort between tax authorities would facilitate the probability of detection and punishment of tax offenders, thereby improving tax compliance in Nigeria.  相似文献   

This article examines whether states shirked enforcement responsibilities in their principal-agent relationship with the federal government when implementing a delegated environmental program. It evaluates determinants of environmental enforcement stringency, particularly whether penalties were less when imposed by states than by the federal government. It analyzes 6,048 hazardous waste administrative penalties across 32 states and all U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regions over 14 years. It finds that state penalties are typically substantially lower than federal penalties, and that penalty amounts are typically also related to the partisan composition of elected officials and the characteristics of enforcement actions, such as the type, seriousness, and number of violations. Factors such as the influence of organized interest groups, agency sensitivity to economic conditions or the economic importance of regulated industries, and environmentalist preferences of elected officials and the public are typically unrelated to enforcement stringency.  相似文献   

行政处罚与刑罚竞合是实践中一个相当普遍的问题,其产生的根源在于我国对犯罪行为既定性又定量,具体而言则有立法、司法和处罚方式等多方面的原因。对于行政处罚和刑罚的竞合,理论界多有争论,同时针对当前大量存在的以罚代刑现象,笔者认为有必要对行政处罚和刑罚的程序衔接做进一步的深入分析。  相似文献   

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