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校园暴力事件并不是平均的分布在各个学校,而是集中呈现在某一小部分学校和学生之中的丛生现象。丛生现象的出现使得对校园暴力的研究视角发生了转向,从群体归因转向了学校制度归因,即学校内部的组织结构、权力支配型的人际关系、学校管理的制度和规则等是导致校园暴力丛生的原因。应当设置学校安全的分层管理,从而有针对性的防治校园暴力。  相似文献   

近期,以新疆"暴恐"犯罪为代表的暴力恐怖案件裹挟着种种信息化时代产生的新特征在内地频频发生,危害人民生命安全,引发公众恐慌,无视社会法制,挑战政府权威。对此,公安机关应立足信息化的大背景,针对"暴恐"犯罪的新形式、新特点,改进"暴恐"犯罪预警机制,完善"暴恐"信息数据库建设,建立高效侦查情报队伍,运用信息化侦查技能,对"暴恐"犯罪本着预防为主、灵活处理、深度打击、绝不姑息的态度,保障人民生命安全、社会秩序和谐、国家政权稳定。  相似文献   

<正>近几年,新疆暴力恐怖犯罪活动频发、多发,新疆正处于"暴力恐怖活动的活跃期、反分裂斗争的激烈期、干预治疗的阵痛期""三期叠加"的特殊历史阶段,新疆反分裂、反暴恐的斗争具有长期性、复杂性、尖锐性的特点。面对十分猖獗的暴力恐怖活动,面对丧心病狂的暴力恐怖分子,2014年5月23日,全国启动了以新疆为主战场为期一年的严打暴力恐怖活动专项行动。截至2015  相似文献   

在新疆地区,对暴力恐怖犯罪活动仍然存在观念认识上的不统一。在重新认识恐怖犯罪活动的背景下,新疆暴恐犯罪的新特征可以概括为动机复杂、手段残忍、境内外勾结以及向内地延伸等。在新特征的背后,暴力恐怖犯罪猖獗可以从历史、地理、经济、科技、文化等方面找到原因。结合新疆反恐的严峻形势,完善刑罚制度、建立预警机制和强化应对机制是预防和处理暴恐犯罪的有效途径。  相似文献   

李兴海 《公安教育》2014,(10):49-51
<正>继"3·01"昆明火车站暴力恐怖袭击事件后,2014年4月30日和5月7日,乌鲁木齐市火车南站与广州火车站再度发生针对无辜百姓的恶性暴袭事件。在两次袭击中,恐怖分子都延续了昆明"3·01"事件中使用砍刀大肆砍杀无辜群众的残忍手段。然而,当相似的案情在2014年6月15日的和田继续上演时,人民群众却凭借着英勇的奋起反抗和与民警的联动处置重挫了暴恐分子的嚣张气焰。当前刀斧冷兵器砍杀已成为恐怖袭击的主要手段,我们深挖"6·15"案件处置的  相似文献   

<正>2014年云南昆明"3·01"暴恐袭击案虽然已尘埃落定,但面对当前暴力风险是最现实的公共安全风险、国际恐怖主义进入新一轮活跃时期、全球恐怖主义袭击日趋紧张的严峻形势,仍旧有必要对此案加以持续且深入的思考,以期从公共安全危机管理视阈下对如何反对暴力恐怖主义袭击(以下简称"反恐")提出思路与对策。一、当前反恐形势对公共安全危机管理提出了转变模式的迫切要求美国国务院于2016年6月  相似文献   

周自衡 《人民论坛》2014,(10):146-148
暴力恐怖事情的发生次数和频率在逐步增加,对国家安全和统一造成了巨大的危害,也使得人民群众受到生命财产的威胁,针对我国发生的暴力恐怖事件组织力量尚未壮大、境内外相互勾结、犯罪形式由隐蔽到公开等特点,公安机关应通过建立反恐专门机构,建立健全暴恐事件应急处置机制等措施打击暴力恐怖犯罪,做好暴力恐怖犯罪的预防和现场处置。  相似文献   

