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目的探讨VSC-5000文检仪对2005版HD90百元假币各种特征进行检验识别的方法。方法利用VSC-5000文检仪的紫外光、红外光、侧光、透光检验条件,对2005版百元真币以及HD90百元假币安全线、水印、荧光反应、制版印刷、胶印对印图案等方面进行特征比对。结果得到各检验条件下图示结果,总结出如何鉴别其真假的方法。  相似文献   

2006年3月16日,国务院反假货币工作联席会议办公室通报:2006年3月4日,广州市公安局黄埔区分局根据群众举报,在黄埔区某餐厅旁抓获2名正在进行假币交易的犯罪嫌疑人,从其身上搜出1999年版第五套人民币100元假币601张,2005年版第五套人民币100元假币399张,面额总计10万元.其中05版假币是自2005年版第五套人民币发行以来,这是广东省第一次发现数量较大的05版假币,也是广东省公安机关第一次破获的涉及05版假币的案件.据新华社报道,在2005年,仅广东省公安部门就捣毁制假窝点11个,缴获假人民币5.2亿元,抓获制贩、运输假币犯罪嫌疑人176名,遏制了假币的扩散和蔓延.当年9月20日,惠州市公安机关向媒体批露,当地警方捣毁了一间隐藏在深山中的制造假币工厂,抓获犯罪嫌疑人11人,当场缴获假币成品6200万元.(2005年9月22日《信息时报》消息).  相似文献   

随着彩色复印机的普及,利用彩色复印技术进行犯罪的发案率有所提高。在假币犯罪领域,以印刷版假币居多,其中打印版假币案件数量呈现逐年上升的趋势,但复印版假币鲜有出现,因此,刑事技术人员接触彩色复印假币较少,对于其鉴别方法了解更少。本文以一起复印版假币案例,介绍复印版假币的相关检验方法。1案件简介某年6月,某省破获一起伪造货币案,抓获犯罪嫌疑人3名,缴获2005年版百元面额假人民币15万余元,查获理光商务多功能彩色数码复印机1台、  相似文献   

目的建立伪造2005版100元人民币水印检验方法。方法利用紫外光源、透光光源对伪造人民币上水印进行显现和检验。结果伪造黑水印、伪造白水印在印刷方式、印刷工艺及图文形态等特征上存在不同。结论本方法的建立,可为识别假币制作地点提供线索。  相似文献   

他为何频频往他人银行卡上存钱2011年6月,个体司机许某用一台爱普生彩色复印机伪造出百元面值的假币,再用剪刀和透明胶对真币和假币进行剪贴、拼凑,最后拼出一张真假合成的伪造人民币。他将这张伪造人民币混于真币中到银行柜台存款,  相似文献   

2011年6月,个体司机许某用一台爱普生彩色复印机伪造出百元面值的假币,再用剪刀和透明胶对真币和假币进行剪贴、拼凑,最后拼出一张真假合成的伪造人民币。他将这张伪造人民币混于真币中到银行柜台存款,存款成功后再到银行自动取款机上取款,以这样的方式套取真币。  相似文献   

1992年底,云南省红河州公安处送来4张当地金融部门在清点钞票时发现的可疑人民币,要求鉴别真伪。这4张可疑人民币分别是1965年版和1980年版的10元券。经与相应年版的真币样本比对检验,发现可疑人民币的衬景及底纹不但模糊,色泽也与真币明显不符;雕刻凹版印刷的主景图案和文字模糊不清,已无法分辨出雕刻版的线纹,印迹也没有真币那样强的立体感(见图1);可疑人民币的纸张粗糙、增厚、无光泽,钞票规格分别比真币小2.2%~3.7%.这些明显的差异难以用以往的鉴定经验进行解释,很容易被认为是假币。但进一步比对又发现,可疑人民币各部分图文的宏观形态、各色图案的组合安排和比例完全与真币一致,如此精确的制版技术与粗糙的图文印迹相矛盾;可疑人民币的水印无异常,与真币样本相比也有一定程度的收缩;可疑人民币上尽管图文模糊,但接线印刷的底纹却非常清晰,不同色的线纹衔接准确(见图2),这是目前各犯罪团伙伪  相似文献   

