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局域网内IP地址冲突和盗用事件干扰了合法用户的正常使用 ,侵犯了用户合法权益。本文主要从三个方面介绍了IP地址盗用的防范措施 ,先分析其盗用方法 ,再针对其盗用手段采取相应技术进行防范 ,并从制度上加强管理 ,这样提出了解决问题的一个有效方法。  相似文献   

张亮 《警察技术》2003,(4):17-19,14
对融合的本质是把音频、视频、数据统一封装成IP数据包在各种异构、异型网络中简洁、高效地分组交换、传输。本文比较了网络分立、网络综合、IP融合方案优缺点,主要介绍公安通信网IP融合的技术基础、技术难点、特别介绍基于IP融合几种技术及其特点等。  相似文献   

IP语音技术在公安系统的应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王伟 《警察技术》2001,(1):7-10
IP语音技术作为近年来新出现的信息通信技术,已在国内外得到推广应用,公安部“金盾”工程已明确语音、数据、视频三网融合的目标,并提出了IP电话的设计构想。随着技术的不断完善和成本的逐步降低,IP语音技术将在公安系统得到广泛的应用。一、公安通信系统现状公安部门经过近20年的建设,目前已形成以租用电路为主、自建电路为辅的全国性专用信息通信网络。网络总体结构为部到省厅,省厅到地、市公安局,地、市到县、市的三级树状结构。一级网为地面租用话路、DDN和自建卫星电路;二级网为地面租用话路、DDN和部分自建光纤、电缆和…  相似文献   

X射线安全检查设备的不断发展对专用键盘设计提出了新的要求。本文通过实例介绍了人体工程化理念在新型安检专用键盘设计中的应用、较高等级防尘防水性能的实现以及身份验证技术在专用键盘中的应用,指出了今后安检专用键盘的发展方向。  相似文献   

学校机房常使用软件还原系统和硬件还原卡,介绍有关使用软件还原系统的文章很多,本文重点介绍还原卡的安装与故障诊断、排除以及架设代理服务器中的一些注意事项。希望能起到抛砖引玉的作用,得到同行大家的指点。  相似文献   

公安部一所通信事业部为宁夏回族自治区公安厅建设的全省规模的警用集群通信网,联网方式是真正的全IP结构。本文全面介绍了该网的结构、组成、特点,指出了该系统成功运行的意义,探讨了IP结构集群网的前景。  相似文献   

介绍了机动车电子标识阅读器的技术原理和有关技术要求,简要说明了机动车电子标识阅读器硬件、软件的设计实现,并对其关键技术作了初步介绍。  相似文献   

针对近年来新兴的X射线多视角安检技术,对其结构、原理、特性等方面进行了介绍,并对该项技术的未来发展提出了展望。  相似文献   

本文介绍了远程数字视频监视系统在银行监控中的实现和应用,以实际系统为模型,分析了基于IP组播与MPEG-4视频编码的网络视频监控系统的特点和优势,并讨论了系统的局限性,提出了可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

王旭 《警察技术》2016,(5):71-74
第二代居民身份证是非接触式智能IC卡,具有"新材料、新工艺、新技术"的特征,符合ISO14443 Type B标准,使用13.56MHz频率,二代证集中了目前国内最新的防伪技术,安全性能较高。介绍了一款集计算机技术、光电感应技术、IC技术、OCR识别技术于一体的高技术产品第二代居民身份证高速分拣机。文章首先阐述了第二代居民身份证高速分拣机的设计思想,进而对其工位结构、产品特性、产品市场前景进行了详细的介绍。  相似文献   

正CHINA’s economy has significantly advanced over the past 35 years of reform and openingup.Chinese people’s incomes have risen and their living standards have improved,from barely having enough to eat and adequate clothing to today’s generally better-off lifestyle.  相似文献   

正BENEFITING from the Dujiangyan Irrigation System that was constructed in 256BC,Sichuan Province is reputed as"Tian Fu Zhi Guo,"a place richly endowed with natural resources.Chengdu,the capital,is extremely productive,providing its people with cozy and relaxing lives.Chengdu people are known for their love of life.They know just how to relax and have fun.And they  相似文献   

正FOR over 2,000 years in its history,China maintained great power.But its influence didn’t stem from territorial expansion or the occupation of foreign countries.China is rather an introversive country,focusing on developing its culture rather than its military might.Chinese civilization has never displayed force or made bellicose policies;instead it emphasizes"harmony is of the utmost value."China hopes to share its dream with the rest of the world,as it is the time-honored consensus among its1.3 billion people that"the interests to be considered  相似文献   

正THE proposal to build a Silk Road economic belt has received proactive responses from Central Asian countries and regions along the route.The city of Samarkand in Uzbekistan,for example,has increasingly closer ties with China,according to Deputy Mayor Jamshed Urakov.Besides trade in numerous products made in China,many local people are learning Chinese to  相似文献   

正A gold Byzantine coin of the Anastasius I era(491-518)was unearthed last October from a Northern Wei Dynasty(386-534)tomb in Luoyang,Henan Province.The find caused no particular stir in China’s numismatic circles,however.Over recent decades Persian and Roman gold coins have occasionally come to light in historical sites along the ancient Silk Road.  相似文献   

正On December 26,2013,Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine,where 14Class-A World War II war criminals,including Hideki Tojo,who was prime minister of Japan for most of the war,are enshrined.These statesmen and military offi cers were responsible for maintaining a 14-year-long period of aggression towards China,for the Nanjing Massacre,for the sexual abuse of socalled"comfort women"in East and Southeast Asia,and for the attack on Pearl Harbor that provoked the Pacif ic War.Convicted of war crimes in 1946 at the International  相似文献   

正THE launch in 1984 of the Xiangyanghong No.10 marked China’s first Antarctic survey tour.As the ship was not able to break ice,it was a tough start to the country’s Antarctic explorations.But after 30 years of effort,Chinese scientists have successfully sailed from Shanghai to the Southern Hemisphere and beyond to the earth’s southernmost continent.China has since witnessed great achievements in its scientif ic expeditions to the  相似文献   

正LI Sisi,a sophomore of the Central Academy of Fine Arts,cannot take her eyes off a bust of the Goddess Isis.She marvels at the perfection of the statue dated to 150-250,taking photos of it from different angles.On the other side of the exhibition hall at the National Museum of China(NMC)in central Beijing,a middle-aged couple is looking for the route of the Crusades on a map of the ancient Mediterranean.Such scenes replay every day at the"Mediterranean World from the Collections of the Musée du  相似文献   

正IN 1995,a group of Chinese mountaineers reached the summit of Haba Snow Mountain,5,396 meters above sea level,making it the highest snow peak in Yunnan Province to be conquered by humans.The mountain,in the eyes of professional mountaineers,is"entry level."However,to amateurs,it is a game for the brave.At 10 a.m.on October 5,2013,I,along with 17teammates and a group coordinator,reached the top of Haba.Standing next to the altitude mark,I texted"I made it!"to my family.The message was simple but we all knew it was hard earned.  相似文献   

正MENTION logistics,and p e r h a p s a b u s y p o r t comes to mind.We may then recall how Rotterdam was unarguably once the world’s busiest port,for 40 years.Yet,in just a few years this logistical crown was usurped by Singapore,among the most thriving of countries in Asia.Soon,Chinese cities such as Shanghai,Ningbo,Shenzhen,Qingdao,Guangzhou and Tianjin also began to contend.  相似文献   

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