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王利国  顾鹏程 《学理论》2010,(26):291-292
培养适应当今社会需要的高素质、高技能、创新型专门人才,加强专业课程教学设计是关键。粮食工程专业围绕提高教学质量,培养学生核心能力,对专业核心课程的教学设计进行了一定的研究和实践。课程的教学模式采用以职业任务和生产过程为导向的学习领域课程模式。紧紧围绕"任务驱动,项目导向,基于工作过程"来设计课程的教学内容、教学方法、教学手段,突出强调实践性教学,着力提高教学效果。  相似文献   

薛妮 《学理论》2014,(6):228-230
法学教育与法律职业有着密切的关系,从事法律职业必须接受系统的法学教育。当前,法学教育与法律职业脱节的问题引起教育界的高度关注。立足于政法类职业院校教育教学改革实践,以经济法课程为例,探讨经济法课程实施项目化教学的必要性、可行性和操作性,并设计了经济法课程项目化教学的总体方案。  相似文献   

正党的领导是创新社会治理,加强基层建设的根本保证。闵行区梅陇镇党委在贯彻落实市委一号课题的过程中,坚持党建引领,将基层党建与社会治理工作有机融合,针对社会治理的薄弱环节及基层党建中存在内容形式单一、目标无法量化、考核激励不足等问题,提出了以党建项目化为抓手,推进社会治理的工作思路,通过"课题式设计、项目化管理、开放式测评"来激发基层党建的动力和活力。通过项目的实施,  相似文献   

根据汽车检测和维修技术领域和职业岗位(群)的任职要求,通过职业素质和职业能力的分析,参照国家职业标准,确定该专业课程的定位、目标和结构。以素质教育为基础,以能力培养为主线,构建通识课程、专业课程和实训课程,设计并实施模块化的专业理论知识课程体系以及项目化的技能训练课程体系。  相似文献   

陈艳茹  杨勃 《学理论》2012,(8):174-175
基于现代教学理念的深入,近几年,全国各高职院校均尝试采用"基于工作过程"的教学改革或"以项目为载体,任务导向"的教学改革。以《铁路工程施工组织与概预算》课程改革项目为例,将项目管理的概念引入课程改革项目中,有助于提高课程改革的教育。  相似文献   

康莉  吴文雅  何萍 《学理论》2012,(20):235-236
随着我国会计的不断改革和创新,传统的会计教学已不能满足企业的要求,教学改革势在必行。以工作过程导向教学模式为视角,基础会计课程实施主要策略有:加强师资队伍综合素质的培养;编写项目化教材;加强校内外实训基地的建设;构建理论与实践相结合的考核体系。  相似文献   

正虹口区总工会深入学习贯彻党的十九大精神,落实区委十届七次全会确定的各项目标任务,强化主业主责意识,立足解决难题,坚持目标导向、问题导向、需求导向和服务导向,以项目化手段集中攻关,以责任分解方式细化落实各项工作。邀请并组织中央、市属企业、区各级企事业工会参加虹口区"苏宁杯"党的  相似文献   

董玉芳 《学理论》2011,(2):321-322
理实一体化教学是中等职业学校人才培养方案中的重要环节,其效果与质量对培养目标的实现起着举足轻重的作用。我校在几年的计算机课程教学实践中,在教育教学理论的指导下,尝试新的教学模式与教学方法,不断地总结提高,并将其应用于教学过程中。将结合本人在《网页设计与制作》课程中进行的教学实践,从教师的"教"和学生的"学"两个方面入手进行研究,旨在探讨如何在《网页设计与制作》课程中进一步实施项目化教学,进一步提高学生的专业技能。  相似文献   

以工作过程系统化为导向改革专业课,是职业教育人才培养的重要理念.其核心在于,按照企业实际工作任务开发工作过程系统化的教学项目课程,使学生在学习中学会工作.这种教学理念要求以职业任务和行动过程为导向设计课程内容,采用理论教师和实操教师相互配合的一体化教学模式,在计算机网络专业有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   

高职课程项目化开发的策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课程项目化已成为当前高职教育课程改革的基本取向.从课程项目化改革的整体运行过程逻辑出发进行研究,从专业课程体系重构、具体教学课程开发、具体教学课程实施三个层面探究开发策略.  相似文献   

余进军 《学理论》2012,(15):236-237
案例教学是医学院校思想政治理论课(以下简称"思政"课)教学的一种现代教育理念的有效教学方法,它能有效提高"思政"课的针对性、实效性和吸引力。在教学活动中"思政"课教师应结合医学生特点,精选案例、巧设问题。通过医学生思考、讨论和交流,教师引导、讲述和评论等方式,来提高其学习"思政"课的兴趣和教学效果。  相似文献   

Randomized experiments provide unbiased estimates of treatment effects, but are costly and time consuming. We demonstrate how a randomized experiment can be leveraged to measure selection bias by conducting a subsequent observational study that is identical in every way except that subjects choose their treatment—a quasi‐doubly randomized preference trial (quasi‐DRPT). Researchers first strive to think of and measure all possible confounders and then determine how well these confounders as controls can reduce or eliminate selection bias. We use a quasi‐DRPT to study the effect of class time on student performance in an undergraduate introductory microeconomics course at a large public university, illustrating its required design elements: experimental and choice arms conducted in the same setting with identical interventions and measurements, and all confounders measured prospectively to treatment assignment or choice. Quasi‐DRPTs augment randomized experiments in real‐world settings where participants choose their treatments.  相似文献   

