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严秀英 《人民论坛》2010,(4):148-149
自编跨文化适应问卷和留学生心理健康问卷,对来华韩国留学生和在韩中国留学生进行问卷调查,发现中韩两国留学生的跨文化适应与心理健康的关系。中韩两国留学生的跨文化适应能力有明显差异,社会文化因素在更多程度上影响着留学生的跨文化适应、心理特质及行为。  相似文献   

在汉语国际传播过程中实现对中国文化的认同是讲好中国故事、传播好中国声音的重要途径。汉语传播对象对中国文化的认同是一种跨文化认同,是在认同母语文化基础上对异文化的认可和接纳。培养跨文化意识、克服跨文化冲突,是汉语国际传播中实现中国文化认同的前提和基础。  相似文献   

正中华优秀传统文化是中华民族的根与魂,是维系中华文明历史的精神命脉和文化基因,它潜移默化地影响着中国人的思维方式和行为方式。然而,随着我国经济社会深刻变革,文化虚无主义在一些领域盛行,道德失范问题频发;一些社会成员对公共事务持"看客"姿态,对不良社会现象抱"冷漠"心态;伤害国家尊严和民族感情的事件时有发生。亟须在思想道德建设和爱国主义教育中厚植中国传统文化根基。  相似文献   

贾继南 《前沿》2013,(15):169-170
随着我国少数民族地区的和谐发展,具有民族特色的地域文化吸引着越来越多的外籍教师来到民族院校进行外语教学.面临中西文化差异与普遍偏低的少数民族大学生外语水平等状况,外教与少数民族大学生课堂上的跨文化交际适应并不顺利.本文以内蒙古民族大学为个案,选取美籍教师与部分蒙古族大学生为研究对象,就蒙古族大学生与外教课堂上的跨文化交际现状进行了调查与分析,并针对问题提出对策建议.  相似文献   

在老龄化进程日益加快.老龄社会的现实问题日益突出的今天.政府和社会都在积极应对社会上出现的各种难题,努力探索适应中国经济社会状况的养老方式。如今已经探索出许多适合中国老人的养老方式。如机构养老、居家养老,旅游养老  相似文献   

什么是跨文化交际能力、如何培养跨文化交际能力,这不仅在外语界是议论的热点,更成为社会关注的文化视角。跨文化交际能力既是一种特殊的交际能力,也是一种现代社会理念在多元生活中的具体体现,同时还可视作微观层面上的一种世界观、哲学观、文化观和社交观。文化在经济全球化大趋势下必然多元化 多元文化的发展是一个不争的历史事实,三千多年来,以苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里斯多德为代表的希腊文化传统,以孔子、老子为代表的中国文化传统,以犹太教先知为代表的希伯莱文化传统,阿拉伯伊斯兰文化传统以及非洲文化传统等始终深深地影响…  相似文献   

以190名未成年犯罪人为研究对象,运用社会问题解决取向量表、家庭教养方式问卷、人格障碍倾向问卷作为工具,考察未成年犯罪者社会问题解决取向的状况及父母教养方式、人格障碍倾向对社会问题解决取向的影响。统计分析表明,在社会问题解决的五个维度上,未成年犯罪人得分与普通青少年群体的分数有显著差异,在建设性问题解决方面,未成年犯的分数显著低于普通少年,而在功能不良问题解决上,未成年犯的分数显著高于普通少年;父母教养方式对社会问题解决取向的预测作用显著,人格障碍倾向与功能不良的社会问题解决取向有密切关系。  相似文献   

文化传递的过程也是学习者文化适应的过程,少数民族大学生进入到异质文化环境中求学,必然遭遇文化不连续性的冲击,引发跨文化适应困难。本研究通过对四个典型个案进行质性考察,剖析文化不连续性对少数民族大学生生活方式、学业活动、人际交往及心理适应的影响,并提出改善对策。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查与访谈相结合的研究方法,对武汉市青少年发展状况进行研究。调查发现,睡眠不足、身体锻炼缺乏、饮食习惯不良和保健意识薄弱是青少年身体发展的主要问题;对自我发展的过分关心和敏感是青少年主要的心理问题;学习、职业选择和工作以及经济压力是青少年主要压力源;青少年缓解压力的办法主要以自我调整、与朋友交谈、倾诉等形式为主,但也存在一些非理性减压方式。伴随着青少年自我概念的形成,青少年在社会交往和社会适应中存在一定的心理冲突和不适应。青少年心理问题发生率在10%左右,其中14 ̄17岁是青少年发展的关键年龄。应该遵循青少年身心发展规律,从家庭、学校、社会全方位建立完善青少年身心健康教育机制。促进青少年生理、心理和社会性等方面的全面健康发展。  相似文献   

旅游景点英语翻译中的跨文化意识主要表现在:将跨文化意识运用于景点名称的翻译中,能让国外游客更容易理解景点的文化内涵;景点翻译导游词的选择中运用跨文化意识,导游词显得亲切、易懂、生动、富有人情味和文化味;在景点中的历史人物和历史事件的翻译时融入跨文化意识,让国外游客迅速、准确地了解与景点相关的历史人物和所发生的历史事件;在景点翻译的文化信息处理中渗透跨文化意识,能有效地处理跨文化冲突。总之,跨文化意识运用于旅游景点英语翻译中,能将我国的文化信息准确地传递给国外游客,达到旅游翻译的目的。  相似文献   

