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目前,越来越多的五星级酒店和商务楼宇管理单位选择安装涉水产品之一的水质处理器用来净化水质。由于目前涉水产品市场秩序不规范,相当多的涉水产品没有办理市场准人手续,造成鱼龙混杂、良莠不齐的局面。本文通过由一起违反二次供水设施的日常使用管理职责案而引发的两起生产和销售无卫生许可批准文件的涉水产品案的分析研究,谈谈在违法事实和证据的认定上的观点,供参考。  相似文献   

从某市涉水产品的卫生监管模式着手,分析卫生监督管理中遇到的问题、存在的短板,探讨解决方法,为下一步加强涉水产品卫生的有效监管提出可行性建议。  相似文献   

关键词:饮用水安全,《省级涉及饮用水卫生安全产品卫生行政许可程序》 为加强涉水产品监督管理,规范省级卫生行政部门国产涉水产品许可行为,依据《中华人民共和国行政许可法》、《卫生行政许可管理办法》等法律法规,卫生部组织制定了《省级涉及饮用水卫生安全产品卫生行政许可程序》,并于2010年1月1日起施行。  相似文献   

笔者通过对一起居民住宅小区自来水污染事件的分析,阐述了此类事件处理中涉及到的涉水产品使用单位界定、建设项目施工单位责任追究等难点的分析认定问题,为类似事件的查处提供参考。  相似文献   

辽宁省卫生厅、重庆市卫生局: 你厅局关于现制现售饮用水项目监管问题的请示收悉,依据《食品卫生法》和《生活饮用水卫生监督管理办法》,就有关问题函复如下: 一、用于现场制作饮用水的制水设备必须获得涉水产品卫生许可批件。  相似文献   

正涉水尸体包括水中尸体,以及虽未在水中,但被水冲淋洗刷等接触水等情况。由于尸体与水接触的体位、水温水深、流水净水、水质优劣,以及接触方式不同,尸体现象也会有异,本文作者就此阐述一些鉴定体会,希望能为同行参考。1影响生活反应存留的因素创缘出血肿胀等生活反应是判断生前伤的重要指标,但一些因素可能影响生活反映的存留,以致在检验时这些现象变淡甚至消失。如某男性被发现死于道路中间绿化带内,尸体呈  相似文献   

时欣 《政府法制》2008,(8):63-63
水质检验在为净水工艺服务的同时,又影响着净水工艺的发展;水质检验的结果,往往会对净水工艺提出新的要求,而净水工艺也同样会要求通过水质检验解决净水工艺上的新问题。实际上,净水工艺是按水质标准来要求水质检验技术的,因而水质检验技术水平反映了当时水质标准的水平,也反映了净水工艺的水平。鉴于此,笔者就我国净水工艺与水质检验技术的发展,作出以下简要的概述。  相似文献   

小非 《江淮法治》2009,(20):13-15
漂流事故时有发生 漂流,曾是人类一种原始的涉水方式。最初起源于爱斯基摩人的皮船和中国的竹木筏,但那时候都是为了满足人们的生活和生存需要。漂流成为一项真正的户外运动,是在二战之后才开始发展起来的,一螳喜欢户外活动的人尝试着把退役的充气橡皮艇作为漂流工具,逐渐演变成今天的水上漂流运动。  相似文献   

“区政府《农田水利综合规划》(报批稿)摸清了全区农田水利的‘家底’,明确了全区农田水利的发展目标和建设任务”,“要从制度上、机制上全面规范和把握县域农田水利建设”,“要协调相关部门,整合涉水项目,真正用好农田水利建设范畴内各类项目资金,提高资金的使用效率,  相似文献   

张明  史永先 《政府法制》2011,(18):F0004-F0004
近日,山西省泽州县水利水电局正式更名为泽州县水务局,将供水、排水、节水、污水处理、中水回用等涉水事务划归一个部门管理,从而全面实现了城乡水务一体化,确立了“一龙管水、团结治水”的崭新格局。这是泽州县水务体制改革的一项阶段性成果,也是泽州水利发展史上的一个重要里程碑,为泽州县水务事业的发展提供了重要的体制保障。  相似文献   

卫生行政执法部门在处理群众投诉举报时,对生活饮用水等与健康相关的产品依法进行采样抽检,对样品抽检结果不合格的单位依法对其处罚时,要对相关证据进行核实。通过本案例分析,提示对于检测样品要严格按照相关规范进行采样,对检验结果要依据国家卫生标准进行相关分析,相关程序符合要求,才能依据检验结果适用法律进行行政处罚。  相似文献   

A positive relationship between parents’ drinking and child physical abuse has been established by previous research. This paper examines how a parent’s use of drinking locations is related to physical abuse. A convenience sample of 103 parents answered questions on physical abuse with the Conflict Tactics Scale-Parent Child version (CTS-PC), current drinking behavior, and the frequency with which they drank at different venues, including bars and parties. Ordered probit models were used to assess relationships between parent demographics, drinking patterns, places of drinking, and CTS-PC scores. Frequent drinking, frequently going to bars, frequently going to parties in a parent’s own home, and frequently going to parties in friends’ homes were positively related to child physical abuse. The number of drinking locations was positively related to child physical abuse such that parents who report attending and drinking at more of these venues were more likely to be perpetrators of physical abuse. This suggests that time spent in these venues provides opportunities to mix with individuals that may share the same attitudes and norms towards acting violently.  相似文献   