光谱成像检验技术   总被引:24,自引:11,他引:13  
光谱成像组合了光谱技术和成像技术。通过运用成像光谱仪 ,光谱成像方法可以记录被检验物体在一个较宽光谱范围内均匀密集分布的窄波段反射光或荧光亮度分布影像 ,形成含有物体亮度信息和光谱信息的光谱影像集。这种技术方法可以用于物证的形态特征检验和物质成分检验。相对传统光谱检验或成像检验技术 ,光谱成像检验的能力和效果都具有明显优势。  相似文献   

3月23日上午,山西省忻州市公安局技侦支队获悉有人携带假币在五台县清水河公路沿线使用的线索。通过进一步侦查,民警于3月23日中午在五台县一饭店内将犯罪嫌疑人胡林光、张利军抓获,当场缴获54张TJ88打头的百元版假人民币;之后,民警又到其住所进行搜查,查获560张TJ88打头的百元版假人民币。  相似文献   

光谱成像在物证检验中的初步实验研究   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:6  
目的研究运用光谱成像技术进行物证形态检验的可能性和方法。方法比较相同条件下使用普通照相方法与光谱成像方法拍摄多种痕迹物证的效果。结果光谱成像检验的能力和效果都具有明显优势。结论光谱成像检验技术的出现使物证形态检验学的发展进入了一个崭新的阶段。  相似文献   

持有、使用假币罪在理论上存在诸多有争议的问题,需要对其进行研究。如持有、使用假币罪的概念需要重新界定;"持有"和"使用"行为是两种不同的表现形式,不应该放在一个罪名中规定,应取消持有假币罪,把它的部分内容归纳到其他罪名中;界定本罪的自然人犯罪主体的范围,增设单位犯罪主体。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(5):624-631
Counterfeiting of banknotes is still a severe crime problem in many countries. One of the most significant issue for solving the crime is to classify the counterfeit types and identify the sources. Most of the current methods to classify counterfeit banknotes rely on manual examination that is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Moreover, these methods only detect surface features which can be easily imitated through advanced printing technology. In this study, an automated method based on optical coherence tomography (OCT) and machine-learning algorithms was proposed to classify different types of banknotes based on the internal features. A spectral-domain OCT (SD-OCT) system was employed for sub-surface imaging and quantitative assessment of banknotes. A total of 29 Chinese 100-Yuan banknotes were collected, in which 4 of them were real and 25 of them were counterfeiting by three different printing processes. Each banknote was imaged 10 times in 3 distinct regions, which resulted in a dataset of 290 samples. Each sample was characterized by extracting 2 A-scan (OCT signal intensity along depth) based features and 14B-scan (cross-sectional OCT images) based features. Several machine-learning models, including logistic regression (LR), support vector machines (SVM), K-nearest neighbor (KNN) and random forest (RF), were built and optimized as the classifiers that were trained using 203 samples and applied to predict 87 testing samples. The best performance was achieved by SVM classifier in which the sensitivity of 96.55% and specificity of 98.85% were obtained in discriminating between authentic and counterfeit banknotes, and the sensitivity of 94.67% and specificity of 98.22% were obtained in predicting the types of counterfeit banknotes. These classifiers were also evaluated using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study where A-scan and B-scan derived features from OCT images have been used for the detection and classification of different types of counterfeit banknotes.  相似文献   

Two hundred prepaid cards, which had been used in Nagoya-city's subway in Japan, and another 32 prepaid cards (11 were real turnpike cards, 20 were counterfeit cards and 1 was a white card) were evaluated by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) without any pre-treatment. A preliminary investigation was performed on 200 prepaid cards in order to find an identification method for the turnpike cards. By plotting the relative intensity of titanium versus that of iron obtained by XRF, the cards were clearly classified into seven groups. On the other hand, the cards could be divided into four groups by a multivariate analysis using the relative intensities of five elements such as chlorine, calcium or tin, titanium, iron and barium. Using these results to classify the Japanese turnpike cards, they were divided into three groups or two groups. One of three groups or two groups was the counterfeit card group.  相似文献   

钟志勇 《河北法学》2007,25(9):77-82
在探讨电子货币定义与法律性质后,重点研究电子货币法律关系、终结性、权利异议、伪造电子货币中的问题、赎回义务等私法问题,及立法宗旨、发行商资格、监管和反洗钱等公法问题.  相似文献   

