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朱平 《刑事技术》2005,(5):52-52
我国的足迹检验技术在80年代和90年代得到了较大的发展,足迹检验技术从步法检验、形象检验,发展到鞋底磨损检验、足迹动力形态检验、足迹定量化检验等。特别是近几年,足迹检验中各学派、各门类的各种检验技术内容丰富,方法多样,正在逐步形成具有中国特色的足迹学体系,在侦查破案中发挥了重要作用。目前,常用的足迹鉴定包括:1赤足足迹的鉴定主要以足迹的大小、形象、轮廓、重压部位的密度、乳突花纹、残缺部位、是否变形等特征为赤足足迹进行同一认定,赤足足迹的鉴定又分为平面赤足足迹的鉴定和立体赤足足迹的鉴定。2鞋印足迹的形象鉴定主要…  相似文献   

王正鹏  王鲲 《法制与社会》2014,(11):185+195-185,195
本文主要是通过介绍粉尘地面立体足迹的形成、作用原理、几种常用固定剂的性质,分析形成足迹的粉尘颗粒的大小及松散程度,运用胶体与表面的吸附作用,聚集作用,以及亲液胶体的成膜对粉尘地面上的立体足迹的固定方法进行研究。在研究过程中首先通过介绍粉尘地面立体足迹形成机理来分析确定不同花纹足迹的反映情况及稳定性,以及不同固定剂与粉尘的作用情况;然后通过对不同花纹的足迹在不同地面上进行实验比较,其选用手法与试剂不同使得固定的立体足迹存在较大差异;最后根据实验结果进行分析得出:不同粉尘地面上大小花纹立体足迹的固定可以使用不同手法、用量及固定剂以达到最佳的效果。  相似文献   

足迹提取是刑事案件现场勘查的主要内容之一,由于承痕客体的复杂性,足迹的显现方法也多种多样.其中,粉尘地面的立体足迹的提取仍是一大难题.粉尘地面立体足迹是指承痕客体表层覆盖了较厚一层质地松软、干燥的粉尘类物质的足迹,如水泥粉、石灰粉或其它类似物质.由于粉尘地面立体足迹的承痕客体的理化性质特殊,不宜采用常规的静电吸附法,用拍照提取和制作石膏模型等方法提取也不理想,因此其提取具有一定的难度.  相似文献   

利用多波段光源显现潜在粉尘足迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对粉尘足迹的理化性质分析,借鉴多波段光源照射下用荧光粉处理潜指纹的方法,显现此类足迹.  相似文献   

1 研究的目的 刑事案件现场勘查中,经常发现犯罪分子遗留的足迹,科学地检验分析现场足迹,是目前痕检技术人员共同关心的问题。现行的足迹检验和步法分析方法,无论是测量足迹的长、宽,还是分析判断遗留足迹人的身高、年龄及其它特征,均以“足迹中心线”为基础并辅以掌宽、跟宽来实现,而现行的“足迹中心线、掌宽、跟宽”  相似文献   

刑事案件中对足迹的发现、提取、利用是很寻常的事,人们已习惯了运用各种检验技术对鞋外底遗留足迹特征检验、运用。而本文则是作者在总结实际办案的经验和教学研究的基础上,以鞋内底足迹为切入口,重点谈谈鞋内底足迹的概念、形成机理、特征及应用。  相似文献   

2例足迹检验出现差错的原因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
足迹检验鉴定理论的发展已经突破了根据鞋印形象特征检验的范畴,发展到根据鞋(或鞋印)上所反映的磨损特征、动力形态特征、结合步法检验技术对同一人穿用不同鞋进行人身同一认定,这是足迹检验鉴定理论一个质的飞跃。这一理论在实际办案中对于串并案件、揭露证实犯罪提供了有力的支持。但是,不可否认的是近几年在实际案例操作时,足迹检验中根据同一人穿用不同鞋对穿鞋人进行同一认定有时会出现差错。我们在实际工作中,就曾经遇到两例,报道如下:1案例简介案例12002年某日,在一起盗窃案件的外围现场,提取到一枚平面灰尘加层足迹,该足迹边缘完整…  相似文献   

