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民用爆炸物品,作为一种特殊的生产原料,为我国基础设施建设、工业发展、经济繁荣发挥了重要的作用,同时它所蕴含的巨大能量也为人民的安全带来了隐患。本文就近年来的涉爆案件出发,探讨我国民用爆炸物品管理存在的问题,并提出相应对策措施,以期为减少涉爆案件的发生提供理论参考。  相似文献   

公安部部署涉爆安全隐患排查整治攻坚战为进一步强化爆炸物品安全管理工作,严防发生各类涉爆案件、事故,8月19日至20日,中国公安部在山西太原召开了全国重点地区加强民用爆炸物品安全管理工作现场会,部署全国公安机关从8月20日开始至10月底,开展为期70天的涉爆安全隐患排查整治攻坚战。  相似文献   

民用爆炸物品与公共安全、社会和谐紧密相关。山西作为全国性能源重化工基地,民用爆炸物品的生产、使用量大,使用单位多,分布范围广,安全管理问题尤为突出,制约了当地经济的发展,违背了科学发展观以人为本和全面、协调、可持续发展的要求。改革民用爆炸物品行政管理体制是解决这一问题的根本方法。十七大报告提出加快政府管理体制改革,建设服务型政府,为民用爆炸物品管理改革指明了方向。本文汲取西方新公共管理的理论成果,并结合我国实际,提出可以从推行政府部门绩效管理、完善政府信息化、构建第三部门三方面入手,开展民用爆炸物品管理改革。  相似文献   

1.2012年3月19日工业和信息化部、公安部、海关总署令第21号公布2.自2012年9月1日起施行第一条为了加强对民用爆炸物品进出口的管理,维护国家经济秩序,保障社会公共安全,根据《民用爆炸物品安全管理条例》,制定本办法。第二条进出口民用爆炸物品,适用本办法。本办法所称民用爆炸物品,是指用于非军事目的、列入民用爆炸物品品名表的各类火药、  相似文献   

正易制爆危险化学品涉及到的行业,除了军用爆炸物品、民用爆炸物品和烟花爆竹等传统与爆炸物品有关的行业之外,还涉及到了油漆材料、医药兽药、食品添加剂等行业,与经济社会发展密切相关。由于易制爆危险化学品的特殊性质,极容易用于合成爆炸物品,给公共安全带来威胁。因此易制爆危险化学品一直都是公安机关治安管理的重要领域和范畴。公安机关不仅对其购销、运输、使用的过程进行严格管理,而且还要对其销毁等环节进行监管。物联网技术的发展为公安机关提升易制爆危险化学品管理能力提供了技术支撑,为易制爆危险化  相似文献   

从4月1日起至6月30日,山西省公安系统在全省开展民爆物品枪支弹药安全专项整治行动。此次行动要求全省各级公安机关,要进一步加大安全检查工作力度,加强对民爆物品枪支弹药从业单位的安全管理;彻底收缴非法生产、储存、运输、使用的爆炸物品和枪支弹药,严防涉爆涉枪案件和事故的发生;加大对涉爆涉枪案件和事故的查办力度;严格落实责任倒查追究制;深入宣传发动群众,动员全社会力量积极参与专项整治行动;实行举报奖励制度,完善群众监督机制;各警种要密切合作,形成合力,确保专项行动取得实效;大力推进民用爆炸物品的规范化、科学化管理,建立长…  相似文献   

根据相关爆炸物品安全管理条例的规定,储存民用爆炸物品数量不得超过储存设计容量,对性质相抵触的民用爆炸物品必须分库储存,严禁在库房内存放其他物品。但是从近几年的情况看,民用爆炸物品的储存仍存在很大隐患,特别是性质相抵触的民用爆炸物品混合放置的行为仍然很多,给公共安全和人民的生命财产安全造成巨大威胁,由此引发的一系列惨案给国家和社会带来了巨大的损失。  相似文献   

2009年以来,山西省古交市公安局按照省委办公厅和省政府办公厅《关于进一步加强民用爆炸物品安全管理工作的意见》和上级有关文件精神,强化领导,落实责任,采取切实有效的措施,确保了全市民爆物品安全整治工作的有序推进,有效地预防了涉爆案件和事故的发生,为实现古交市转型发展、安全发展、和谐发展提供了保障。  相似文献   

[公布机关]国务院 [文(令)号]第466号令 [公布日期]2006.5.10 [类别]行政法·安全 [施行日期]2006.9.1 [同时废止法规]1984年《中华人民共和国民用爆炸物品管理务例》第一章总则第一条为了加强对民用爆炸物品的安全管理,预防爆炸事故发生,保障公民生命、财产安全和公共安全,制定本条例。第二条民用爆炸物品的生产、销售、购买、进出口、运输、爆破作业和储存以及硝酸铵的销售、购买,适用本条例。  相似文献   

