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We assess the sole substantial film documenting the history of socio-economic relations in Mauritius, a history stamped by long experiences of slavery and bonded labour. We argue that it represents an important crystallisation of a triumphalist ethnic interpretation of Mauritian history. We show the filmic devices used to underline the ethnic narrative and the marginalisation of slave descendants’ voices. We demonstrate that the film ignores the early and strong development of values of equity across racial groups. It obscures the linked creation of a significant labour movement and its contribution to Mauritian society in securing the degree of equitable success which the film makers celebrate.  相似文献   
战后60年来,台湾地方新闻报道的整体发展历程,乃是台湾特有的历史与政治背景、西方新闻与大众传播论述的引进,以及新传播科技的变革等因素相互激荡的结果。通过“酝酿期”、“发展期”、“衰退期”、“转型期”等四个阶段的划分,本文展现出台湾新闻报导发展历程中,地方新闻报导概念的变迁形貌。进一步,本文以台湾地方新闻报道的实践经验为基础,融合当代社交媒体时代的媒体生态,提出“贴近本土话题,呈现多元意见,创造公共意识”三项功能,作为中国大陆落实地方新闻报道理念的创新路径。  相似文献   
加强"校局合作"是提高公安院校办学水平的重要环节。"校局合作"在公安院校的发展历程中,因不同的办学模式而呈现不同的状态。基于事业单位性质的公安院校的"校局合作"存在经费保障不足,合作办班积极性不高;学生实习、见习多了利益,少了责任;校局学术科研合作因种种原因不尽如人意等问题。制约"校局合作"的主要因素既有体制问题,也有利益问题。领导重视,进行体制改革,注重合作的互利互惠,实现利益双赢是"校局合作"长盛不衰的根本。  相似文献   
学术界充分肯定了周公在我国思想史上的地位,而召公则被忽视。其实,召公对我国思想史发展的深远影响,是可与周公媲美的。这表现在召公:就如何对待"天"及发展西周王朝,提出了"天不可信",振兴西周王朝这决定于我——"时我",推进了从神本走向人本的历史进程;提出了处在共同体中的"休(美好)"、"恤(忧患)"矛盾的对立统一,强调防止"休"向"恤"转化,此实为和谐哲学的雏形;提出了"弥性"的性善说和"节性"的性恶说,开启了我国人性论的先导;提出了"敬德保民",以德治国的新思想;提出了要以夏、殷"不敬德"而亡国为鉴。其"不敬德"的内涵集中到一点就是"贪婪腐败"。故以夏、殷为鉴,就是要以其"贪婪腐败"而亡国的教训为鉴,从而揭示了一个国家政治清廉则兴,贪婪腐败则亡的历史规律;召公为政清廉,为民不扰民,以利民便民为务,这既是"敬德保民"思想的身体力行,又是其平民化思想的标志。总之,召公对上述六个方面的论述的深刻性超越了周公,对思想史的发展做出了独特的杰出贡献,应充分肯定其在我国思想史上的崇高地位。  相似文献   
This article hypothesizes that the work of Ernesto Laclau is a proposal that aims to be a review, in times of crisis, to the very idea of criticism. Throughout the years, this thinker has defended his proposal for radical democracy to different remarks and rants. In these pages, we propose resuming talks between Laclau and Slavoj Žižek as one of the possible ways to address this debate. Given the difficulty of providing an exhaustive answer to the main question in our debate, we have raised the issue in terms of the “risks” or “dangers” that the work of Laclau approaches, while avoiding definitive statements.  相似文献   
The Cadiz courts symbolize the foundational episode of the liberal revolutions that took place in Spain and Latin America, and from this starting point, this article undertakes a comparative analysis of the different roads in political experimentation implemented in Spain and post-independent Mexico, during the first decades of the nineteenth century, in applying and consolidating liberal state models. In this case, emphasis is given to the debate arising around the representation and idea of political inclusion and exclusion put forward by the different legal frameworks in both countries, as essential cornerstones for modulating the different typologies of parliamentarianism, of the electorate and of the parliamentarian ideal, where a direct link is underlined between elitism and parliamentarian representation.  相似文献   
企业群体劳动争议数量逐年上升,而我国对群体劳动争议的名称、法律规定、行为结果乃至预防制度大都模糊不清。针对劳动关系市场化进程中日益激烈的劳资矛盾,集体协商机制的健全愈发显得有效而重要。观察我国几项典型群体劳动争议的前因后果,研究企业、劳动者、社会共存共亡的发展规律,重新构建集体协商谈判机制、完善工会权责制度、用法律手段处理群体劳动争议,以降低其负面影响的长效机制显得尤为必要。  相似文献   
This study examines how mid-twentieth century physicians used the term ‘sexual frigidity’ to disempower women. Conceptualizing medical texts as accounts, I focus on how medical authors saw, described and explained sexual frigidity from the 1930s to the 1960s in both scientific writings and in those aimed at the general public as sex guides, marriage manuals and advice columns. The study concludes, that behind the pretext of treating a woman’s frigidity, psychiatrists and gynecologists, using the language and theoretical structures of psychoanalysis, constructed a narrative in which ‘normal’, non-frigid women always see their man through a lens of unlimited patience, tenderness and altruism. Their attitude is always welcoming, joyous, and worshipful. By contrast, women defined as sexually frigid see their man through a lens of bitterness and resentment, an attitude which reaches its apotheosis during the man’s attempts to engage them in intercourse. Through the frigidity narrative, mid-twentieth century physicians managed to pass judgment, not only on women’s sexuality, but on their autonomy, their character, and the success or failure of their marriage: they are to blame when their husband leaves them for another woman; they are to blame when their husband is impotent; and they only have themselves to blame if they are unable to function in a sexually ‘healthy’ way. The discourse that seemed preoccupied with a woman’s genitals, with their feelings and contractions, was also interested in a woman’s heart, her intentions and activities, with particular emphasis on how she performed as her husband’s housekeeper and companion. There was scarcely an attitude, feeling, or interpersonal activity known to women from which mid-twentieth century physicians did not impute some connection to frigidity.  相似文献   
18世纪来华的法国传教士冯秉正神父,在华40余年,著作颇丰。他受康熙帝命令,曾编译十二卷《中国通史》,奠定了近代欧洲汉学历史研究。他用天文学方法讨论中国上古史纪年,以中国式的证明方式来证伪《竹书》和《路史》,以及他因中国上古史纪年的影响而对《圣经》希腊七十子译本的选择,展示了他独特的学术方法和见解。该事件也从一个侧面展现了17、18世纪来华传教士和西方学者之间有关上古史论争这一学术盛况。  相似文献   
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