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协合型政策议程作为体制内行为者通过"体制内协商"方式,持续吸纳公众利益诉求进而推动议题纳入政策过程的议程创建新类型,既是体制内外行为主体互相"借力"的过程,又是集权与分权相结合的议程建构模式.立足话语理论确立的核心原则,协合型政策议程建构理应基于集体的反思理性和蕴涵着伙伴相依关系,但在多元行动者话语互动过程中,并非所有的行动者均具有同等的影响能力,而是存在着话语暴政.鉴于此,需要通过不断完善体制内外行为主体的对话结构、发挥体制外行为主体在议程建构中的积极作用以及不断增强弱势群体的博弈能力等多元途径,来搭建利益相关主体间的平等对话平台.最大限度地避免议程建构过程中的话语操纵和垄断,最终实现我国协合型政策议程建构过程的优化.  相似文献   

社会群体将某一社会问题转化为公共议题,并以多种方式对政府形成压力,从而影响决策过程,将公共议题转化为政策议题,这一政策议程设置的模式,即为"压力—回应"模式。"压力—回应"在世界各国政策议程设置中广泛存在,在中国改革开放后的政策过程中也日益常见。以项目性政策议程、行业性政策议程、全国性修法议程等三个层面的案例对"压力—回应"模式进行实证分析表明:"压力—回应"贯穿于中国政策过程,从地方政府的化工项目到关乎全体民众的法律修订,压力来源、表达方式、压力强度的差异都会改变政策回应的结果。  相似文献   

校车安全问题何以进入决策者的视野是理解《校车安全条例(草案征求意见稿)》得以快速发布的关键。采用案例分析法,从多源流理论视角对校车安全的源流发展、焦点事件和政策行动者等方面进行整体分析,研究表明:校车安全政策议程是政策企业家在政策窗口开启之时推动问题、政策和政治三大源流汇合的结果。相比垃圾桶模型、触发机制模型和议程设置理论,多源流模型在本案例中更具解释力。同时,多源流模型面临中国情境,源流之间存在相关性,而非完全独立。拥有双重身份的政策企业家具有从政府机构中打开"政治窗口"的可能性,这为多源流模型的本土化应用与后续研究提供了一个可供考察的角度。最后,指出阻碍校车安全政策议程设置的主要因素包括,制度性利益表达通道不通畅、政府部门对焦点事件处理能力和水平不高、管理权限划分模糊。为此,应创建有效的制度性利益表达通道、积极关注媒体舆情,扩大问题来源、科学合理划分管理权限。这些问题及对策对于其他政策领域也具备一定的借鉴意义,这也是本研究对政策制定者的启迪所在。  相似文献   

互联网时代的网络参与正表现出对"中心—边缘"表达结构的突破,使得边缘性意见更多地呈现出来,这在一定程度上改变了传统的政策过程。在分析网络公共事件的公众意见表达及其运作机理时,我们对"三亚宰客门"、"青岛天价虾"以及"哈尔滨天价鱼"三起网络事件进行比较,可以更清晰地看到传统多源流模型解释的辉格倾向。互联网为表达结构的去中心化提供了技术条件,改变了政策生成的流程,使得问题源流、政策源流与政治源流汇合到一起而不再表现为单独推进的状况。在传统的"中心—边缘"结构中,因为控制性过滤机制的存在,政策议程能否开启以及开启怎样的政策议程,往往取决于控制主体在能力所及和职能所限的范围内对问题进行的有效收敛情况。与之不同,网络公众表达的去中心化则使得公众意见更为方便地汇聚到决策者那里,从而开启政策之窗。  相似文献   

