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美国女性主义法学及其启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王丽萍 《法学论坛》2004,19(1):88-93
女性主义法学以其独特的方法论剖析法律问题,提出女性问题方法、女性主义实际推论方法、提高觉悟方法以及用社会性别视角观察历史、文化、社会现象,从而展现出与以往法学理论研究的不同进路。女性主义法学是一种对女性及性别进行全方位认识的法学流派。其"硬核"已经并非单纯要求女性在婚姻、家庭、劳动就业和社会福利保障等方面享有与男性同样的权利,它更要求在分配和界定上述权利的过程中,乃至在以法律为核心的整个现代法治结构中加入女性的视角和女性的生存体验与思维方式,要求立法中的社会性别意识,从而使两性关系、婚姻、家庭乃至社会健康协调地发展。  相似文献   

社会性别的法律建构及其批判   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
性别等级是在人类社会进化的过程中,主要由男权文化不断解释与不断塑造的结果,社会性别这一概念是探求这一原因最好的分析工具。原初社会"男耕女织"的性别分工成为家庭关系与公共关系的分野。在公共关系中,男人在自利心的驱使下渐生平等的要求,并在平等诉求下形成法律;而在家庭关系中因为亲情而使平等与公正成为多余。由于女性并未参与公共关系中的法律建设,致使性别平等既不能在公共领域中得以表达,也不能在家庭关系中得以体现。最终,法律认同了公共领域与私人领域的划分,并在这一基础上建构起了性别等级的社会模式。而代表男权文化的法律理论也极尽"科学"之能,不断地掩盖和强化性别社会化的实质,尤以社会契约论为最。社会契约论以法律为公民同意之结果而使法律披上了公正的面纱,却因为无视女性没有成为契约主体的事实而沦为掩盖社会性别的帮凶。即便是罗尔斯的"无知之幕"理论也因为无法排除性别的先天知晓而成为法律平等与公正的神话。虽然,实证主义法学与自然法学在许多理论问题上存在着针锋相对的观点,但在制造并掩盖社会性别上也成了同盟军。法律与法律理论的紧密联系与有机配合终于迫使社会性别及其等级模式在法律中立的旗帜下不断地得以演绎、建构和强化。  相似文献   

社会性别:从本质论到社会建构论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统心理学将社会性别看作是个体内在的、持久稳固的、与个人的社会政治历史情境相分离的特质。社会性别建构论则站在后现代主义的立场上,对上述社会性别本质论的普适性、性别政治、男性中心主义及方法论等问题提出了批判性质疑,认为社会性别并不是女性或男性内在的特质,而是社会建构的产物。社会性别建构论有利于打破心理学的保守主义倾向,促使心理学家关注社会情境对人类行为的影响,有利于摆脱本质论所困境,促进心理学的后现代转向;社会性别建构论倡导多元思维方式,使主流心理学界公认应采取多种研究方法以增加研究结论的效度。  相似文献   

吕倩  穆洁 《法制与社会》2011,(21):202-204
在当前这样一个以男性为中心的社会,媒体对于女明星嫁入豪门这一现象的大肆报道中,隐含了传统的性别刻板印象,其本质就是对女性的性别歧视,贬低了女性的社会价值,不利于两性的平等和社会的发展与和谐,同时也反映了娱乐圈的一些女性自我主体意识的缺乏。本文从女明星嫁入豪门这一现象入手,揭示背后隐含的性别刻板印象,并探讨了性别刻板印象形成的原因。  相似文献   

女性主义作为一种学术思潮和重要的研究派别,以它独特的性别视角和文化哲学,对西方学界产生了不可忽视的影响。女性主义在传播领域对性别歧视的批判、对传媒手段和媒介内容表现出的女性价值的研究,业已形成了该学科的中心日程。女性主义指出,大众传媒在社会性别角色观念和女性发展中扮演着重要角色,媒介充当了一个重要的性别偏见传播器。西方女性主义各主要学派均认定,女性价值并非天生,而正是自人类有史以来通过权力话语在社会建构起来的。她们追究了性别歧视的文化根源,并指出媒介对“权力——支配”的传统价值观是通过“话语”来建构和阐释的。女性主义旨在通过打破传播领域内的偏见和歧视,减少大众媒介对传统性别歧视的建构与影响,以促进社会的性别平等。  相似文献   

