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作为世界上老龄化速度最快的国家,韩国面临应对老龄化和发展养老产业的机遇和挑战。目前韩国养老模式以居家养老为主,其养老产业市场规模不断扩大,老年用品、医疗与居家养老服务设施持续增加,老年休闲文化活动增多,老龄金融持续发展。但也存在农村养老服务水平落后,专业人才不足等问题。韩国养老产业是由政府牵头、引导发展起来的,注重制定有关法律和制度等为养老产业提供成长动力和集中的产业扶持政策。中国是世界上老龄人口规模最大的国家,韩国是世界上老龄化速度最快的国家,两国皆对养老产业发展存在较大需求。为了共同应对人口老龄化对养老产业需求提高的发展趋势,中韩两国可在养老产业领域的诸多方面,包括在制定老龄用品范围和质量标准、医疗保健服务、养老专业人才培养等方面开展合作。  相似文献   

日韩两国的邦交正常化谈判历时长达14年.两国建交以后,历史问题亦是日韩双边关系波动的一大诱因.根据唐世平对两个国家和平与和解程度衡量的四个基本标准,即共同的(历史)叙事、加害国是否否认过去的罪行、加害国是否对过去罪行忏悔(道歉和补偿)以及受害国是否宽恕(加害国),对日本与韩国的"和解"程度进行分析和考察后可以发现,日本与韩国的"和解"仍然处于非常脆弱的、不稳固的"浅和解"状态.虽然日韩在历史问题(尤其是"慰安妇"问题)上一直存在政府层面的对话和民间团体的交流,但是两国很难达成一劳永逸的和解协议.日韩两国需要正视历史和解的复杂性和长期性,共同探寻促进历史和解的方案.  相似文献   

日韩两国拥有相近的习俗和文化,但又各具鲜明特色.本文分析了日韩两国文化的共性与个性,并剖析了两国文化差异的根源.  相似文献   

关于建立养老护理保险制度的几点思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
步入二十一世纪 ,全球将进入一个老龄化社会。如何面对老龄化的挑战 ,成为各国所必须面对和解决的一个问题。中国作为世界人口最多的国家 ,也将面对一个老龄化迅速发展、程度日趋加深的时期。随着老龄人口的增多 ,社会结构的变化 ,传统的养老模式已无法满足需求。面对传统养老工作中的诸多矛盾 ,本文试就日本在解决老龄化问题过程中所采取的一些措施 ,对中国在社会主义市场经济新形势下 ,发展养老事业提供一些新思路。一、日本老龄化现状及采取的对策联合国将 65岁以上的人口占总人口比例超过 7%的现象称为人口老龄化 ,处于人口老龄化状态的…  相似文献   

2025年,日本战后初期出生的人将进入75岁高龄期,医疗护理需求进一步增加。而应对2025年问题,日本政府陆续颁布了《社会保障制度改革推进法》(2012年)、《综合确保地域医疗护理法》(2014年)及《医疗保险制度改革关联法》(2015年),对医疗护理供给体制进行改革,构建高效的医疗供给体制和地域综合护理体系,实现医疗护理一体化。千叶县柏市政府与UR都市机构(原日本住宅公团)、东京大学老龄社会综合研究机构合作,经过5年努力,以建设附带服务功能老年住宅为前提,将医疗、护理、预防、生活支援服务有机结合起来,为老年人提供居家医疗服务,向医疗护理一体化迈出了坚实的一步。  相似文献   

日本是世界公认的长寿国家,凭借着75岁以上高龄老年人的显著增加,进入了史无前例的超老龄社会。一个健康、长寿的社会应该是当老年人在健康、自立的时候,积极参与社会活动,凭借自己的经验、技术、知识为社会做出贡献,当他不能自理、需要照顾和护理的时候,能在社区就近接受护理服务。而这样一个健康长寿的社会是需要建构的。文章从"长寿社区营造"视角,研究了日本在老龄化程度不断加深过程中,摸索应对老年人日常生活和养老护理需求的社区构建的过程。  相似文献   

苏炜杰 《港澳研究》2021,(1):56-73,96
养老服务业协同发展有利于粤港澳大湾区深层次融合,保障老年人养老权益的实现和促进经济社会全面发展。大湾区养老服务业在资源禀赋方面存在互补关系,且三地政府也注重在养老服务领域开展合作。但当前的合作中存在着发展水平较低、制度间协调不足和专门合作机制缺位等问题。在协同发展理论指导下,粤港澳大湾区养老服务业合作的重点是打破发展过程中的体制、机制障碍。对此建议制定协同发展规划、创新协同治理机制、提升养老服务法治化水平和加强新兴养老服务领域合作。  相似文献   