足迹检验技术刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对不同鞋子(足迹)进行检验鉴定是近2 0多年发展起来的一门具有中国特色的刑事技术手段,先后涌现了步法追踪检验、鞋底磨损特征检验、足迹动力形态检验、单个足迹检验、足迹定量化检验等技术,已达到通过足迹检验直接认定人身的应用阶段。最近几年还将系统分析、计算机自动化检验等加以应用,为足迹检验这门科学的发展提供了高科技平台。其中,因磨损特征检验技术简便易学,可操作性较强,在案件侦破中容易发挥作用,就我市的实际应用情况来看,该项技术在本地区办案部门中普及和认同程度相对较高,基本上是以鞋底磨损特征检验技术应用为主,其他检验…  相似文献   

只要有蛛丝马迹,就叫你难逃法网。利用计算机检验犯罪分子在现场留下的足迹,从而达到破案的目的,这在今天已经从梦想变成现实。我国从50年代起利用步法追踪和足迹检验认定人身,进入80年代以后,我国科技工作者在利用足迹进行人身认定方面,形成了诸多各有所长的“足迹动力形态检验”、“足迹定量检验”、“鞋底磨损特征检验”、“单个足迹检验”等理论和方法,这使  相似文献   

孟小平 《刑事技术》2003,(Z1):25-25
1案情简介1998年3月15日,鄂州市一住宅区离休干部(女,50岁)被犯罪分子杀死在家中,现场勘查中,在死者卧室油漆地面上遗留有穿袜足迹两枚,系灰尘减层足迹。拍照时,由于地面反光,无法从垂直角度拍到理想照片。后经静电吸附提取拍照,效果较好,同年4月28日晚,该住宅区又发生一起重大入室盗窃案,犯罪分子采取同样入室手段盗窃各种贵重物品价值万余元,现场勘查中,在入口窗户下靠墙的一排方凳上提取穿袜足迹一枚,同时提取了数枚清晰的指掌纹。两案是否同一人所为,笔者对现场足迹进行了检验排查。2检验2.1现场足迹的检验两起案件现场足迹均系犯罪分子…  相似文献   

打印复印文件朱墨时序表观特征初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文详细介绍了一案例的检验过程,并通过简单实验对激光打印、静电复印形成文件的朱墨时序的表观特征进行了粗浅的探究。总体而言,两种时序在朱墨交叉点的表观特征上具有文字与印文均完整、肉眼感觉文字均压在印文之上的共同点;在两者本质的差异点上,先朱后墨表现为交叉点的墨粉与未交叉部位一致,先墨后朱表现为交叉点的墨粉光泽度增加、具有潮湿感、以及易出现水珠状的印油积聚现象。  相似文献   

Even though trace evidence is becoming more and more important in legal cases, only little is known about the influence of task and context factors on comparative judgments. In the present study we investigated how expectations and complexity affect shoe print examinations and to what extent differences exist between beginners and experienced examiners. Twelve examiners assessed similarity between a shoe print and a shoe for eight different cases. For half the cases expectation was induced by providing additional incriminating evidence. A complex case meant that the print was relatively noisy, for example because the perpetrator rotated his foot. A simple case meant that the print was clear. The results showed that there was no effect of expectation and no effect of experience. Only complexity affected the examiners' assessments: when the background was noisy, the acquired features received a lower evidential value than when the background was clear. Apparently, examiners compensated for the quality of the print and were more cautious in drawing conclusions when prints were less clear. Even though the results allow for some optimism with regard to the influence of expectations on shoe print examinations, it has to be taken into account that the Dutch procedure is supported by a formal guideline, which may (partly) explain the present findings.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(1):109-115
Field research within latent print comparison has remained sparse in the context of an otherwise growing body of literature examining the discipline. Studies examining how ACE-V procedures are implemented within active crime laboratories are especially lacking in light of research suggesting significant variability in examiner practices despite standardized ACE-V procedures. To date, no studies have examined a potentially important aspect of the Analysis phase: digital image editing. We provide information on the prevalence and types of latent print image editing within one laboratory (i.e., Houston Forensic Science Center), examine the potential effect of image editing on objective print quality and clarity (i.e., LQMetrics scores), and explore potential examiner differences in editing effectiveness. Results indicate that most latent prints are edited in some manner, and that image editing improves the quality and clarity of print images as defined by an objective quality metric, although examiners varied in their ability to improve the clarity of print images. Findings suggest that formal guidance or documentation of standard editing procedures would likely improve the reliability of examiner conclusions early in the latent print comparison process.  相似文献   