"CSZ5040XFB型防暴车"是部级科研项目"镇暴车"的科研成果。该产品集防暴、防弹、驱暴、运兵、监视、通讯、照明搜索、清障、防掀翻、  相似文献   

楠丁 《人民公安》2014,(11):13-13
<正>发生在新疆乃至内地的暴恐活动,都表现出极为残暴血腥的特征,突然出击、滥杀无辜,使得人民群众生命财产安全遭受严重威胁。记者在新疆各地走访时,一些长期从事维稳处突的干部分析了当前暴恐活动的特点和动向。一、团伙成员受宗教极端思想毒害严重。近年来破获的暴力恐怖案件,暴恐分子几乎都是参与非法宗教活动、最终实施暴恐活动的。暴恐团伙无一例外都是利用非法宗教活动传播宗教极端思想,煽动狭隘的民族情绪,模仿演练杀  相似文献   

暴力恐怖事情的发生次数和频率在逐步增加,对国家安全和统一造成了巨大的危害,也使得人民群众受到生命财产的威胁,针对我国发生的暴力恐怖事件组织力量尚未壮大、境内外相互勾结、犯罪形式由隐蔽到公开等特点,公安机关应通过建立反恐专门机构,建立健全暴恐事件应急处置机制等措施打击暴力恐怖犯罪,做好暴力恐怖犯罪的预防和现场处置。  相似文献   


School violence became a topic of broad national concern in the United States in reaction to a series of tragic school shootings during the 1990s. Efforts to understand and prevent school shootings have stimulated the rapid development of a broader interest in school safety with an emerging multidisciplinary research agenda. The maturation and fulfillment of this research agenda require that researchers critically examine their research methods and measurement strategies. This article introduces a volume that examines fundamental methodological and measurement issues in the rapidly expanding body of research on school safety and violence. The authors hope to stimulate greater attention to methodological pitfalls and critical measurement issues that hinder research progress in several related areas, including the uncertain reliability and validity of self-report surveys used to measure high-risk behavior and bullying, the limitations of discipline referral databases as a source of information on school climate, and the overly narrow focus on relatively infrequent critical incidents of violence, often at the expense of a more comprehensive and multifactorial examination of the school environment.  相似文献   


Disciplinary incidents at U.S. public middle- and high-schools are a public policy concern. Although businesses popularly give credence to leaders’ subjective intelligence, principals’ reports of their schools’ strengths and weaknesses are questioned. To determine whether principals’ reports carry legitimacy as indicators of student offenses, the current study utilized a nationally representative survey of principals who reported on their sense of the institution and the number of disciplinary incidents in the past year (N = 1,872; replication cohort, N = 1,833). Findings showed that the more institutional shortcomings a principal endorsed, the higher total number of incidents occurred, even after controlling for institutional strength and several indicators of school crime. These findings have policy and intervention implications for improving student outcomes, and so would be of interest to funding agencies, school administrators, teachers, and parents.  相似文献   

School experiences can have positive effects on student academic achievement, yet less is known about intermediary processes that contribute to these positive effects. We examined pathways between school experiences and academic achievement among 117 low-income urban students of color, many with disabilities, who transitioned to other schools following a school closure. Using structural equation modeling, we tested two ecological models that examined the relationships among self-reported school experiences, school support, academic self-efficacy, and school-reported academic achievement. The model in which the relationship between school experiences and academic achievement is mediated by both school support and academic self-efficacy, and that takes previous academic achievement into account, was an excellent fit with the data. The roles of contextual and individual factors as they relate to academic achievement, and the implications of these findings, are discussed.  相似文献   


Perhaps the most “naturally occurring” data on school misbehavior and aggression are school discipline data, including office referrals, suspensions, and expulsion data. These data constitute the most common markers of school discipline status available on school campuses. There is, however, very little information available in professional or research literature about the reliability and validity of office referrals. This article examines the sources of error that enter into the collection and use of office referrals. Despite these sources of errors, this article documents the importance of considering how office referral data provide information about how discipline systems are functioning on a school campus. Guidelines are provided for utilizing disciplinary data for school safety and school policy planning.  相似文献   


