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中国的法制历经千年,渐序完善。从奴隶社会时期到封建社会时期再到近现代时期,法律一直是统治者治国安邦的有效保证之一。历史上的中国法制是现实中国法制的背景;现实中国的法制是对历史上中国法制的改造和发展。了解历史上的中国法制,不仅有助于了解现实中国的法制,而且可以加深对当代法学的理解;将中国法制史中具体的法律事例,应用到对当代法学基础理论的研究,可以更生动地印证其中的学理;将中国历代刑事、民事等法律同当代相应的法律详加比较,可以认清这些法律发展的脉络和趋势。简言之,即以史为鉴,可为现实的中国法制服务。本文分四个部分,通过对中国古代法制史、近代法制史及现当代法制史进行归纳分析,总结出中国法制的发展脉络。  相似文献   

近年来,在程序现代化的思潮之中,我国学界对美国刑事诉讼制度,尤其是其中涉及权利保障的制度做了较为深入的探讨。尽管学界的这些论证在针对具体制度的反思与构建中较具意义,但对美国刑事程序的把握却并未上升到知识反思的位阶——对美国刑事程序的规则构造原理却一直缺乏关注,  相似文献   

刑事政策是刑法改革的助推器,是刑法理论发展的基石,为使刑事政策发挥其功能,一是要增强问题意识,坚持刑事政策的批判和分析精神,回应转型期中国刑事政策调整的现实,把握中国刑事政策的完整体系,探索中国刑事政策研究的理论范式,为刑法现代化的实现提供技术性支持。二是要确立正确的研究视角和方法,应从广义刑事政策视角对中国刑事政策进行深入研究;应兼采注释与批判的方法,更应该注重开拓性研究;应立足于本土化又要借鉴和移植,才能使中国刑事政策尽快地溶入先进法治国家之列。  相似文献   

刑事搜查控制的方式有多种,根据不同的标准可以分成不同的种类,如实体法控制和程序法控制,内部控制和外部控制等。不同的分类从不同的角度和侧面折射出国家在采用各自控制刑事搜查方式时的考量因素和制度背景。本文从国际法律视角考察一些主要的法治发达国家或地区在运用各自控制方式进行刑事搜查时的表征,并做一比较法的研究,揭示这些国家或地区运用这种控制方式背后的法理。  相似文献   

刑事司法是个复杂的系统,由各级政府进行管理,受来自方方面面因素的影响。在任何一个国家,对刑事司法系统的改革都会影响到每个人的生活。出于某些复杂原因,美国的刑事司法体系正面临着严峻挑战。美国虽只占全世界人口5%,却囚禁了世界上将近25%的犯人,在绝对数量和相对比例上均超过了其他任何一个国家。与此同时,美国联邦和地方政府每年要耗费纳税人缴纳的数百亿美元及难以估量的人力成本来维持这套系统。然而,问题在于美国并未因此而变得更安全。奥巴马总统深刻理解开展刑事司法改革的紧迫性并以此为其执政期间的一项重心工作。通过他本人的行动及其政府出台的政策,奥巴马总统支持并强调了基于证据且受到两党共同支持的渐进式改革举措。在其领导下,美国刑事司法改革取得了一系列重要进展。本文由奥巴马总统本人撰写,从独特的视角系统地谈论这些改革成就,以及总统所能运用的、将会为整个系统带来有益变化的举措。同时,本文还强调了可以取得更大进步的历史机遇。本文表明,即便重要的结构性和审慎性限制制约着国家领导人如何对刑事执法产生直接影响,但是存在其可运用的有效工具和举措以持久而深远的方式去塑造一国中央和地方刑事司法体系的发展方向。  相似文献   

从历史的视角进行考察,刑事错案是历史的产物;从认识论和司法规律的角度上进行探究,刑事错案是认识和司法规律的反映。从比较法的角度上,可以探知中外国家刑事错案的成因的异同。溯本求源,正本清源,从而达到对刑事错案的正确认识,实现对其控制和纠正的目的。  相似文献   

