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原始森林、绿色氧吧、空气维生素、壮族舞蹈、瑶族婚礼表演、森林小姐大赛、茶族皇后金花茶……10月28日,防城港市上思县承办的第三届十万大山原始森林旅游节将这些美好的词汇都串了起来,让游客们享受到了一次精彩的森林生态旅游盛宴。“原始、自然、绿色”,是这次旅游节的特色。地处十万大山的上思县原始森林公园内森林保护完好,动植物资源丰富, 空气中被称为“空气维生素”的负离子含量高达每立方厘米 8.9万个,而在城市里只有每立方厘米200个。经过近十年的  相似文献   
逶迤连绵的秦岭山中,翠峰入云的太白山下,演绎着一个共产党员、人大代表的时代传奇——段朝选将名不见经传的红河谷森林公园在五年时间内创建成享誉三秦大地的旅游景区,取得了令人瞩目的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   
资溪县地处赣山山区,是全省重点林业县。鹰厦铁路、316国道穿境而过。全县国土面积1251平方公里,总人口12.6万人。森林覆盖率达87.2%.被誉为华夏翡翠、人类绿洲先后被评为全国生态示范县、全国平安建设先进县、全国绿化模范县、全国绿色小康县、中国而包之乡、中国生态  相似文献   
2008年12月12日下午。市人大常委会"公民林"揭幕暨机关义务植树活动在大渡口区建桥工业园区c区石林大道举行。市人大常委会主任陈光国、副主任胡健康共同为"公民林"揭幕并和市人大机关工作人员一起参加义务植树。在‘公民林"里,大家种植了香樟、朴树、桂花、紫薇、天竺桂、广玉兰、垂丝海棠、小叶榕等大树和乔木,共100余棵。  相似文献   
汪永晨在4月25日的《新京报》上报道:最近,笔者和生态学家徐凤翔一起,走进了亚马孙森林。今天的亚马孙是一条大江,水量之大,水色之清,让人羡慕不已。我们在亚马孙上游的船上只待了20分钟,就看到两群亚马孙豚。而长江里的白鳍豚作为种群已经不存在了。随后,从空中看到的亚马孙:大江大河与森林植被息息相关。今天的亚马孙两岸,无论是干流还是支流,都是茂密的森林。  相似文献   
Children involving in boxing were highlighted as a problem in the country report of Thailand to the UN committee on the rights of the child. At present, there are approximately more than 20,000 children under 15 years old practicing Thai boxing. This thesis is designed to test the hypothesis that it is essential to bring human rights-based approach into the notion of children boxing in Thailand in order to find the possible solutions over the child protection in boxing areas, and that banning is not the absolute solution to solve the child boxing problem but should be done by applying children rights and "the best interest of the child" to the amendment of the laws and its enforcement. The research methodology of this study is mixed of qualitative and quantitative. The samples survey comprised 400 Thai people randomly on the subject of public awareness of this issue. The observation part was conducted on the random method by visiting 6 boxing camps; 3 in Bangkok and the other 3 in Kalasin province (northeastern area) and 3 children boxing matches; 2 local boxing stadiums and 1 national boxing stadium. Based on data gathering, although it was found that children practicing boxing are proved as dangerous and considered as child labor, they can hardly be banned because people in the boxing business, including children themselves, sees it as a necessity to practice at the young age and as a mean to escape poverty. In addition, a number of public opinion saw this as a benefit to preserve national cultural heritage. Therefore, allowing children to continue professional boxing, the government and sport authorities must implementing child rights in the professional boxing context based on law enforcement. The principle of the best interest of the child, based on the Article 3 in the Convention of Children Rights, has to be applied. This study recommended for the emendation of the National Boxing Act 1999 to provide specific chapter concerning children's engagement in boxing as a separate section from adult boxers.  相似文献   
阿碧 《检察风云》2007,(17):32-33
星期四早上6点,太阳刚刚升起来没有多高,照得树林里林影斑驳.守林员艾科萨起床洗了把脸,就带着心爱的猎犬嘟嘟开始了在森林里巡逻.这片森林位于挪威边境的罗尔蒙小镇.……  相似文献   
雅尔塔体制具有内容完奋、正义性和自我生存能力强三个特征。若无雅尔塔体制则法西斯主义不得根除,殖民地问题不得解决,大国专权不得约束,世界经济分裂不可避免,在六十年代末,就有可能爆发大规模冲突。在一超多极格局下,雅尔塔体制的优点应予借鉴。  相似文献   
女儿自助游身亡 父母状告众“驴友”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万清 《法庭内外》2007,(4):30-32
自助游成为越来越多年轻人的时尚之选。在许多网站的旅游BBS上,每天都有“打算去XX玩,想同去者请报名……”的帖子。往往一呼众应。可是自助游中“驴友”出了事故谁担责?2006年7月,广西省南宁市13名“驴友”相邀去郊区森林旅游。不料夜晚露宿时山洪暴发。一名女孩被洪水冲走身亡。女孩的父亲一纸诉状将另外12名“驴友”告上法庭。要求赔偿各项损失共计35万元。日前,南宁市青秀区法院对这起遇难“驴友”家人状告一同出游的“驴友”赔偿案作出判决,12名“驴友”赔偿原告各项损失21万元。  相似文献   
森林拟公开选拔一名年富力强才华出众的动物进入领导班子。于是,老虎主持召开了森林动物领导班子大会,请看他们的精彩发言。  相似文献   
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