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小组工作教学与传统的教学方式不同。社会计量是检测团体动力的方法,在小组工作教学中有多种运用方式。在小组工作教学中,适当运用社会计量,既能促进班级同学的人际互动,又能让学生在体验中掌握专业方法。  相似文献   

冀中能源邯郸矿业集团林西社区工会武新和来稿.结合社区工会工作实际.提出做好“四个创新”工作。1.创新劳动竞赛形式。一是赛前要加大宣传力度,提高职工参赛的积极性。二是在劳动竞赛活动中坚持竞赛方案到现场、宣传鼓动到现场、安保措施到现场、组织落实到现场、检查考核到现场、后勤服务到现场、及时总结表彰。三是通过劳动竞赛.激发员工的学习热情.及时对员工进行技术培训.  相似文献   

浅谈学科竞赛在学生管理中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学风建设是高校学生管理工作永恒的主题。学科竞赛是一种对传统教育的一种积极的继承和扬弃,既强调学生个性的张扬,又重视学生创造潜能的开发的教育教学行为,在高校的学生管理中具有举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

兵器工业集团西光公司工会组织开展“星级”特色班组竞赛活动 西光公司工会于今年4月份至11月份组织开展“星级”特色班组竞赛活动。公司工会从全公司报名参加的175个班组中筛选了53个班组入围到竞赛活动中。竞赛以学习型、技能型、创新型、成本型、质量型、和谐型班组建设为主要内容.辅之以创新的竞赛形式。在竞赛过程中该工会对6种类型的班组采取动态“星级”的管理模式.  相似文献   

时事政治教育是高校对学生进行政治立场教育,培养学生政治素养的主要渠道。为了解大学生时事政治关注的状况,本次调查采用分层抽样方法抽取了广州某高校的大学生,并设计量表进行研究。结果显示大学生对时事政治的关注度较高,更愿意选择新媒体获取信息,且男生更关注时事政治问题。在影响因素方面,大学生的性别、年级、政治面貌与其时事政治关注度有相关性,且相关性显著。从内外因来看,大学生对时事政治的兴趣、态度和动机以及学校的政治文化氛围都是影响其时事政治关注度的原因。因此,学校应营造良好的校园氛围,充分利用朋辈力量以及新媒体优势,引导不同群体的大学生关注时事政治。  相似文献   

试析全国工人运动会竞赛制度的建立及竞赛定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全国工人运动会应该形成固定的赛会届制制度,间隔5—6年举办;建立相应的组织机构,加强对职工体育工作的组织领导和政策法规的建设;发挥工运会于社会转型期对职工体育活动全面发展的推动、引导作用。工运会设项、立项以传统项目和推介项目相结合,面向基层,从实际出发,将竞赛定位在“普及”的层面上。  相似文献   

7月8日,师宗县煤炭系统工会组织举办了师宗县煤炭系统庆祝建党90周年暨"安康杯"知识竞赛。来自县煤炭局机关及直属各部门以及县煤业公司、部分煤矿企业工会精心选拔出的35支代表队共105名职工选手参加了竞赛活动。比赛采取分组预、决赛的方式进行。竞赛内容涵  相似文献   

"安康杯"竞赛是工会劳动竞赛的一项重要工作。深化"安康杯"竞赛,使其有效融入班组安全建设,成为班组管理的重要内容,是竞赛活动由粗放走向精细、由面深化到点的进程中,必须认真面对,深入思考、研究、探索和实践的重要课题。  相似文献   

皮黎 《重庆工运》2006,(5):22-22
5月18日,我市2005年安康杯竞赛总结表彰电视电话会议在市委办公厅会议室召开。市人大副主任、市总工会主席刘文同志,市政府副市长周慕冰同志,以及市总工会、市安监局、市国资委、市交委、市经委、市建委的负责同志出席了主会场会议。全市所有区县设置了分会场,组织了有关部门和职工收看。  相似文献   

陈默 《重庆工运》2009,(6):38-38
在今年的全市“安康杯”竞赛中,重庆能源集团砚石台煤矿获得2008年度“安康杯”竞赛优胜企业光荣称号,这是该矿连续第三次获得此项殊荣。  相似文献   

