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铁路通信设备是铁路运输必不可少的重要技术设备。铁路行车通信线路是连接各种通信设备的纽带,是保障铁路安全行车的重要设施,一旦被拆(割)盗,将中断行车通信信号的传递,给铁路运输安全造成极大的隐患。因后果严重、领导关注等因素,此类案件成为各类危及行车安全案件中影响最大、造成后果最严重的案件,该类案件频繁发生,势必造成线路治安不稳,对铁路运输生产安全构成巨大威胁。如何有效预防拆(割)盗案件发生,严厉打击拆(割)盗铁路设备设施的不法分子,坚决遏制此类案件的上升势头,是摆在公安机关面前的一个十分重要而又艰巨的课题。  相似文献   

长期以来,铁路货车被盗一直是铁路上多发的刑事案件,它既严重侵害了广大货主的财产安全,给铁路企业造成非常大的经济损失,又损害了铁路企业的声誉,特别是有些货车盗窃的后果还会严重危及列车行车安全。研究铁路货车盗窃案件应在总结此类案件的规律特点的基础上,提出相应的侦查对策。  相似文献   

本文针对铁路公安工作的实际需要,介绍了列车空气制动机和车钩的工作原理及其与列车制动安全相关的常见问题;从罪与非罪的角度,分析了关闭折角塞门和提车钩这两类铁路典型案件对列车运行安全的危害性。  相似文献   

张艳军 《学理论》2010,(19):141-142
按照刑事法律相关规定及其立法意图,交通肇事后的“逃逸”行为只应成为交通肇事罪的量刑情节,而不应当做定罪的情节。交通肇事罪成立的标准为是否造成重大交通事故。该罪属于典型的过失犯罪,本罪主观方面表现为过失,而非是否逃逸。我国刑法规定只要交通肇事造成了重大公私财产损失,就可构成本罪,并且肇事行为被要求在属于公共交通管理的铁路、公路上,如果是违反安全生产规章制度。发生重大伤亡事故,造成严重后果的,应当定重大责任事故罪。  相似文献   

为了确定铁路破坏案件与行车事故现场的性质和形成的原因,首先应明确两类案件需解决的主要问题,以及现场访问和实地勘验的主要对象和主要内容。在此基础上,对各类具体案件的现场勘查重点进行分析研究,包括脱线现场的勘验、冲突现场的勘验、火灾现场的勘验以及危及铁路行车安全的破坏现场的勘验。  相似文献   

铁路道岔及典型安全问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道岔是关联铁路行车安全最重要、抗破坏性最薄弱的铁路线路的控制性设备,也是铁路公安部门重点保卫的要害性线路设备。道岔是集中联锁的一个构成部分,它自身并不是孤立的,而是与其他道岔、信号、进路之间相互联动的。道岔障碍可以导致机车车辆发生脱轨、颠覆、相撞,其人为案件应涉罪。道岔还可对过往行人造成致命伤害。做好清站工作,禁止非工作人员走入道岔,对保证铁路安全极其重要。  相似文献   

国外所谓“青少年案件”,是指少年法庭的管辖范围。包括青少年犯罪案件、青少年的一般违法案件、罪错案件和“身份罪”案件,甚至还包括一些与青少年本身的行为无关的诸如遗弃案件、虐待案件、福利案件和保护案件等等。“青少年犯罪”概念可以分为法律意义上的青少年犯罪和非法律意义上的青少年犯罪。法律意义上的青少年犯罪指有关法律中已明确的规定犯罪行为。非法律意义上的青少年犯罪指人们根据社会的道德伦理观念甚  相似文献   

本文从全路发生的几起因治安问题造成的行车重大事故引发思考,提出了加强线路治安工作的新理念和完善以“一项责任制、两个工作规范、三级量化考核、四项工作制度”为主要内容的线路治安工作新机制。同时,又从加强沿线治安基础工作、加强对沿线群众的宣传工作、加强联防组织建设、加强危及行车案件的查处工作、加强沿线责任区民警队伍建设等方面,提出了加强线路治安工作的新举措,为铁路公安机关确保调图提速后治安持续稳定,推进线路治安工作迈向一个新台阶提供了新的工作思路。  相似文献   