钟志勇 《法学论坛》2007,22(5):55-60
最高存储金额限制可以有效控制电子货币网上支付风险,但银行卡中的风险承担问题比较复杂.经济分析、比较研究和法学分析的结论是,我国银行卡风险承担规则应建立在有"责任限制"的无过错责任之上.未获授权使用时持卡人承担的责任应限制在1000元以内,至于超过限额以上的损失由发卡银行承担.  相似文献   

Abstract: Illicit distribution of various illicit or counterfeit drugs containing sildenafil and tadalafil has increased and caused noticeable problems in Korea. This study has been performed to determine the content range of sildenafil and tadalafil in various fake drugs. Among the illicit or counterfeit drugs seized by Korean authorities, 105 exhibits were used for the quantification. HPLC–UV analysis of methanol extractions was used for separation and quantitation of the two target compounds. The most abundant type of fake drug was counterfeit Viagra® tablets. Sildenafil was found in 73 exhibits, and tadalafil was found in seven exhibits. Twenty‐five exhibits out of the 105 contained both sildenafil and tadalafil. The contents of sildenafil ranged from 4.3 to 453.2 mg; for tadalafil, the range was 2.2–40.4 mg. The proportion of cases of having more than 100 mg of sildenafil was 50% and 78% had more than 20 mg of tadalafil.  相似文献   

We report about the X‐ray powder diffraction characterization of crystalline materials used to produce genuine and counterfeit banknotes, performed with a single‐crystal diffractometer that permits fast and nondestructive measurements in different 0.5‐mm sized areas; 20‐euro denomination genuine banknotes were analyzed, and results were compared with counterfeit banknotes. The analysis shows that the papers used to print real banknotes are composed, as expected, of cotton‐based cellulose and titanium dioxide as crystalline additive, but different polymorphs of TiO2 for different emission countries are evidenced. The counterfeit banknotes are composed of cellulose based on wood pulp; moreover, an unexpected significant quantity of TiO2 was found to be mixed with calcite, indicating that the paper employed by forgers is not simply a common low‐cost type. The crystalline index and intensity ratios between the peaks attributable to cellulose and fillers can provide additional information to trace back paper suppliers for forensic purposes.  相似文献   

车浩 《法学研究》2012,(2):101-121
盗窃罪的客观构成要件是违反占有人意愿而转移财物的占有;相反,得到占有人同意而取走财物,就可以排除盗窃罪的客观构成要件。将被害人同意的一般原理与盗窃罪构成要件的具体特征相结合,能够强化刑法总论与各论之间的整合与协调,促进刑法教义学的纵深发展。运用"预设的同意"理论,可以有效回应ATM机等自助型机器类案件中的疑难问题:使用"伪币"从机器处取得财物的,构成盗窃罪;使用真币从机器处取得财物后又抽出真币的,构成针对真币的盗窃罪;非法使用他人的信用卡在ATM机上取款的,不构成盗窃罪;使用信用卡利用ATM机故障恶意取款的,构成盗窃罪。在盗窃陷阱的场合,应根据是否存在同意而区分既遂和未遂。按照"客观权限+审核义务"的标准来区分盗窃罪间接正犯与三角诈骗,体现了对被害人意愿的尊重。  相似文献   

The quality of counterfeit items has increased dramatically, with modern global manufacturing being able to duplicate the materials, construction, and visual features of items. Detection of fraudulent coinage can parallel authentication of food, beverages, and manufactured goods by studying product-inherent features. Counterfeit detection is performed by comparing an Example group with a Questioned group. A model is developed for both groups using standard tests on individual pieces. Coin weight is used here as an illustration. The model should also follow the natural science of the system. In this case, the manufacturing process variation is known and steady, and the underlying distribution is known or can be determined from authentic pieces. The proposed detection method uses testing of many individual pieces, then using reverse-quality-engineering methods to identify possible sources. This strategy looks at the variation between individual pieces to determine the process capability of a machine, assembly line, or plant to create product consistency for a manufacturer. Fraudulent items may be manufactured within specification, but demonstrate a manufacturing process capability different than that of the authentic manufacturer. In this report, we examine the model previously reported and use reconstruction techniques to re-create the evidence set to validate the model, increase model accuracy, and confirm the conclusion previously reached, showing that the Questioned set is likely over 37% non-conforming by weight. In this case, the decision outcome of the analysis was improved by using additional methods not included in the modeling software package originally used.  相似文献   

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