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<正> 生命权是人权的最基本也是最核心的内容之一,因此,讨论人权不能不涉及以剥夺生命权为内容的死刑问题.某些国际人权组织甚至以死刑的存与废作为衡量一个国家人权状态的尺度.在这种情况下,应当如何认识死刑存废与人权保障的关系,是一个十分尖锐而又不容回避的问题. 一在西方历史上,第一次明确提出废除死刑观点的是意大利著名刑法学家切撤雷·贝卡利亚.他根据社会契约论,论证了死刑的非正义性和不必要性.贝卡利亚认为,人们最初在订立社会契约的时候,只交给公共当局一份尽量少的自由,这里当然不包含处置自己生命的生  相似文献   

生命权内容和地位之检讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
生命权不同于其他人格权。其最大特征在于 ,生命权客体———生命利益与生命权主体的权利能力融为一体。根据这一特征 ,应对传统生命权理论进行检讨 ,重新设置不同于普通人格权保护的独立模型。这一模型从个人本位角度出发 ,认为生命权不包括支配权和请求权 ,而仅指生命维护权 ,它是一种独立人格权。至于受害人近亲属的损害赔偿请求权 ,并非基于生命权产生 ,而应换从社会本位的视角 ,认为是基于近亲属的财产权或其与受害人的血缘关系产生。  相似文献   

张平华 《法学杂志》2008,1(1):61-64
生命权价值具有优先性与不可评估性等基本特征。生命权的优先性主要体现为生命权是不可克减的权利、主体享有生命防卫权、以生命权为客体的受害人同意无效等方面,但是生命权并非绝对优先的权利。生命权的不可评估性意味着侵害生命权只能进行不完全赔偿。  相似文献   

生命权的全球化与中国公民生命权入宪研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生命权是指人的生命不被任意剥夺的权利 ,不同于作为公民最低生活保障权的生存权。生命权是一切人权的基础 ,属首要人权 ,并具有制约国家权力的功能 ,为此国际社会的人权宣言和公约以及世界各国宪法大都规定了生命权。保障生命权已经成为一种全球化的世界潮流。我国现行宪法尚未规定生命权 ,生命权入宪是我国的当务之急。我们应当尽快将生命权写入宪法 ,并应注意正确处理与生命权密切相关的死刑、堕胎、脑死亡和安乐死以及克隆人等问题。  相似文献   

从信仰到人权——死刑废止论的起源   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
生命神圣是死刑废止论的宗教理念 ,生命权是死刑废止论的自然权利理念 ,“生命权是人不可剥夺的基本权利”是死刑废止论的人权理念。死刑废止论由兴起到展开的历史是一个对生命的神圣性的信仰到对自然权利的推崇再到对基本人权的尊重的过程。生命神圣、自然权利与基本人权之所以能够衍生出死刑废止论 ,最根本的原因就在于三者都主张生命具有至高无上的价值 ,并强调对生命的普遍而绝对的尊重。因此 ,只有首先树立了生命应该得到普遍而绝对的尊重的理念 ,死刑的废止才有可能提上议事日程。  相似文献   

死刑是剥夺犯罪分子生命的刑罚方式。它以剥夺人的生命为内容,它除了具有刑罚的一般特征外,还具有其独特的特性。最显著的莫过于它的严厉性。死刑剥夺的是人的生命权。它是人的最重要的权利。一旦生命不存在了,那么其他权利也就无从谈起,因此限制死刑就是对人权的保障。  相似文献   

为了限制和废除死刑,应当对以暴力方式和非暴力方式侵犯生命权的犯罪区别对待,及时废除非暴力方式侵犯生命权犯罪的死刑.非暴力方式侵犯生命权犯罪的死刑控制不仅是全面废除死刑的重要铺垫、减少死刑执行数量的重要途径、顺应国际趋势的重要举措,而且具有很强的现实可行性.建议从立法、司法、刑事政策等方面对非暴力方式侵犯生命权犯罪死刑进行有效控制,并充分发挥刑事和解的重要作用.  相似文献   

死刑是剥夺人的最基本的权利即人格权、生命权的法律制度。生命权是人的一切权利之本,人的所有其他权利都是依附于生命而存在。我们不能脱离历史和现实的原因,否认当前死刑在中国得到保留的必要性,但这并不意味着我们在死刑的问题上无所作为。遵循人道原则,严格限制死刑的适用,以实现死刑在立法上的实质性削减、技术性削减和实际执行上的削减,将是可以作为的空间。  相似文献   

赵迪 《法制与社会》2012,(16):275-276
死刑的存废问题一直以来都是我国法学界关注的热点.死刑制度在世界各个国家的历史中几经废立,但是在近代人权意识觉醒,人们对生命权绝对属性认知提升之后,废除死刑的呼声便一浪高过一浪.本文将通过对死刑制度和我国现状的研究和分析来论证我国应该逐步废除死刑并探寻我国在不远的将来应该如何进一步保障公民的生命权的问题.  相似文献   