描述和分析了1990年末期以来由传媒参与、促进公共政策议程的个案。在该个案中,社会意见表达得以实现,促成了公共讨论,并导致了政府对在公共讨论基础上形成之民意的政策回应。对这一进程的发生及促成因素进行了分析和解释,研究表明:传媒、民意与公共决策的互动过程有三个重要关节点:民意表达、公共讨论、政府回应。在这个过程中,传媒起到了关键性作用,它充当了形成公共意见的"公共领域"的角色与功能。除了探讨传媒、民意与公共决策的互动过程与机制之外,对本个案中表现出的遗憾与局限也做了讨论。通过本个案研究,希望为当代中国传媒、民意与公共决策互动问题提供一个微观视角。  相似文献   

公共政策议程研究是西方政策研究领域中一个新兴的研究热点。20世纪70年代以来,西方学者基于西方政治体系中的政策实践总结归纳出了政策议程的很多准入条件和模型。而中国学者在议程问题的研究上还处于萌芽阶段,基于本国实践的同类研究不仅数量稀少,而且解释的力度和系统性都欠缺。约翰·金顿(John·Kingdon)的多源流分析框架为基础对我国医疗卫生体制改革的政策议程有现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

文章旨在理解我国体制持续发展中表现出的体制弹性。根据体制持续发展过程中权利结构是否发生演进,把体制的可持续性分解为"体制适应性"和"体制弹性"两个方面,明确区别于对适应性体制或弹性体制的笼统提法。在此概念界定的基础上,从温岭劳资个案出发考察体制弹性的过程。温岭劳资个案是劳资冲突逐步激化、地方政府应对挑战维持稳定的过程,是在既有权利结构下应对社会冲突、启动利益表达和实现劳资关系稳定的完整政治过程。案例表现出体制持续发展的弹性方面,而相关正式制度设置和能动的当地政府扮演了重要角色。进一步对个案中获得的认识进行逻辑的一般分析,认为在社会主义基本制度和政府间的行政逐级发包制下,正式制度和基层政府对体制弹性发挥着重要作用。同时,体制弹性对体制的发展具有正反两方面的潜在影响。  相似文献   

协商民主与政策议程的成功设置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政策议程的成功设置是社会问题得以解决的前提。现实中由于政策议程设置机制或设置模式的原因,一些公众关心的社会问题难以进入政策议程,政府有时提出的政策议程设置主张也遭到公众的抵制和反对。协商民主作为一种决策体制和民主治理形式,用一套制度与程序规范提升政策议程设置内容及过程的合法性,有助于政策议程的成功设置。  相似文献   

张乐  童星 《行政论坛》2015,(1):7-13
从公共政策过程的角度,立足于现实的"邻避冲突"案例,使用历时性的分析方法阐释了议程设置的过程与机制,研究发现,在中国大陆与核能开发有关的"邻避冲突"大多源自原有核能政策的垄断。民间群体想要打破政府对议程设置的垄断局面,必须经历核能政策垄断与"混合式"议程设置,公众议程的发起与新议程形象的建立,议程议定场所的选择与管辖权的争夺,议程的扩张与政策垄断的破坏,及"机会之窗"与"焦点触发",最终将自己面临的困境清晰地呈现给政策的制定者。案例表明,现实中自下而上的议程设置还存在诸多障碍:即来自政府方面的阻碍主要表现在体制和机制方面,来自公众方面的阻碍主要是其在参与和主导议程设置的能力上存在缺憾,来自大众媒体方面的阻碍主要是他们对议程话语权的操作和过度的风险放大。优化议程设置的可能性路径是:加强议程开启和沟通的制度化机制建设,建立和完善议程设定场所之间的统筹与协调机制,培育公众在政策参与方面的能力。  相似文献   

互联网作为当今人们快速获取信息、传递信息、表达信息的常见方式,成为当前公民表达民意、反映需求的重要渠道,然而呈多样化、密集化的网络舆情事件中,只有部分能成功触发政策议程,造成结果差异的原因、以及相关因素的作用机制值得探究。本文在多源流理论视阈下对多个案例进行梳理分析,预设“社会——网络——国家”三元分析框架,结合政府回应情况总结归纳出三种网络舆情触发政策议程的模式,阐释我国网络舆情对政策议程的触发模式。回应性政策议程触发模式的优势在于政策的可执行性强、民主决策程度相对较高、有助于政府提高公信力,但该模式下可能致使决策者对问题出现误判、可能无法达到帕累托最优等缺陷也不容忽视。  相似文献   

