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张红旗  汤浩 《刑事技术》2003,(Z1):57-57
近年来,利用爆炸或爆炸装置进行杀人、伤害、敲诈勒索等案件时有发生。通过现场勘查、理化检验及爆炸装置复原,发现这些涉及爆炸案件中的炸药一般为岩石硝铵炸药(含硝铵、梯恩梯)、乳化炸药(含硝铵)、氯酸盐炸药和黑火药。因为来源相对容易,如从鞭炮中获取等原因,较为多见的为二种氯酸盐炸药,一是含氯酸钾、硫磺、铝粉或铝镁合金粉,二是含氯酸钾、硫磺、炭粉。而爆炸装置的引爆方式有导火索直接点火引爆,如“1998.2.14.武汉长江大桥公共汽车爆炸案”;导火索延时点火引爆,如“1998.5.10.轿车爆炸案”;BP机遥控点火引爆,如“2000.8.29.武昌天…  相似文献   

1案件简介2005年浙江省衢州市某职教中心一教室内发生一起爆炸案件,造成讲台被完全炸毁、一女生耳朵被震听不清楚,头发被部分烧伤,一男生衣服被烧一个洞,学校的教学秩序受到了严重影响。现场勘查时从教室地面上、课桌椅上及讲台底部找出了17种400余件爆炸装置碎片。针对17种爆炸装置碎片进行列表,逐样分析其用途,再根据用途情况绘制出爆炸装置电路图,最后重建出遥控爆炸2.1对现场提取的17种爆炸装置碎片进行检验、调查见表12.2对现场提取的几种爆炸残留物进行分析2.2.1对电路板及钢丝的分析现场提取的一块电路板上面有“RX-3N4J7S”字样,…  相似文献   

1 案例简介高锰酸钾与棉花混合,作为爆燃剂装填的爆炸装置爆炸案极为罕见。2 0 0 3年6月某市发生一起爆炸案就是使用了这样一个爆炸装置。该装置采用的全部器材是常见的日常生活品,取材极其容易,制作简单易行,且具有相当的爆炸威力。该案炸点位于一快餐店的洗手间地面,面积约2  相似文献   

郑道利 《刑事技术》2003,(Z1):14-16
爆炸装置的填充物和外壳受爆炸力的作用,炸碎后的碎片通常被抛掷在炸点的周围,填充物和外壳残渣抛掷的越远,爆炸装置的威力越大,对介质的毁损程度也越大,为了研究爆炸装置外壳及填充物飞溅规律,笔者作了如下实验:1实验用爆炸装置的制作铵锑炸药在日常工作中容易接触到,是当前涉爆案件及爆炸事故现场常见的炸药类型。外包装:日常生活中所使用的油漆桶、饮料罐等金属包装物常采用的厚度在0.1mm至0.5mm之间的金属板材制造,根据点爆实验证明用厚度在0.1mm至0.5mm之间的金属板材制造爆炸装置的外包装,其包装物的厚度对爆炸损毁力的影响可忽略不计…  相似文献   

1案例简介某年某月17日8时许,郑某在自家简易厕所,发现一头朝下竖立的塑料手电筒,捡起后即爆炸,致郑某重伤。现场勘查中,发现地面上有五号电池4节、带有红、蓝脚线的塑料圆柱体4个、蓝白道导线4根、带有纵向波纹沟槽的长条铁片3块、部分手电筒残片等。2爆炸装置的检验(1)五号电池4节:系临沂市华太实业公司生产的R6C 1.5V NO.2000型普通电池。其中2节电池用蓝白道导线首尾(正、负极)相连,另2节电池的正负极上均有蓝白道导线,并用点焊焊接。(2)带有红、蓝脚线的塑料圆柱体4个:柱体高1.21cm、下端粗0.6cm、上端有0.15cm的突起圆柱(直径为0.7c…  相似文献   

孙莹 《法庭内外》2011,(7):19-22
2011年3月30日上午9时30分。80后青年雷森涉嫌爆炸一案在北京市东城区人民法院开庭审理。一个如此年轻的小伙子,为何要从广州千里迢迢地来到北京实施犯罪?为何要在闹市安放爆炸装置?他是如何掌握制作遥控爆炸装置技术的?而这样一双巧手又因何用在歧途?这起简单的案件因这些疑团变得不再简单,也吸引着我们去探究案件背后的故事。  相似文献   

