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印度教是印尼官方承认的五大宗教之一。据估计,1980年印尼的印度教徒约360万,占东南亚国家印度教徒450万至500万人中的70—80%。①他们主要集中在巴厘岛。在印尼历史上,印度教在爪哇等岛曾有相当大的影响。  相似文献   

印尼是世界上穆斯林最多的国家,但是大部分印尼人尤其是爪哇人信奉的伊斯兰教有别于其他国家或地区,即带有浓厚爪哇特色的伊斯兰教,是伊斯兰教与爪哇原始文化以及印度文化相结合而成的爪哇伊斯兰教。爪哇伊斯兰教强调的是实现内心或精神和谐以及社会和谐的价值观,但现实的印尼社会却与“和谐”相距甚远,所以爪哇伊斯兰教所崇尚和追求的只能说是理想中的和谐。  相似文献   

在漫长的历史进程中,经由爪哇传人印尼巴厘岛的印度教按照当地社会的信仰和习俗特点进行了调适,形成明显有异于原宗教的风格.这既体现在宗教教义、教徒的修行方式和宗教仪式等方面,也在祭品的地位上得到反映.这些深刻的变化是由于印度教自身的特点和巴厘岛特殊的人文地理环境等因素导致的.  相似文献   

印尼是世界上第五个人口最多的国家,而且人口的分布极不均匀。在它一亿四千多万人口中,约九千万人聚居在只占全国总面积百分之七的爪哇岛上,使爪哇岛成为世界上人口最稠密的地区之一。相形之下,印尼其他岛屿就好象是人烟稀少的荒凉地区了。过去历届政府对节制生育视为“不道德”,因而宁愿把爪哇岛的居民迁移到外岛去,作为解决爪哇岛人口过密的措施。然而,仅是爪哇岛本身的人口自然增长就已超过了历年移民的总数。  相似文献   

明朝郑和(1371—1433)是中国一位杰出的航海家。他率领巨舰百艘,七下西洋,远航亚非30余国,涉沧溟10万余里,历28年之久。郑和为增进我国与亚非各国间的贸易往来与友好关系,为推进世界文明的发展,作出了重大贡献。在七下西洋期间,郑和几乎每次都访问印尼的爪哇和苏门答腊等岛屿。下面介绍郑和在印尼(尤其在爪哇岛)传播伊斯兰教的情况。  相似文献   

苏哈托时期印尼的资源在爪哇族与外岛民族之间的分配,主要采取中央与地方财政分割的形式.其分配格局是:爪哇独占鳌头而外岛只分得残羹剩饭,它是主体民族与少数民族政治-文化不平等在经济领域的投影,反过来又深刻地影响着印尼的民族关系.本文将政治-文化与经济利益的纠结,作为探索资源分配与民族关系互动的切入点,并试图循此路径使问题的分析达到一个新的境界.  相似文献   

从印尼社会特点看伊斯兰教与政治的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
印度尼西亚是世界上穆斯林人口最多的国家,但伊斯兰教在政治中的影响较小.这是由印尼社会的特点决定的.印尼是多元种族社会,主张融和的爪哇文化占主导地位,印尼穆斯林大都属名义穆斯林,加之威权政治下的弱政党制度,使得印尼人更拥护潘查希拉而不是伊斯兰教为立国基础.  相似文献   

苏哈托政府上台后,逐步展开了在国内的移民运动。今后五年,它计划把爪哇岛的二百五十万人移居到外岛去。尽管政府的决心很大,但是在执行中存在许多问题,社会上也有不少异议,前景并不乐观。  相似文献   

Hildred Geertz曾对爪哇传统家庭做了实地考察,并完成一部著作《爪哇家庭:关于家族和社会化的研究》(The Javanese Family, A Study of Kinship and Socialization, 1961)。在这部著作中,她对爪哇“核心家庭”(nuclear family)内部成员彼此的关系,“扩延家庭”  相似文献   

