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This essay offers a theoretical rethinking of simple commodity production that avoids two extreme notions of capitalism: one which readily embraces all relations of production found in the pervasive world system, and another which produces a rigidly eroded model to which everything else is externally articulated. It is argued that some specific forms of SCP can be treated as variations of capitalism integral to its polymorphous logic, and therefore as subjected, under determinate conditions, to a flexibly defined process of labour's subordination (formal and real) to capital. Self‐employed labour is also re‐examined in the light of (a) the basic exigencies of capital accumulation, (b) the contradictions inherent to capitalism, especially those pertaining to the confrontation between intraverted and extroverted economies, and (c) the active struggle of all working classes against their total dispossession from commodified wealth.  相似文献   
In the 1990s, efforts were launched in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the Russian Federation to support the revival of Sakha (Yakut) language education. This interdisciplinary study examines the evolution of school-based Sakha language education in the city of Yakutsk over a 25-year period beginning with the launching of the first reforms in the 1990s. Language education reform in the capital city has been shaped by a dynamic interplay between federal, regional, and local factors. Grassroots social and cultural activism continues to play a key role in school-based language revitalization in Yakutsk, influencing how policies have been received and implemented at the local level. Local community stakeholders are working together to counteract federal education policies, which direct school resources away from minority language education. This case study shows that the Sakha (Yakut) language revival has taken root in the capital city, and it provides important evidence that civic activism continues to develop in urban areas of the republic.  相似文献   
Cobalt(II) thiocyanate-based tests are routinely used to screen cocaine products, with the formation of a blue species interpreted as a positive response. An array of other organic bases has been identified as false positives – including well-documented cocaine product adulterant lidocaine and its salt. False positives prompt continued test development, though improvements are hindered by unresolved product structures and reaction pathways. Toward greater clarity, cobalt(II) thiocyanate reactions with cocaine hydrochloride, along with lidocaine and its salt, were investigated using multiple analytical techniques. Reactions involving cocaine hydrochloride yielded glassy, amorphous blue material while reactions of lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate produced larger, needle-like crystals whose structure was determined via single-crystal X-ray diffraction to be an ion pair (Hlidocaine+)2([Co(SCN)4]2−)·H2O. While the blue precipitate isolated from reactions involving cocaine hydrochloride was unsuitable for crystallographic structure determination, comparative ultraviolet–visible, attenuated total reflectance infrared, and Raman spectroscopic analysis – along with elemental analysis – supports that this solid is comprised of a comparable ion pair (Hcocaine+)2[Co(SCN)4]2−. Pink crystals isolated from lidocaine reaction vessels were identified as coordination compounds cis-[CoL2(SCN)2] and trans-[CoL2(SCN)2] where L = lidocaine, while pink crystals from both cocaine hydrochloride and lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate reaction vessels were the coordination polymer trans-[Co(H2O)2(SCN)2]·H2O. The results presented herein enable reaction optimization to favor a desired product, whether ion pair or coordination species.  相似文献   
Abstract. This paper is concerned with future urban change in Canada. Part A deals with bringing about urban change. Part B is about knowledge required to make urban change. Part A begins by discussing a model of the urban future and closes with a discussion of the system of public and private organizations for urban management. Part B begins by distinguishing “knowledge roles’ for urban change, and goes on to discuss the role of knowledge in intervention. It closes with a discussion of the knowledge organization (illustrated by the university), and the means by which it might support the making of urban change. Part C relates the first two parts by suggesting how the mutual support of the knowledge organization (e.g. the university) on the one hand, and the system of public and private organizations that manage urban activities on the other, might be improved. Sommaire. Cet article traite du changement urbain au Canada et de son évolution future. Dans la première partie, la discussion porte sur le changement urbain lui-même, tandis que la seconde partie est consacrée au savoir relié au changement urbain. La troisième partie enfln suggère différentes manières de réaliser le lien entre le savoir et l'action en vue d'améliorer la qualité de nos interventions. La première partie débute en proposant un modèle du ‘futur urbain.‘ Cemodèle introduit deux types de planification, la planification projective, quis'appuie sur des extrapolations, et la planification prospective, qui s'appuie sur des prospectives du futur. Ces deux types de planification sont élaborés en relation avec les quatre sous-systèmes du système socio-technique, à savoir les systemes des ressources humaines, des activités humaines, des ressources physiques et des interventions physiques. Le type de relations que l'on perçoit ainsi que la manière de les considérer définissent le processus de planification que Ton adopte. Ce peut être un processus purement projeetif, un processus purement prospectif ou un processus conjoint prospectif-projectif. Des exemples de ces divers processus sont présentés. Dans la deuxième section de cette première partie, diverses manières d'organiser la gestion urbaine sont avancées, et il est suggéré qu'un réseau interorganisationnel à double intéiêt à la fois projectif et prospectif est désirable. La troisième section, enfin, propose un premier pas dans l'établissement d'untel réseau. Ce premier pas serait la création d'un petit réseau d'organisations qui s'engagerait dans le processus projeetif-prospectif suggéré auparavant. Cepetit groupe jouerait un rôle de catalyseur et pourrait stimuler un processus plus vaste si les résultats atteints se révelaient intéressants. La deuxième partie commence par distinguer différents rôles pour le savoir. Après avoir identifé le changement urbain comme un domaine d'études ayant les caractéristiques d'une discipline et d'une profession, elle propose un modèle à deux dimensions, la dimension institutionnelle et celle des connaissances. Ces deux dimensions conduisent à l'dentification de quatre types d'activités ausein du changement urbain: la pratique et les sciences de l'analyse et la pratique et les sciences de l'intervention. La discussion continue ensuite sur l'intervention considérée comme une pratique et un ensemble de disciplines. Il est avancé que l'urbanisation, la globalité, la complexité et le concept de métaproblèmes sont de plus en plus les determinants fondamentaux de l'intervention dans le changement urbain. La troisième section, enfin, propose divers moyens institutionnels pour promouvoir une meilleure intégration du savoir. Des centres et foyers de recherche de natures diverses sont suggérés ainsi qu'une structure nouvelle pour l'université, celle de l'université transdisciplinaire. La troisième partie propose, en guise de conclusion, une meilleure intégration des connaissances et de la gestion urbaine par l'instauration d'une focalisation commune sur le futur qui prendrait place au niveau des laboratoires de dessein de systèmes dans l'université transdisciplinaire et où se concrétiseraient les réseaux interorganisationnels suggérés dans la première partie.  相似文献   
This article explains the diversity of young people’s access to social welfare by distinguishing between two models of social citizenship in a comparative analysis of 15 Western European countries. On the one hand, social citizenship can be familialized, when young people are considered as children and therefore do not receive state benefits in their own name. This form of citizenship is found in Bismarckian welfare states, based on the principle of subsidiarity. On the other hand, it can be individualized, in which case young people can be entitled to benefits in their own right, insofar as they are considered as adults. This form of social citizenship is found more in Beveridgean welfare states.  相似文献   
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