Youth experiencing homelessness are part of the large, diverse student population served by community colleges in the United States. These students, who are often unsupported in college environments, turn to housing agencies to provide critical resources. This qualitative study included interviews with 20 students, ages 18–24, attending community college while homeless. Students in this study accessed critical services and social supports in homeless service agencies; however, the requirements of some agency policies were a barrier to reaching academic goals. Housing agencies provided participants with necessary resources; however, participants described facing unique obstacles as they navigated agency eligibility requirements while attending college.  相似文献   

A series of studies are presented which examine the relation between parenthood intentions (intend to be a parent and intend to remain childless) and self-concept, mental health, and grade point average in a college student population. The results suggest that college students not intending to have a child tend to be statistically deviant on all the variables examined. Cross-validation results suggest a high frequency of psychopathology among the sample of young intended nonparent college students. Based on the MMPI results, the intention to be a nonparent appears to be associated with general maladjustment, rather than just a deviancy from social norms.Received his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa. Primary interest is parenting attitudes and parent training.  相似文献   

This study tested associations between problems in parent-youth relationships and problems with alcohol use among college students (N = 1592) using structural equation modeling. Hypotheses were that relationships between both substance-specific parenting factors (parental drinking) and non-substance-specific parenting factors (parental intrusive control and lack of support) and college student drinking behaviors would be mediated by the developmental tasks of managing difficult emotions and establishing a mature psychosocial identity. Sex, ethnicity and age were entered as control variables in the analyses and were tested for moderating effects. Results showed that the unconstrained model for males and females differed significantly from a model in which the two groups were constrained to be similar. Among young women, emotion regulation and psychosocial maturity were partial mediators of the effects of parent problems on alcohol use problems. Among young men, parent problems were indirectly related to alcohol use problems through emotion regulation. Implications for alcohol use prevention activities on college campuses are discussed. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Meeting, November, 2004, Orlando, Florida. Research interests in college student alcohol misuse. Research interests in adolescent psychosocial maturity. Research interests in young adult relationships.  相似文献   

The Positive Psychology of Interested Adolescents   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Using the experience sampling method (ESM) and a diverse national sample of young people, this study identifies two groups of adolescents: those who experience chronic interest in everyday life experiences and another who experience widespread boredom. These groups are compared against several measures of psychological well-being: global self-esteem, locus of control, and emotions regarding one's future prospects. It is hypothesized that a generalized chronic experience of interest, an innate physiological function, can be used as a signal for a larger measure of psychological health, while chronic boredom is a sign of psychic dysfunction. A strong association between the experience of interest and well-being was found.  相似文献   

A group of 29 college students who had been arrested or nominated as having participated in a street disturbance aimed at producing social change were interviewed. The interview schedule was highly similar to one which had been used to investigate attitudes toward violence in a random, representative sample of American men. The data collected from the arrestees are compared with data from college students in the national sample. This study shows that the arrestees are more likely to think that violence is necessary to produce social change than are college students generally, and are more likely to believe that existing social institutions are inadequate. As a group, the arrestees are more identified with white student demonstrators and black protestors than are college students generally. The arrestees are also likely to regard the police as untrusworthy, looking for trouble, and apt to dislike people like themselves. In addition to the negative attitudes toward the police held by the student arrestees, they are more likely to regard police actions as violence (and hence provocative) than are other college students. The arrestees are far more likely than other college students to cleave to humanistic values. However, most of the differences between the arrestees and other American college students could be predicted from a general model of the justification of violence, so that it appears that the student activists' beliefs differ not so much in kind from those of other Americans as they do in degree.This research was funded by NSF Grants GS 2424 and GS 28295 under a project codirected by Monica D. Blumenthal, Robert L. Kahn, and Frank M. Andrews.Currently Program Director at the Institute for Social Research in the Survey Research Center, and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Michigan Medical School. Obtained M.D. from the University of Michigan Medical School and Ph.D. in physiology from the University of California, Berkeley. Currently engaged in social psychological research, with main interests focused on violence and the epidemiology of depressive disorders. Psychiatric interests are biologically oriented and focused on adult psychiatry.  相似文献   

高职院校毕业生压力越来越大,究其原因最主要是人才培养与社会需求不相适应。高职院校构建和实践"1+1+3"人才培养模式,即一个导向:以就业为导向;一个引领:以大学生实践创新训练计划项目为引领;三个结合:学做结合、研创结合、校行企结合。将这种创新人才培养模式应用于高职院校应用型专业,必将推进高职院校专业发展并促进大学生就业。  相似文献   

