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在确立“依法治国”的基础上,“法治”进一步强调“依法治权”,即要求法律具有制约国家权力和保护公民权利两个方面的功能。这就要求国家的政治生态要从权力主导向宪法主导转变,强调政治的法律化和法治化,要用宪法规制国家权力,并努力使其超越权力成为社会的主导力量。同时,逐步实现政治关系和政治行为的法律调节,实现政治问题的法律化解决。  相似文献   
警务保障是实现警察法治和构建和谐警务的各种资源保障。当前警务工作面临的国际国内形势,尤其是经济全球化、社会信息化,以及高科技犯罪、跨国犯罪和反恐等传统安全和非传统安全问题,对警务保障提出了更高的要求。没有强有力的警务保障,就难以适应日新月异的警务工作的时代要求,难以实现警察法治和构建和谐警务,也就难以实现警务工作的历史使命。要充分实现警务保障,实现警察法治,必须厘清警务保障的3个问题,即警务活动法治化、警力保障法治化、后勤和技术装备保障法治化。  相似文献   
保障公民权利,需要行政权力,但行政权力又往往容易侵犯到公民权利。当务之急,我们应当探求中国行政法治的评价标准,以期中国行政法治的早日实现。  相似文献   
成序  罗波  崔存军 《政法学刊》2006,23(3):90-95
刑事立案程序是刑事诉讼的启动程序和开展刑事侦查的必经程序,公安机关作为刑事案件侦查的主力军,其立案、侦查职权具有专属性和排他性,但是,公安机关在侦办刑事案件中的立案程序却存在立案标准不统一、立案标准缺失、立案与撤案法律依据相互矛盾等诸多缺憾,极易造成基层职能部门的无所适从乃至变相操作,应当从统一立案标准、加强对侦查活动的监督制约等多方面去完善侦查活动的构造,以修葺立案程序的法治化出路。  相似文献   

The leadership of the black community is concerned with welfare, with equality, with unemployment, with discrimination, with racism, with the pay gap, and with dozens of other such traditional issues. Oh, yes, they are also apprehensive about the use of addictive drugs. But, as we speak, young male members of this community are being incarcerated at frightful rates, and, even worse, are killing each other to boot. One would think that this latter issue would occupy the interest of black leaders front and center. After all, there are few worse problems than being jailed or killed. The present paper is dedicated to making the case that the black leadership has its priorities all wrong; that if they were to exercise true leadership, they would see the jailing and murder of young black men as perhaps the greatest threat to their community; and, if so, they would fervently support the legalization of all drugs.  相似文献   
基于不同的文化传统与政治经济背景,世界各个国家在不同历史时期形成了不同的社会管理模式,“大社会、小政府”的社会管理模式已成为当今世界的主要趋势之一.西方社会管理的发展变迁及成功经验显示出,社会管理的法治化、分权与自治、管理方式的市场化以及广泛的公众参与已成为各国社会管理模式的主要创新要素.我国社会管理应当坚持深入地转变政府职能,促进社会管理的法治化、市场化与公众参与的制度化.  相似文献   
全球化:当代中国法治化的历史新境界   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球化的发展必将对中国法治化进程产生全面、深刻、持久的影响。本文结合这一全球化趋势,深入研究分析了全球化的科学涵义以及全球化背景下中国法治化面临的种种挑战。在此基础上,进一步探讨了在这一全球化背景下中国法治化进程中需注重解决的几个问题。  相似文献   
Whole-process people’s democracy profoundly reflects the features of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics, and comprehensively and systematically reveals the concept of people’s democracy as providing important mechanisms of national and social governance. Based on the traditional democratic understanding of democracy as majority rule, whole-process people’s democracy emphasizes the universality and extensive range of democratic governance, but also has the natural value defects of democratic value itself. Therefore, we must organically combine democracy with the values of the rule of law and human rights, to build a well-defined governance order based on people’s democratic value. The whole process in the “whole-process people’s democracy” has really resolved the situation of people’s “absence” from many links of state power operation caused by over-emphasizing the election-democracy in the Western capitalist democratic system. Through the people’s extensive participation and effective supervision, the state power operation mechanism based on the fundamental political system, the people’s congress system, has been ensured to be always in the framework of people’s democratic governance. This effectively realizes the people’s sovereignty and is consistent with the declaration that “all power in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) belongs to the people,” stipulated in the Constitution of China. To improve the governance efficiency of whole-process people’s democracy in practice, we must bring it onto the rule of law, and use the rule of law philosophy and methods to reasonably and effectively resolve all kinds of theoretical and practical problems.  相似文献   
共产党"执政为民"从根本上讲就是利用其所掌握的各种资源"服务于民"。为民服务,是政党生存的基础,是政党政治和社会功能实现的基本途径,是世界政党政治发展的大趋势。建设服务型执政党,是落实执政为民的根本保证。为此,需要转变观念,创新机制,促进党内外民主的互动;需要纯洁党的队伍,增强党的领导干部的责任意识,提高服务能力和执政能力;需要党内生活制度化,党际关系法治化。民主、法治、服务,将是共产党最大的合法性源泉。  相似文献   
略论我国劳动关系的转型及当前特征   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
中国劳动关系的转型,指我国的劳动关系形态和调整劳动关系的模式正在从以往的计划经济体制向市场经济体制转变。国有企业改革与经济所有制结构的调整、劳动用工制度改革和劳动力市场的发育、工资分配制度的改革是影响劳动关系变化的三大体制性因素。当前中国劳动关系的主要特征是,劳动关系的市场化基本完成,劳动关系的法制化逐步加强,劳动关系的全球化初显端倪。劳动关系基本面的特征已演化为劳资关系,劳动关系所覆盖的人口已成为中国人口结构中的主体;劳动关系作为最重要的经济和社会关系,对中国社会发展方向正在发挥着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   
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