刑事法学旧派与新派的犯罪学思想比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旧派新派是刑事法学中颇具代表性的两个流派,它们各自有着“深刻的片面”,思想理论不泛有精辟之处。本文立足于犯罪学的视角,对这两个流派的形成、犯罪原因、犯罪对策等问题进行了全面的比较剖析,贴切地把握了两者的理论脉络,深刻地揭示了其理论洞见,可望为犯罪学理论研究与实际工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

刑事合规是当前刑事法理论研究和司法改革实践的热点论题,多数学者基于企业犯罪治理的微观视角主张对该项源于美国的制度进行移植,少有学者会从国家安全宏观立场反思其正当性。刑事合规既不完美,其作用也不宜被过分地夸大,刑事合规的本质就是合规的一种类型。由于美国的合规制度大多自带较为鲜明的政治底色,常与“长臂管辖”、经济制裁等工具性手段相系,俨然已经异化为干涉、打压他国的武器,突出表现为一种法律霸权。对此,应当始终坚持总体国家安全观,积极阻断、反制域外合规制度的不当适用,主动塑造并引领构建公平合理的国际秩序,不断拓宽我国企业合规的适用范围,凸显企业合规外向型制度功能,丰富运用法治力量开展斗争、应对挑战、化解危害国家安全风险的实践经验。  相似文献   

刑事和解是西方国家出现的一种新的刑事思潮,对于我国的刑事立法和司法实践极富借鉴意义。本文从几个方面阐述了刑事和解制度对于我国司法制度的重要意义并就这一制度在我国的构建进行了简单的探讨。  相似文献   

刑事审判是实现国家司法权的一种基本手段。刑事起诉是刑事审判的前提。研究中国刑事起诉制度的历史,对于今天的法制建设和法学繁荣的意义是不言而喻的。在李唐王朝,封建法制已很完备。刑事起诉制度方面,也已自成体系,其结构是很严密的,内容也是很丰富的。现仅择其要者略论如次:  相似文献   

两极化刑事政策之批判   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄华生 《法律科学》2008,26(6):70-77
近年来我国不少学者积极倡导美国的两极化刑事政策。20世纪70年代产生于美国的两极化刑事政策有其特殊的背景和成因,它是对过度的矫正刑运动的反思与调整,重刑主义是其重心和实质,在理论上存在难以克服的矛盾和错乱。两极化刑事政策并非多数国家普遍奉行的刑事政策,即使在美国也不是一项长久持续的刑事政策。两极化刑事政策既不符合我国刑事法治的现实需要,也与我国目前提倡的宽严相济刑事政策相违背。我国不宜实行两极化刑事政策。  相似文献   

The article distinguishes empirical research on law from other modes of legal enquiry. It charts the changing fortunes of empirical research on law in the United States and the United Kingdom and accounts for the differences between them. In both countries, the development has been uneven and intermittent rather than gradual and linear, with a number of important differences in trajectories, in particular: the number of growth spurts; their timing; the present position; and whether the rise and fall of activity refers to research on civil and criminal justice or on civil justice alone. The different trajectories are explained in terms of path dependency (the fact that developments in the present are shaped by developments in the past); sequential development (emphasizing the importance of timing and that developments in one institution may be contingent on developments in another); and institutional responsiveness (an institution's capacity to respond to opportunities in its external environment).  相似文献   

Over the last several years, criminal justice education In the United States has increased dramatically. Much of this growth has been in response to the needs of an evolving criminal justice field. However, there is some concern among professionals that the criminal justice system needs to be impacted more directly, and that institutions of higher learning need to be impetus for this change. To complete this task, curricula in higher education programs need to become more relevant to the needs of the system, while not ignoring the student of the educational system. This article examines the use of competency-based education (CBE) as a model that will serve the criminal justice student of today and the criminal justice system of tomorrow.  相似文献   

