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就业培训是提高劳动者就业素质最直接的方式。转变就业培训观念,提高就业技能对促进实现就业具有积极作用。认清目前就业培训中出现的问题,明确就业培训发展的改革重点,以促进就业培训市场的健康有序发展,提高就业人员素养和技能,改善就业压力和企业活力。帮助劳动者进行有效的自我评估、职业开发和职业决策,为迈向职业生涯做好预期准备。  相似文献   

The possibility of using skin as a metaphor for the relation between man and woman is examined. The metaphor of skin might be an alternative to the psychoanalytical, patriarchal metaphor for that relation: the phallus. It might also open up a third way between essentialism and constructivism. First and last, skin could be the metaphor for an ethical relation between self and other. The article concludes with an analysis of the final scene of August Strindberg's The Father :  相似文献   

An ever more aggressive anti-migration propaganda war is being waged by the majority of British media, where migration in any form is consistently portrayed on the basis of forming and consolidating a response to a security threat. While tens of thousands of migrant workers are exchanging their sweated labour for meagre wages in the 3-D jobs – dirty, dangerous and degrading – in Britain's food-processing, electronic manufacturing, catering, cleaning and hospitality industries outside any mechanism of labour protection, Britain today is still declining to at least ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers and Their Families in effect since last year. In the post-Morecambe debate on migration and demand for regularizing gangmasters, policing and immigration raids are seen as the quick cure for migrant labour exploitation. The argument sounds as if the only way to get rid of employers' violation of minimum labour rights is to get rid of migrant workers. Britain has forgotten to ask – who are the migrant workers? They are the ones who sweep British roads, clean British supermarkets and serve you food in restaurants in every high street. They are the ones who sew the clothes you wear, put together your microwaves and process the British salads that you have on your dinner table everyday. Migrant workers are people you don't meet everyday but upon whom you depend. To find out about the chain of exploitation in which migrant workers live and the impact of British immigration controls that are fundamental to their lives, I lived undercover among the Chinese workers from whom I learnt a great deal.  相似文献   

社会主义劳动关系是进一步解放和发展生产力的劳动关系,是优于资本主义的劳动关系.其主要内涵是:相互依存、各尽所能、共决利益、和谐共赢.坚持发展中国特色的社会主义事业,既要肯定资本的正面功能和积极作用,又要坚决有效地引导、限制和阻止资本的负面功能和消极作用;同时要引导和促进劳动关系主体双方在利益相关、命运相连、共同合作的企...  相似文献   

近年来,我国的劳动争议案件逐年增多,且呈现复杂化、群体化、涉外化等趋势.我国政府为了实现社会公正,走上了通过扩大劳动者个人的权利来解决劳动争议的路子,致使劳动者、企业单位、工会、行政权力以及法院在处理劳动争议过程中的职能、地位发生扭曲.所以必须关注并完善劳资双方的信用关系、工会的职能与地位、行政权力在劳动争议处理中的地位和权威、法院最后的司法救济,从深层次解决原来的处理体制"用其所短"的弊端,实现劳资关系的和谐.  相似文献   

衡量劳动力的基本标准,是看其是否具有劳动能力,年龄限制是附加的。将大量具有劳动能力的退休人员排斥在劳动资源开发之外,是一种浪费。延长退休年龄有利于维持劳动力数量上的优势。  相似文献   

对员工的激励,从某个方面来说就是员工的生存与发展问题。组织要发展必须解决好员工的生存与发展问题,通过激励来整合员工和组织的价值诉求,使员工和组织成为利益和价值的共同体,使其共同发展。  相似文献   

新形势下,工会工作贵在创新.大连开发区工会工作在不断的创新中得到加强,职工权益在工会工作创新中得到维护.只有紧密结合实际不断创新,才能把握工作的主动,这是大连开发区工会工作的重要经验之一.  相似文献   

劳动科学建构论纲   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
劳动科学作为一个科学系统,是以人类劳动作为研究对象,从不同学科视角对劳动问题及其规律,以及与劳动问题密切相关的社会关系进行分门别类的研究,从而形成一个系列的、各具专业特色的学科群,而每一具体学科在确定研究对象的同时,也对学科本身的外在疆界、基本内涵以及具有学科特色的研究方法进行了规定,使各门学科具有相对独立性。劳动科学是一个关系系统,在系统中,现实中的一些专业学科同劳动问题的有机结合,便构成了一个新的交叉学科,具有内在的规定性和层次结构等特点。建构劳动科学应坚持客观性原则、整体性原则和创新原则。  相似文献   

行业集体协商在协商层次、覆盖范围、整合资源、人力配备、减少社会成本、提升合同质量等方面有着独特优势,具有调整劳动关系的层次更高、力度更大、范围更广的优点,对于扩大集体协商覆盖面、提高集体协商的针对性和实效性,具有十分重要的意义.我国的行业集体协商,无论是在协商的分布地域、规模层次、辐射范围,还是在协商的主体确定、内容拓展、方式方法、社会影响等方面,都有了一定程度的突破.当前,应当从解决制约行业集体协商深入开展的突出问题人手,把行业集体协商作为开展集体协商工作的重点和突破口,推动我国集体协商工作不断向纵深发展.  相似文献   

长期以来,我国公共服务事业-直为政府所垄断.随着社会的发展,人们对公共服务的需求越来越广,原本政府单一提供公共服务的权威型模式既不能满足人们的需求,也不能适应社会发展的需要.公共服务主体的多元化则有利于提升公共服务的有效性、公平性和可选性.  相似文献   

20 0 1年 6月 1 7日至 6月 2 4日 ,我们一行数人 ,对日本东海生活协同〈下称东海生协〉组合事业进行了友好访问和交流。东海生协是日本生活协同组合中的一个较大的地域性生协组织 ,处于日本的中心位置 ,由名古屋勤劳市民生协、歧阜县生协、三重县生协、三重北生协、三河市民生协等五家组织〈下称五地生协〉自愿联合组成。 1 997年的资料表明 ,当时日本有 40 %的家庭参加了日本生活协同组合。会员参与的事业日本生协组织的消费口号是 :人人为我 ,我为人人。东海生协的事业主要包括生活消费品自选商场、共同购物〈配送中心把会员订购的物品送…  相似文献   

Ahlam Mosteghanemi was the first Algerian woman writer to publish a novel in the Arabic language. Her work is therefore very significant in the context of Arab women's writing and feminism. Her novels express a unique understanding of social and political events, and convey the impact of these events on individuals by combining love stories with political and social history, fused together in present time. The interview examines Ahlam Mosteghanemi's novels and the impact of colonization and post-colonization on Mosteghanemi, her writing, Algeria and the Algerian people. Mosteghanemi's decision to write in Arabic and the themes of her novels are directly informed by the Algerian war of independence and as such can be seen both as a statement of independence from the Eurocentric homogenization of language and discourse, and as a feminist political statement. The interview seeks to deconstruct the widespread image of feminist literature as a genre that attempts to explore the female experience through an unnuanced binary focus on the opposition between the male and female within a patriarchal society. The interview pays particular attention to the rich symbolism of Mosteghanemi's novels. Even in the English translation there is a strong sense of the historical and geographical reality of Algeria, an ancient country repeatedly invaded by colonizing forces, and struggling again in the modern world to establish an independent identity. The interview looks at some of the significant themes raised by Mosteghanemi in her novels. In addition to this, the interview pays particular attention to the issue of translation in Mosteghanemi's novels and to her attitudes towards her readership.  相似文献   

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