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新生代农民工社区生活面临诸多心理情绪、婚恋与子女教育、社区融入、文化贫困等社会心态问题。解决农民工社会心态问题,立足于城市社区构建新生代农民工人文关怀体系,不失为一条有效的路径选择:构建社区教育服务体系,满足新生代农民工的需求;以社区精神为内核,形成新生代农民工精神家园意识;建构新生代农民工政治参与机制,形成公共精神;提升新生代农民工婚恋认知及调控能力;构建新生代农民工社会工作介入机制,促进农民工融入城市社区。  相似文献   

新生代农民工作为城市建设中的生力军,他们在城市社会融入程度将影响着整个农民工群体的城市融入和家庭稳定.我们可以在优势视角下,从社区工作的角度介入,从社区管理、社区组织、社区教育、社区保障、社区工作者、新生代农民工自身等5个方面,对新生代农民工融入城市社会的策略做初步探讨.  相似文献   

2010年中央1号文件首次提出“新生代农民工”问题,凸显了农民工问题的新特征以及探讨和解决新生代农民工融入城市问题的迫切性.当前,我国新生代农民工群体在社会生活中的话语权明显处于弱势.新生代农民工话语权建构与选择,是他们融入城市的基础,各级部门应采取有针对性的措施:在政府层面解决话语权“支撑点”问题;在社会层面解决话语权“外环境”问题;在主体层面解决“源动力”问题;在社区层面解决话语权“落脚点”问题,用制度与机制保障新生代农民工的话语权实现.  相似文献   

新生代农民工已成为我国产业工人的主体,但受城乡二元体制的限制,他们大多游离于城市边缘,如何融入城市社会问题等正日益引起政府和社会的广泛关注。以青岛市为例,调查新生代农民工融入城市社会进程中的现实诉求,得出这样的结论:新生代农民工新生代农民工受教育程度普遍提高,发展期望值相应提升,渴望在事业发展层面融入城市社会;关注务工环境与工作条件,注重自身技能的提高与劳动权益的实现,追求体面劳动和发展机会;渴求精神、情感生活,闲暇时间活动形式多样化,渴望在家庭生活和精神层面融入城市社会。  相似文献   

促进新生代农民工融入城市,实现"城市梦",就是共建共享和谐现代社会。各级政府部门及社会组织应在心理、文化、法律等方面为新生代农民工提供具体指导帮助,为他们创造更多就业机会。同时,应关注新生代农民工同工同酬、社会保障、住房等问题,对他们的"城市梦"加强调研,并帮助他们实现"城市梦"。  相似文献   

新生代农民工通常是指1980年以后出生并拥有农村户籍的进城务工或经商青年。新生代农民工力图通过自己的努力融入城市,但现存的制度和政策依然将他们挡在了城市边缘。他们迫切希望从农民工转变成工人,转变为城市居民。工厂专制和拆分型劳动力生产体制限制了新生代职业和积极公民意识的发展,加之新生代生命周期的发展阶段,使他们对城市生活尚不能产生未来认同。  相似文献   

与老一代农民工相比,新生代农民工城市融入愿望更为强烈。然而,受到城乡二元结构的限制与自身文化、技能的制约,新生代农民工城市融入水平较低。工会作为党联系职工群众的纽带和桥梁,作为职工利益的代表者和维护者,理应发挥组织优势,加快推进新生代农民工城市融入。  相似文献   

新生代农民工的网络媒介素养是其城市融人的推手之一.以河北省石家庄市为例,考察新生代农民工的网络生活景观,从中可以发现问题,提出针对这一群体的网络媒介素养提升对策,以引导其有效利用网络,推动新生代农民工的城市融人力度.  相似文献   

"用工荒"问题的出现,对国内经济发展产生了深远的影响,从社会文化视角看,主要是与农民工无法融入城市生活、企业缺乏人性化关怀、社会歧视、新生代农民工的就业文化价值观发生了重大变化息息相关。通过加快公共文化服务体系建设、加强保障机制的建设、消除歧视隔膜、完善激励机制是解决"用工荒"问题的有效方法。未来长三角地区的经济发展应以高新技术、创新型产业为主导,注重优化投资结构,提升服务业发展水平。  相似文献   

正大中城市落户条件将放宽以就业参保年限为基准近日,中共中央、国务院印发了《国家新型城镇化规划(2014-2020年)》(以下简称《规划》),并发出通知,要求各地区各部门结合实际认真贯彻执行。《规划》提出,要推进农民工融入企业、子女融入学校、家庭融入社区、群体融入社会,建设包容性城市。要逐步使符合条件的农业转移人口落户城镇,不仅要放开小城镇落户  相似文献   

关于我国城市社区居家养老服务问题与对策的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,随着我国人口老龄化速度的加快,传统的以家庭为主的养老模式已无法满足老年人的生活需求,居家养老正成为我国城市养老模式的最佳选择。目前,全国各主要城市在多年实践的基础上已初步建立起居家养老服务体系,但是在居家养老服务资金、机构、内容、评估等方面还存在一系列问题,需要作出进一步的改进和完善。  相似文献   

