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从行政伦理看行政人员的角色冲突及其对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
所谓行政伦理,就是行政人员在行政过程中,产生的一整套伦理和道德规范的总和,这些规范以公共行政这个职业自身的伦理道德要求为主,以伦理学的规范和准则为辅(公共行政学需要伦理学的指导)。行政人员的角色冲突,表现为行政人员与公民的冲突以及行政人员自身的角色冲突,在现实中表现为行政人员在行政过程中的种种困境,其本质是公权和私权的冲突,背后体现的是行政职业伦理和道德。如何解决这些问题,笔者分析了国内外的一些有益的参考经验。  相似文献   

建构统一风险行政程序法的时代背景在于:回应风险行政所带来的挑战;碎片化的风险行政程序法难以克服风险行政实践的合法性困境;当前缺乏统一行政程序法典,也不能简单借鉴西方经验来规范风险行政;涉及风险行政程序的单行法无法代替统一风险行政程序法。风险行政程序法是以结构化方式规范风险治理主体行为的行政法规范,其功能是克服风险治理主体的"知识贫乏"和"价值冲突"问题。它将保障个人权利、维护公益、确保行政科学性和民主性作为价值取向,并呈现为一种网络状态;所对应的行政模式是"新治理行政",并将治理风险的公共政策作为调整对象。它是实现风险行政过程合法性的一种技术,基本结构由风险议题之形成、风险评估、风险管理和风险交流所构成,主要制度包括协商制度、陈述理由制度、暂时性制度、信息制度和遴选风险治理参与者制度。  相似文献   

我国正处在社会转型期,由于经济、政治、法律等各种体制还不是很完善,导致一系列行政伦理问题的出现。基于人性的合理假设以及对行政伦理特质和行政伦理制度特征与缺失的分析,从伦理学的视角提出行政伦理制度化建设的有效路径,以促进我国行政伦理建设更有效地进行。  相似文献   

伦理的基本功能是通过个人的良心、社会舆论和政治信念进行道德判断和评价,实现对各种利益的调整,而个人良心、社会舆论和政治理念的背后则是价值理念,因此行政伦理的建设必须首先明确其价值取向,而后寻求行政伦理规范体系的构建.公共行政经过一百多年的发展,其研究范式经历了从老公共行政,到新公共管理,再到新公共服务的转换,转换不只是涉及一些新管理方法的实施,而是含有一套新的价值观.本文拟从行政伦理的基本结构层面出发,在新公共服务的价值体系下探析我国行政伦理的建设.  相似文献   

随着行为科学的兴起,行为伦理学在企业管理领域迅速发展并取得重要进展,但在公共管理领域尚未受到充分重视。总结行为伦理学的内涵、兴起与发展,系统梳理现有研究的主要内容与趋势,对现有文献进行评价并探讨其对中国行政伦理研究的启示,极为必要。行为伦理学重点关注个体伦理行为的发展规律和影响因素,尤其是个人层面的心理因素和系统性认知偏差,并主要围绕伦理决策行为的链条,试图解释从伦理意识、伦理判断、伦理意图到伦理行动这个过程中可能存在的断裂。现有的行为伦理研究存在一些局限,还需要发展全面的体系,深化对无意识伦理行为的探索,拓展对伦理行为改善策略和宏观影响因素的研究,采用更多样的研究方法,主动与规范性伦理研究对话整合。发展公共行为伦理学能够补充和深化规范性行政伦理研究,助力解决中国式现代化中的行政伦理问题,在关注中国情境的基础上推动构建中国行政伦理学自主知识体系。  相似文献   

对中国行政文化范式的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据中国行政文化的历史发展阶段性及其本身的特点 ,中国行政文化大体可分为伦理型行政文化范式、制度一伦理型行政文化范式、准法治型行政文化范式 ,目前中国行政文化的范式属于准法制型行政文化  相似文献   

行政自由裁量权本质上是一种伦理性裁量权,因此,行政自由裁量权的正确行使,不仅离不开法律控制,而且需要伦理规制。而行政责任是行政伦理学的一个永恒的核心课题,它体现了行政权力的价值基础和价值目标和行政伦理的内在意蕴,蕴含着现代行政管理活动的制度基础、法律指向和价值构成,是规制行政自由裁量权的根本条件,可以确保行政自由裁量权以一种符合民主、公正要求的负责任的方式行使。  相似文献   