土地与人口印度尼西亚包括爪哇、苏門答腊、婆罗洲(加里曼丹)的大部分、西里伯(苏拉威西)、摩鹿加羣岛(馬魯古)和由爪哇东端伸展到帝汶中的小巽他羣島以及无數的小島。爪哇島的大部分地区人口的密度很高,平均每平方公里390入。其他各个大島的沿海地区人口也相当稠密,惟內地則地广人稀,这种情况,尤以婆罗洲为然。在苏門答腊的棉兰和武吉丁宜等地附近一带及該島的東北端都是居民稠密。  相似文献   

This article provides both historical and ethnographic views of Eastern religion in Lithuania. The historical component is an examination of the evolution of Lithuanian interest in Eastern religions from nineteenth-century studies of Indo-European comparative linguistics and mythology, which linked pre-Christian Lithuanian religion with India and Hinduism, to increasing literary, scholarly and popular interest in India and Asia in the twentieth century, before, during and after Soviet occupation. The ethnographic aspect utilizes fieldwork and interviews to examine three Eastern-inspired religious movements, (Pagan) Romuva, (Hindu) Krishna Consciousness, and (Buddhist) Diamond Way, demonstrating three different adaptations of Eastern religion in Lithuania.  相似文献   

The experience of international migration is generally found to turn migrants into culturally hybrid communities. Yet, migrant communities often hold on to their religious moorings even as they relocate. From the 1970s onwards, the emerging leadership of Hindu settlers in Denmark consciously tried to transfer with them what they saw to be key aspects of Hinduism as they migrated to Denmark. In 1985, Hindus organized a major conference to position the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council) as the umbrella organization for Hinduism in Denmark. Later on they established a Temple of Indians called Bharatiya Mandir to provide a place of worship for local Hindus. The philosophy behind the temple conformed to the nondenominational Hindu nationalist vision of Hindus as a unified community. This article, which contrasts the aim of Hindu nationalism with the on-the-ground realities of Hindu mobilization in Denmark, reveals that two major factions spearheaded Hindu nationalist endeavors in Denmark from the 1980s until 2006. The two factions successfully launched several projects, and even collaborated in their execution, but the initiatives were beset with rivalries that hampered the communal unity they had set out to achieve. The authors analyze this factional rivalry as an expression of Indian political culture, arguing that tensions among Hindu activists in Denmark is an instance of the political factionalism prevalent in the Indian subcontinent. The unintended emergence of such factionalism represents the successful transfer of a core element of Indian political culture to a new locale through Hindu nationalist politics. The authors base their argument on field observations since the 1980s, recent interviews with key religious players, and more than two hundred pages of written materials that offer a rare entry point to the study of Hindu nationalism ex situ.  相似文献   

王琛 《东南亚研究》2020,(1):69-88,156
战略文化对一国的外交政策有着深远的影响。印尼具有悠久的历史,在古代深受印度教和佛教等宗教文化的影响,这其中就包含"曼陀罗思想"的影响。"曼陀罗"是指一种同心圆的结构,由核心与边缘组成,其变化由核心决定,并延伸具备了一种战略文化的内涵。本文对印尼自建国至今历经的外交政策进行整体分析,认为其外交政策变化深受"曼陀罗"这一战略文化影响,在其历经的苏加诺、苏哈托、后苏哈托等不同时期形成了不同的"曼陀罗"结构,并且由于不同时期外交政策的核心不同,其边缘也发生了变化和延展。从战略文化视角对"曼陀罗思想"等进行理论和案例分析,不仅有利于理解印尼的外交政策,而且能够为中国对印尼政策提供相关政策参考。  相似文献   

Chih-yu Shih 《East Asia》2014,31(2):93-101
Southeast Asian studies of Chinese humanities are intertwined with the changing discourses and practices of Chineseness of indigenous Chinese residents. However, scholars rarely encounter this subject. Humanity and pragmatism are two distinctive features of how intellectuals of Southeast Asia understand China and Chineseness in the twenty-first century. These features emerge because descendants of Chinese historical migrants comprise a significant portion of the population in Southeast Asian countries. The strategy of survival and development of the descendants, along with their evolving self-understanding, inevitably affects the perspectives on China and Chinese studies in their countries. These studies simultaneously implicate subjectivity, which pertains to how authors and their readers position themselves among ethnic, national, and civilizational identities.  相似文献   

