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美国土地管理部门对争议的解决在充分协商的基础上,采用多种替代性纠纷解决方式,由行政法法官和争议解决专员举行听证和裁决,在穷尽行政救济后,才能进入诉讼程序,对目前我国法院受理的土地纠纷案件居高不下、当事人因土地拆迁问题而大量信访等问题的处理和解决方式具有较大的启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

现今我国土地所有制的两种表现形式—农村集体所有制与城镇土地国有制在一定程度上限制了土地流转同时引致高昂的交易成本,间接导致土地产值的下降。根据科斯定理,若政府作为第三利益主体出现时,土地流转变成了政府、开发商与被征收者之间的三方利益博弈,并且这三方往往很难通过谈判达成稳定一致,因此导致强制拆迁悲剧的出现。运用价值分析以及模型推理,通过科斯定理的视角论证当今土地产权结构存在的问题。  相似文献   

城市建设涉及大量拆迁,拆迁被比喻为当今"天下第一难事"。难在何处?难在拆迁工作推进难、拆迁居民安置难、在拆迁矛盾的博弈中寻求工作的最佳平衡点难,说到底是利益问题。拆迁需要补偿,补偿离不开评估,目前拆迁评估中需要规范的问题很多,比如社会保障职能该不该在拆迁评估价中反映,违章建筑到底该不该补偿,本文试就拆迁评估中需规范的问题谈一点粗浅的认识。  相似文献   

城市房屋拆迁是现代城市发展的必然趋势,也是促进城市合理布局的重要手段,因此在我国的各级城市中房屋拆迁普遍存在.土地征收是城市房屋拆迁的基础,因此要解决此问题必须将土地征收和房屋拆迁两个问题同时讨论,并从私法角度来说明私权受侵犯的原因以及解决方案.  相似文献   

中国两千多年封建社会历史,就是土地的国有官控和私有吏占,农民耕种,双轨三元博弈、斗争的历史。当今中国的土地集体共有和国有是来之不易的巨大财富,现实的土地问题虽然是人民内部的利益调整问题,但是涉及人民群众整体的根本利益。当前,应当依法确认土地公有性质,明晰界定土地法权关系,用灵活机制适时应对市场风云变幻,坚持国家干预,自由竞争的双轨并行原则。  相似文献   

土地承包经营权流转纠纷及解决机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农村土地流转与加快农村产业化经营,提高农业生产集约化水平密切相关,由于土地流转过程中一些不规范的做法,引发了土地流转纠纷,解决土地流转纠纷必须建立健全土地承包经营权流转纠纷的解决机制。  相似文献   

中国社科院研究员王诚庆提出,我国城市化率在以每年1%左右的速度快速提高,城市人口的年增长量达1000万人以上。居民住房消费水平的改善和城市化的发展产生了对土地的大量需求,必然提出对有限的土地资源提高利用效率及重新协调人们的土地利益关系问题。这是拆迁工作的必要性所在。但是当前的拆迁工作中还存在着大量的问题,为此,建议推进如下改革:  相似文献   

农业税的取消和工业化、城市化加速向农村的推进,改变了土地与乡村各主体的价值关系,导致农村土地博弈激增。农地产权制度和征地制度的缺陷致使激增的土地博弈呈现无序化趋势,由此所产生的矛盾无法有效地、制度化地解决,致使征地型群体性事件频发。由于此类群体性事件中各主体所追求的合法利益与非法利益相互缠绕,所使用的合法手段与非法手段相互混合,决定其处置难度更大。治理此类群体性事件的根本之策在于通过乡村综合改革使土地博弈走向有序化。  相似文献   

土地征收与农民权利的宪法保障问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地征收之所以会频繁引发社会冲突,根本原因在于宪法无法有效约束政府权力,制止地方政府与民争利的行为。政府既是土地征收的最大受益者,也是土地征收的主导者和纠纷的裁决者,政府必然看重政府本身甚至个别官员的政治或经济利益而淡视甚至完全忽视农民的合法权益。土地征收涉及到规范政府权力、保障农民权利和国家利益等问题,而从本质上来看,这些问题都是宪法问题。为彻底解决土地征收问题,实现农民权利和国家利益的最大化,应当充分发挥宪法在约束政府权力、制止政府与民争利的行为和保障农民权利的实际作用。  相似文献   