This paper examine5 the policymaking progress in Costa Rica, specifically the creation of a new item for the governmental agenda. This new agenda challenges the traditional Itno army" policy of Costa Kica. Following a brief historical overview of the traditional policy, the paper considers the role of specific factors that promote structural conduciveness for the new "defense" policy and the attendant transformation of political symbols and definitions. The impact of the definitional and organizational changes on the implementation stage of policy is explored. This article suggests the importance of studying the role of hegemony in the construction and transformation of political and cultural definitions, an explication of deci- sionmaking as well as nondecisionmaking processes, and the influence of external and internal threats on nation-state dependency.  相似文献   

吴晓林 《公共管理学报》2012,(1):111-120,128
2000年以后,国内学界对社区建设的研究显示出"井喷"的蓬勃景象。摸清10年来这个问题的研究脉络和动向,是形成中国社区理论学派和推动实践的基础工作。采用文献分析、比较分析的方法,对10年来中国大陆社区建设研究进行了系统梳理,分析了社区建设研究兴起的背景、研究论域、研究方法。在此基础上,得出结论:社区建设研究主要受政府驱动,后来学界的自我完善和主动牵引发挥了日益重要的作用;研究方法上,以历史主义分析和个案分析为主,视角以"国家-社会"的二元关系为主,逻辑上以"制度与组织"的演绎为主。摸清现状后,创新性地指出未来的研究方向:在方法上,突破局限,尝试形成一般性的理论,引入"国家社会互动共生"的视角,将对"制度和组织"的观察点切入到"制度-组织-人"的坐标,真正观察"人"在社区建设中的具体作用和价值,在内容上,注重"国家权力"与"公民权利"之间的变迁,观察社区建设中"双权生态"。如果真的能够在上述方向上做出努力,对于社区建设理论的突破和社区建设的关系人将是有益的。  相似文献   

Since 1975, vocational rehabilitation has represented a small and declining component of federal disability policy. This trend is perhaps reflective of the relatively crude assessment techniques that have been applied to the program in the past. Using the Virginia Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program as a prototype, we outline how the data and methods of assessment can be improved for purposes of directing public policy. The key issues include identifying an appropriate comparison group for VR, analysis of longitudinal earnings data, and methods for refining measures of program cost. The analysis provides "fixed-effects" estimates of net earnings impacts for each of three postprogram years stratified by disability classification and gender. These treatment impacts are compared to total and service-specific costs. In general, this analysis suggests that evaluation of VR can be substantially improved and that these improvements can be attained at relatively modest analytic cost.  相似文献   

面向对象的公共政策分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对现有我国公共管理领域中的政策分析方法相关研究的梳理,在参照国外相关文献的基础上,提出了一种面向对象的公共政策分析方法.从理论与实践的角度表达了这种政策分析方法的优点和局限性.公共政策分析的对象几乎都是复杂系统,面对这种复杂的分析对象,只有通过从概念到流程的处理,从定性到定量化工具的使用,才能把公共政策所要面对的问题进行解构和优化,使之成为一种可操作的理论建构.特别是通过一个典型的应用案例,使面向对象的公共政策分析方法建立操作性的认知成为可能,从而对当前我国公共管理领域提供了一种可供参考的政策分析方法.  相似文献   

