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吸毒人员的群体特征:海洛因和新型毒品的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国毒品问题从海洛因向新型毒品演变的背景下,本文使用上海的调查数据,从人口特征、吸毒行为模式、人际交往网络、性行为与艾滋病风险四个方面,对海洛因和新型毒品两类吸毒人员的群体特征进行了系统的比较分析.结果发现,两类毒品的滥用流行具有相当大的差异性.  相似文献   

正当前,我国吸毒人数持续增长,吸毒人员呈现出逐步低龄化的趋势。根据国家禁毒委员会公布的数据,2015年,35岁以下青少年占在册吸毒人员数量的62.4%。近3年,山东登记的吸毒人员以年均37%的速度在递增,其中35岁以下的青少年占73.4%。虽然青少年吸毒是一个复杂的社会问题,有个人、家庭、学校、社会各方面因素,但缺乏有的放矢的毒品预防教育,特别是  相似文献   

张维 《学理论》2013,(8):63-64,105
近年来,随着国内外毒品贸易和毒品种类的增加,吸毒人数逐年剧增,其中,女性吸毒者所占比例也越来越大。女性作为一个特殊的吸毒群体,在生理和心理上具有特殊性,毒品不仅对女性吸毒者个人带来伤害,更对其家庭和整个社会都带来了极其严重的危害。女性较之男性,天性情感丰富,心思细腻,心理特征明显,复吸率居高不下,成为阻碍戒毒工作进程的重要因素。  相似文献   

程青 《瞭望》1999,(12)
吸霉和禁毒是个世界性问题,几平所有国家的洁律都明文规定禁止吸毒。但是为什么吸毒现象仍屡禁不止,而且吸毒人群又以青年中年为主。是什么原因致使他们吸上第一口?他们由此发生的心理与生理变化又是什么?他们有没有设想过吸毒带来的后果?他们是否为自己的这一行为后悔?记者近日来到北京南公安局缉毒处第一强制戒毒所(太阳宫强制戒毒所)和第二强制戒毒所(顺康强制戒毒所),对四名戒毒人员进行了采访。他们的共同之处都是因为交友不当而沾染毒品,以为毒品能够带来解脱和安慰,但实际上他们及他们的亲友体会到的是更大的痛苦和心理创伤,他们痛悔自己吸霉成瘾却无力自拔。他们都表示从戒毒所出去,一定自别毒品。第一强制戒毒所所长崔席斌告诉记者:一个人一经沾染毒品,对毒品的记忆是很难磨灭的。尽管经过一段治疗尿检转阴,躯体脱瘾完毕,要真正戒掉“心瘾”却很不容易。而且吸过毒的人往往心理比较脆弱,从戒毒所出去后碰到压力和不顺心的事很容易复吸,”家庭和社会应该多多关心他们。复吸更主要的原因是社会上毒源断不了,这也是我们所深深忧虑的。崔席斌所长目睹了一个又一个毒品的受害者,一次又一次面对他们亲人的痛哭流涕,他希望通过记者对所有吸霉者说:“戒毒先戒毒友。戒毒是十  相似文献   

铁路站车人体藏毒犯罪的特点及定性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着毒品市场的不断扩大,毒品犯罪手段的不断升级,人体藏毒犯罪成为铁路毒品犯罪的主要形式之一.人体藏毒有体表藏毒和体内藏毒两种基本形式.铁路人体藏毒犯罪具有携毒人员结构复杂、犯罪组织更加集团化和规模化、毒品运输每年有阶段性高潮、贩毒组织选择站车以及毒品流向相对固定、人体藏毒犯罪隐蔽性高、查获难度大等特点.但目前我国相关法律法规对此类毒品犯罪案件却没有明确规定具体的认定标准和衡量尺度,这使得实务部门在认定此类犯罪上很难把握.为此,根据司法运作的实际情况,对铁路站车人体藏毒犯罪的罪与非罪、非法持有毒品罪与运输毒品罪、运输毒品罪的既遂与未遂、运输毒品罪的共同犯罪认定等问题进行探讨,以便更有力地打击铁路站车毒品犯罪活动.  相似文献   