列车运行时的主流运动,是由单体车轮沿钢轨滚动构成轮群沿轨道纵向滚动,从而形成的列车整体沿轨道运行的纵向运动。列车在作主流运动的同时,在微观上伴生着点头、蠕虫、蛇形、摇头等附带有害运动,呈现着复杂的三维运动形态。分析列车运动形态,对于判断和解释违法行为人实施的行为给列车行车安全可能造成的危害及影响,依据我国《刑法》规定确定其行为的罪与非罪性质、行为与后果之间的关系等,均具有重要参考价值和理论支撑作用,是填补新兴分支学科警用铁路技术理论空白的基础性研究,是对铁路刑事科学技术分支学科在内容上的重要补充。  相似文献   

关于铁路行车事故现场勘查重点的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁路行车事故,是指列车在运行途中或站场调车作业过程中,由于人为的、机械的或自然的原因造成机车或车辆冲突、脱轨、火灾、爆炸等,致使人员伤亡、货物毁损、机车车辆或线路设备损坏等,影响铁路运输生产的事故。 广义的行车事故,应包括责任行车事故、人为破坏事故和自然灾害事故。《铁路行车事故处理规则》第3条对狭义的行车事故做了规定:“凡在行车工作中,因违反规章制度、违反劳动纪律、技术不良及其他原因,造成人员伤亡、设备损坏、影响正常行车或危及  相似文献   

The availability of low-cost, high-performance miniaturized electronics, and rocket ride-share capabilities and other factors, have generated a significant increase in the development of small spacecraft. Over a hundred entities and thousands of individuals are now working on numerous small satellites. However, these entities and individuals lack the operations legacy and risk posture of existing satellite manufacturers. Although these new entrants have much less to lose, small satellites may be in a position to damage other, more expensive spacecraft, including manned spacecraft. This article considers the need for and benefits of a community-generated set of small spacecraft operating standards. A prospective pathway to their refinement and adoption, specific elements in such a set of standards, the increased confidence this provides larger operators, and the additional opportunities advanced by standards are discussed.  相似文献   

动车车底和高铁线路损坏案件的特点有发现时间与发生时间相隔长、勘查难度大、痕迹容易形成和异物容易发现等。动车车底痕迹有单条状擦划痕、多条状擦划痕、片状不规则裂痕等类型,线路损坏痕迹有轨道电线、电缆被砸坏,应答器等设备损坏和水泥枕、扣件等被损坏等类型。此类案件的勘查分两个部分:一是宏观勘查。在掌握受损动车的运营情况、发生发现经过等基本情况后,要对整列动车的前后机车、所有车厢进行全面的检查,确定哪些机车、车厢有破损、破损部位等情况,再把破损部位全面纳入微观勘查范围。二是微观勘查。对所有受损部位进行全面细致的勘查,从动车的一侧向另一侧详细记录受损的方向、位置、形态、大小,再进行全面的分析判断。  相似文献   

OLIVIER BORRAZ 《管理》2007,20(1):57-84
The rise of standardization processes highlights two different paths toward a regulatory state. Within the EU, the New Approach serves as a model for co‐regulation, and European standards have become instruments of supranational governance. In France, standardization is much more part of a renegotiation of the state’s role and influence in a changing society. In both cases, standardization was undertaken with other motives; yet it evolved to answer the strains and constraints exerted upon regulatory processes in the two polities. As such, standards are a case for unintentionality in policy instruments.  相似文献   

针对现阶段基层公职人员经济类违纪发案率较高的实际情况,根据文献研究结论、纪检办案流程研究与办案人员经验总结等,确定了基层公职人员经济类违纪因素的18个问卷调查指标,随机问卷调查了104件基层公职人员经济类违纪案件。对问卷调查结果进行探索性因子分析,萃取出5大类违纪共性因素,即法纪保健因素、思想道德因素、工作激励因素、监督制约因素、廉洁自律因素。以处分结果变量为因变量、萃取出的5大类因子作为自变量,采用逐步多元回归分析方法,得出违纪的基层公职人员3大类经济类违纪主要因素,即法纪道德因素、思想道德因素和监督制约因素。根据实证研究的结果,提出了加大查案力度,强化廉政教育,加强监督制约等预防建议。  相似文献   