性别不平等、性别歧视、女人的"隐而不见性",都深深地根植于社会结构之中,深受财富、威望和权力之影响。当社会发生变化之时,一切都在改变。人类的性包含了很多社会、文化、历史因素的,性正是被这些因素所构建、所塑就的。自宋至清,无论是寡妇、女儿还是妾的财产继承权都不可和男子的继承权相提并论、同日而语,这俨然是性别在财产方面的一种分层。性别暴力是一种男性支配的表现,不是天生的性欲,当一个文化贬抑"女性化"特质时,男性就会借由性别暴力和其他形式的支配来贬抑女性。性法律是性分层和性迫害最强有力的根据。因此,性别在法律上得以分层,并成为性别不平等、性别压迫的来源、媒介甚至工具,尽管这种分层是不完全的。  相似文献   

性别平等:联合国人权条约机构的实践及其启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
社会性别主流化要求对既有法律和新立法的社会性别检审,男性和女性同为性别歧视的受害者,促进性别平等应该具体考虑妇女在社会中面临的不利地位以及同性恋问题在对现有国际人权法的挑战。这是案例是来自国内社会(其中一些有跨国的因素)、由国际人权条约机构处理的社会性别实践。考察这些实践,有益于我们了解社会性别主流化在全球化层面上的情况,并获得本土化的启示。  相似文献   

以社会性别视角审视现行中国婚姻家庭政策,政策歧视、空洞、空白及矛盾导致原本在生理、地位上处于劣势的女性难以实现其发展权益。传统社会政策演绎、建构并强化的以男性话语权为主的社会文化体制结构是社会性别意识主流化难以推动的根本。为此,有必要引入发展型社会政策理念,构建发展型婚姻家庭政策。  相似文献   

社会性别建构在其理论提出之初,只是在哲学层面上作性别平等的探讨,而后女权主义法学流派形成,则带着一定的政治目的将社会性别建构进一步运用到国家法律实践中。本文注重从哲学理论出发探讨性别平等,再以性别平等为基础推及婚姻性别基础,主张在婚姻性别基础中应消除对同性缔结婚姻的排斥,从道德及立法上给予同性婚姻与异性婚姻同等的社会保护和法律保护。  相似文献   

罗杰 《河北法学》2012,(1):78-79,80,81,82
社会性别主流化是联合国推动性别平等、性别公正的主要战略,强调国家立法和政府决策应遵循社会性别平等理念;社会性别主流化追求"性别平等"是对传统"男女平等"的提升,是男女平等的实现保障;社会性别主流化理念在我国反家暴立法中已有初步尝试,并面临诸多障碍;应继续坚持社会性别主流化理念,立足社会性别平等立场,检视现行反家暴法律规范,正视女性的弱势地位,推动我国反家暴立法进程。  相似文献   


For over fifteen years, Spain has seen the promulgation of feminist-inspired legal frameworks to combat male violence against women and, as a result, Spanish law contains a variety of mechanisms that target male violence. However, the parallel dissemination of the pseudo-scientific concept of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), especially since 2004, has become a tool to stall the enforcement of gender equality legislation. Specifically, PAS is causing severe harm in legal procedures related to marital breakdown. Both the government and the General Council of the Judiciary have taken a stand against the deployment of PAS in the legal system, but the notion of parental alienation is still widely used in family courts. This article analyses the contemporary significance of PAS in Spain. It grounds itself in an examination of key government reports and legal cases, and draws on qualitative survey data from interviews with 20 women who have been either formally accused, or threatened with accusations of parental alienation.  相似文献   

Reconfiguring Law: An Ethnographic Perspective from Botswana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using two marital disputes, this article examines women's experiences in bringing legal claims regarding family property in Botswana. It highlights the ways women draw on diverse economic and social resources available to them through their differing positions within gendered social networks that shape daily life and affect the ability to access and manipulate a legal system incorporating Tswana customary law and European law. The divergent discourses among women and between women and men document how the administrative and theoretical separation of legal systems does not extend to people's uses of the law in arranging their own lives. This analysis challenges the formalist model of legal pluralism by demonstrating that legal arguments are constructed from the gendered social and economic facts of individuals'lives that traverse the legal categories of European and customary law. It also contributes to feminist legal scholarship by explicitly marking the links among gender, power, and law.  相似文献   

变性权是自然人根据自己的意愿选择并依法通过变性手术改变性别的权利。已婚者享有变性权,可以独立行使该权利,无须征得其配偶的同意,也不应以离婚为条件,但其变性权应受法律规制。同时,婚后变性不能引起婚姻关系的自然解除。对婚后变性不离婚的,应将其婚姻关系作为一种例外予以承认。双方欲解除婚姻关系的,只能依照行政程序登记离婚,或者依照司法程序诉请离婚,并妥善处理好未成年子女抚养、监护和探望问题。  相似文献   

