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农民工是中国改革开放以来伴随着工业化、城市化、现代化进程而出现的一个规模庞大的特殊群体,随着农民工在城市的安家落户,农民工子女的教育问题也随之浮出水面.运用社会排斥理论对农民工子女文化资本的缺失进行分析,提出相应的探索性解决措施,可以为改善农民工子女教育提供参考.  相似文献   

农民工问题历来是党和政府高度重视的问题,他们的情感状况更是不容忽视;特别是他们身份认同状况,关系到他们融入城市社会的程度。基于2013年流动人口调查数据,立足于社会支持、社会参与的视角,探究对农民工身份认同的影响,可以得出:社会支持中的实际支持而非社交支持,对农民工的社会参与有显著影响;社交支持、实际支持和社会参与,均显著影响农民工的身份认同;社会参与是实际支持影响认同感的一个可能的中介变量。  相似文献   

城市在校外来青少年社区归属感研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对5所公办学校的调查、访谈,从社会学的角度研究城市外来青少年社区归属问题,得出结论:公立学校的外来青少年的社区归属感状况并不明显,随着年龄的增长,对于来自社会的排斥更有了强烈的体验。随着政策的逐步放宽,教育行政部门及公立学校以及社区应该采取措施促使青少年更好地融入社会。  相似文献   

为解除外来务工人员的后顾之忧,天津市日前出台《关于进一步做好外来务工人员子女义务教育工作的意见》,确确规定在津工作的外来务工人员子女在教育教学、学籍管理、教育收费、评优奖励、考试竞赛、文体活动等方面与天津市学生享受同等政策,落实外来务工人员子女义务教育工作成绩突出的学校将得到奖励。  相似文献   

城市社区社会力量的广泛参与是社区建设的本质特征和必然要求。目前,世界发达国家和地区都非常重视社区社会参与的研究,取得了相当大的进展。城市社区社会参与问题的研究在我国是一个全新的课题,加强这方面的研究对于推动我国城市社区建设具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文借鉴政治学、社会学、行政管理学等学科的相关理论,运用理论联系实际方法和比较分析方法,对我国城市社区社会参与问题进行了尝试性的探讨。  相似文献   

随着世界范围内经济、技术的发展,人的素质、知识、科技、文化创意在生产力要素中越来越占有重要的位置,经济和社会建设对教育领域、教育理念创新发展的要求日益迫切.中外诸多学者结合自身研究领域,先后发展完善了组织学习与学习型组织理论、学习型经济理论、学习型区域与学习型城市理论等学习型社会相关理论,并对学习型组织和学习型社会的特性进行了深入的阐述,特别是进入21世纪,随着我国经济建设和社会建设的不断发展,以及建设社会主义和谐社会、促进经济社会可持续发展的深入推进,我国学习型社会建设也在广泛吸收国外先进经验的基础上,不断发展和完善.  相似文献   

城市社区工会作为基层工会组织,因其紧贴社会生活实际,紧密联系职工群众实际,应当成为工会参与社会管理创新的微观载体.社区工会在参与社会管理创新实践中,通过开展丰富多彩的活动,履行其社会职能,最大限度地吸引职工、服务职工和团结职工,切实维护职工权益,为构筑健康和谐的城市社区,为实现维权维稳发挥其不可替代的、重要的社会支柱作用.  相似文献   

切实维护和实现社会公平正义,是构建社会主义和谐社会的根本基础.但由于"金字塔"的社会结构形态、缺乏合理的社会流动和有效的社会整合,使转型期的社会出现了诸多不公正的现象,需要通过塑造信息对称的环境,确保规则平等和程序公正;制定合理有效的社会政策,建立畅顺的社会流动等对策来实现社会公平正义.  相似文献   

农民工子女留守农村的情况成为当今社会关注的热点问题。进城生活与就学困难的现状迫使大部分农民工子女留守在农村,由此产生了庞大的留守儿童群体。我们需要时刻关注留守儿童状态,为留守儿童健康成长提供可靠有力的支持。从社会支持网络的视角,可以在一定程度反映其生活状况和社会支持状况,为农村留守儿童问题的解决提供科学依据。  相似文献   