During the 1980s and 1990s, Jamaican posses captured the imagination of the press corps, film makers, and numerous of criminal justice scholars in the United States. However, except for a few historical references, their virtual disappearance from the contemporary criminal justice literature leaves many unanswered questions. In updating the literature, this paper examines the main factors contributing to the decline of Jamaican posses in the United States and explains how their criminal activities were displaced to Jamaica through aggressive U.S. anti drug and anti-gang operations and immigration policies.  相似文献   

The American criminal justice system fails to achieve justice, reduce crime, and provide equal protection to Americans regardless of their social class, race, and gender. But, criminal justice as an academic area of study has become a popular and fast growing liberal arts major in the United States, churning out tens of thousands to work in the criminal justice system. Given the demonstrable harms caused by criminal justice, which are suffered disproportionately by the least powerful people, academic criminologists and criminal justicians have the obligation to promote a reformed discipline. This article briefly summarizes the evidence of bias in the criminal justice system and then turns to how these biases relate to criminal justice as an academic discipline. Using the war on drugs as an example, I argue that the practice of criminal justice as an academic endeavor runs counter to the goal of promoting social justice in America. One of the ironic conclusions of this article is that criminal justice as an academic discipline must get smaller if we are to achieve larger goals of social justice outlined here. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Tourism and sentencing: Establishing informal status privileges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article follows a recent international case where tourism has influenced a criminal trial and its outcome. In order to assess the real impact of this development it draws upon the conceptual frameworks that have informed sentencing to establish best fit with existing theories. Furthermore, it compares this informal development in sentencing with recent legislation in the UK (and more established provision in the United States) designed to outlaw hate crimes. From this it is possible to see that certain countries reliant on tourism are offering tourists what might be termed ‘status privileges’ (a concept borrowed and adapted from the hate crime literature), which serves to distort justice and lays the foundations for a two-tier system that can only lead to inferior protection for indigenous people.  相似文献   

刑事诉讼制度发展的三种模式:一个概要性的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从各国刑事诉讼制度变迁的基本事实出发,大致可以概括出三种不同的刑事诉讼制度发展模式,即立法修律模式、司法判例模式与试点实验模式.这三种模式具有不同的内在特质,在推动刑事诉讼制度发展上各有其独特优势与内在局限.各国刑事诉讼制度变迁的历程表明,刑事诉讼制度发展不能只依赖一种模式,应是多种模式的组合或交替使用.目前我国刑事诉讼制度发展主要依靠立法修律和试点实验,司法判例还未被有效运用.未来应该根据各国刑事诉讼制度发展的经验以及上述三种模式的实际价值与内在局限,合理确定我国刑事诉讼制度发展的模式组合。  相似文献   

Blacks in the United States are arrested, prosecuted, convicted, and incarcerated in numbers disproportionate to their percentage of the population. One explanation is that racial discrimination against Blacks pervades the American system of criminal justice. This study examined the nature and extent of racial discrimination in the criminal justice system by evaluating five propositions using data from extant literature. Little evidence was found to support the allegation that the criminal justice system systematically discriminates against Blacks.  相似文献   

The Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) was the first publiclyfunded body created to investigate claims of wrongful conviction,with the power to refer cases to the Court of Appeal. In othercountries, such as Australia, Canada and the United States,many regard the CCRC as the optimal solution to wrongful convictionand, for years, Innocence Projects in these countries have calledfor the establishment of a CCRC-style body in their own jurisdictions.However, it is now Innocence Projects which are being introducedin England and Wales to try to assist applicants who are innocentbut convicted. This article reviews why the CCRC was created,discusses the role of factual innocence within this body andwithin the criminal justice system generally and explores whyInnocence Projects are being created in England and Wales, despitethe presence of the CCRC. It explains how these different organizationsmay work together to assist factually innocent people who havebeen wrongly convicted, and the role Innocence Projects mayplay generally in criminal justice reform and legal education.  相似文献   

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