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船舶留置权是担保造船人、修船人债权的船舶担保物权,船舶扣押是法院为保障海事请求人的海事请求而采取的保全措施。当法院扣押修理中的船舶,船舶留置权与船舶扣押就会发生冲突,因为关于留置权人在船舶扣押前没有行使船舶留置权而在船舶扣押后是否仍享有该留置权的问题,法律没有规定。主要从占有和优先受偿两个方面分析船舶在扣押后继续停留在修船厂时留置权人的权利,并对船舶在扣押后离开修船厂的弊端及避免纠纷的措施进行探讨,指出船舶扣押前留置权人未行使船舶留置权的,船舶扣押后留置权人对船舶丧失了占有,但其相关债权对船舶价款仍享有优先受偿权,而且船舶在扣押后不应离开留置权人的修船厂,除非扣船请求人提供担保。  相似文献   

船舶优先权与船舶留置权均具有法定性,但船舶优先权的产生不以船舶占有为前提,船舶留置权却相反,因此两者存在竞合的空间。一旦产生竞合,则会产生受偿顺位的问题,我国《海商法》第二十五条规定船舶优先权恒定先于船舶留置权受偿,我认为根据我国目前航运发展的实际情况,船舶留置权应当先于船舶优先权受偿。  相似文献   

船舶留置权若干法律问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从船舶留置权的涵义 ;保留船舶所有权买卖与船舶留置权 ;船舶留置权的受偿序位 ;法院可扣押留置中的船舶等方面探讨了船舶留置权的几个法律问题。  相似文献   

船舶留置权是保证主债权得以实现的一种法律制度,其特点主要体现在受偿的优先性。船舶留置权是指海事合同一方当事人在另一方未履行合同时,有权留置所占有的船舶,保证其债权得以优先受偿的权利。船舶留置权是船舶担保物权之一,但其优先性却要受到船舶优先权和船舶抵押权的影响。海商法中的船舶留置权为研究对象,从船舶留置权的一般原理出发,论述船舶留置权的有效性及其在船舶担保物权中的优先顺序,并对《中华人民共和国海商法》的修改和完善提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

建造中船舶的抵押权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远洋船舶建造投资大、时间长,为了解决资金困难,必须采取一定的融资方式。船舶抵押权作为一种担保物权,一方面不转移船舶的占有,从而使抵押人能够继续利用船舶,另一方面又能以船舶的交换价值为对象确保主债权的履行,优点明显,已成为船舶融资的主要方式。建造中的船舶与一般意义上的船舶不同,由于标的物本身的特殊性,建造中的船舶抵押权的设立、公示方式有自己特殊的地方。建造中船舶抵押权的行使,效力也更加复杂。 一、建造中船舶抵押权的标的 建造中的船舶可以设定抵押首先必须符合海商法的一般规定。我国《海商法》第3条规定:…  相似文献   

通过对船舶扣押过程中常见问题的探讨,提出执行中扣押船舶不适用《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》;扣押船舶的效力及于船舶整体,包括属具;执行中不宜"活扣"船舶。同时对查封冻结登记手续与实际扣押船舶之间的效力冲突、挂靠船舶的扣押、已转让未过户船舶的扣押作了研究,对扣押船舶过程中登记部门协助执行事项提出见解。  相似文献   

论船舶经营人在船舶碰撞中的责任主体地位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对应当如何确定船舶经营人在船舶碰撞中的责任主体地位这一难点问题,从界定船舶经营人的概念入手,分析船舶经营人在海上运输中的法律地位,归纳、总结认定船舶碰撞损害责任主体应遵循的三个基本原则,并在此基础上展开分析、论证,提出船舶在委托经营期间发生碰撞事故,船舶经营人应当作为责任主体承担损害赔偿责任的结论。  相似文献   

针对应当如何确定船舶经营人在船舶碰撞中的责任主体地位这一难点问题,从界定船舶经营人的概念入手,分析船舶经营人在海上运输中的法律地位,归纳、总结认定船舶碰撞损害责任主体应遵循的三个基本原则,并在此基础上展开分析、论证,提出船舶在委托经营期间发生碰撞事故,船舶经营人应当作为责任主体承担损害赔偿责任的结论.  相似文献   

船舶抵押权保险作为主要航运国家推出的一种新型保险品种,在中国并未正式引入.通过对船舶抵押权保险特征的分析,指出了船舶抵押权保险的优势所在,并认为船舶抵押权保险实质是一种信用保险.此外,分析了中国引入船舶抵押权保险的必要性和可能性,以及中国引入船舶抵押权保险应注意的问题.  相似文献   

