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二战前,马来亚印度人指向祖籍国印度的民族主义和爱国主义明显加强,进而暂时消除、弥合了印度人群体中一些分化因素,这是马来亚印度人国大党成立的重要社会背景。在尼赫鲁的积极推动下,1946年8月,马来亚印度人国大党正式成立。虽然马来亚印度人国大党深受尼赫鲁和印度国大党的影响,该党成立之初也支持当时的印度政府和印度国大党的反殖反英运动,但它并不隶属于印度国大党。自成立后至1957年,马来亚印度人国大党先是主要致力于开展印度民族主义的活动,不久又深度卷入马来亚制订民主宪法的斗争中,积极争取对印度人有利的公民权问题。在马来亚积极争取独立的浓厚政治氛围中,经过一番犹豫之后,1955年3月,经正式商谈之后,马来亚印度人国大党选择全面加入巫统马华联盟。同年7月,巫统、马华公会和马来亚印度人国大党结成的三大民族政党联盟在竞选中获胜。马来亚联合邦随后正式成立,马来亚印度人国大党作为执政联盟成员之一,长期参与执政。印度人群体的相对弱小及其社会内部的严重分化,部分程度地削弱了马来亚印度人国大党在马国政治中的地位和作用。它的政治活动对马来亚的政治民主化和多元化起到了一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

二战初期和日据时期前期,马来亚印度人的民族主义情绪高涨.在与日本人的互相利用下,马来亚印度人的独立运动兴起.马来亚印度人参加独立运动,有着复杂的现实因素.独立运动期间,印度人与日本人之间产生了矛盾与分歧;印度人内部也存在分裂与内斗.日据时期后期,印度独立同盟和临时政府对马来亚印度人的领导和统治变得日益暴虐.马来亚印度人的独立运动是一场失败的民族主义运动,它的性质较为复杂,不过还是具有较为强烈的正义性和积极意义.  相似文献   

印度是海外移民最多的国家之一.据不完全统计,截止1982年,遍及五大洲的印度海外移民总数达1300多万人,其中还未包括以劳务出口方式在中东各国做工的100多万印度人.在东南亚地区,印度人是仅次于华人的第二大移民集团,其人数约为261万人.他们在东南亚各国,特别是马来西亚、缅甸和新加坡的社会、政治和经济生活中起着举足轻重的作用.  相似文献   

马来亚大学 原新加坡的马来亚大学于一九六二年一月分了家,在吉隆坡的叫做马来亚大学,在新加坡的称为新加坡大学。分家前的马来亚大学,其前身是新加坡的爱德华七世医科大学及莱佛士学院。 一九六二年,马来亚大学的助理讲师、讲师及教授在内,计有一百零五名,但大多数教师来自海外,主要是英国。其中仅有三十七名是马来人、华人及印度人。这些教师,有  相似文献   

美国的印度裔移民--美国少数民族成功的典范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述了美国印度裔移民的概况及其与祖籍国的社会文化、政治、经济联系,并在此基础上分析了美国印度裔移民对美印关系的影响.  相似文献   

二战以前,马来亚的华侨不仅人口众多、经济实力雄厚,而且其经济活动遍及马来亚的生产领域和分配领域的各个方面,因而在对马来亚的社会经济发展产生重要影响的同时,也对中国与马来亚的贸易关系发展产生了巨大的影响,在沟通和增进中国与马来亚的贸易往来方面具有举足轻重的地位和不可替代的作用.  相似文献   

印度人是马来西亚的第三大民族,但与马来西亚其他民族相比,印度人是一个长期被忽视的群体.本文拟对马来西亚的印度人作一概述,分析其移民马来半岛的历史,并对独立后马来西亚印度人在政治、经济、民族教育等方面所面临的困境作一探讨.  相似文献   

印度近年来宗教热分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印度自1991年实行经济改革以后,出现了一股空前的宗教热.本文简要介绍了部分典型实例,从社会和文化的角度对这一现象进行了分析.指出印度近年来的宗教热主要是中产阶级推动起来的.而印度中产阶级是世界经济全球化过程中迅速膨胀起来的社会群体,也是印度经济改革的最大受益者,他们的宗教热情既来自传统的宗教价值观,又受到市场经济的推动;他们的思想行为直接影响到印度的政治、经济、社会和文化的发展,很值得关注.  相似文献   

移民女性化是全球化时代人口国际迁移的一个重要特征,对移民女工的权利保护也成为国际社会尤其是NGO关注的焦点.本文以亚洲劳工输出大国菲律宾为例,探讨了菲律宾女性移民的特点以及菲律宾NGO在移民女工权利保护方面的角色与影响,指出在经济全球化浪潮的推动下,亚洲移民女性权利保护运动与NGO的发展呈现出高度互动的特征,女性正在成为推动亚洲社会政治话语变迁的主角以及促进亚洲公民社会发展的重要力量.本文进一步指出探究全球化时代公民概念的变迁及其意义,赋予移民工人的公民身份才是保护移民权利的重要途径,也是民族国家与公民社会不可回避的重大问题.  相似文献   

近20年来,有约250万中国新移民涌入东南亚.除中国与东南亚政治关系的改善、中国放宽出国限制和国内劳动力大量过剩等引发移民的因素外,推动新移民涌向东南亚的最重要的原因,是中国与东南亚经济整合的飞速发展.双方经贸额激增、中国在东南亚的投资、援助和承包工程等,推动了双方经济一体化进程,也为中国新移民提供了大量谋生和发展的机会.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the migration of south Indian manual and unskilled workers to Southeast Asian countries in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It presents an analysis of the pattern of mobility of the laboring classes who crossed the seas and seeks to develop a migration paradigm that encompasses the various dimensions of the different types of intra-Asian migrations. The author argues that south Indian laborers who migrated to Burma and Malaya experienced both free and unfree migration situations during the colonial period. Different types and streams of migration coexisted and depending upon the changing strategies of employers, government, and laborers themselves the migrants were free and unfree at the same time. Hence, it is suggested that an a priori distinction between free and unfree labor migration is difficult to substantiate, at least in the case of south Indian labor migrations. In this study migration is conceptualized as an integrated and continuous process. For the lower castes and communities out-migration meant an opportunity to better their material conditions and to overcome social and caste oppression. In other words, migration to foreign countries certainly provided them avenues for social mobility that was denied in their native land.  相似文献   