郝丽燕  杨士林 《德国研究》2015,(2):100-113,143,144
为了解决"少子老龄"引起的老年人护理问题,德国颁布了《护理保险法》,该法于1995年1月1日生效,并被编入德国《社会法典》第十一卷。随着人口结构、家庭结构的不断变迁,德国社会护理保险制度的问题逐渐显现,如保险资金赤字严重、居宅护理难以实现、护理质量不高等。面对社会护理保险制度存在的问题,德国各方提出不同的改革意见:改变保险金筹资模式、扩大参保人范围、提高保险费计算的范围、扩大保险费计算基础、提高护理服务质量等。德国社会护理保险法面临的困境及未来发展方向为我国构建可持续发展的养老护理体系提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

自1992年8月24日韩中两国正式建交一年多以来,两国之间的经济合作取得了惊人的成就,其变化促进了东北亚格局的变化。 在进出口贸易方面,中国现已成为韩国第三大贸易伙伴;韩国成了中国第六大贸易伙伴。两国进出口贸易突然增加到100亿美元的规模。  相似文献   

通过亚太信息基础结构进行韩中社会文化交流的方案郑进一一、序论韩中建交已过四年。1992年8月24日韩中正式建交后,两国交流在政治、经济、文化等各个方面都取得了很大的发展。但是与飞速发展的政治经济领域交流相比,文化交流相对落后,这是与其重要性不十分相符...  相似文献   

The effects of Arab Spring led to widespread dissent among Saudi citizens, culminating in governmental fear of civil revolt. Thus, the Ministry of Labour introduced many developmental policies such as localisation, women employment that aimed to develop the country and satisfy the needs of citizens to offset rising inflation. These policies were said to be in the best interests of Saudi citizens. This study has therefore intended to investigate the extent to which the Ministry of Labour engaged and consulted with its citizens prior to the introduction of those policies. This study found that Saudi citizens participated via social dialogues, together, social media and digital communication in democratic governance. However, there is a gap in the perceptions of the Saudi elite and citizens regarding the significance of citizen participation in Saudi governance. It was discussed that complete democratic governance cannot be adopted due to autocratic nature of Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

"弃老"是中日两国共有的古老风俗,尽管与"敬老"的传统相悖,但确是两国漫长的农业文明社会中客观存在的一种文化现象。日本小说《楢山节考》与中国小说《爸爸爸》中关于"弃老"的故事均能在中日民间传说中找到故事原型。"弃老"风俗中,老人或是被家庭遗弃,或是为了家庭、种群的存续和繁衍主动放弃生命,这反映了家庭养老能力在残酷的现实生活面前显得弱不禁风。通过对故事原型以及小说文本的分析,分别从物质层面与精神层面挖掘"弃老"现象的深层原因,其根源在于物资匮乏和粮食短缺,此外还受制于村落共同体形成的集体无意识等因素。中日同为东亚国家,目前又是人口老龄化颇为严重的国家,探讨"弃老"风俗不仅具有文学价值,亦有一定的社会意义。  相似文献   

This article examines how the combination of immature welfare state and expansion of the service economy, in particular, contributes to the precariousness of the elderly labour market in South Korea where nearly half of the elderly live below the poverty line. It completes an empirical analysis of how elderly workers in Korea are participating in the labour market and examines their situation using a conceptualisation of “precariousness.” It is explained how the elderly in an immature welfare state are pushed into bad jobs resulting in a large number of precarious “elderly workers” in an economically advanced country. Results of the statistical analysis suggest that, due to severe precariousness, the Korean elderly are unable to escape from poverty even though they work. Also, gender segregation of precariousness in the service industry has been exacerbated in the elderly labour market. Structural change such as the rapid transition to a service-oriented economy has a greater impact on elderly women than middle aged or elderly men because elderly women tend to have lower skill levels and shorter careers, mainly entering service occupations where the bad jobs are concentrated.  相似文献   

新加坡高校人文素质教育特色及其经验借鉴   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过分析新加坡高校人文素质教育的特色和经验,对比目前我国高校人文素质教育中存在的不足,借鉴新加坡的经验,提出以传承本国优秀文化、增强国民意识、增进大学生对我国历史和文化传统的认同感等为重点,进一步加强和改进大学生的人文素质教育,全面提高人才的培养质量.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the difference between two specific forms of citizens’ involvements, namely whether a vote is cast by ballot or in a citizens’ assembly in which people gather in town halls to decide legislative questions in a deliberative manner. We show both theoretically and empirically how citizens’ assemblies and decisions at the ballot box substantially differ not only in terms of their underlying model of democracy, but also in their structural conditions and, thus, with respect to the social inequality of participation. We test our hypotheses in a Bayesian multilevel framework using real participation data collected from 15 political decisions made in a Swiss commune. Our results show that citizens’ assemblies are not only characterised by lower participation rates, but also by a particular composition of the electorate. While citizens’ assemblies are more equal regarding income groups, ballots favour a more equitable participation in terms of gender and age.  相似文献   