笔者赴英国考察了周末中文学校的教学和运营状况,分析了存在的问题。伴随着中国综合国力的不断提升,英国的中文学校(班)迎来了更广阔的发展机遇。中文学校通过教授中文及举办各种各样的文化活动,为华人青少年搭建了学习、传承中华语言文化的平台,架起了一座中英文化交流的桥梁。  相似文献   

谈公安院校英语教学中的文化教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在公安院校英语教学中,不仅要培养学员的语言能力,而且要培养学员的文化意识,特别是要加强对国外警察文化教育的研究,这样才能更好地达到公安院校英语教学的真正目的。文章论述了公安院校英语教学中文化教育的重要性、可行性及其方法。  相似文献   


The transition to middle school has not been a frequent topic of empirical research. This article presents six guidcposts for conceptualizing this transition. These guideposts focus upon the transaction between attributes of students and multiple levels of their ecological environment. How these operate to influence students' adaptation to middle school is discussed and data which focus on the child portion of this transaction are presented. Predictive relationships between measures of pre-transition adjustment and adaptation following middle school entry are examined, with a special focus on social-cognitive problem solving skills. Other indices included self-concept, peer relations, academic performance, school behavior, and students' self-reported ability to cope with typical Stressors of middle school. Significant findings, as well as implications for research and intervention, are discussed in terms of an ecological model.  相似文献   

刘茜 《贵州民族研究》2005,25(1):147-153
在对贵州省苗族地区中小学民族文化课程开发现状的个案调查基础上 ,发现民族地区民族文化课程开发停留在浅层面 ,学校课程尚未成为民族文化传承的主渠道 ,地方课程资源开发不力 ,致使学生对民族文化疏于了解。就此认为民族地区基础教育民族文化课程的开发应从观念层、政策层面、支持系统及实践层面等方面进行 ,以推进民族文化课程的实施。  相似文献   


While policymakers have granted a substantial commitment of resources in order to reduce fear of crime among U.S. school students, the research literature on fear of crime at school is in its infancy. This study investigates whether school security techniques reduce or exacerbate fear of crime among students, net of community and school disorder and student characteristics. Ferraro's (1995) theory of incivilities suggests that students might perceive highly visible security as an incivility, which might increase their fear of crime. Using a nationally representative sample of American school children from the 1993 National Household Education Survey: School Safety and Discipline Component (NHES-SSD), we found that while school security efforts do not predict student fear as well as school disorder and individual student traits, many types of security correspond with a significantly greater likelihood that a student will be worried about crime while none reduce feelings of worry.  相似文献   


Eighth and tenth grade students (n= 1,619) reported on exposure to risk and protective assets in their day-to-day lives. The relationship between carrying a weapon to school and risk and protective factors in the home and school ecological domains was explored through logistic regression conducted separately by gender. Environmental control in the home, one factor previously unexplored in the context of resiliency to interpersonal violence-related risk behavior, was incorporated into the analysis. Results support previous research that suggests school violence prevention efforts should address both risk and protective factors in multiple ecological domains. Further, results suggest violence prevention efforts should be sensitive to gender differences, and that additional research is necessary to clarify the role of environmental control as a factor influencing youth resiliency to violence.  相似文献   

School resource officers (SROs) are being increasingly employed in schools to respond to incidents of school violence and to help address safety concerns among students and staff. While previous research on school safety and crisis teams has examined the role of school mental health professionals’ and administrators, fewer studies have evaluated the role of the SRO. The current study examined differences between SROs, school administrators, and school mental health professionals (i.e., school psychologists, school counselors, social workers) regarding experiences with crisis events, as well as perceived effectiveness of crisis prevention and response strategies. The most common crisis events across professionals included student assaults, drug offenses, and mandated child abuse and neglect reporting. While SROs and school mental health professionals had similar ratings of school safety strategies, school administrators had less effective appraisals of crisis response plans and crisis postvention activities. Implications for practice and future directions for research are reviewed.  相似文献   

"一带一路"背景下少数民族民间音乐的跨文化传播能够提升丝路地带的国家政治互信和促进文创经济交流,能够促进沿线文化多元融合和拓宽音乐文化内涵,能够传承少数民族民间音乐文化和传播中华优秀文化。但目前,在少数民族音乐文化跨文化传播中还面临着很多困境,由此,我们需要构建差异化传播模式,深入研究"一带一路"沿线国家音乐文化;增强少数民族民间音乐文化自觉,搭建多元化的文化交流平台;增强"柔性"传播,重视创新跨文化传播方式;借助现代化传播媒介,打破惯用的传播模式,以此促进我国少数民族民间音乐文化的跨文化传播。  相似文献   

语言是文化的载体,学习一种语言必须要学习其文化。语言不能脱离文化而存在,故此,在大学英语教学过程中,除了完成必要的语言基础知识的讲解外,教师还应有意识地、适时适量地进行文化导入。研究文化导入的必要性,探讨文化导入的方法及途径,其目的在于通过文化知识导入提高高职学生的英语语言能力和跨文化交际能力。这对提高高职英语的教学质量,有效实现高职教育的培养目标具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   


Need has been recognized for communication and collaboration between the multiple agencies that respond to school crime, but the topic has not been well researched. This study is based on interviews with officials from middle and high schools as well as with police and other juvenile justice officials. Officials in rural, suburban, and urban communities were interviewed about interagency communication and interaction patterns in response to school crime. Findings revealed considerable interagency collaboration in the rural community, some communication in the suburban area, and minimal interaction in the urban setting. Communication between agencies was enhanced and inhibited by cultural, bureaucratic, and individual level factors. Implications are discussed for assessing and improving interagency collaboration.  相似文献   

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