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修改后的新刑事诉讼法,将“尊重和保障人权”、“不得强迫自证其罪”等写入法典.如何保障人权中最基本的生命权,怎样确保死刑案件质量,死刑案件的证据应如何审查,怎样求“铁证”,怎样办成“铁案”成为新刑事诉讼法实施后关注的热点问题.“死刑案件审查模式改革”的核心是在死刑案件公诉工作中加强客观性证据的收集、审查、挖掘和运用,积极探索建立和完善“以客观性证据为核心的死刑案件公诉审查模式”,从理念上、制度机制上确保死刑案件的办理质量.  相似文献   

浙江温州市中级法院判处一名所谓的“毒贩”死刑,但令人震惊的是,此案竟无任何物证、人证,拿来当证据的口供又是侦查人员严重刑讯逼供、伪造签名等违法行为的产物。尽管死刑判决书漏洞百出,浙江省高院也在五年内两次认定案件“事实不清,证据不足,不能定案”,但喊冤者关押了八年仍未得到公正裁决。  相似文献   

罗钢 《理论探索》2014,(2):121-124
台湾废除死刑之渐成体现在:在实体法层面,通过一系列修法来限制和逐步废除死刑;在程序法层面,对死刑案件适用更为严格的诉讼程序。政府官员、专家学者以及民间团体"三位一体"的积极推进,是台湾废除死刑之推动力量。台湾死刑的废除进程启示我们:重视废除死刑资源的整合,形成合力;注重社会民众启蒙,以个案引导民意,在注重死刑被告人权益保护的同时,提升对被害人权益的关注和保护。  相似文献   

在铁路货盗案件的定案过程中,尤其是在盗窃犯罪团伙供出的积案中,被告人的有罪供述,即口供,在整个证据链中占有至关重要的地位。对于团伙犯罪中仅有被告人的一致的、没有相互矛盾的、取证程序合法的供述而没有其他物证的案件,能否定案?我们认为,既要坚持“只有被告人供述没有其他证据不能定案”的原则,也要根据具体案件情况灵活掌握。同时,遏制刑讯逼供,既要有一系列的制度保障,要合理科学地设置举证责任,也应当理性对待口供的证据价值。  相似文献   

本文从几个新的视角分析了刑讯逼供现象产生的原因,认为刑讯逼供是审问式诉讼的必然结果,也是特定角色之间--案件直接调查者与被调查者间固有的矛盾体现.提出控制刑讯逼供须尽早确定无罪推定原则、证据排除规则,并赋予犯罪嫌疑人、被告人保持沉默的权利;改革我国的公安人事制度,改变现有的侦控完全分离的模式,加强对侦查工作的执法监督和制约机制.  相似文献   

会计资料在刑事诉讼中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着近几年经济犯罪的增多,在刑事诉讼中,会计资料越来越多地作为证据被司法机关用来证明被告人的财务会计事实。会计资料的表现形式多种多样,针对不同的案件事实,会计资料在刑事诉讼中所起的证明作用也不同。对刑事诉讼中以不同证据种类出现的会计资料的证明作用进行研究,可以为在司法实践中更好地利用这一种类证据提供理论支持。  相似文献   

证据是以法律规定的形式表现出来的、能够证明案件真实情况的一切事实,对于法官认定案件事实是很重要的依据。在诉讼过程中,在收集、审查、运用证据时都得讲究经济效益,为了提高诉讼活动的效率,应当减少诉讼资源的耗费,在注重法律的公平、公正的同时,也得考虑证据的经济价值,因此,要用经济学的理论来完善和建立证据法学。  相似文献   

谭浩 《瞭望》2006,(26)
从7月1日起,最高人民法院要求全国高级人民法院对所有死刑二审案件全部开庭审理“死刑案件、关乎人命、质量唯重”。近年来,我国已经发生数起类似余祥林、滕兴善这样产生较大不良影响的死刑冤错案件,尽管这些案件的审判都是发生在刑事诉讼法修订之前,背景和原因也比较复杂,但业内人士认为,如能将死刑上诉案件二审开庭审理,建立好这个死刑的“第二道防线”,有利于更好地避免死刑冤错案件。  相似文献   

