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2014年1月9日,民进党历经半年多、9次“对中政策扩大会议”讨论形成了“2014对中政策检讨纪要”,这是该党现阶段两岸政策调整的集中体现。民进党虽然主张开放面对大陆,但仍抱持“台独”立场,对两岸交流“阻挠多开放少、防范多善意少、对抗多合作少”。在两岸关系和平发展新形势、民进党自身结构性问题、美国对台两手策略等因素的影响下,民进党两岸政策仍会继续调整,较可能的方向是走一条既不同于陈水扁也不同于马英九的“务实台独”之路。  相似文献   
正Dramatic history has taken place in Ningxia, from the rock paintings of the past to the modern cloud computing base in the west, from the notoriously barren Xihaigu to the productive frontier of small Jiangnan, from the birth of China's first county-level ethnic autonomous government to the joint efforts of all ethnic minorities to pursue their dreams. Ningxia  相似文献   
在WTO争端解决实践中,WTO争端解决机构的报告对WTO各涵盖协定进行了丰富的解释。中国诉美国反倾销和反补贴措施争端解决案中,中国与美国围绕"公共机构"的认定这一问题展开激烈的辩驳。专家组与上诉机构采用近乎完全相同的条约解释方法,却对该问题作出截然不同的裁决。本文拟通过分析专家组和上诉机构的报告中关于"公共机构"的法律解释,探求导致不同裁决的主要原因,以期对条约解释作出更为深入的理解。  相似文献   
Every spring and summer, farmers and herders, the old and young in Gansu, Qinghai, and other provinces in northwest China look forward to their grand folk music fair. In those areas, taking a tour of the mountain is called langshan and singing traditional folk songs is called man huar. Touring the mountain to the music fair is "a must see" for all the local people!  相似文献   
A Jingpo fellow in Xishan Village is marrying.
This means a big celebration for Xishan.a stockadcd village in Mangshi City in Jingpo and Dai Autonomous Prefecture of Dehong.  相似文献   
An Wenli (安文丽), styling herself Ru zhi, also named Xue zhai, is a prize-winning calligrapher and a native of Qingyang. A party member and vice president of Qingyang's Federation of Literary and Art Circles, she has also served as director and a member of the Women's Work Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, and as chairwoman and vice chair of the Gansu Calligraphers Association.  相似文献   
I was born and brought up in Xinjiang, and my Iongtime friends often warn me, a photographer, not to take pictures in dangerous places. As a matter of fact I have received many such phone calls in recent years. Each time I finish the call, I become lost in thought. Scenes of experiences in past decades, together with those photos, materialize before my eyes. I decide I will, with my camera and my utmost good faith, continue to record the land and its people that I dearly love.  相似文献   
<正>Colorful,finely carved gates are landmarks of the Uyghur in south Xinjiang.They form an important part of residential buildings here,but their specialization goes beyond utility by expressing a combination of carving and painting integrated into the Uyghur home life.Uyghur courtyards are spacious,and useful to the life of the family in residence.Enclosed by walls made  相似文献   
最近,在广州市政协理论研讨会上,市政协主席林元和在谈及政协委员换届时建议,宁要"放炮委员",不要"缺席委员",引起社会关注和讨论。"放炮"代表、"放炮"委员近年屡有出现,"语不惊人誓不休",媒体和公众褒贬不一。有人为之叫好,"小骂大帮忙"。有人说"放炮"是为了出风头、博出位;有人说他们在为小众私利代言;有人说他们看似履职很起劲,却是只盯小事不做正事,本末倒置。笔者看来,只要为了传递民意,"炮轰"的是工作不作为、乱作为,虽"语出惊人",但也证明了他(她)有较强的履职意识。  相似文献   
当前,两岸关系和平发展正在由开创期进入巩固深化的新阶段。两岸同胞希望两岸双方抓住机遇,加强互利合作,开创双赢新局。但是,近来台湾岛内出现了一些怪异的声音,有关大陆平潭综合实验区建设,台商台胞担任大陆某些地方政协委员等议题,在岛内一些别有用心的政党和政客的炒作下’给平静的两岸关系掀起了层层涟漪。  相似文献   
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