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铁路调图提速后线路治安出现许多新情况、新问题,对线路治安工作提出了更高的要求。本文在分析线路治安工作特点的基础上,对线路治安工作长远建设提出5点建议:一是建立健全一套行之有效的长效管理机制;二是制定和完善一套整治线路治安工作的规范;三是以全面推进预防联控工程建设为抓手,构建线路治安主体防控网络;四是与时俱进,创新线路治安的工作方式和方法;五是坚持从优待警,激发线路民警的工作积极性。  相似文献   
Five years after people took to the streets in protest at political organisation across the Middle East, the consequences of these actions remain. As the protests gained traction, states began to fragment and regimes sought to retain power, whatever the cost. While a great deal of focus has been upon what happened, very little attention has been paid to the role of agency within the context of the fragmenting sovereignty and political change. This article contributes to these debates by applying the work of Giorgio Agamben to the post-Arab Uprisings Middle East, to understand the relationship between rulers and ruled along with the fragmentation of the sovereign state. The article argues for the need to bring agency back into conceptual debates about sovereignty within the Middle East. It concludes by presenting a framework that offers an approach building upon Agamben’s bare life.  相似文献   
纯洁性是无产阶级政党的内在属性之一。作为党的第一、第二代领导集体的重要成员,陈云对保持党的纯洁性建设作了许多重要理论贡献。这些贡献有:注重教育实践,确保思想纯洁;党要管党、从严治党,确保组织纯洁;着力加强作风建设,确保作风纯洁。  相似文献   
构建社会主义和谐社会的伟大实践为公安高校基层党组织建设提出了新的任务与要求。当前公安高等院校教工基层党组织建设仍面临许多问题,在构建和谐社会背景下,公安高等院校应当秉承学习与实践相结合、开放与创新相结合、民主与集中相结合的思路,从提高对教工基层党组织建设的认识、创新教工党员的教育形式、建立健全教工基层党组织评价机制、加强教工基层党组织领导班子建设等方面入手,加强公安高校教工基层党组织建设。  相似文献   
习近平的基层党建思想,丰富了马克思主义建党学说,为新形势下做好党的基层工作提供了新的理论指导。其具有以下明显的理论特征:以满足人民需要为目的,促进全面发展的执政理念;以改革创新为动力,不断开创基层党建工作新局面的时代精神;以先进力量为表率,身体力行躬身示范的责任担当;以党章为根本标准,从严要求党员的坚定信心;以实事求是为思想指导,坚持求真务实的思维方法。  相似文献   
With the advent of the local turn in the mid-2000s, critical approaches have attempted to rethink peace building from the bottom up, placing local agents at the centre of the debate, declaring the end of top-down governance and affirming the fragmented, complex and plural nature of the social milieu. While local turn approaches have become popular in peace-building theory, this article invites the reader to question and problematise the local turn’s use of the concept of ‘everyday’, in order to explore paradoxes and contradictions that indicate the need to think more deeply about the impact of the local turn’s project of critique.  相似文献   
We argue that certain important democratic practices and elements of pluralism are lasting features of political systems in many poor countries. Because of state weakness, such arrangements work to the benefit of both elites and citizens. The broader citizenry and civil society enjoy significant political freedoms and greater access to foreign aid. Elites tolerate these limited civil liberties and regular elections because they produce few costly consequences due to state incapacity. We evaluate this theory of ‘uneven pluralism’ in poor countries using evidence from a paired comparison of Mali and Kyrgyzstan. These two countries have experienced significant political turbulence, but on balance have shown a persistent and robust commitment to a free press, transparent elections, and respect for freedom of association. Our theory suggests that uneven pluralism is likely to continue in countries like Mali and Kyrgyzstan, even as significant limits on judicial independence, persistent corruption, and lack of government transparency make democratic consolidation unlikely.  相似文献   
刘志丹、谢子长、习仲勋等中国共产党人,从西北革命的实际出发,创造性地运用“工农武装割据”思想.开创了陕甘边根据地。共产党领导下的人民政权,通过政治、经济、文化等方面建设,切实满足了人民的利益,巩固了革命根据地,推动了西北革命形势向前发展。陕甘边根据地政权建设的探索,对于当前的社会主义和谐社会建设仍具有现实启示。  相似文献   
党建价值目标的伦理建构,要体现以人为本的核心立场,把促进人的全面发展,实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益作为党的建设的出发点和落脚点。基于党的建设实践路径,应把观念创新作为党建价值目标伦理建构的先导工程,从人民利益出发,在“民生”与“民富”、“民智”与“民强”、“民安”与“民享”协调发展中,彰显党的执政品格,体现党推进发展的根本目的。  相似文献   
建党90年来,中国共产党始终重视加强自身形象建设,坚持把代表广大人民利益作为形象建设的灵魂,把不断推动经济社会发展作为形象建设的根本,把与时俱进加强党的建设作为形象建设的主线,树立了我党在各个时期的光辉形象。在继承和发扬我党形象建设优良传统的基础上,还应适应形势任务发展变化,借鉴公共关系学理论,强化政党公关意识,发挥现代传媒作用,不断探索创新我党形象建设的形式和方法,全面提高党的执政能力、巩固党的执政地位。  相似文献   
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