黄晓亮 《法学论坛》2016,(1):93-101
站在宪法的立场上考察死刑妥当性问题,对于死刑的存废具有终极的社会意义.世界上主要存在着4种死刑合宪性解释的路径,但都或多或少存在着不可避免的局限性.人权具有普世价值,在生命权的保护上不应该存在任何例外,以人权作为死刑合宪性解释的立场对于形成一种尊重生命和人格的文化,引领公众对死刑树立起理性的认识发挥着不可替代的作用.废止死刑本身并不是目的,其真正目的在于增加所有国民的人权.政府应以此作为设定政策和措施的出发点,重新审视死刑在控制犯罪中的意义.从削减和废止死刑、保障人权的角度考虑社会的防卫才是合适的社会演进之方向.  相似文献   

Age is prominent among theories of criminology and victimology. It is less conspicuous in punishment theory, despite its emphasis in retributive theory and lawmaking. The present study evaluated competing ‘years of life lost’ and ‘vulnerable victim’ hypotheses to examine the influence of victim age in capital sentencing decisions. Using case file data on the population of capital murder trials in the State of North Carolina (1977–2009), our findings produce mixed results. Our quantitative analyses suggest that death sentences are significantly less likely in direct proportion to victim age. Killers of elderly victims are less likely to receive the death penalty; conversely, the odds of a death sentences are slightly greater for killers of child victims. Supplementary qualitative analyses suggest that while many child and elderly victims were not per se ‘vulnerable,’ a substantial subset of each clearly were treated as such. We discuss implications for vulnerable victim research and the role of quasi-legal factors in case outcomes.  相似文献   

冯春萍 《法学杂志》2012,33(5):98-103
按照我国《刑法》的规定,刑罚的本质是基于刑事责任对被告人予以惩罚报应,同时,刑罚的目的在于通过减少被告人的再犯可能性实现预防犯罪。同样,作为实现刑罚过程的量刑也应在这种"本质"和"目的"的体系中进行。人民法院在对死刑案件进行量刑时决定是否将加害方及其家属等积极进行经济赔偿的行为作为酌定情节予以考虑时,也应该首先从量刑的这种"本质"和"目的"的体系出发来判断。具体地讲,经济赔偿只有与案件的"犯罪事实"有着内在关联性,本来属于案件"定罪量刑"的要素时,并且,只有将其置于整个量刑体系下,在与其他众多的量刑要素的相互关系中被认定确实具有直接影响被告人的过去罪责(刑事责任)及其将来预防(再犯可能性)的意义时,才可以作为死刑量刑的酌定情节予以考虑,才可以成为慎用死刑立即执行而选择死刑缓期两年执行的理由。  相似文献   

Extralegal disparities between defendants sentenced to the death penalty and those who receive life without parole disturb even the most resolute advocates of capital punishment. Extensive bodies of research document extralegal factors influencing death penalty outcomes. Although studies largely focus on race and ethnicity, a growing body of research considers the impact of sex on the capital sentencing process. This paper reviews the extant research on the impact of the sex of the victim, defendant, attorney, juror, and judge on capital case outcomes. Women’s scarcity on death row and a previously documented “female victim effect” condemning male defendants who kill female victims, particularly for those committing crimes of sexual degradation, suggests that death row policies and their implementation chivalrously protect female defendants and victims. Conversely, a limited amount of research documents a “domestic discount,” or greater leniency for death-eligible crimes commonly victimizing women than for those victimizing acquaintances or strangers. Although opinion polls document greater support for the death penalty among men than women, juror sex inconsistently predicts sentencing outcomes in the literature. Minimal research on judge and attorney sex finds female judges more liberal in death penalty sentencing than male judges and inconclusive relationships between attorney sex and adjudication. Findings in the research on sex and death penalty outcomes support the existence of a “sex effect” and inform recommendations for future research to expand the body of literature.  相似文献   

死刑复核程序改革与检察机关的介入权   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张智辉 《法律科学》2006,24(4):97-101
我国死刑复核程序应当进行司法化、诉讼化改革。检察机关作为国家的法律监督机关,在死刑案件的刑事诉讼中,既承担着公诉的职责,也承担着审判监督的职责,应当有权介入作为死刑案件最后一道关口的复核程序。  相似文献   

