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于丹丹 《学理论》2013,(30):306-307
以工程类学生艺术鉴赏力的实际水平为调研基础,针对工程类院校艺术类选修课的教学过程、考核模式、教学反馈等方面进行调查研究,探讨了如何改善艺术类选修课在工程类院校中的尴尬局面,真正提升艺术类选修课的教学效果,弥补工程类院校学生艺术鉴赏方面的欠缺,切实提高学生的艺术鉴赏能力。  相似文献   

艺术类大学生思想特点和教育管理对策分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
随着我国高等教育的迅速发展,艺术高等教育也逐渐呈现从艺术精英殿堂走向普及化和大众化的趋势,许多大学因此增设和开办了艺术类专业。艺术专业学生的出现,给高校传统的比较严谨的学生思想政治教育和管理带来了新的思考和挑战,分析艺术类大学生的特点,以便探索提高艺术类大学生思想政治教育的方法和途径。  相似文献   

石小米  范红霞  刘丽  徐慧 《学理论》2011,(29):58-59
随着艺术教育的普及,艺术类大学生逐渐成为大学里的一个特殊人群,他们自身表现出与其他专业学生不同的一些心理特征。以山西大学2005~2008年艺术类大学新生为调查对象,采用《中国大学生生活应激量表》对艺术类大学新生的心理应激水平进行调查,为高校心理健康教育工作的进一步开展提供有效的理论依据。结果显示:2005~2008年大学新生心理应激量表总得分及各因子得分均有显著变化;2007年艺术类大学新生在总分及各项因子上的得分显著高于其他年份;艺术类大一男生与女生心理应激水平具有显著性差异;艺术类大学新生心理应激总量表及各分量表得分显著大于其他专业的新生。  相似文献   

张纯 《学理论》2013,(2):274-275
随着艺术高等教育的不断发展,高校艺术类学生日常思想政治教育在实践中凸显出特殊性和复杂性。通过剖析对高校艺术生的特点,结合自身实际工作经验,积极探索艺术类辅导员在日常的教育管理工作的有效方法,从而引导和促进高校艺术生的全面发展。  相似文献   

新媒体技术的发展日新月异,艺术类大学生深受影响。通过学生有关新媒体方面的抽样调查,可以发现当代艺术类大学生思想政治教育工作中的新情况、新问题。提出应对建议如下:加强官方网站建设,创建思想政治教育专业网站;以新媒体技术为依托,创建一支艺术类大学生思想政治教育工作者队伍;结合艺术类大学生自身及专业特点,在传统说教方式中有效利用新媒体技术。  相似文献   

陈荣荣 《学理论》2014,(6):233-234
以浙江工业职业技术学院为例,分析当前高职院校公共艺术类选修课程教学中存在的问题,从思想认识转变、师资队伍组成、课程体系设计等方面入手,试图构建以通识教育为基础,研究适合高职工学结合人才培养的高职院校公共艺术类选修课程教学运行模式,从而提高高职院校公共艺术类选修课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

改善高校艺术类教师对本科生专业课的课堂教学方法,对于提高课堂教学效果,帮助学生快速成长,具有重要积极意义。要提高高校艺术类本科生课堂教学效果,艺术类高校专任教师须对学生按照"动机——行为——绩效"的教育引导思路,重视课堂教学中的人文教学、案例情境教学和实践教学三个环节,通过课堂教学方法的改革,培养和激发学生的学习动机,促使学生树立成才理想,从"要我学"向"我要学"转变,以培养学生的创新能力、自学能力。  相似文献   

刘露遥 《学理论》2013,(33):302-303
随着民办高校发展速度的加快,一些旧的管理模式已经不能适应民办高校的发展,特别是民办艺术类高校,有其自身的特点。教材管理是高等学校教学管理中的重中之重,因此教材管理面临的问题亟待解决。以吉林动画学院的教材管理为例,论述民办艺术类高校教材管理工作中的问题与改革设想。  相似文献   

谢晓峰 《学理论》2010,(4):163-164
与普通大学生相比,艺术类大学生具备相对不同的心理特征,作为从事艺术类高校学生心理健康教育工作人员,我们应结合大学生的心理特点,研究把握心理和行为规律,提高工作的针对性和有效性。本文把认知行为矫正理论研究和高校管理的实际措施结合起来,在对艺术类学生心理普查和反馈的基础上,初步分析认知行为矫正技术对艺术类大学生心理健康教育的具体运用。  相似文献   

张坤  谢国洪 《学理论》2014,(3):193-195
美术学院大学生的素质缺失及现状,已经大大影响到了学生的职业发展与成长成才。以艺术知识内化成素质为切入点,通过相关研究及实践,有针对性地探索美术院校艺术知识内化为学生素质的途径与方法。旨在提高艺术类大学生素质,丰富素质教育手段,为艺术院校实施人才素质教育与人才质量培养提供部分可操作性方法与对策建议,对学生形成良好学风与提高教育教学质量具有积极作用。  相似文献   

New approaches to public management provide principles by which to organize the classroom as a case. In teaching public management one can enhance learning for practice by modeling, experimenting with, and reflecting upon the principles that one is teaching the students. The principles from the new ideas about public management that can be used to organize the classroom as well are strength through diversity, continuous improvement, teamwork, and empowerment. They represent changes in governing relations across the country and globe within which the new approaches to public management rest; each of these principles has a role in the “reinvented” classroom. Such practices require institutional support of various kinds as well. © 1999 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