在死刑适用中,对于何谓"罪行极其严重"、"不是必须立即执行的",难以给出一个明确、具体的标准,需要刑事司法人员正确理解国家的死刑政策,准确把握刑法关于死刑适用的标准,尽量参照死刑案件的先例判决,在综合全案情节尤其是考虑从轻情节在整个案件情节中的地位、人民群众的反响强烈程度、民愤的大小、社会治安状况的基础上,做出是否适用死刑、是适用死刑立即执行还是适用死刑缓期执行的判断。  相似文献   

死刑立即执行复核权的复位,目前已经是一个不容置疑的问题。因此,现在应当转向更为现实、具体地研究死刑复核权回收后的具体应用程序等直接影响死刑复核功能发挥的操作性问题, 以保证死刑复核权适用的正当性、合理性。在死刑复核权的回收过程中,所遇到的具体问题例如:如何使法官的配备和组成能够“应付”目前巨量的死刑案件,确保死刑复核的高效和公正;死刑复核权的回收必须导致死刑标准在严格意义上的统一,死刑案件应当逐步减少,目前所设立的数个刑  相似文献   

With political ideology with respect to the income distribution measured by proxy as the fraction of conservative coalition victories, it is found that over the period 1961–1984 the degree of conservative coalition strength is positively associated with changes in inequality, holding the effects of unemployment and inflation constant.A natural question is why don't the low income types vote in candidates who will consistently redistribute income in their favor? The result of such a political process would be a downward trend in income inequality. In point of fact, there is no evidence whatsoever of any trend in income equality over the period. The answer to both questions may be that Tullock (1983, 1986) is on to something. If the middle class voters transfer gains back and forth, the poor can't gain and they don't, then the distribution should be stable and is.  相似文献   

How do voters respond to candidates accused of sexual harassment? The literature on political scandals demonstrates that candidate characteristics, scandal type, and voter characteristics matter; as well as party affiliation. However, empirical evidence suggests that not all co-partisans react the same way. Why is this the case? Our study uses Schwartz's (1996) theory of values to hypothesise that voters prioritising ‘universalism’ and ‘benevolence’ are less likely to vote for candidates accused of sexual harassment compared to voters who prioritise ‘self-enhancement’ values. Using an original, mixed methods, online survey experiment (n = 704), we show that American voters do become less favourable towards candidates linked to allegations of sexual harassment; but a sizeable minority would nevertheless vote for a co-partisan candidate accused of sexual harassment. Values are an important mechanism to explain this heterogeneity. Qualitative data corroborates our findings, and helps explain why sexual harassment allegations are not always a barrier to electoral success.  相似文献   

被告人供述具有直接证据的属性,因其能为案件侦破提供丰富的证据线索而倍受侦查人员的重视。在现行司法体制和诉讼结构下,被告人供述证据的非法获得与使用滋生了严重的法律和社会问题。刑讯逼供泛滥、案卷笔录中心主义的法庭裁判模式等一系列问题导致了一批冤假错案的集中爆发,也催生了刑事诉讼法的再修改。但新修改的刑事诉讼法,仍是立足原有司法体制土壤中的技术革新,难以弥补体制本身的漏洞,实践中有关非法供述证据研究方向的偏离、相关举证责任倒置规定的流于形式都反映了非法供述证据在新刑诉时代仍将存在排除上的障碍。  相似文献   

CAL CLARK  STEVE CHAN 《管理》1994,7(4):332-359
This article examines the role the state has played in the development of a variety of Asian nations through a series of "paired comparisons" to evaluate the model of the developmental state that has become prevalent in the analysis of East Asian political economy. The cases included in the study indicate that neither the state nor the market (as argued by neoclassical economists) can explain developmental outcomes by itself. Too many strong and interventionist states succeeded to gainsay the idea that economic competitiveness can be manipulated. However, the statist faith in strong and autonomous developmental states does not fare very well either. Strong states failed as well as succeeded. In fact, the strongest and most autonomous states may well be in the greatest danger of degeneration because they can resist pressures for change and can use their powers to become a "predator" over society. In addition, quite a few of these mini case studies directly imply that the nature of society is an important variable in deter-mining how well a political economy operates. Thus, the case for "bringing society back in" appears to be a strong one.  相似文献   