Drug markets are typically portrayed as male dominated, with men occupying the higher positions and women fulfilling the lower positions. Yet, the results of recent work highlight how women's participation and experiences in drug economies varies by the structure and organization of the specific market. We focus on the shake‐and‐bake (“shake”) methamphetamine (meth) market, which seems to have emerged mainly in response to legal attempts to curtail methamphetamine production. We explore how women adapt to structural changes and how they perform gender to navigate a market in which the focus is on personal consumption instead of on monetary gain. By relying on semistructured interviews with 40 women who cooked meth, we identify the gendered strategies they adopt and how these coincide with their position in the drug market. Cooking roles took three forms (partner, lead, and team), and each role was characterized by distinct patterns of gender performance and autonomy (emphasized femininity, matriarchal control, and gender neutral). We show that certain market conditions allow for increased participation among women in meth manufacturing. Yet, even within favorable conditions, variability remains in women's positions and gender performances. The findings highlight the role of organizational and legal context in shaping both the roles women adopt in drug markets and the ways they perform gender.  相似文献   

Family support and maintenance laws in several developing countries with mixed legal traditions derived from colonial and local laws are based on a litigation model. This model often fails to give adequate legal relief in the socioeconomic context of poverty. The situation is made worse by inequitable and gender‐biased inheritance laws. This article will use examples mainly from countries in South Asia and Commonwealth Africa to demonstrate how reformist legislation and constitutional jurisprudence in the area of public law and judicial activism highlight the issues that must be addressed if the legal system is to provide an effective system of family support and maintenance.  相似文献   

马姝 《河北法学》2012,30(11):99-106
女性问题的跨意识形态性、我国法律现代化进程的不可逆性与女性主义法学本身的批判性和进步性,决定了在我国开启以“性别与法律”为主旨的女性主义法学研究的重要理论和实践价值.目前,我国在研究的学科类别上,已形成法理学为主导,部门法共同参与的局面;在研究基地和社会影响上,已形成以中国社科院法学所为重镇,各地高校与研究机构积极参与和推动的格局;在研究问题上,已在认识论和法律事实两个层面形成多样议题.但是,法学认识论层面的研究不足、女性主义法学研究的边缘化、研究者尚未形成统一的研究立场和研究队伍学科背景单一等问题也掣肘着女性主义法学的发展.法学研究者需通过不断拓展法学认识论研究,积极结合中国现实吸纳新知、超越意识形态客观审视西方社会理论,加强与其他学科的合作等方式,共同推动我国女性主义法学研究的发展.  相似文献   


This study is a theoretical application and empirical test of difference theory in the context of private criminal law practice. Difference theory posits that gender is associated with variation in perspectives on justice and morality, and examination of mainstream professional values in the legal system reveals those values to emphasize what are thought to be masculinist values. Hence it is hypothesized that female lawyers will depart from male norms in their expressions of professional values. Results of a survey of practicing lawyers reveals limited support for these theoretical predictions; although male respondents express more extreme advocacy of due process and defendants' rights, women and men differ little in their attitudes toward punishment issues and cynicism regarding defendants.  相似文献   

Essentialist views reporting the existence of distinct gender differences have received much criticism. Despite these critiques, there is little empirical research on the limitations of these approaches in institutions such as law schools. While studies of legal education have been informed by gender difference theory, few have sought to contextualize difference. This study examines gender difference among students attending Harvard Law School. Using survey and interview data, this study demonstrates that difference is mediated by such variables as occupational goals, social class, and race. Implications of differences among women are discussed as they relate to reforms in legal education.  相似文献   

我国法律目前并没有禁止已婚者变性的规定。按照"法无禁止即许可"原则,只要其符合医学上有关变性的公认条件,就应当确认和保护他们的变性权。同时,已婚者实施变性手术不应以离婚为前提条件。我们应当加快立法步伐,从法律上赋予其变性权利,并将变性作为夫妻感情确已破裂的法定理由。  相似文献   

公私法的划分与法的内在结构   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
公私法的划分是法理学的基本问题之一 ,也是建设中国特色社会主义法律体系必须解决的一个基本问题。本文回顾了公私法划分的历史 ,评析了学者们关于公私法划分的根据 ,对公私法的含义进行了新的阐释 ,认为公私法的划分是法的内在结构问题 ,划分公私法的直接根据是法律调整的不同方法 ,而法律调整的方法 ,基本上或主要地决定于法律调整的对象。明确这一问题 ,有利于澄清长期困扰法理学界的一些重要问题 ,以便根据法律调整对象的不同和实际生活的需要 ,选择最佳的法律调整方法 ,这对建设中国特色社会主义法律体系具有重大的指导意义  相似文献   

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