从程序视角论我国的船舶物权登记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
船舶物权登记为船舶登记的一部分,分为实体和程序上的船舶物权登记。本文在分析两者关系和我国目前船舶登记程序存在问题的基础上,指出船舶物权登记的程序建制受制于实体法上船舶物权变动的立法模式,应当设置与《海商法》船舶物权变动立法模式相匹配的船舶物权登记程序以及对《船舶登记条例》作出相应的修改。  相似文献   

韩世远 《现代法学》2004,26(3):141-147
《合同法》中的提存属清偿提存,以提存代替清偿,达到使合同权利义务终止效果。提存是债务人与提存部门之间缔结的一种向第三人履行的保管合同。提存的原因分为三类,债权人拒绝受领、债权人不能受领以及债权人不确知。《合同法》并非不认有提存人取回提存物的权利,在解释上应当承认提存人有取回权。对提存消灭债务之效力,宜采“停止条件说”。由提存便当然发生债权人的提存物领取请求权和提存人的清偿拒绝权;仅当取回权消灭后,债务始真正(溯及自提存时)归于消灭。  相似文献   

Belief in a Just World and Commitment to Long-Term Deserved Outcomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigated whether people need to believe in a just world in part because such a belief helps people to work toward long-term goals and to do so in such a way that they are deserved. We assessed participants' long-term goal focus and also their commitment to deserving their outcomes (via a psychopathy scale). In a second session, participants were then exposed to a victim whose situation did or did not contradict a belief in a just world. When the victim's situation contradicted a belief in a just world, the greater the participants' tendency to focus on long-term outcomes, the more they blamed the victim for her misfortune; but this relation only occurred for participants with a strong commitment to deserving their outcomes (i.e., those low in psychopathy). The results are consistent with our argument that, given the function of the belief in a just world proposed in this article, people would have a greater need to preserve the belief (e.g., by blaming victims of injustice) the greater their investment in long-term and deserved outcomes.  相似文献   

Face recognition systems aim to recognize the identity of a person depicted in a photograph by comparing it against a gallery of prerecorded images. Current systems perform quite well in controlled scenarios, but they allow for none or little interaction in case of mistakes due to the low quality of images or to algorithmic limitations. Following the needs and suggestions of investigators, we present a guided user interface that allows to adjust from a fully automatic to a fully assisted modality of execution, according to the difficulty of the task and to amount of available information (gender, age, etc.): the user can generally rely on automatic execution and intervene only on a limited number of examples when a failure is automatically detected or when the quality of intermediate results is deemed unsatisfactory. The interface runs on top of a preexistent automatic face recognition algorithm in such a way to guarantee full control over the execution flow and to exploit the peculiarities of the underlying image processing techniques. The viability of the proposed solution is tested on a classic face identification task run on a standard publicly available database (the XM2VTS), assessing the improvement to user interaction over the automatic system performance.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(1):1-8
Geophysical investigation of a former convent graveyard for conversion to a community centre identified an unrecorded, unmarked burial below a later burial. Archaeological excavation confirmed the presence of skeletonized human remains, considered by police as a possible clandestine burial. Mortuary examination indicated the remains belonged to a mature adult female. To determine whether the deceased could be a recorded missing person, radiocarbon dating was undertaken on a femur and a rib bone. This is not always straightforward, and results showed two possible ages due to intercepts on either side of the nuclear weapons testing spike in atmospheric 14C; however, the later dated burial allowed us to constrain the date of a rib to CE 1959. This study demonstrates that dating a second tissue with a longer turnaround time, such as a femur, can help to constrain which side of the bomb spike is most probable. This paper documents in one work the search, scene and sample and then advances this to resolution by anthropological analysis and radiocarbon dating of human remains.  相似文献   