目的 探讨乳化炸药爆炸案件中导致爆炸残留物中铵根离子、硝酸根离子含量偏低的原因。方法 通过实际爆炸案例分析,实地了解乳化炸药制造工艺,采用离子色谱法检验爆炸案件及爆炸实验提取的残留物中铵根离子和硝酸根离子成分含量。通过与空白样本对比,分析导致乳化炸药爆炸残留物中铵根离子、硝酸根离子含量降低的原因。结果 经过生产工艺改进的乳化炸药爆炸后,其残留物中检出硝酸根和铵根离子的含量没有明显高于现场空白样本。结论 通过考察分析、对比检验,发现生产工艺改进是导致乳化炸药爆炸残留物中铵根离子和硝酸根离子含量偏低的原因。针对这一问题,本文提出了一些相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

LS-PrePost是一款功能强大、操作便捷的爆炸仿真软件。*INITIAL_VOLUME_FRACTION_GEOMETRY和*LOAD_BLAST是LS-PrePost中的关键字卡片,而SPH是一种光滑粒子流体动力学方法,都可以用来施加爆炸载荷。为研究球形装药爆炸仿真建模方法,使用以上方法进行建模,分析不同建模方法的优缺点及适用场景。选择最优建模方法研究1 kg TNT炸药不同形状装药爆炸产生空气冲击波的不同。本文在研究爆炸仿真建模现状的基础上,查阅文献资料,选择最优建模方法。在经过验证的有限元模型上进行爆炸仿真,模拟实验仅改变装药形状参数,对球形、柱形、方形装药的有限元爆炸模型进行求解,得到不同比例距离下的超压峰值,制作图表比较各组超压峰值数据的差异。结果表明,在比例距离小于等于1.0 m·kg-1/3时,柱形装药的超压峰值与球形装药更接近,而方形装药超压峰值与球形装药差异更大;随着比例距离的增加,柱形装药的峰值超压与球形装药的比值变化不大,而方形装药的峰值超压与球形装药的比值逐渐增加,变化较大。不同装药形状对于爆炸产生的冲击波超压的影响是不容忽视的,在研究...  相似文献   

当前,犯罪分子安装的爆炸装置结构逐渐多样化和复杂化,这使排爆工作增加了一定的难度,比如电能类型的爆炸装置,其起爆结构趋向多样化,往往一个爆炸装置中有几种引爆方式,这就要求排爆工作人员要能够掌握和认定爆炸装置的内部结构、特点、起爆系列的构成,如不能掌握和认定,千万不能轻易下手,对电能类型的爆炸装置更不能轻易剪断其导线。以下是一电能类型的爆炸装置草图,供大家探讨。  相似文献   

炸药爆炸以及天燃气等所致的化学性爆炸在检案中常见,但本文作者遇到冲击钻使用不慎所致的物理性爆炸1例,现报道如下。  相似文献   

A 33-year old hobby pyrotechnician sustained a lethal craniofacial trauma secondary to a salute fireworks blast. He was examining a misfire of a self-constructed salute gun, when it detonated, causing an explosively rupture of his forehead, which led to his immediate death. An autopsy was performed to achieve knowledge of the injury and to be able to reconstruct the events that lead to it. The pressure effect of the explosion caused a shredded rupture of the forehead with a regional spread of brain tissue and small polygonal skull fragments up to 30m from the detonation site. Furthermore multiple cinderlike fragments of black powder were embedded in the skin of the face and the anterior aspect of the neck (s.c. blast tattoo). The complete destruction of the forehead in combination with the multiple blast tattooing suggested that the explosion detonated while he was leaning over the device.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the development of a device for fuming fingerprints with cyanoacrylate (Super Glue) to enable police tactical units to obtain fingerprint evidence from suspicious packages using a remote-controlled robot. Through a series of initial experiments and preliminary designs, we show that effective cyanoacylate fuming requires sufficient heat, humidity, and airflow. This work led to the development of a final working prototype, called robot accessory for fuming fingerprint evidence (RAFFE), which is currently being field tested by the Calgary Police Service.  相似文献   

The method of choice used by most terrorists for achieving political goals remains the utilization of explosive devices and there is always visible evidence at a crime scene after the deployment of such devices. Given favorable circumstances, forensic analysis can determine the cause of the explosion — the type of the explosive device, the means of detonation, the type and mass of the explosive charge that has been used and perhaps provide information to lead to the identity of the individual who may have constructed or deployed the explosive device, etc. Evidence of an explosion may take the form of a crater or other damage which may provide some information facilitating and estimating the mass of explosive material used. This paper reports the findings obtained by performing experimental explosions of known charges on a concrete surface, in order to establish the correlation between the charge weight and the effects of the explosion. Known masses of explosives were fired and the dimensions of craters made by explosions were measured. Five empirical equations for estimation of the explosive charge mass from crater dimensions were used.  相似文献   