农村土地承包纠纷:特点、类型及其解决   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,农村土地承包纠纷呈现出扩张化、复杂化、多样化、群体化的特点。农村土地承包纠纷的主要类型包括土地所有权纠纷、土地收益分配纠纷、土地承包合同纠纷、土地征收纠纷、土地流转纠纷、土地继承权纠纷、土地调整纠纷等。解决农村土地承包纠纷的思路是:完善相关立法是前提,构建多元化机制是基础,转移农村人口是根本,健全社保体系是关键。  相似文献   

城市拆迁中的利益冲突与公共利益界定——方法与路径   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对城市拆迁中公共利益的内涵、特征进行了重新梳理和辨析,在此基础上,探讨城市拆迁中公共利益的界定方法及界定路径,为城市房屋拆迁中公共利益实体界定的重复性问题和程序界定的虚化性问题提出了解决方案.研究认为,在我国城市拆迁中,公共利益缺乏制度层面的明确界定是城市拆迁中的利益冲突和产生拆迁纠纷的原因,表现在强制拆迁和在补偿安置问题上的对抗;基于城市拆迁中公共利益的性质和基本特征,需要综合运用逻辑演绎、要素甄别以及排除法来界定城市拆迁公共利益,并必须同时遵循形式上的程序判断路径和实质上的内容判断路径.  相似文献   

我国刑事诉讼法完成了一次重要的修改,其中公诉方式回到了案卷移送主义。我国公诉方式的改革一直聚讼不止,案卷移送制度在立法上的“回归”更是引起了巨大的争议。案卷移送制度与我国的庭审方式并不搭配,也难以避免对法官造成的预断,是立法向实践妥协的产物。在司法适用上,可以充分利用刑诉法创设的庭前会议制度,避免案卷移送的弊端。  相似文献   

Although we readily scrutinize conflicts among political stakeholders, similar attention is seldom paid to how we deal with contestable understandings within our own field of inquiry. Debates over competing scholarly perspectives and contested models are rarely subject to any systematic postmortem or attempts to account for differential survival. Given the indeterminacy of many of our conceptual schemes, empirical data seldom carry the day to a resolution all can accept. Accordingly, there are eventually many different versions of any given dispute, each offering a different path to resolution or equanimity. Disputants retire and conflicts fade, providing a demographic resolution of sorts, but not a scientific or a conceptual one. The work presented here claims that there is much to be gained from systematic scrutiny of our conceptual disputes, especially as a means to access the different perspectives we assume to handle them. We argue that there is an internal logic to the different perspectives on any given dispute. It is not the dispute per se that draws our interest; but rather, how any given dispute generates multiple interpretations and reconstructed versions. We propose and illustrate an approach to analyzing disputes that makes their internal logic more transparent and attends to the pathways that emerge for resolution. We will find, in the process, that there are some reliable routes to conciliation and some fault lines that remain unstable.  相似文献   

处于社会转型期的中国,如何处理利益群体参政问题关乎改革开放的历史进程和社会稳定。中国的渐进式改革路径在保持社会稳定方面发挥了重要的作用,但是这种渐进式改革更多地表现在经济领域,而政治领域的改革,特别是公民参政权的落实则略显迟滞和不够。由此引起的矛盾和问题使人们产生了诸多不满和怨恨,因此探讨中国利益群体在参与公共政策制定上存在的问题,对于进一步完善中国利益群体参政的路径、提高政府的执政能力和管理创新能力,其理论价值和现实意义不言而喻。  相似文献   

劳动教养的性质历来是学界争议很大的一个问题.目前,学界对此存在强制性行政措施说、行政处罚说、预防性司法处分说三种主要学说.劳动教养的性质问题是劳动教养制度的根本性问题,它不仅体现了现阶段人们对劳动教养制度的认识水平,而且决定了劳动教养制度未来的发展方向.从现阶段劳动教养制度的内容及社会需要的角度看,劳动教养是最严厉的剥夺人身自由的行政处罚措施.  相似文献   