Agency Fever? Analysis of an International Policy Fashion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the last 15 years, the governments of many OECD countries have transferred a wide range of functions to new, agency-type organizations. Allowing for the fact that, for comparative purposes, it is difficult precisely to define agencies, and further acknowledging that in many countries agencies are far from being new, it nevertheless remains the case that there seems to have been a strong fashion for this particular organizational solution.This article investigates the apparent international convergence towards agencification. It seeks to identify the reasons for, and depth of, the trend. It asks to what extent practice has followed rhetoric. The emerging picture is a complex one. On the one hand, there seems to be a widespread belief, derived from a variety of theoretical traditions, that agencification can unleash performance improvements. On the other hand, systematic evidence for some of the hypothetical benefits is very patchy. Furthermore, the diversity of actual practice in different countries has been so great that there must sometimes be considerable doubt as to whether the basic requirements for successful performance management are being met.  相似文献   

The welfare state is often accused of being counterproductive: as the scope of public responsibility expands, private morality (especially altruism and benevolence) atrophies. This essay surveys psychological findings for evidence, which turns out to be broadly consistent with either of two models of moral development, each bearing distinct policy implications. The model of morally keeping in practice that is implicit in the term moral atrophy suggests the need for frequent opportunities to exercise moral skills, which would seem inconsistent with the welfare state. Alternatively, the model of moral character-building favoured by both philosophers and ordinary discourse would require only occasional reminders of one's moral principles. On this model, benevolence could usefully supplement the welfare state.  相似文献   

A grainy series of surveillance photographs was tendered into evidence at the trial of a young Aboriginal man accused of robbing a bank. Two police officers testified that they recognised him from the photographs. On appeal to the High Court of Australia, the judges thought that the hooded bandit in the image looked like the spectre from Hamlet. This article uses the discourse of “spectrality” to explore the consequences for law and ethics when haunted by the transgressive image. It examines the confrontation between the foundational illegality of the Australian nation, and the indigenous man who is accused of a crime against property.  相似文献   

我国非法证据排除规则确立了刑讯逼供证据坚决排除的基本原则,意味着我国刑事司法向人权保障的积极迈进。在实务操作中,可行性是能否贯彻立法精神的关键指标。我国非法证据排除规则还存在若干可行性疑问,在非法证据界定、非法物证考量、毒树之果效力、警察出庭保障、被告人举证、讯问全程录音录像等方面尚待进一步细化完善,以增强可操作性,防止规则被虚置。  相似文献   

In academic studies of the interface between developing countries and large multinational oil corporations, scholars have noted that over time and through repeated interaction, the developing countries tend to negotiate better outcomes for themselves: they progress along a learning curve by incrementally improving their outcomes through bargaining and strategic interaction. This phenomenon can be demonstrated in a number of oil-rich developing countries. Nigeria's case, however, is more complex. During the two decades following its independence, the state successfully negotiated for more control over—made strides in the developing of the skills necessary to manage—its petroleum industry, as our model would predict. Then, in a puzzling late-1970s-to-mid-1980s change of course, the government abruptly gave back concessions, undermined local entrepreneurial endeavors, and repealed indigenization laws. This paper combines, in the analytic narrative tradition, the case study method with an extensive form game; it applies a dynamic bargaining model to Nigeria's historical experience, demonstrating that Nigeria improved its outcomes and ascended along the "bargaining learning curve," only to reverse policy and "unlearn," with serious consequences for the Nigerian population. Even so, the demonstration of both successful and improved outcomes in past negotiations give evidence that Nigeria could once again ascend its bargaining learning curve if the government were to re-commit to such a policy.  相似文献   

在我国刑事诉讼案件职能管辖中,公安机关与人民法院的分工存在交叉。人民法院自诉范围的扩大化,不仅不符合国际立法的趋势,也给被害人行使控告权带来了许多限制,妨碍其获得司法救济。大量自诉案件的公诉化,给实际操作也造成了混乱。立法应对自诉案件的范围做一调整,将有暴力、隐蔽特征、取证困难的案件划归公安机关管辖,尽量避免自诉案件的公诉化,以明确两部门之间的立案分工。  相似文献   

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