在全国计划单列市中,大连市的民用爆炸物品生产企业与产量是最多的,现有民用爆炸物品生产企业9家,经营企业11家,爆破公司31家,爆破服务站40家。为此,大连市政府十分重视民用爆炸物品安全管理工作。  相似文献   

Suicidal explosions that lack a terrorist background are only rarely encountered in the field of forensic pathology. The investigation of explosion-related fatalities can be a substantial challenge in medicolegal casework. Determining whether the manner of death is suicide, homicide, or accident in such cases can present an especially difficult task to the forensic pathologist. This study considers the pathologic features of suicidal deaths caused by explosives without a terrorist background. The modus operandi of the decedents reflected familiarity and proficiency, or at least a degree of specialized knowledge, with the construction and use of explosive devices. All explosions were set off in confined spaces. The injury patterns consisted of a combination of primary blast injuries (e.g. decapitation, traumatic amputation of limbs, gross lacerations of the body surface, blast injuries of gas-containing and hollow organs), secondary blast injuries (e.g. splinter-induced penetrating trauma), tertiary blast injuries (e.g. abrasions and contusions), and burn injuries (mostly of the flash type). The previously described symmetric distribution pattern of injuries in suicidal explosions was apparent only to a certain degree in the present series. Our observation of superficially sharp-edged wound margins with bridging in the depths of the lesion in blast-induced lacerations of the skin should deserve further attention in forthcoming cases of explosion-related fatalities because this finding is a diagnostic possibility that may support the theory of an explosion-related fatality under special circumstances, e.g. when the body has been dumped away from the place of death. Because a terrorist attack may be initially suspected in each case of suicide involving explosives, the importance of a joint inquiry based on expertise from police investigators, bomb experts, and forensic pathologists is evident.  相似文献   

Throughout the post–civil rights era, colleges and universities across the United States have periodically experienced explicitly racist incidents on their campuses. From the hurling of racial slurs at students of color, to the hanging of nooses on campus, to students donning Ku Klux Klan outfits or throwing “ghetto” parties that caricaturize communities of color, these incidents challenge the notion that modern racism has changed to a more subtle form, referred to as color‐blind racism. We place these incidents within a broader context of race and institutions, suggesting a connection between overt racist expressions and the more covert elements of neoliberal color‐blind racism. Through a critical discourse analysis of news stories about these incidents, the website of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, and the controlling legal cases involving racist expression on campuses, we suggest that explicitly racist incidents operate in tandem with neoliberal educational policies and color‐blind racism to mark and reinscribe colleges and universities as white institutional spaces.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a number of the explosives contamination prevention controls that are adopted within the Forensic Explosives Laboratory (FEL) principal trace laboratory has been scrutinised. Within the trace laboratory, rigorous procedures for processing forensic swab samples for traces of organic explosives are routinely adopted by forensic scientists. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of these procedures, and the principle of separating the sample from the laboratory and the forensic scientist, explosives-free swab samples and appropriate controls have been processed, in accordance with trace laboratory procedures, in several explosives contaminated environments. In all cases, no explosives were detected in the post-processing samples, demonstrating that the contamination prevention procedures are effective, robust and fit-for-purpose.  相似文献   

Violence in entertainment districts is a major problem across urban landscapes throughout the world. Research shows that licensed premises are the third most common location for homicides and serious assaults, accounting for one in ten fatal and nonfatal assaults. One class of interventions that aims to reduce violence in entertainment districts involves the use of civil remedies: a group of strategies that use civil or regulatory measures as legal “levers” to reduce problem behavior. One specific civil remedy used to reduce problematic behavior in entertainment districts involves manipulation of licensed premise trading hours. This article uses generalized linear models to analyze the impact of lockout legislation on recorded violent offences in two entertainment districts in the Australian state of Queensland. Our research shows that 3 a.m. lockout legislation led to a direct and significant reduction in the number of violent incidents inside licensed premises. Indeed, the lockouts cut the level of violent crime inside licensed premises by half. Despite these impressive results for the control of violence inside licensed premises, we found no evidence that the lockout had any impact on violence on streets and footpaths outside licensed premises that were the site for more than 80 percent of entertainment district violence. Overall, however, our analysis suggests that lockouts are an important mechanism that helps to control the level of violence inside licensed premises but that finely grained contextual responses to alcohol‐related problems are needed rather than one‐size‐fits‐all solutions.  相似文献   