胡利琴 《学理论》2015,(7):191-193
孝作为伦理规范,最能体现我国传统文化的伦理型特征。我国孝文化是一个由孝道、孝德、孝心、孝行四维组合起来的有机体系。孝道顺人之性,即顺天地之性,是人们必须遵行的道德原则和规范。孝德是孝道的内化及形成的个体品质。孝心是对孝道的认识和感悟而形成的道德心理,孝行是一种遵行和践履孝道的道德行为选择和实践。孝以道始,以心显,以行贯,以德成。尊孝道、贯孝德、崇孝心、尚孝行是我国孝文化的基本规律和一以贯之的基本精神。  相似文献   

发展伦理学基本问题的讨论,目前在学术界主要存在着四种观点:一是能够做与应当做的关系问题;二是发展利益和发展道德的关系问题;三是生活美好与物品丰富之间的关系,社会内与社会间公正的基础以及社会对自然力与技术的态度之标准的问题;四是发展中人类在有限而又脆弱的地球上应当如何共同幸福生活的问题。研究发现,发展伦理学的基本问题实际上是发展的伦理和伦理的发展之间的关系问题。对发展伦理学基本问题的科学合理定位,关系到发展伦理学学科性质及其当代使命的设定,甚至关系到整个发展伦理学体系的构建。  相似文献   

论行政伦理建设中的制度安排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人是在制度中生活的,制度本身的合伦理性与否对个人的道德选择和行为有着先决意义。制度安排是行政伦理建设的起点,它不仅包括将基本的伦理规范上升为具有国家强制性的法律规范,更强调行政制度、体制本身的合伦理性。健全权力监督制约机制、完善道德回报与激励机制,作为两个基础性的制度安排,对当前中国的行政伦理建设尤为迫切。  相似文献   

The perspectives of elite (or top‐level) issues managers on ethics are explored in this paper. From these elites we can learn how issues were managed at their global organisations and how questions of ethics were addressed in issues management. The organisations in this study were chosen because of their superlative rankings in measures of ethics and reputation. Research questions explored ethical decision making and the predominant paradigm of ethics in each organisation through six elite interviews and observation. Although both organisations attempted to address ethics, the elite issues managers at one organisation did so more thoroughly and effectively than did the managers at the other organisation. This efficacy was due to the depth of ethical study and training engaged in by the elites, the intense ethical analysis of issues, and the choice of a deontological approach to ethics. This paper argues that ethics should be concerted, codified, consistent, trained and rigorously analysed. A deontological paradigm of ethical decision making fits all of these criteria, and this research shows that a deontological ethical paradigm can contribute to effective issues management. Copyright © 2002 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   

Learning Lessons and Transferring Policy across Time, Space and Disciplines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Diane Stone 《政治学》1999,19(1):51-59
An area of recent interest in the International Relations and Comparative Politics literature concerns 'policy transfer'. This is a dynamic whereby knowledge about policies, administrative arrangements or institutions is used across time or space in the development of policies, administrative arrangements and institutions elsewhere. Policy transfer is deemed to be on the increase in an era of globalisation. Indeed, some governments and international organisations are proactive in promoting harmonisation and convergence or exporting policy lessons. This paper surveys the state of the burgeoning literature, identifies some methodological issues in studying policy transfer, and outlines some additional routes of research.  相似文献   

陈翔 《学理论》2012,(1):75-76
目前社会各界一直在强调大学生要面向基层就业,医学本科生要面向基层医疗卫生机构就业,就医学本科毕业生能否很好地符合基层医疗卫生机构的用人要求、目前基层医疗卫生机构真正需要哪一类医学人才等问题,作了一系列基础调研。  相似文献   

人类生而便具备情绪能力,这些情绪能力称为基本情绪,它们先于认知而发生,有其独立的功能。它们会随着相应的认知与行为发展,形成一种动态的情绪——认知相互作用,这便为情绪图式。情绪图式可以作为一种文化基因被传播和复制,它的作用与认知的发展中认知图式所起的作用有许多共同之处。另外时常循环的一些相关的情绪图式可能被解释为气质或者人格特质。  相似文献   