This article, building on the emerging theoretical corpus of “reputation theory” provides an alternative explanation about how successful policies are obtained in contexts of bureaucratic weakness and volatile politics. The argument is that politicians choose to intervene in delivering successful policies based on how contributable such policies are to construct their political reputations. The findings suggest that in both countries, less tenured politicians face higher incentives to build their reputations, so they choose to deliver better policies to accumulate “successful experiences” as vitae for electoral purposes. Tenured politicians, in turn, opt for inaction or strategic delivery, to preserve their already won political reputations. The present article brings evidence from the education sector of Peru and Bolivia, a sector that has been at the core of these countries' priorities for decades. Through a mixed methods approach involving a panel regression and in-depth interviews, results obtained largely confirm this article's claims.  相似文献   

This article draws on a three-year collaborative research project investigating how community consultation is practised by Victorian councils, especially in relation to multiple publics and groups that councils can find 'hard to reach'. Based on an analysis of consultation documents, this article looks at councils' understanding of community consultation and underlying assumptions, the expected outcomes and how this is translated into guidance for practice. The research demonstrates that councils aim to consult to provide a range of outcomes, but there is a lack of clarity about how to choose and use the appropriate combination of consultation tool(s) and public(s) to facilitate these. Councils are also unclear about how the outcomes of consultation feed into existing decision-making processes and the implications of this for democratic legitimacy. This is in part due to the fact that the conceptual tensions around consultation and the democratic process are apparent not so much by virtue of what is said about them, but of what is not said. The article begins by outlining the conceptual and definitional problems associated with consultation using typologies of public participation. We investigate how typologies inform the consultation documents developed by councils and in how far they support practice. We then address the need to involve multiple publics and the vexed issue of who is hard to reach and why they should be consulted.  相似文献   

The landscape of health care is about to change. Under the Clinton proposal every American will choose one of three basic kinds of health plan--HMO, fee-for-service or a combination. The big questions are how much you will pay and how you will choose your doctors. Lost already? Here's a tour of Healthtown, U.S.A.  相似文献   

This article reports on the evaluation of political science research internships and considers their costs and benefits for a political science education. Students indicated high levels of appreciation of the inaugural Political Science Research Internship Unit at the University of Western Australia in terms of its contribution to their personal development and work experience. A substantial number of interns gained insights into the policy process through this form of experiential learning. Many came to appreciate the contingency and the normative dimensions of knowledge in the policy process. Whereas about half of the students found the transition from the seminar room to the policy world difficult, the other half were more successful in applying their theoretical knowledge to practical experiences. The article also indicates how this evaluation informs future course design.  相似文献   

This article is based on a research project carried out at the Graduate School of Education, Queen's University Belfast. The researchers conducted a study of discussion-based citizenship education for post-16 students in Northern Ireland (UK) over a period of 18 months. One of the researchers designed and delivered a course of citizenship education for students in a case study school (100 of whom were involved). This course was constructed within a theoretical framework that drew heavily upon the work of Jurgen Habermas. The results of the study showed that an overwhelming majority of the students involved gave comprehensive and positive evaluations of a citizenship course that was reliant upon a discussion-based form of education. This article argues that such courses, premised on the need to encourage communicative competence amongst young people, should be offered to all students within the non-compulsory education sector in the UK and beyond.  相似文献   

This article asks whether information about immigrants beyond their age, education, and years since migration can be productively used to project their earnings. Although many factors could affect immigrant earnings, what is most useful for Social Security modelling purposes is relevant information that is readily available on a continuous basis. Country of origin is a good candidate, as it is regularly and readily available from several administrative and survey data sources. In this article, microdata samples from the 1960-90 censuses are used to examine the relationship between country of origin and the earnings of immigrants. By following cohorts of immigrants over 10-year intervals, we learn how country of origin affects the initial earnings of immigrants and how the relationship between country of origin and immigrant earnings changes as immigrants continue to live in the United States. The article also presents theoretical insights and empirical evidence about the underlying causes of the link between country of origin and immigrant earnings.  相似文献   

梁忠伟  江帆  王春 《学理论》2009,(20):233-236
培育优良学风,提高学生培养质量,加强学风建设是目前各高校本科教学亟待解决的问题之一。本文针对当前高校部分学生在学风方面,尤其是专业课学习方面普遍存在的问题,进行了较为深入的分析,从专业课教学角度方面,并以《画法几何与工程制图》课程教学效果为例讨论了提高学习效果,促进学风建设的有效举措,并在此基础上利用建构主义教学理论对教学方法的选择和运用进行了论述。  相似文献   

In 1983 the Department of Health in Papua New Guinea decentralized the control of health services to provincial governments. In the same year a major rural health development project commenced in six of the nineteen provinces. Conflict arose between the centralized control required by the project and the decentralized health system. This article reviews the experience of the project implementators in trying to reconcile the philosophy and reality of decentralization with the centralized project design. Lessons point to the need for closer collaboration with beneficiaries during project design, formal clarification of responsibilities of national and provincial governments in implementation, institutional strengthening as a project input and the development of mechanisms for review and change during the course of implementation.  相似文献   

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