行政许可制度是政府在市场经济环境中配置资源的重要方式,运用有关制设计理论的经济分析方法研究许可制度是确立未来经济竞争模式的基础,也是规范政府行为,避免设——寻租现象、解决委托——代理关系中道德风险的基本手段之一。  相似文献   

Alcohol use is related to child physical abuse, although little is known about gender-specific risks factors. This study examines the relationships between alcohol outlets, context-specific drinking, dose–response drinking and child physical abuse for mothers and fathers. Telephone interviews were conducted with 1973 female and 1050 male respondents in 50 California cities. Weighted negative binomial models were used to calculate the frequency of physical abuse in the past year. Drinking more often at restaurants was related to higher frequency of physical abuse for fathers, while mothers who drank more frequently at bars and parties used physical abuse more often. There were no significant dose–response drinking relationships for fathers. Drinking higher amounts at bars, parties, and restaurants was associated with less frequent physical abuse for mothers. Our findings suggest that a focus on drinking contexts may reveal heightened risk for many mothers who do not consume large amounts of alcohol.  相似文献   

Food  Drug Administration  HHS 《Federal register》2005,70(110):33694-33701
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending its bottled water quality standard regulations by revising the existing allowable level for the contaminant arsenic. As a consequence, bottled water manufacturers are required to monitor their finished bottled water products for arsenic at least once each year under the current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) regulations for bottled water. Bottled water manufacturers are also required to monitor their source water for arsenic as often as necessary, but at least once every year unless they meet the criteria for the source water monitoring exemptions under the CGMP regulations. This final rule will ensure that the minimum quality of bottled water, as affected by arsenic, remains comparable with the quality of public drinking water that meets the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) standards.  相似文献   

Perflourinated compounds, or PFCs, have been widely used in our industrialized society. Notably, they are used in the manufacture of non-stick coated bakeware and in firefighting foams designed to fight high heat fires. These unregulated chemicals have gotten into surface and groundwater sources of drinking water in locations around the United States and likely the world. Data shows widespread release, particularly near airports and air bases and near industrial production sites.

PFCs cause many health related impacts. Human exposure pathways include perinatal transfer, consuming contaminated water, and consuming contaminated fish. Clean Water Act permitting programs can address their release into waterways. Contaminated site clean-up laws can also be used to remove the source contamination. Granular activated carbon technology can remove most forms of the chemicals from drinking water. The case study of drinking water contamination in Newburgh, New York illustrates the PFC challenge, public reaction, and government response.  相似文献   

论我国饮用水源保护法律调控的基本指导思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄霞  蓝楠 《现代法学》2004,26(5):128-132
因世界性饮用水源紧缺和污染所导致的饮用水源危机,不仅严重威胁着人们的生命健康和生存,而且随时可能引发国际政治问题。因此,饮用水源的保护被提上了世界各国的议事日程,并成为国际社会共同关注的焦点。可持续发展战略作为一种新的发展模式,是当代人类的普遍共识。本文在分析的基础上提出我国饮用水源保护立法应当以可持续发展为基本指导思想,以期对完善或创新我国饮用水源保护法律调控的理论和实践提供依据和思路。  相似文献   

The most important resource for the survival of human beings is the availability of fresh drinking water. This study compares the drinking water quality in nine villages of Harij Taluka of Patan District of Northern Gujarat. Samples were collected from various village drinking water sources and analyzed. Along with this scientific analysis, a socioeconomic survey of village households was conducted. The water samples were analyzed for parameters crucial for drinking water quality, such as TDS (total disolved solids), fluoride, dissolved oxygen, magnesium hardness, chloride, and many others. The findings from the scientific analysis of water and from the survey revealed that although some parameters in water exceed their normal tolerance, it does not have any significant impact on human health. The article thus concludes that the water quality is good for human consumption as laboratory analysis of the samples revealed no significant contamination.  相似文献   

许可的设定是行政许可制度的源头和基础。它以立法的形式宣告了国家对公民权利领域尤其是许可利害关系人的权利的合理侵入,因而设定行政许可应至为慎重,在许可的设定中应保护许可利害关系人的合法权益。  相似文献   

非行政许可的内涵和性质是正确界定非行政许可在实践中严格规范其运行的基础性问题.行政审批问题具有的复杂性以及行政机关认识能力存在的局限性是导致“非行政许可”内涵难以界定的主要原因.从行政许可的特征及其与非行政许可和行政审批的关系入手在逻辑上分析可知:非行政许可是行政机关根据公民、法人或者其他组织的申请,准予从事除“特定活动”以外的活动,或根据其他机关对其直接管理的事业单位的申请,准予其从事一定的活动.非行政许可中的外部行政行为具有验证性和确认性,内部行政行为具有权力和职能的分配性.  相似文献   

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