This symposium examines issues related to the links between administrative reform policy and economic development policy. The symposium introduction paper consists of two parts. First, it offers an overview of the background of theoretical and conceptual issues that are important to the connection between administrative reform and economic development. The issues reviewed include the role of government in economic development, the importance of public policy and management to economic development, the contribution of development administration, and the need of administrative reform to remove bureaucratic problems and promote efficiency. Next, the introduction paper provides a brief summary of the research arguments and findings addressed in the following six articles. They include an evaluation of administrative reform in Arab world economic growth, an examination of administrative reform and economic development in Latin America and the Caribbean, a political economy analysis of policy reform in Korea, a study of the implementation of privatization strategies in India's public sector reform, a discussion of the concerns between efficiency and ethics in China's economic development, and the study of administrative and economic development in Mongolia. The implications of the research findings and the need for further study of the linkage between administrative reform and economic development are emphasized in the conclusion.  相似文献   

公共权力的基本属性和核心价值是公共性,维护和实现公共利益最大化是公共权力运行的内在价值判断。从利益冲突发生的内在逻辑来看,起点是权力资源的配置与利益的获取之间的正比例关系,过程是委托——代理,主要场景是公与私的交界处,利益冲突实质上是对公共权力价值判断的一种扭曲。以公共性的原则来优化公共权力构成、强化公共权利归属、重塑公共行政道德、规范公共权力私人性走向、实现公共权力价值判断的回归,是防止利益冲突、确保公共权力在正确的轨道上良好运行的有效途径。  相似文献   


Is Public Administration (PA) as a field of study a basic science? If not, could PA generally and Chinese PA (CPA) in particular become a basic science or a design science? To address these questions, this essay reviews pertinent literature to underscore the major problems, basic deficiencies, and critical issues of CPA, and then reviews ongoing CPA research to shed light on its future development. Our review shows that PA lacks an intellectual core that defines the nature of public administration as a professional practice, and in turn, the nature of PA as an academic discipline. Further, while CPA bears the same deficiencies, it also suffers from three maladies, namely, reductionism, traditionalism, and conservatism, which together reinforce mediocrity. In view of all these issues and problems, where CPA is headed? Our literature review reports some ongoing research breakthroughs in CPA, including ontological confirmation of public administration nature and identification of necessary conditions for effective administrative results, which form a basis to suggest that CPA may become a basic science and design science.


公务员廉政教育在惩治和预防腐败体系中具有基础性地位,其实效性的提高事关反腐倡廉建设总体成效的全局。以责任为核心的现代行政伦理即行政责任伦理为我们加强新时期的公务员廉政教育提供了新的视角,公务员腐败产生的主观原因在于责任感的丧失。因此,要以责任感的培养为核心内容,以责任认知教育、责任担当精神的塑造和责任行为能力的提升为抓手,以反腐倡廉为目的,切实加强对新时期公务员的廉政教育。  相似文献   

The idea of administrative limits—in the sense of constraints or bounds on what can be achieved by the activity of administration in general and public administration in particular—is important for a proper understanding of twenty‐first‐century public administration. What are the effective limits of taxable capacity in the modern state, as debt‐ridden governments seek to reduce debt levels and budget deficits after the financial crashes and economic recession of the late 2000s? What are the limits of safety and security that can be realistically achieved by administrative structures and procedures in a so‐called risk society? What are the limits to the achievement of ambitious social engineering to improve the human lot by conventional organizations and bureaucracies? Such issues are not new. Questions of this kind have long been asked by scholars in the intersecting fields of public administration, policy studies, and political science. Nonetheless, the author argues, they address issues that are of continuing, central importance to government and society in today’s world.  相似文献   

政府保持清正廉洁是构建和谐社会的重要因素。美国政府已经基本形成一个相对完整的政府行政伦理体系。而其体系的建构则经过了上百年的历程,是由他律转变为自律的过程。美国政府道德规范体系的构建经验对中国有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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