Derrida’s seminar on the death penalty is a deconstructive reading of the debate over the abolition of the death penalty beginning in eighteenth century Europe. The main imperative of the reading is to address the limits of abolitionist discourses, which historically have been based on natural law conceptions of the right to life. Derrida’s interest in undertaking such a reading is to develop an abolitionist argument that would hold up in principle against the death penalty. However, in this paper I take Derrida’s insights into the meaning of the death penalty to explore what they reveal about political sovereignty, and in particular its relation to violence. The paper begins by addressing several relevant moments in Derrida’s reading of texts on both sides of the death penalty debate and shows how the arguments are each limited by some ‘unavowed’ interest that conditions the fundamental principles upon which they are based (Derrida, in Death penalty, Volume I. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, p. 142; 2014). These unavowed interests relate to what Derrida describes as the ‘compromise’ on the question of cruelty in the context of the death penalty. Based on these readings, the paper develops a concept of the death penalty defined as a relation to time, specifically, a relation of mastery over the time of the life of the other. It then connects this concept to Derrida’s analysis of political sovereignty found in Rogues (2005) and ‘Force of Law’ (2002) to make two arguments. First, the conception of the death penalty as a relation to time redefines so-called ‘death penalty alternatives’, such as life imprisonment without the possibility of parole as manifestations of the death penalty through other means; and, second, changes in the appearance of the death penalty reflect changes in the institution of political sovereignty, and in turn the status of the state.  相似文献   

This article examines how two of Japan’s largest newspapers frame death penalty issues. Through a content analysis of 7,153 Asahi and Nikkei articles in the 66-month period from January 1, 2007 to June 30, 2012, 11 death penalty frames are identified: inevitability, atonement by dying, atonement by living, victims’ rights and emotions, human rights, miscarriage of justice, calls for discussion, life without parole, deterrence, public support, and retribution. In addition to frames, we examined who the main voices are in each article on capital punishment. We found that avoidance and ambivalence are the two main approaches taken by Asahi and Nikkei to cover death penalty issues, and the most surprising finding is the high salience of atonement as a frame for thinking about capital punishment. In Japan, atonement is used to justify (atone by dying) and oppose (atone by living) the death penalty. Although atonement by living in prison and atonement by dying at the gallows imply radically different outcomes, the flexibility of the atonement frame may suggest new possibilities for Japan’s anti-death penalty movement.  相似文献   

杨俊 《法学杂志》2012,33(4):162-167
《刑法修正案(八)》的出台引起社会高度关注,因为与以往历次《刑法》修正案相比,本次《刑法》修改可以说是幅度和力度最大的一次。《刑法修正案(八)》的亮点之一就是削减了死刑罪名,由于死刑是剥夺犯罪人生命的刑罚,因其严厉性、残酷性、非人道性和不可纠正性而长期为人所诟病,死刑之存废也是学界一直关注和争论的焦点问题,然而,就我国现阶段而言,对死刑依然保持现状或轻言完全废除都不可取,更重要的应当是在刑事立法和司法适用上对死刑进行有步骤地、渐进式地改革。从此意义上说,《刑法修正案(八)》充分表明我国已进入对死刑的实质性改革阶段。  相似文献   

故意杀人罪是最典型的有被害人的犯罪。被害人加害在先引起他人加害 ,或被害人激化矛盾引起他人加害属于被害人有过错的故意杀人罪。在故意杀人罪死刑裁量中 ,被害人的过错是酌定从轻处罚情节。司法解释确立了“被害人一方有明显过错或对矛盾激化负有直接责任的故意杀人罪 ,一般不应判处死刑立即执行”的规则 ,但在司法实践中对被告人量刑时往往不予考虑。为了减少和限制故意杀人罪的死刑适用 ,在立法上有必要将被害人的过错这一酌定情节法定化。  相似文献   

本文从立法和司法两个方面分析了我国台湾地区死刑立法模式、死刑适用条件、死刑适用范围、死刑规定方式的控制以及死刑案件程序、死刑赦免、死刑执行的控制,还分析了我国台湾地区死刑立法控制和司法控制的理念。通过这两个方面的分析发现,台湾地区死刑控制与我国大陆死刑的改革方向不谋而合,即对已满75周岁的老年人犯罪绝对不适用死刑。此外,台湾地区死刑控制对我国大陆死刑改革也有一定的启示,即将死刑适用的具体条件限定为危害生命或健康的严重犯罪;废除绝对死刑;提高无期徒刑的假释门槛、新增重罪累犯不得假释的规定、延长死刑追诉权期限;增设死刑案件强制上诉制度,等等。  相似文献   

刘健  赖早兴 《现代法学》2004,26(4):83-86
限制、废除死刑已成为国际社会刑法制度改革的趋势,在我国目前废除死刑的时机不成熟的情况下,严格限制死刑应是理性的选择。赦免以其特有的刑事政策功能对于限制死刑的适用具有不可忽视的价值;激活并完善我国赦免制度对于我国死刑的限制有着重要意义。我们应当依据国际人权公约完善赦免制度,其内容包括完善立法体例、赦免程序、赦免对象、赦免条件等方面。  相似文献   

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