中国的东南亚研究兴起于后毛泽东时代。我们可以把在过去三十年间研究东南亚的中国学者划分为三代,在第二代学者时期,来自东南亚的“归国华侨”在东南亚研究领域里发挥了主要的作用,他们与中国本土出生的学者一起推动了该领域的发展;第三代东南亚研究学者则都是中国本土出身。尽管研究东南亚的中国学者已经取得了重要的成绩,但与他们的西方同行相比,中国的东南亚研究还存在许多不足,如学术质量不高、因合作不够而导致学术上的重复工作、基础研究与应用性研究同样薄弱等。但目前在中国,一些受过良好学术训练的研究东南亚的学者以及优秀的作品正在不断涌现。  相似文献   

李忠辉  肖霞 《当代韩国》2012,(3):108-120
当前,韩国学研究已成为国内重要国别研究领域。本文运用文献计量学的方法,对1998~2010年间CSSCI数据库收录的韩国学论文数量与被引频次数量、合作论文比重与性质、作者机构分布、发文前10个单位分布、第一作者所属地区分布、发文期刊数量及载文量前10个期刊分布等进行统计,从各学科论文、作者及期刊三个方面解析国内韩国学研究现状与特征,把握其发展趋势,为国内韩国学研究的发展提供借鉴,推动国内韩国学研究更好地服务于我国经济社会发展。  相似文献   

Scholars of black South African popular music have established important connections between music and society. Lara Allen’s studies of pennywhistle-kwela, Christopher Ballantine’s research on marabi and African jazz/mbaqanga,and David Coplan’s social history of black city music, among others, have underwritten the new literature in South African musicology and cultural studies. Previous neglect of black popular culture has made oral testimony crucial to the writing of these musical pasts. Recent investigations in the field, which are preoccupied with the articulation of black struggle to music, and the expression of struggle through music, have adopted a more popular format. Within these, the autobiographies of Miriam Makeba and Hugh Masekela are integral, as is Lee Hirsch’s documentary film, Amandla!. The popularity of these studies and their subjects, and their foregrounded debt to oral testimony and veneration of ‘the Struggle’ has tended to foreclose scrutiny of their representational politics. This article questions whether their homological substitution of music and musicians for anti-apartheid struggles in a postapartheid South Africa enables the radical stories they would tell of that past.  相似文献   

The landlocked location of several post-Soviet states has significantly constrained their foreign policy options, helping shape their foreign policy orientations. This article asks how lack of sea access has influenced foreign policy patterns of these states. Three case studies, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan, are detailed. Based on field research, including interviews with policy makers, the case studies are used to look at maneuverability in foreign policy as well as how geographic proximity to the sea seems to be an important dividing line, distinguishing the foreign policy orientations of the new states, especially in terms of integration and cooperation with Europe and the United States, and relationships with Russia.  相似文献   

Several Australian universities have research, publications, subjects, programmes of study, or even Centres focusing on Europe and the European Union (EU), but European and EU studies in Australia have also encountered significant challenges. This article analyses their evolution from 1987 to 2014 and the sometimes discordant EU and Australian policies which have shaped their development. It first examines the origins of European Studies Centres in Australia, as well as links with the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence and the creation of the Contemporary European Studies Association of Australia (CESAA). It then considers specific EU initiatives and funding in the twenty‐first century, such as EU Centres and Jean Monnet Chairs, and the impact they have had on EU studies in Australia. It concludes with reflections about the factors that have encouraged or impeded teaching and research on Europe and the EU in Australia and ways to mitigate them.  相似文献   

This article studies how the economic crisis affects Ecuadorian immigrants' decisions on staying in Spain or returning to their home country. Before the crisis, Ecuadorians were one of the most significant migrant groups in Spain in terms of volume and degree of settlement. The crisis has destabilised their situation and modified their migratory projects in different ways. This article presents the three main choices facing Ecuadorian immigrants during the crisis: permanence, wait and see, and return/re‐migration. The analysis focuses on how the decision‐making process is carried out and on the different factors that lead Ecuadorians to choose each option.  相似文献   

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