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a contributing factor to a number of road traffic accidents. There is, however, a lack of research into the behaviours that lead to drink driving. The current research used a novel approach, behaviour sequence analysis, to investigate the chains of behaviours that lead to drink driving. Statements were taken from individuals (N?=?60) in an interview, reporting a time they had consumed alcohol and driven a vehicle. Statements were coded and the sequences of behavioural pairs were analysed. Results were presented in a state transition diagram, and indicated a variety of behavioural sequences leading to drink driving. A significant chain of events showed that individuals who had attempted to calculate their blood alcohol concentration and then drive a vehicle felt unsafe to drive, after driving. Also, many individuals did not intend to drink and drive; however, influences such as peer pressure and being surrounded by alcohol lead to them being more likely to consume multiple alcoholic drinks, and then drive a vehicle. The current research outlines future research, and implications for polices and laws on behaviours that surround drink driving, as well as providing a new method for research.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(6):822-826
The concept of Sketchnoting was first introduced by Mike Rhode as a means of capturing information in a visual form using a combination of the visual and words. Within Higher Education a Sketchnote can be used to record or summarise key points from a body of information using a combination of words, simple pictures, layout and graphics. Creating a Sketchnote allows a student to be able summarise key facts from a presentation, journal article, book or practical session in a visual manner that is easier to recall at a later time.This research looks at the use of Sketchnoting as a form of interactive revision during class time. Students undertaking a 1st Year Forensic Science module at (Teesside University) University were asked to Sketchnote their learning after each hour of lecture time to form a visual representation of the lecture content in order to create a visual revision aid for their upcoming examination. The process of Sketchnoting combines both verbal and visual information for improved recall – the students are listening to the lecture then visually representing what they learn.The resulting Sketchnotes were shared each week via a class Padlet, this also allowed the academic to add formative feedback in the form of further information about the evidence type represented. The students were also able to keep their individual Sketchnotes and form a revision “book” from them. Students described the task as “Helpful”, “Refreshing” and “Creative” with approximately half the class stating they would be using this as a future revision process for exams. A preliminary analysis of the exam results demonstrated a marked increase in the lower grade boundaries for the group of students who undertook the Sketchnoting exercise.  相似文献   

The determinants of recidivism are increasingly becoming the focus of public concern. This study explores the relative effect of type of intervention, offender characteristics, and type of incident offense on time to a petition to revoke probation and time to a probation revocation. Our analysis of intervention effects includes both parametric and nonparametric estimation procedures. Estimating five distributional forms of survival and a proportional hazard model for each measure of recidivism, the analysis indicates no difference in the effect of a program of drug monitoring and treatment, compared to drug monitoring only, for either of the two measures of recidivism. In addition, findings indicate that younger offenders and African American offenders have a shorter time to a petition to revoke probation. We also found a reduced time to failure for a probation revocation for African American offenders and offenders with a prior arrest record. Our findings offer empirical support for a reconsideration of the type of intervention effective in deterring offenders while on probation.  相似文献   

王保成 《现代法学》2004,26(6):99-104
宪法权威的大小受制于社会发育的情况,只有在市民社会发育良好,并且能同政治国家形成有力制衡的条件下,宪法权威才有可能逐步形成。宪法实施的积极的、主要的、基本的方式是立法机关的立法,在违宪审查机制的作用下,确保立法机关的立法符合宪法精神和原则,保障宪法实施的内在统一;在相关立法不足的情况下,通过宪法司法化,直接援引宪法规范维护宪法主体的宪法权利,乃是宪法实施的一种辅助方式。在宪政秩序不健全的社会,关注各种宪政事件,对于实施宪法,维护宪法权威具有重要意义。  相似文献   

聚众犯罪是指我国《刑法》明文规定以聚集特定或不特定多人进行违法犯罪活动为构成要件的犯罪。我国《刑法》共用11个条文规定了14个聚众犯罪,其中大多数聚众危害社会是构成犯罪的必要条件,少数是该罪的选择行为要件。聚众犯罪的主要特征有法定性、聚众进行、实施的是复数行为等。从犯罪形态上看,聚众为着手,实施具体违法犯罪活动为既遂。它与煽动犯罪、教唆犯、组织犯、首要分子既有联系又有区别,与组织犯部分交叉重合。聚众犯罪的一罪数罪标准在于行为个数、数行为之间是否牵连、牵连时定一罪是否能体现罪刑相适应。  相似文献   

It is not uncommon for children to fall victim to the stress and tension of a contentious custody dispute. If a party seeks a mental health evaluation and the opposing party challenges the results, the child then endures a series of evaluations until a valid report is produced. The court will often remedy this situation by appointing a neutral forensic psychologist to perform the evaluation independent from a previous party‐hired forensic psychologist. 1 This Note proposes that the court instead appoint the forensic psychologist first to conduct an evaluation and draft a report. Only at the judge's discretion may the parties hire a private forensic psychologist to challenge the report. Additionally, states should codify court rules that enumerate standards for forensic psychologists in child custody evaluations. These rules should set forth criteria that shall be required and highlighted throughout each mental health evaluator's report, allowing judges to compare and contrast each evaluation more effectively. This legislation will not only reduce the child's exposure to excessive testing, but will also provide a more efficient way of arriving at a just result.  相似文献   

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