影响新生代农民工融入城市的因素很多,然而,其自身“短板”特别是“城市生存技能”欠缺造成的种种负面心理影响不容忽视.因此,应该在“城市生存技能”培训方面下大力气,多做文章.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the roles of sense of belonging and gender in the academic outcomes of urban, Latino adolescents. It was expected that sense of belonging would play a different role in males' and females' academic adjustment. Participants (N = 143) included mostly Mexican and Puerto Rican seniors from a large, urban high school. The academic outcomes assessed were grade point average, absenteeism, motivation, effort, and educational aspirations and expectations. As hypothesized, females consistently had more positive academic outcomes than males. Sense of school belonging significantly predicted academic outcomes, including academic motivation, effort, and absenteeism. Regression analyses did not show that gender explained differences in the relationship between sense of belonging and academic outcomes. Implications and future directions for research on urban Latino males and females are discussed.  相似文献   

城市社区工会作为基层工会组织,因其紧贴社会生活实际,紧密联系职工群众实际,应当成为工会参与社会管理创新的微观载体.社区工会在参与社会管理创新实践中,通过开展丰富多彩的活动,履行其社会职能,最大限度地吸引职工、服务职工和团结职工,切实维护职工权益,为构筑健康和谐的城市社区,为实现维权维稳发挥其不可替代的、重要的社会支柱作用.  相似文献   

本文通过CG5S2010调查数据,着重分析农民工在城市居住房屋的质量对其婚烟变化所产生的影响。并 利用因子分析得出:农民工居住房屋质量由居住区环境因子、居住区社会资本因子、居住区安全因子以及居住区社会文 化因子构成。回归结果表明:农民工居住区社会资本因子与社会文化因子对其婚烟变动有显著正向影响:农民工居住区 的社会环境因子和社会安全因子对其婚烟变动没有显著影响。此外,随若住房面积地提高以及婚龄延长,婚姻趋于稳定 状态,同时也发现农民工住房面积存在边际递减效应。  相似文献   

Youth living in impoverished urban neighborhoods are at risk for becoming hopeless about their future and engaging in violent behaviors. The current study seeks to examine the longitudinal relationship between social connections, hopelessness trajectories, and subsequent violent behavior across adolescence. Our sample included 723 (49% female) African American youth living in impoverished urban neighborhoods who participated in the Mobile Youth Survey from 1998 through 2006. Using general growth mixture modeling, we found two hopelessness trajectory classes for both boys and girls during middle adolescence: a consistently low hopelessness class and an increasingly hopeless class with quadratic change. In all classes, youth who reported stronger early adolescent connections to their mothers were less hopeless at age 13. The probability of later adolescent violence with a weapon was higher for boys and was associated with the increasingly hopeless class for both boys and girls. Implications for new avenues of research and design of hope-based prevention interventions will be discussed.  相似文献   

Many adolescents living in contexts characterized by adversity achieve positive outcomes. We adopt a protection–risk conceptual framework to examine resilience (academic achievement, civic participation, and avoidance of risk behaviors) among 1,722 never-married 12–19 year olds living in two Kenyan urban slums. We find stronger associations between explanatory factors and resilience among older (15–19 years) than younger (12–14 years) adolescents. Models for prosocial behavior and models for antisocial behavior emerge as key predictors of resilience. Further accumulation of evidence on risk and protective factors is needed to inform interventions to promote positive outcomes among youth situated in an ecology of adversity.  相似文献   

The discourse of the rural-urban migrant is that of a sojourner in the city, a man or a woman who will almost inevitably return to his or her rural roots and re-engage with farming and village living. In this paper we ask whether rural-urban migrants can ‘become’ urban and shed their identification as temporary denizens of the city. We develop a conceptual framework that provides five entry points to explore this process of becoming urban, and then apply the framework drawing on the experiences of migrants to Viet Nam's capital, Hanoi. We argue that even when migrants do return to their homelands they do so with altered priorities and on different terms. The experience of migration was not infrequently transformative and life-changing. While migrants may not ‘become’ urban in the fullest sense, their homeland had become a space of familial origin and emotional identification, not a place where people necessarily sought to reside, work, raise their children and build their lives.  相似文献   

城市社区工会工作主要是依托社区平台,协同党政联动,在服务社区的各项工作和活动中发挥工会的职能作用.重视发挥城市社区工会的职能作用,对于推进工会组织的群众化民主化建设、促进社区居民和劳动者的全面发展、促进加强和创新社会管理、构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要意义.城市社区工会工作应当融入社区全局,协同党政联动,依托社区平台,体现工会职能,建立完善群众化民主化的社区工会工作组织和工作机制.上级工会要切实加强对城市社区工会工作的重视、指导和服务工作.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that in Latin America the family will care for elderly relatives. Yet, older people's dependence on family members should not be regarded as unproblematic. This article reviews the living arrangements of older women in urban Mexico, where, despite widely held beliefs about the special treatment merited by women as mothers, one in nine older women now lives alone. Recent figures suggest the proportion is growing rapidly. We use a life course perspective to explore the reasons for this pattern and examine the implications for the well-being of unmarried women living alone or with married daughters or sons. The article presents findings from a research project on gender and the home using a combination of qualitative and survey research methods in Guadalajara, Mexico's second largest city.  相似文献   

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