This essay evaluates the recent restatement in O’Brienv Chief Constable of South Wales Police of the law on similarfacts in civil proceedings. The two-stage approach propoundedin O’Brien contains a number of conceptual problems. Apparentsimplicity was achieved by avoiding fundamental issues underlyingthis area. Prior to the Criminal Justice Act 2003, judges recognizedthat the common law similar facts rule had a role to play inboth civil and criminal trials; but they gave the rule a widerexclusionary scope in criminal than in civil cases. Adoptionof a moral perspective helps to explain this state of affairs.The rule, so it will be argued, protects the legitimacy of trialdeliberation by forbidding reliance on an assumption that disrespectsthe moral autonomy of the person whose conduct is being judged.This moral objection can arise in civil cases; but it arisesmore frequently and usually with greater force in criminal proceedings.Hence, while there is a need to reserve some judicial powerto disallow proof of similar incidents in the civil context,there is usually less reason for the exercise of that powerin civil cases than at criminal trials.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to describe applications of two recently developed HPLC methods for the analysis and confirmation of the presence of hydrogen peroxide residues in field studies. The procedure utilizes two different HPLC systems, one with post-column derivatization followed by fluorescence detection (HPLC/FD), and the other with electrochemical detection (HPLC/ED). The two systems were utilized to detect hydrogen peroxide in a variety of typical forensic samples including pre- and post-blast samples, as well as a series of environmental control samples. Peroxide-based organic explosives were also examined due to their propensity to produce peroxide residues following detonation. Because samples collected from post-blast scenes are frequently shipped or stored prior to analysis, the effects of storage time, temperature and type of substrate material on the recovery of hydrogen peroxide residues were also investigated. The combined results of the study demonstrate the capability of two HPLC approaches with selective detection in the analysis and investigation of suspected incidents involving peroxide based explosives.  相似文献   


There have been few reported incidents of sexual abuse within nurseries until recently, when abuse has come to light as a result of investigations into online sexual offending. This paper uses information from serious case reviews to compare two of these incidents with a view to understanding the factors that might contribute to abuse taking place within nurseries. Information from the reviews points to the context and culture of the nursery environment being of key importance, particularly the degree to which relationships and the emotional health of the setting allow the offender to assume a position of power within the group. This has implications for the way in which nurseries are managed and regulated.  相似文献   

何颂跃 《证据科学》2012,20(3):278-296
在我国现代历史上。“医疗事故”这一词汇经历了从新闻语言向卫生管理语言、卫生立法语言以及民事、刑事立法语言演变的过程。由于国情和社会制度的特点.卫生行政部门长时间强势主导“医疗事故”事件的处理.也使“医疗事故”概念深深地植入于我国法官的思维之中.对法院民事审判理念产生了深刻地影响作用。因我国医学界、法学界和审判实务界等对于医疗纠纷的法律处理制度和观点分歧之大,超越了其他各国和我国台湾、香港地区的法学认识.以致形成了独特的医学法律观点——即“事故论”和“侵权论”。近年来随着民事法律思想的深入研究以及对侵权法律概念的进一步认识.具有浓厚卫生行政色彩的“医疗事故”概念逐渐退出民事审判的舞台.侵权思想已经逐步回归,充分体现了我国民事法律和民事审判的进步。  相似文献   

Published pretrial publicity (PTP) research has been conducted almost exclusively with criminal cases and has focused on PTP that is detrimental to the defense. The current research examined the effects of PTP in a civil case to determine if PTP can have a biasing effect against either the defendant or the plaintiff in civil litigation. In Experiment 1, participants exposed to PTP biased against the defendant were more likely to reach a liable verdict than participants who read a control article or PTP biased against the plaintiff. Experiment 2 demonstrated that a judicial admonition did not reduce the biasing effect of PTP about a civil defendant. However, participants given the admonition both before and after the trial evidence viewed the defendant as less culpable than participants given the admonition after the trial only or not at all. The implications for the legal system are discussed.  相似文献   

我国人民法院应当设立劳动法庭   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋月 《河北法学》2007,25(11):38-43
劳动争议案件具有不同于民商事案件的特点,无论从审判理念、审判模式、法律适用、审理效果等方面分析,由民事法庭审理劳动案件具有多方面不妥.我国劳动争议数量巨大,司法审判任务重.可以参照德国、以色列等国劳动法院的经验,在中国的人民法院设立专门的劳动法庭,待条件成熟后设立作为特别法院的劳动法院,专司劳动案件审判.劳动法庭宜聘请雇主、工会相关人士与法官共同组成合议庭,更专业地审理劳动案件.  相似文献   

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