Comparative research on the impact of globalization and international competition underlined that public policies were strikingly stable, contrary to the expected cutbacks in social expenditures. This resilience of the welfare state is explained by voters’ demands for social protection which can be related to new uncertainties connected to economic openness. The domestic demand approach conceives the welfare state as a means to compensate for the employment risks resulting from a globalized economy, and as a means to foster the acceptance of an open economy. This paper analyzes the link between globalization, insecurity and domestic demand. It considers the class specific effects of economic openness. The domestic demand approach is subjected to a test based on data from the International Social Survey Programme (waves 1990, 1996 and 2006) and additional country-level features. The results show that unemployment makes citizen’s preferences for social security expand, while economic openness has a negative effect: the more open the economy of a country the lower social security demand of citizens. Contrary to the expectations, the more people perceive job security to be threatened the lower is support for social security. Obviously, citizens on the average are skeptical against rising unemployment protection since they fear higher burdens by social expenditures without directly benefitting from them. Those still employed do not vote for more expenditure. However, the lowest social class increasingly demands social security in the context of open economies. Over time, social security demand gets more mired at the low end of the social spectrum. The hypothesis that economic openness spreads economic risks and feelings of insecurity over broad social strata is rejected. The results support the debate on dualization processes.  相似文献   

The article analyses Germans' views of democracy in a longitudinal perspective, especially since unification. It is shown that most Germans in both parts of the country strongly support the idea of democracy although many are at the same time dissatisfied with its practice. This dissatisfaction rests on different motives, ranging from high normative democratic ideals over differences between the normative concept of democracy and the implemented one, including misconceptions of what democracy should or can be to anti-democratic attitudes. At present, Germany faces all these motives of dissatisfaction with democracy, yet in different strata and parts of the society. On the one hand, support for democracy suffers somewhat from declining interest in politics in general, which makes citizens unrealistic about political possibilities and their limits. On the other hand, feelings of economic deprivation, especially in the eastern part, still motivate sceptical views on the western kind of democracy and even in smaller parts of the public an alienation from the democratic credo. Growing inequalities throughout the whole of Germany, especially growing poverty in the lowest social strata, will cause additional systems stress, if it is not moderated by the social welfare system. Thus, the country needs more education in democratic politics for the citizens and more responsive politics on the side of the politicians including more open political structures for citizens' demands and participation.  相似文献   

It is often said that the Japanese happiness is lower than that of Europeans. However, sufficient discussion has yet to take place with consideration of differences in social forms as a background factor. In this study, therefore, by leveraging comparative international surveys, we empirically study and compare the factors that affect happiness in Japan and in the Netherlands, a country which has a higher happiness level than other European countries, from both macro (country level) and micro (individual level) perspectives.

This paper focuses on life evaluation as happiness. It was confirmed through the results of our macro analysis that social support (i.e., having relatives or friends you can count on to help you when you are in trouble) is the factor that significantly improves the level of life evaluation both in Japan and the Netherlands compared to other countries. In addition, change of the logarithmic value of GDP per capita in Japan is negative and statistically significant, which coincides with the Easterlin Paradox claim that more income does not bring greater happiness. On the other hand, we were unable to confirm the Easterlin Paradox in the Netherlands, in which change of the logarithmic value of GDP per capita is positive, though not statistically significant. Furthermore, our longitudinal data analysis in this paper also revealed that healthy life expectancy and generosity are insignificant, although their significance has been claimed in earlier studies (e.g. Helliwell et al, 2017).

Although our macro analysis found social support is important both for Japanese and Dutch happiness on average, the results of our micro analysis have revealed different views and structure of society; the Netherlands is a welfare society in which the public sector and the citizens support each other, and Japan is a welfare society which is based on support provided by community including families and the local area. In other words, the Netherlands showed greater trust on others in general (general trust) than Japan, and Japan showed greater trust on families (family trust) than the Netherlands, a factor that had an influence on happiness levels of individuals in the respective countries. That is, while the Netherlands’ vision of a welfare society is based on “individuals and the public,” under which the independent citizens take the initiative in supporting each other, Japan’s vision of welfare society is based on “community,” under which families have a duty to support each other. In Japan, where freedom of choice is more limited than in the Netherlands, people who have more freedom of choice were found to be happier.

In order to improve happiness in both countries, we need to strengthen social support based on their respectively unique visions of welfare society rather than resorting to income-boosting economic policies. In doing so, the key for Japan would be whether or not the system can be reformed in such a way as to allow freedom of choice to individuals.  相似文献   

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