The small-scale explosivity device (SSED) has been used to assess the explosive power of a number of low explosives-smokeless powders (WC-870, Red Dot, Bullseye, Winchester Action Pistol, and IMR-PB), Pyrodex, black powder, and an improvised explosive (TATP). The device requires 2 g of energetic material, a heavy-walled containment vessel, and a standard blast shield to permit use in most laboratories. The data from the SSED are compared with the fragmentation of pipe bombs which contained 300 to 700 g of powder. The SSED provided the same relative ordering of explosivity as suggested by the fragmentation of the real devices. In addition, the SSED was used to evaluate the chemical residue remaining after an explosion. Issues in using the device such as optimal detonators and restricted reaction volume were probed using three high explosives--TNT, Tetryl, and RDX.  相似文献   

Pipe bombs of steel or PVC fragment in reproducible patterns when similarly configured. The power of the explosion correlates with number, mass, and size of the fragments recovered, where a large number of small, low‐mass fragments indicate a high‐power event and vice versa. In discussing performance, describing pipe fragmentation pattern by fragment weight distribution mapping (FWDM) or fragment surface area distribution mapping (FSADM) was useful. When fillers detonated, detonation velocities of ~4.4 mm/μs were measured. In such cases, side walls of the pipe were thrown first; the average fragment velocity was ~1000 km/s. In deflagrations, the end cap was first thrown; fragment velocities were only ~240 km/s. Blast overpressures varied; at 10 feet, 2 × 12 inch steel pipes containing ~550 g of detonable mixture produced overpressures of 5–6 psi; similar nondetonating pipes produced less than 2 psi. Maximum fragment throw distances were 250–300 m, with an average of ~100 m.  相似文献   

Fire extinguisher is an integral part of emergency responses to small fires. Different types of fire extinguisher exists; cartridge‐based fire extinguisher is commonly used. Despite their intended use for safety, such devices can become dangerous if not properly handled or maintained. This case report describes the death of a soldier from the explosion of a cartridge‐based fire extinguisher during routine servicing. The case is the first reported in the medical literature. A safety device like fire extinguisher can become dangerous if not handled with care and due steps should be taken for the maintenance of such devices before being operated in the public domain.  相似文献   

This article explores the Australian pilot of a human rights audit using ten indicators in the specific area of HIV/AIDS. The new methodology has three main roles: a monitoring device to measure human rights protection in a jurisdiction's legal system against international standards; an intervention to raise local dialogue and consciousness of rights-based legislation; and an advocacy tool to stimulate law reform. It uses a tripartite process balancing independent experts, government, and community representatives. This approach attempts to overcome some of the democratic deficits identified by Power's hypothesis on the explosion of regulatory audits (1997).  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2014,54(6):412-420
An experimental study was made of the potential of the TASER-X26™ law enforcement electronic control device to ignite petrol vapours if used by an officer to incapacitate a person soaked in petrol, or within a flammable atmosphere containing petrol vapour. Bench scale tests have shown that a wooden mannequin with pig skin covering the chest was a suitable representation of a human target. Full scale tests using the mannequin have shown that the arc from a TASER-X26™ is capable of igniting petrol/air vapours on a petrol-soaked person. Further tests in a 1/5 scale and a full scale compartment have shown that if a TASER is used within a compartment, a petrol vapour explosion (deflagration) may be achieved. It is evident from this research that if used in a flammable vapour rich environment, the device could prove fatal not only to the target but the TASER® operator as well.  相似文献   

《Digital Investigation》2014,11(3):224-233
The allocation algorithm of the Linux FAT32 file system driver positions files on disk in such a way that their relative positions reveal information on the order in which these files have been created. This provides an opportunity to enrich information from (carved) file fragments with time information, even when such file fragments lack the file system metadata in which time-related information is usually to be found.Through source code analysis and experiments the behaviour of the Linux FAT allocator is examined. How an understanding of this allocator can be applied in practice is demonstrated with a case study involving a TomTom GPS car navigation device. In this case, time information played a crucial role. Large amounts of location records could be carved from this device's flash storage, yielding insight into the locations the device has visited—yet the carved records themselves offered no information on when the device had been at the locations. Still, bounds on the records' time of creation could be inferred when making use of filesystem timestamps related to neighbouring on-disk positions.Finally, we perform experiments which contrast the Linux behaviour with that of Windows 7. We show that the latter differs subtly, breaking the strong relation between creation order and position.  相似文献   

One of the dangers of a rapidly growing technology industry is the risk involved in being intimately close to lithium-ion batteries. When exposed to improper conditions, lithium-ion batteries in a variety of devices have been reported to ignite and, in some cases, explode. With the rise of electronic cigarette use and modifications, the lithium-ion batteries in these devices are subject to a higher risk of malfunction. This is a retrograde analysis of a 38-year-old man who experienced fatal penetrating head trauma while using a modified electronic cigarette device. The findings suggest that the trauma from the explosion was caused by the thermal runaway of the lithium-ion battery in the modified e-cigarette.  相似文献   

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