1948年6月16日,三名欧籍种植园经理在马来亚北霹雳地区被杀,马来亚殖民当局宣布马来亚部分地区进入"紧急状态".两天后,"紧急状态"覆盖马来亚全境.马来亚殖民当局在宣布"紧急状态"时并没有同时宣布应由哪个政治组织对事态负责.直到7月19日,英国内阁才批准英国驻东南亚首席专员宣布马来亚共产党为非法组织.英国内阁在做出取缔马共的决策时并未掌握马共涉及谋杀事件的确凿证据,对马来亚事态的性质也缺乏把握.  相似文献   

驻扎官制度是英国在马来亚实行殖民统治的特征,驻扎官在英国殖民统治中扮演了非常重要的角色.本文以弗兰克·瑞天成为个案,探讨他在驻扎官制度初期的殖民策略,并利用马克思关于殖民主义"双重使命"的学说,分析他在英属马来亚历史上的作用,肯定其对推动马来亚历史发展的作用.  相似文献   

In this article, the multifaceted relationship between colonial power and scientific knowledge is analysed. The specific focus is on untangling the contested and symbiotic connections between colonialism and the emergence and consolidation of aspects of botanical science. Colonial imperatives and the social consequences of colonial rule in India constituted the context for the idea and project of botanical gardens that facilitated the global transfer of a variety of plants to India. It was in the process of dealing with the problems of the transfer of plants across very diverse ecological and social contexts that natural history was eventually transformed into formal botanical science both in India and in Europe. Particular forms of scientific knowledge and institutions were indispensable for the consolidation of empire even as they facilitated new imperial concerns and projects that constituted the structural context for the development of new forms of scientific knowledge, practices, institutions and power. Without reducing science to nothing more than an appendage of colonial power and imperatives, the significance of empire in the rise of botany as a formal science is analysed in this article.  相似文献   

本文主要从英国殖民政策的角度,分析马来亚人民抗日军建立及解散的原因。重点探讨:太平洋战争前英国殖民政策与马共的活动;1941年太平洋战争爆发后英国殖民政策与马抗的建立与解散;英军政策与马抗解散的关系。笔者认为,英国对日宣战,为马共获得合法地位和组建马抗提供了条件,英国战时的马来亚政策和马共的被动应对,是战后初期马抗听命解散的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

In Nepal, international labor migration to India and overseas, as well as internal migration to the rural Nepalese lowlands, is of high socioeconomic significance. Scholarly debates about migration in Nepal have gradually shifted from an economic to a more holistic perspective, also incorporating social dimensions. However, little evidence has been generated about internal migration to urban destinations and the potential linkages between international and internal migration. This article draws on Bourdieu's “Theory of Practice” and sees migration as a social practice. Accordingly, migration practice is regarded as a strategy social agents apply to increase or transfer capitals and ultimately secure or improve their social position. Evidence for this argument is based on a qualitative case study of rural to urban migrants in Far West Nepal conducted in July and August 2009. The study at hand addresses linkages between internal and international migration practices and provides insight about a social stratum that is often neglected in migration research: the middle class and, more precisely, government employees. The authors show that social relations are crucial for channeling internal migration to a specific destination. Furthermore, they unveil how internal migration is connected to the international labor migration of former generations. Finally, the authors examine how migration strategies adopted over generations create multi-local social networks rooted in the family's place of origin.  相似文献   


Focusing on recent debates over the ways in which subaltern groups engage with the state in India, the article proposes that it is imperative to historicise our conceptions of subaltern politics in India. More specifically, the argument is made that it is imperative to recognise that subaltern appropriations of the institutions and discourses of the state have a longer historical lineage than what is often proposed in critical work on popular resistance in rural India. The article presents a detailed analysis of Adivasi rebellions in colonial western India and argues that these took the form of a contentious negotiation of the incorporation of tribal communities into an emergent “colonial state space.” The conclusion presents a sketch of a Gramscian approach to the study of how subaltern politics proceeds in and through determinate state–society relations.  相似文献   

Surprisingly few previous contributions to estimates of Indonesia's colonial surplus have been made, all of them using the export surplus method. Having defined the colonial surplus, the export surplus method is rejected here as unnecessary and misleading. The Indies balance of payments data are used critically for the first time. Adding missing items and further analysing an odd but very big private item much larger estimates of the colonial surplus are produced. A comparison with the colonial surplus of British India is made. In all, the new colonial surplus for the Netherlands East Indies is estimated at almost 24 billion guilders, approximately US$10 billion or some US$156 billion in today's terms. Those figures are considered large indeed.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the notion of Greater India that celebrated the diffusion of Indian cultural practices in Asia. Although prominent in the early twentieth century, it continued to fascinate Indian statesmen in the post-independence period. Juxtaposing its cultural frame with alternative conceptions of India’s self-identity, the paper argues that Greater India at once engaged with, and was in defiance of, both colonial and nationalist discourses. To what extent was the diffusionist logic calibrated to acknowledge mutual learning in the region? The paper critically engages with the dynamics between the circulation of ideas and their systematisation in India’s intellectual history.  相似文献   

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