Despite calls to increase federal oversight of hydraulic fracturing (HF), the U.S. Congress has maintained a regulatory system in which environmental regulatory authority is devolved to the states. We argue that this system is characterized by a long‐standing “policy monopoly”: a form of stability in policy agenda‐setting in which a specific manner of framing and regulating a policy issue becomes hegemonic. Integrating theories on agenda‐setting and environmental discourse analysis, we develop a nuanced conceptualization of policy monopoly that emphasizes the significance of regulatory history, public perceptions, industry–government relations, and environmental “storylines.” We evaluate how a policy monopoly in U.S. HF regulation has been constructed and maintained through a historical analysis of oil and gas regulation and a discourse analysis of eleven select congressional energy committee hearings. This research extends scholarship on agenda‐setting by better illuminating the importance of political economic and geographic factors shaping regulatory agendas and outcomes.  相似文献   

In comparison with the other social and behavioral sciences, there has been a general lack of anthropological input or interest in public policy.
This absence from the public policy arena has been the result of both historical developments and theoretical biases within the field. Nevertheless, there have been certain periods when significant numbers of anthropologists have worked in policy areas-the 1930s. World War Il-but even then their influence was not great. However, in recent years we have witnessed a rapidly growing emphasis on public policy in applied anthropology which promises to give the discipline the opportunity to become atruly holistic policy science.
In addition to the discussion of the factors which have impeded and, more recently, contributed to anthropological involvement with public policy, each of the symposium papers is briefly introduced.  相似文献   

Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) have been considered as critical tools in development processes, gaining growing importance in the public policy agenda. We assert that an intersubjective agreement about STI policy has emerged in Latin America from the beginning of the twenty-first century. This operates as a developmental convention which is based on a hybrid theoretical rationale from neoclassical economics and the innovation systems approach. This process has been analyzed from different perspectives of innovation and political economy studies. However, as far as we know, the role of political parties in the construction and reproduction of STI conventions has not been studied. After illustrating the general assertion with stylized facts from the whole Latin American region, we study the platforms that Uruguayan political parties presented in the national elections between 2004 and 2019. Text analysis techniques show that platforms of both left- and right-wing political parties were embedded in the current STI policy convention. However, critical discrepancies emerge in relation to policy implementation—the positive and negative agendas—which show that there has been political competition regarding the role of the state and of markets. This leads us to conclude that even though one can observe a shared set of building blocks on STI policy and development, there is competition within the current convention, suggesting that any agreement is illusory.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper examines the current endeavours to render the Australian economy more economically efficient. While the case for microeconomic reform is clear in economic theory, Australian public policy analysts are less sanguine about the possibilities for its long-term success. This paper seeks to develop the parameters of a simple general model to explain both why microeconomic reform proposals are dominant today on the Australian policy agenda and, more importantly, what the conditions are for their success or failure. This general model provides a framework that will allow further elaboration in case studies of particular episodes of microeconomic reform.
The paper concludes pessimistically; micro-economic reform has been subsumed into the normal political agenda contests of Australian party politics. The pressures of such "politics" inclines Australian reforming towards incrementalism, rather than the Simon-style rationalism implicit from micro-economics. This mode of policy implementation will inhibit microeconomic reform in the longer term.  相似文献   

Lawmaking is a challenge for coalition governments because it inherently demands cooperation and compromise by parties with divergent policy goals. The jurisdictional system of cabinet government exacerbates the problem by providing parties the means to undermine the coalition bargain in the pursuit of their own policy interests. In this article, I explore whether arrangements that allow partners to police one another induce compromise on one of the most important decisions taken by a government—the organization of the policy agenda. In an analysis of original data on the timing and policy content of over 800 government bills from four European democracies, I show that coalition governments pursue a largely "accommodative" agenda. Policy initiatives dealing with issues that are more attractive to all partners in the coalition are likely to be given priority on the agenda, while those dealing with relatively unattractive issues are likely to be postponed .  相似文献   

中国社会保障法律体系的构想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了中国社会保障体系的立法背景,根据法律体系构建原理描述了中国社会保障的法律体系结构,指出我国社会保障体系应由政策优先向法律优先转移。从概念研究入手,立足于国际经验比较分析,根据中国宪法原则,提出了关于中国保障法律体系内容和结构的初步设想。  相似文献   

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