Although adolescent and adult females have consistently been found to experience depression at twice the rate of males, the college population has represented a notable exception, with equal rates of depression reported for males and females. Using a cross-sectional design with equivalent measures, we explored the nature of these shifting population statistics by the following: (a) examining whether college females were reporting lower levels of depression, or college males were reporting higher levels of depression, relative to same-sex high school peers; and (b) exploring a number of relevant psychological and psychosocial/environmental variables that might explain these shifts. Replicating previous findings on the presence or absence of gender differences in depression in adolescent vs. college subjects, our data also indicated that this shift could be accounted for by lower levels of depression reported by college, relative to high school, females. Moreover, although psychological variables were the best overall predictors of females' depression levels, differences between high school and college females were best explained by psychosocial/environmental variables. Results are discussed in terms of the contextual features associated with the college environment that might protect women against depression and account for differential depression levels.Graduate student in the Ph.D. program in clinical psychologyResearch interests include cognitive, interpersonal, and social-environmental factors associated with depression.Received Ph.D. from Northwestern University. Research interests include cognitive and developmental aspects of depression. This research was supported, in part, by a faculty grant from Emory University to Linda Koenig.  相似文献   

Social cognitive models examining academic and career outcomes emphasize constructs such as attitude, interest, and self-efficacy as key factors affecting students’ pursuit of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) courses and careers. The current research examines another under-researched component of social cognitive models: social support, and the relationship between this component and attitude and self-efficacy in math and science. A large cross-sectional design was used gathering data from 1,552 participants in four adolescent school settings from 5th grade to early college (41 % female, 80 % white). Students completed measures of perceived social support from parents, teachers and friends as well as their perceived ability and attitudes toward math and science. Fifth grade and college students reported higher levels of support from teachers and friends when compared to students at other grade levels. In addition, students who perceived greater social support for math and science from parents, teachers, and friends reported better attitudes and had higher perceptions of their abilities in math and science. Lastly, structural equation modeling revealed that social support had both a direct effect on math and science perceived abilities and an indirect effect mediated through math and science attitudes. Findings suggest that students who perceive greater social support for math and science from parents, teachers, and friends have more positive attitudes toward math and science and a higher sense of their own competence in these subjects.  相似文献   

Beyond anxiety and fantasy: The coital experiences of college youth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Counting virgins is described as social bookkeeping, a necessary but not sufficient task for social scientists. More important is the development of an understanding of the social processes which encourage or inhibit coital behavior. The analysis in this paper uses the socialbookkeeping approach to document the relatively stable rates of early and premarital coitus since the Kinsey report. The data are drawn from a 1972 study of 14–18-year-olds and a 1967 study of college students. When appropriate controls for educational attainment and age are introduced, it is shown that, in comparison to the change in rates at the beginning of the century, the rates since the 1940's have increased only a fourth as much. More importantly, coital behavior is shown to be still strongly linked to traditional patterns of restraint and facilitation. Traditional factors, such as relationships with parents and religious attendance, are shown to restrain early coital experience (defined as coitus before age 18), while factors linked to the courtship process such as dating frequency, facilitated this early behavior. During college both restraining and facilitating factors were operative, but levels of coital behavior in most cases stayed surprisingly low. Rates of frequent coitus rarely reached 40% among female college seniors and the proportion of college female seniors with three or more partners never reached 20%. The factors which encourage sexual activity during college are the courtship factorsdating behavior and being in love. In terms of initial coitus, women overwhelmingly report that they were in love with their partner. Given the relative stability of rates of early and premarital coitus and continuity of the role of courtship factors in facilitating this behavior, popular discussions of the contemporary sexual revolution are seen as being out of touch with reality and possibly inducing anxiety among young people when they do not experience the sexual revolution.Data analysis for this paper was carried out under NICHD grant HD 04156 and Illinois Law Enforcement Commission grant 2-09-25-0410-02, and also General Support Grant 5-SO1-RRO-5666-05.Received Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago. Research interests include post childhood socialization, social change and deviance, and urban social studies.Received Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago. Main research interests include adolescence, urban social studies, and adult socialization.Received Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago. Main research interest is social change and deviance.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes and reviews the literature on the impact of work experience during the adolescent years. Research in three areas is reviewed: work experience through career education programs; work experience through youth employment and training programs; and work experience through part-time employment. In general, the findings in all three areas indicate that the benefits of working to education, socialization, and subsequent employment have been greatly overestimated.Received Ph.D. from Cornell University. Current research interest is adolescent social and personality development.  相似文献   

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