毒品犯罪日益猖獗,并逐步向有组织犯罪的方向发展。在重刑治毒的政策下,有组织毒品犯罪陷入越打击越多的困境。从经济学的角度看,有组织毒品犯罪的猖獗是毒品供给市场与需求市场共同作用的结果——低成本、高利润促使毒品制贩严重,供给市场毒源充足;吸毒群体日益庞大,需求市场持续存在。有效治理有组织毒品犯罪应从"供""需"两个方面入手,解决"供"的问题就要"堵源截流",打击毒品制贩;解决"需"的问题就要"禁吸戒毒",压缩毒品市场。  相似文献   

正近年来,受国际毒品问题泛滥的影响,我国禁毒形势愈来愈严峻。为应对我国吸毒人员不断增多,戒毒人员复吸率居高不下的严峻毒情,促进戒毒工作的融合发展,通过整合戒毒资源,构建"大戒毒"工作体系,形成戒毒工作的整体合力已成为司法行政戒毒工作的重中之重。如同参天的大树离不开养育它的肥沃土壤,振翅高飞的雄鹰离不开拥抱它的广阔天空,戒毒工作融合发展也离不开全社会阳光和雨露般的滋润。  相似文献   

根据我国《铁路法》和《禁毒法》规定,铁路公安人员可以通过安检和毒品查缉专项工作来查缉贩毒人员。利用铁路运输毒品分子藏匿毒品的主要方式有:体内藏毒,体外人体隐私部位或肢体部位藏毒,穿着物、服饰藏匿毒品,携带物品藏毒,人货分离藏匿毒品。发现、识别利用铁路贩毒嫌疑人的方法主要是观察、询问、检查和分析等多种方法的综合运用。  相似文献   

利用人的身体携带毒品,在我国并不是一个独立的罪名,而是走私、贩卖、运输毒品犯罪中一种越来越常见的藏毒形式。人体携带毒品犯罪中的证据,既有其他案件中常见的证据形式和证据特点,也有其独有的证据形式及证据特点。昆明铁路公安局在对近十年查获的人体携带毒品案件进行综合分析后,基于犯罪嫌疑人藏毒、携毒的方式,以及查缉手段、技术设备的应用,对这类案件中的常见证据及其固定、收集,进行了深入的研究探讨。  相似文献   

推行吸毒人员网格化服务管理工作是统筹利用社会资源,加强毒品治理创新的重要举措。其依托网格实现吸毒人员"发现得了、管控得住、服务得好"目标。在科学合理依法利用网格开展吸毒人员服务管理工作中,实践部门面临网格化理解认识偏差,信息化、智能化运作不统一,法治化、社会化推进困难等问题。在推进吸毒人员网格化服务管理工作中,要依法规范推进,强化组织领导,构建信息平台,推动智慧治理,实现社会合作治理,推动吸毒人员网格化服务管理工作纵深发展。  相似文献   

随着国内外毒品犯罪形势日趋严峻,在海关、机场、码头、车站等关键场所,为了实现毒品现场快速检验的目的,迅速确定和控制毒品犯罪,国内外的有关部门研制出多种便携式毒品快速检验装备,我国常用的有单项检验装置和综合型检验装置。现代化卫星监控技术也被用于发现毒源植物的种植情况。近年来,动物缉毒作为缉毒侦查的一种生物手段,在这个领域发挥着其他手段无法替代的作用。现在可以用以缉毒的动物有缉毒犬、缉毒猪、缉毒鼠、缉毒蝶等等。  相似文献   