Is the harmonization of financial regulatory regimes possible in East Asia? Focusing on corporate governance, which many see as a critical part of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, and which is also seen as unresponsive to calls for change, this paper argues that such harmonization is possible, but that it will not be according to the standards advocated by the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and other international organizations. At present, actors generally feign compliance with these international rules and standards. The pattern of noncompliance is reflective of two types of regulatory models at work in East Asia, which correspond to democratic and nondemocratic regimes. The manner by which these political institutions mediate the influence of key actors determines corporate governance outcomes. Three cases illustrate the key dynamics: Singapore (nondemocracy), South Korea (democracy), and pre- and post-World War II Japan (change from nondemocracy to democracy). By identifying the key actors that determine regulatory outcomes, this paper points to a more realistic regulatory framework. This alternative framework is a compromise between the standards advocated by international organizations and the domestic political realities of East Asia.  相似文献   

In this paper a new economic approach to standardization has been presented. Standardization has been regarded as a problem ofgradual choice. An individual chooses to apply more or less standards within a hierarchy of standards. With this decomposition of standards, the problem of strategic market power becomes less important than in the traditional models of standardization. It becomes possible to analyze the problems of network externalities within a framework of non-strategic behavior and to apply the tools of the traditional theory of externalities and public goods. While decentralized action may lead to too little standardization, committees may overcome this deficiency to some extent, but bureaucracies are likely to lead to overstandardization. In the empirical section of the paper it has been shown that our approach can be applied to the standard-setting process in languages, railroads, and telecommunications. In all three cases the tendency of bureaucracies to generate more standardization than committees has been corroborated.The authors are indebted for helpful comments to the participants of the Berlin Seminar on Political Economy and of the colloquium Algemene Economie, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, and to A. Roemer, Saarbrücken.  相似文献   

Political scientists often consider the place of standard operating procedures (SOPS) in shaping bureaucratic responsiveness to “top-down” direction, but our writing only infrequently considers the processes and ease by which bureaucratic routines, decision standards, and SOPS adjust to produce nm outputs. This article explores the change of routines, decision standards, and SOPs from a behavioral perspective to portray bureaucratic behavior and policy as something other than a static function of extant SOPs or a fully and fluidly malleable function of internal preferences and external incentives. In particular, the role of two organizationally “bottom-up” factors — careerists' policy approval and their policy-relevant working schema — are explored to suggest how readily “top-down” preferences for policy translate into pragmatic working arrangements. The empirical basis for the article is a structured set of cases in the Urban Mass Transportation Administration through the latter 1970s and early 1980s.  相似文献   

铁路刑事案件是指铁路公安机关管辖范围内的各种犯罪构成。铁路刑事案件的分类标准是复合性多层级的,通常包括发生犯罪行为的具体场所、案件性质、作案手法、被侵害对象等。研究铁路刑事案件的分类标准及铁路刑事案件的分类,有助于更好地认识和把握与铁路有关的犯罪活动的规律和特点,为铁路刑事案件研究及侦查学研究提供帮助,以便更加有效地预防和打击涉及铁路犯罪。  相似文献   

Transnational non‐state governance arrangements (NGAs) are increasingly common in areas such as labor standards and environmental sustainability, often presenting themselves as innovative means through which the lives of marginalized communities in developing countries can be improved. Yet in some cases, the policy interventions adopted by the managers of these NGAs appear not to be welcomed by their supposed beneficiaries. This article accounts for this predicament by examining the effects of different configurations of accountability within NGAs promoting labor rights. Most labor‐rights NGAs incorporate “proxy accountability” arrangements, in which consumers and activists hold decision makers accountable “on behalf” of the putative beneficiaries of the NGAs: workers and affected communities in poorer countries. The article shows how and why different combinations of proxy versus beneficiary accountability influence the choice of policy instruments used by NGAs, and applies the argument to three prominent non‐state initiatives in the domain of labor standards.  相似文献   

This article discusses the disagreement over set accounting standards for federal agencies that GAO published in "Title 2" of its Policies and Procedures Manual for the Guidance of Federal Agencies . The Office of Management and Budget has declined to require agencies to follow the standards although many agencies do follow the standards in completing financial statements. These differences are a result of doubt regarding the appropriateness of the standards as well as the constitutionality of the standards. Therefore, the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board was created with the goal of securing agreement on standards for federal accounting.  相似文献   

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