Abstract: Dermatoglyphic print comparisons can be utilized to establish personal identification in forensic cases. The northern part of the state of West Bengal, India, is the home to many ethnic populations. Two such populations are the Rajbanshi and the Mech. Palm prints were collected from 192 adult Rajbanshi (105 men and 87 women) and 100 adult Mech (50 men and 50 women) individuals for print comparison using the standard ink and roll print method. The dermatoglyphic variables studied were mainline formulae, termination of mainline, positional variation of axial triradii, and true pattern of hypothenar and thenar configuration area. There were differences between the Rajbanshi and Mech individuals with respect to these dermatoglyphic variables. The uses of these variables appear to be limited only to ethnic identification, not personal identification. The present investigation further highlights the racial affinity, sex, and bilateral differences among Rajbanshi individuals using dermatoglyphic palmar variables.  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop and to assess an algorithm to facilitate lip print visualization, and to digitally analyze lip prints on different supports, by superimposition. It also aimed to classify lip prints according to sex. A batch image processing algorithm was developed, which facilitated the identification and extraction of information about lip grooves. However, it performed better for lip print images with a uniform background. Paper and glass slab allowed more correct identifications than glass and the both sides of compact disks. There was no significant difference between the type of support and the amount of matching structures located in the middle area of the lower lip. There was no evidence of association between types of lip grooves and sex. Lip groove patterns of type III and type I were the most common for both sexes. The development of systems for lip print analysis is necessary, mainly concerning digital methods.  相似文献   

本文对部分中国汉族64名(男36名,女28名)个体的唇纹进行了追踪调查(间隔4年零5个月)。过对所得材料的研究,探讨了唇纹特征随年龄增加而发生变化的规律,并根据唇纹特征提出了新通的分类方法。  相似文献   

目的 探索一种犯罪现场上潜血印痕新型显现技术;方法 利用溴甲酚绿、溴甲酚蓝、四丁基碘化铵与酒精溶液作为新型潜血印痕显现液,研究该技术显现潜血印痕的效果,并与国内外最常用的四甲基联苯胺显现技术进行交叉比较;结果 新型溴甲酚绿和溴甲酚蓝酒精显现液对稀释浓度到为1/1000的潜血印痕的极其敏感,显现出的手印纹线清晰连贯、反差明显,无颜色背景,且能够有效增强四甲基联苯胺处理后潜血印痕;结论 新型潜血印痕显现技术反应灵敏、反差明显,能作为四甲基联苯胺的后处理试剂,若得到推广应用,将能够有效提高犯罪现场上潜血印痕的发现率、提取率和利用率.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of gender, body mass index, and time on the width of friction ridge impressions in fingerprints and the content of sweat and sebum forming the print. The research showed that the friction ridge impressions of women are significantly wider than those of men, and this tendency persists throughout the existence of the print. The differences may result from the anatomical structure of the skin, as well as from the use of protective products such as creams, which are used more often by women. The width of friction ridge impression is similar in underweight and overweight people, but greater than in those with normal body weight, and the amount of sweat and sebum increases with body weight. The passage of time significantly reduces both the width of the friction ridge impression and the content of sweat and sebum secretions in the print.  相似文献   

A trace code pattern location measurement approach is proposed. It includes a method that can precisely extract the trace code pattern to identify the color laser printer or photocopier class. In this study, we collected 379 samples from 15 brands, including 129 models and 196 printers or photocopiers. The trace code pattern class is identified. Four class characteristics are used to identify the print source: (i) the relation between the pattern and print output direction; (ii) observation of the shape features from among the trace code pattern units; (iii) the feature arrangement from among the trace code pattern units; and (iv) the arrangement relation of the trace code pattern. Blind testing shows that the accuracy of the proposed method is approximately 96.9% for the Questioned Document Examiners, and 84.3% in the non‐Questioned Document Examiners. It is thus an effective technique for determining a print's color laser printer or photocopier source class.  相似文献   

In this report, the bodies of six skinned animals were submitted to the Oklahoma Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory for necropsy examination as authorities were concerned these animals were domestic dogs. Given the condition of the animals, identification of the animal species could not be based on traditional physical characteristics such as size, fur characteristics, and ear characteristics. The paw prints from these animals were characterized based on size, heel pad architecture, and claw characteristics. The length of the forepaws measured 3-3.25 in., four toes were observed and only the claws of digits 3 and 4 were identified, and the heel pad had a pronounced three-lobed rear margin. The rear margin of the heel pad of the hind foot was of circular shape with two slightly forward-pointing crescents laterally. Based on the features of the paw print it was determined that the animals necropsied were coyotes.  相似文献   

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