公开查缉和延伸侦查是公安机关侦破毒品犯罪案件的两种基本措施和方法。铁路站车人体藏毒犯罪的特殊性,决定了公开查缉是铁路公安机关打击铁路站车人体藏毒犯罪的主要侦查手段和方法。面对铁路线长、点多,涉及区域广,人员流动密度大等实际,查缉工作要着重分析、研究行为人在运毒过程中不同阶段的心理变化所引起的行为性变化。为了有效打击站车人体藏毒犯罪活动,侦查员要树立强烈的侦查、法律、证据、情报技术等四个方面的意识。  相似文献   

David Vogel 《管理》1998,11(1):1-22
Drugs have long been among the most extensively regulated of all consumer products. Not only do all governments closely supervise virtually every aspect of their development, testing, production and marketing, but many also regulate their pricing and distribution. The pharmaceutical industry is highly globalized, with over half the sales of the fifty largest drug companies made outside their home country (Tarabusi and Vivkery 1993). However, until recently, drug regulation was virtually synonymous with national sovereignty. Firms were required to conduct separate tests, submit separate applications, and meet distinctive criteria to enter each national market.
Because drugs are so extensively regulated and have such significant health and safety impacts, drug policy coordination has proven extremely difficult. Nonetheless over the last decade, national regulatory agencies have begun to cooperate more closely with one another. The European Union has established a centralized drug approval system, the United States Food and Drug Administration has become more willing to cooperate with its foreign counterparts, and the United States, the EU and Japan have made substantial progress in harmonizing drug approval requirements under the auspices of a new international body, the International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for the Registration of Pharmaceutical Products (ICH). This article describes and assesses the implications of the increase in international coordination of national drug approval policies. It argues that the undermining of national regulatory sovereignty has improved both the effectiveness and efficiency of government regulation.  相似文献   

The AFP Drug Harm Index was developed to provide a single measure that encapsulates the potential value to the Australian community of AFP drug seizures. The index represents the dollar value of harm that would have ensued had the seized drugs reached the community. In the five years from 1998–99 to 2002–2003, the AFP and its partners saved the Australian community approximately $3.1 billion in harm through its disruption of illicit drug importations. Because the Harm Index is based on the benefits associated with an estimated reduction in consumption, it can be generalised to measuring the benefits of other drug interventions.  相似文献   

We develop an approach to conducting large-scale randomized public policy experiments intended to be more robust to the political interventions that have ruined some or all parts of many similar previous efforts. Our proposed design is insulated from selection bias in some circumstances even if we lose observations; our inferences can still be unbiased even if politics disrupts any two of the three steps in our analytical procedures; and other empirical checks are available to validate the overall design. We illustrate with a design and empirical validation of an evaluation of the Mexican Seguro Popular de Salud (Universal Health Insurance)program we are conducting. Seguro Popular, which is intended to grow to provide medical care, drugs, preventative services, and financial health protection to the 50 million Mexicans without health insurance, is one of the largest health reforms of any country in the last two decades. The evaluation is also large scale, constituting one of the largest policy experiments to date and what may be the largest randomized health policy experiment ever.  相似文献   

On 10 October 2012, the United States Anti‐Doping Agency published an investigative report on the use of performance‐enhancing drugs by professional cyclist Lance Armstrong. The report paints a disconcerting picture of the doping program that Armstrong and his US Postal Service professional cycling team managed to carry out for several years, despite being subject to many inspections. It contains a wealth of unique empirical data, including a large number of affidavits. In this article, we use this data to answer the question of how Armstrong was able to prolong prohibited behavior. In doing so, we focus in particular on the interactions between Armstrong and the many doping inspectors he encountered. Our analysis results in a variety of answers to this question. First, inspectors were confronted with an inspectee who behaved as an “amoral calculator” and acted strategically. The strategies of inspectors were not adequately attuned to such behavior. Second, the team's internal professional control was neutralized by various factors, including its strict hierarchy and the many friendships within the team. And, finally, the environment created strong incentives to start doping and subsequently deny doing so. We argue that the dynamics underlying doping necessitate a combination of measures to regulate the use of performance‐enhancing drugs in the field of professional cycling and beyond.  相似文献   

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