Scholars and practitioners within the U.S. education system have focused considerable attention on developing new programs aimed at raising educational achievement for disadvantaged students. New programs are only one way to improve student performance, however; recent work in public administration suggests that public management and implementation practices might also have a large impact on student performance. Existing research shows that managerial networking, managerial quality, and effective personnel management can significantly improve the quality of the education received by disadvantaged students. Additional work highlights the contribution of representative bureaucracy. Because these research agendas have targeted the public administration literature rather than the education policy literature, this article seeks to bring this research back to education policy. Using data from several hundred Texas public school districts, spanning 1995 to 2002, and focusing on disadvantaged student performance (Latinos, blacks, and low‐income students), this article illustrates how both management and processes to enhance the representativeness of teaching faculty produce benefits for disadvantaged students.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of research on the causal relationship between arts learning and educational outcomes. Investigating these relationships has become imperative as policymakers increasingly prioritize empirical evidence of educational impacts, which often leads to curriculum narrowing that favors traditionally-tested subjects. Employing a randomized controlled trial with 42 elementary and middle schools in Houston, Texas, we find that randomly assigning arts educational opportunities reduces disciplinary infractions, improves writing achievement, and increases students’ emotional empathy. Students in elementary schools, which were the primary focus of the program, also experience increases in school engagement, college aspirations, and cognitive empathy. As the first large-scale randomized control trial of arts learning in an authentic school setting, these findings provide strong evidence that the arts can produce meaningful impacts on students’ academic outcomes and social-emotional development. Education policymakers should consider these benefits when assessing the role of the arts in schools.  相似文献   

生产式教学法是融智学在教学上的贡献,这是一种从第三种视角而提出的创造性教学或创新教学,是与协同智能计算系统配套的协同智能系统工程。生产式教学法通过一体化管理和创造性合作型教学模式整合解放师生双方的智力劳动,对大学的预科生、本科生、研究生均有效,针对词汇学习容易遗忘并难以坚持的现象,生产式教学法通过人人合作、人机合作的方式使大学英语词汇教学高效化。  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that arts and cultural programs offer multifarious benefits to individuals and communities. However, there has been little discussion in the public management literature regarding access to cultural programs for people with limited disposable income. Although the arts industry is increasingly emphasizing the importance of expanding cultural access for all, we know little about what drives individual nonprofit organizations’ strategies. This article draws on benefits theory and resource dependence theory to explore the relationships between different types of revenue and the extent to which performing arts nonprofits offer free access. The authors use a unique data set compiled by DataArts to test how various types of revenue influence accessibility to the arts and find that performing arts nonprofits receiving grants from local governments, foundations, and corporations offer more free access. The article concludes with a discussion of study implications and an application of benefits theory to other types of nonprofits.  相似文献   

陆剑锋  薛虹  曹明霞 《学理论》2012,(15):221-222
目标管理是提高效率的一种有效办法。文章借鉴目标管理的基本思想,在学生的共同参与下制定教学过程的总目标,并将总目标进行层层分解,使得每个学生明确自身的具体任务和目标,同时,采取合理的考核和奖惩办法对其进行有效激励,以此对高校《管理学》课程的教学模式进行反思。  相似文献   

杨杨 《学理论》2012,(7):147-148
普通高校网络教育学籍管理工作的好坏直接影响学生是否能如期毕业,其管理过程贯穿于学生入学、日常教学管理、毕业环节等,是学校最终"产品"的出口。旨在通过对普通高校网络教育学籍管理现状及存在的问题进行归纳分析,提出对现阶段学籍管理工作的对策和建议,进而加强学籍管理制度规范化,提高学籍管理工作效率,以达到促成教学管理过程质量的提高。  相似文献   

胡爱东 《学理论》2009,(17):153-154
评估是管理的重要职能之一,也是重要的管理手段。本文论述了开展医院评估的重要性,作为医院图书馆,是医院发展的一个重要组成部分,是医院医疗、教学、科研和管理等工作的主要情报信息窗口,是为医院医疗、教学、科研和管理等工作服务的学术性机构。应扎扎实实做好基础工作,不断以医院评估为契机,依靠图书馆自身的不断努力来全面提升自身建设的发展。  相似文献   

Corporate governance has long been a feature of the arts and cultural sector and is a requirement for all cultural organisations seeking public funding, regardless of their size. However, despite the ubiquity of corporate governance in the arts and cultural sector, there is little research addressing the experiences of managers. This study examines the experiences of managers in performing arts organisations in working with their boards, based on data collected across 20 performing arts organisations in Australia using a stakeholder salience lens. Our results indicate that while the board is seen as a key organisational stakeholder, managers have a range of concerns about the governance role of boards, and in particular their limited effectiveness on the dimensions of legitimacy and urgency. We find that arts managers often must wrestle with competing agendas around creative autonomy and the low‐risk appetite of their management boards. Our findings highlight the need to re‐align, particularly in small‐ and medium‐sized organisations, the organisational needs of arts managers with corporate governance arrangements, without detracting from creative endeavours.  相似文献   

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