This article examines interactions among the United States, Japan and the European Union over steel trade disputes with particular interest in Japan's reactions to the disputes. For this objective, this paper establishes an analytical framework that takes into account bilateral, international, and domestic factors in formulating a state's external policy and relations. It was found that the special relationship with the United States still impinged on Japan's reactions to steel trade disputes, but its influence has gradually declined. Moreover, growing familiarity with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules and practices and collaboration with other countries enabled Tokyo to expand its policy options to handle steel trade conflicts with Washington. Significantly, Japan formally adopted seemingly bold measures to cope with the US steel safeguard action, but the measures’ substantial influence on the US government was limited compared with those adopted by the European Union. Weak policy coordination among ministries prevented Japan from formulating strategic and effective measures in managing steel trade disputes with the United States.  相似文献   

The advent of impact assessment as a tool of policy is the latest chapter in our understanding of the relationship between science and politics. As such, it presents at least two challenges to democratic politics. Given its emphasis on appropriate procedural character of conteniporary democratic systems. And by raising the value of technical and scientific information in environmental disputes, impact assessment poses a challenge to existing concepts of popular sovereignty, based as they are on interest and preference rather than knowledge. These challenges, however, do not rep- resent irreconcilable differences. Although there may be an inherent ten- sion between impact assessment and democratic politics, there are also areas of affinity between the two. And we are destined to accept and adapt to this tension because, in fact, understanding is one of our principal defenses against tyranny.  相似文献   


The COVID-19 outbreak has fueled tension between the U.S. and China. Existing literature in international relations rarely focuses on virus outbreaks as factors affecting international relations between superpower countries, nor does research examine an outbreak’s potential influence on the public’s opinion about their country’s foreign policy. To bridge this research gap, this study explores the extent to which the American public may be prone to favor policies that “punish” China via existing U.S.-China disputes, such as the South China Sea dispute and the U.S.-China trade war. I conducted an online survey using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and ran multinomial and ordered logit models to estimate the association between an individual’s preferred policies and the country or government an individual blame for the impact of the pandemic. After controlling several essential confounding factors, such as one’s levels of nationalism and hawkishness, I found strong evidence that there is a positive association between people’s attribution of blame to the Chinese government and the likelihood of supporting aggressive policy options in the two disputes with China. That is to say, U.S. citizens who believe that the Chinese government is solely culpable for the outbreak in the U.S., compared to those who think otherwise, are more likely to support hawkish policy options, such as confrontational military actions, economic sanctions, or higher tariff rates. The research provides a glimpse into where Americans may stand in these disputes with China and the potential development of U.S.-China relations in the post-pandemic era.


同一认定理论自传入我国至今,在理论的探讨与实践的操作中得到了丰富和发展,但学界对于同一认定理论的理论归属争议不断。将同一认定分为广义与狭义是二分法在同一认定理论区分机制中的体现,能够合理避开导致观点争端的矛盾机制。“大同一认定”理论与“小同一认定”理论的矛盾本质上是将同一认定视为一般认识活动还是科学特定认识活动的矛盾。广义同一认定在一定程度上包含了狭义同一认定,只是它不仅承受了同一认定作为一般认识活动的合理性,也承受了狭义同一认定活动对于科学性、系统性的要求。狭义同一认定则在广义同一认定理论研究之下不断汲取营养,在良好继承同一认定的科学、特定认识方法的同时,也能够为广义同一认定的发展提供新的思路。  相似文献   

海事审判是我国法院审判工作的重要组成部分。当前我国海事审判制度在审级设置、管辖等领域还存在诸多问题。面对加入世界贸易组织后我国海事纠纷日益增多的严峻形势,必须改革现有的海事法院审级体制,赋予海事法院对刑事、行政案件的审判职能,适度扩大海事法院的管辖范围,提高海事审判的专门化程度。  相似文献   

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