A substantial body of research indicates that positive school culture benchmarks are integrally tied to the success of school reform and change in general. Additionally, an emerging body of research suggests a similar role for school culture in effective implementation of school violence prevention and intervention efforts. However, little research is available that specifically focuses on the elements of school culture that promote the successful implementation of bullying intervention programs aimed at reducing the most prevalent form of school violence. Therefore, this case study attempted to identify the school culture characteristics that supported or interfered with implementation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program from the viewpoint of school staff key informants in a junior high school in its second year of program implementation. Data were collected primarily from open-ended, semi-structured interviews along with informal observations and analysis of school documents. Themes emerging from the interviews were examined in relation to the findings from the observations and documents. School culture characteristics that supported implementation included a sense of family, warmth, collaboration, and connections among staff and between staff and students, combined with a central focus on learning as the primary mission of the school. Identified barriers to implementation included the local community served by the district that was slow to change and accept differences. Outcomes suggest that, beyond ensuring fidelity of implementing the core components of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, examining the characteristics of a school's culture that promote or impede implementation efforts might further ensure its success and integration.  相似文献   

《Journal of school violence》2013,12(2-3):149-171

The failure to consider factors that make a key contribution to violence and its prevention may create serious problems of construct validity for school violence surveys. Further, few studies have assessed the relative importance of variables contributing to perceptions of safety by examining correlations between survey items and overall feelings of school safety. This study describes the development of a self-report survey, the Safe and Responsive Schools Safe School Survey, explicitly designed to assess perceptions regarding criminal violation and serious violence as well as day-to-day disruption and climate issues. Principal components analysis identified four factors involving student connectedness, incivility, feelings of personal safety, and delinquency/major safety. Further multivariate analysis suggests that, in at least some cases, feelings about connectedness and climate may be more critical than serious violence in shaping student perceptions of school safety.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between schools and student bullying behaviors and victimization among a nationally representative sample (N = 9,107) of New Zealand high school students. In particular, the study sought to explore the role of characteristics of schools and school culture with respect to bystander behavior, while controlling for individual student factors related to victimization and bullying behaviors. Results indicated that a total of 6% of students report being bullied weekly or more often and 5% of students reported bullying other students at least weekly. Results of multilevel analyses suggested that schools characterized by students taking action to stop bullying were associated with less victimization and less reported bullying among students. In contrast, in schools where students reported teachers take action to stop bullying, there was no decline in victimization or bullying. Overall, these findings support whole-school approaches that aid students to take action to stop bullying.  相似文献   

孙文桢 《青年论坛》2010,(5):102-105
学生和学校之间的关系虽然有不平等的一面,但依然属于民事关系,属于民事合同关系,而非属于国家行政管理关系。学生的权利包括四个层次,即首要权利、作为学生而应当享有的其他权利、作为自然人而应当享有的其他民事权利和作为公民而应当享有的公权利。有必要对学校的权力进行控制,这种控制包括目的性控制和程序性控制。学生权利保护法的体系结构应当以此为基础而确定。  相似文献   


School climate is increasingly intertwined with efforts to create safe schools and improve social-emotional learning and academic outcomes. While current definitions of school climate implicate the decisions and actions of school staff members, the majority of school climate research focuses on the perspectives of students. This study presents an adapted model of school climate that focuses on the experiences of school staff members, and is one of the first empirical studies to explore a statewide data set of responses from staff members in California public schools. Results suggest that there are meaningful differences in the experiences of school climate for different staff members and that these differences should guide the assessments of school climate and changes to policies and procedures that may influence climate.  相似文献   

The overuse of school suspensions has been linked to a host of negative outcomes, including racial disparities in discipline. School climate initiatives have shown promise in reducing these disparities. The present study used the Authoritative School Climate Survey—which measures disciplinary structure and student support as key measures of school climate—to investigate an association between teacher and student perceptions of school climate and suspension rates in a statewide sample of middle schools. Regression analyses controlling for school-level poverty and school size found that elements of authoritative climate, particularly structure, distinguish high- and low-suspending schools. Schools with high levels of student- and teacher-reported structure had lower overall suspension rates and a lower gap between Black and White suspension rates. These findings can be used to guide school climate initiatives to reduce racial disparities in school discipline.  相似文献   

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