80年代以来农村工业化战略的启动,使乡镇的经济社会结构向非农产业发生了快速转型,使其从农村社会中分化出来,成为比农村社会更高一层次的区域社会实体──乡镇社会。由此,我国的区域社会结构演化为农村社会、乡镇社会和城市社会的新格局。  相似文献   

This qualitative study explores how the estimated 1–3 million street children of Bangladesh cope with the verbal, physical, and sexual violence inflicted on them on an almost daily basis. Drawing on a sample of 75 street children ages 10–17 in the capital city of Dhaka, the study is based on multiple interviews with participants. Interview data and social network theory yielded insights about the types of violence endured and how age, gender, and location impacted risks faced by street children. The study also highlights the complex and varied roles that social networks and group solidarity, as well as the actions of individual peers, play in the survival of this vulnerable population.  相似文献   


The emergence of specific forms of masculinity is bounded by space and time. While attention has been given to the contexts within which forms of masculinity develop, rather less is known about men’s enactment of masculinity from a social generational perspective. To address this gap, insights from Mannheim’s work on social generations, and Connell’s notions of masculinity are drawn upon to advance understanding of social generational masculinities in modern-day Bangladesh. A multi-site cross-sectional study was conducted in three cities, using interviews to elicit narratives of masculinity from 34 men of three social generations: an older generation (aged 53–75 years and growing up in the 1950s and 1960s), a middle generation (aged 30–46 years and growing up in the 1980s), and a younger generation (aged 19–27 and growing up post-1995). Thematic analysis was used to identify key notions around what it meant to be a man. While all men subscribed to the view that ‘real’ men should be providers, they differed by social generation with respect to perspectives on work, religion and sexuality. Historical, economic and cultural changes across the generations have shaped these differences, highlighting the importance of a social generational perspective for understanding masculinities in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Motherhood is changing. An increasing number of women are deciding to remain childless, having fewer children, postponing their transition to motherhood, and simultaneously pursuing careers. These changes are deeply embedded in a reconfiguration of the times of motherhood. Although the intersection of motherhood and time has been widely acknowledged by gender and feminist studies, less attention has been paid to how in the making of motherhood women reproduce, negotiate and subvert time mandates and norms. This article aims to underscore the importance of time and how it relates to the enactment of motherhood in contemporary societies by analysing the planning, timing, sequencing, and simultaneity of the transition to motherhood in Chile. Through the analysis of 15 life story interviews with urban women from Santiago de Chile, this article addresses the intersection between social change, motherhood and time by showing how in the making of the transitions to motherhood women reproduce, negotiate and subvert traditional and emergent cultural mandates and social norms on the times of motherhood.  相似文献   

网络互动是一种全新的人际互动模式,它改变了人们交往过程中吸引力诸要素的排列顺序,是青年人释放情感的最佳方式,网络互动形成了网络亚文化群体,有利于实现青年人的亲和社会需求。  相似文献   

Out-of-school suspension continues to disconnect an overwhelming number of economically disadvantaged ethnic minority (EDEM) youth from school—leading to out-of-school placement. Youth communities and localities may provide alternative spaces for suspended youth and create opportunities for prosocial engagement and support. The present study employed participant observation and interviews to explore suspended youth sense of social connectedness in a community-based intervention program in the United States. Findings illustrate psychosocial assets and youth sense of social connectedness emerged from relational bonds and a structural culture enforcing a nurturing and inclusive environment. A discussion on improving the capacity of community-based organizations to address the needs of suspended youth follows.  相似文献   

This research investigated the role of general and specific self-efficacy factors in positive family relationships and perceived social support within an U.S. incarcerated adolescent population. One hundred African American and Hispanic male adolescent participants, randomly selected from a southern California Probation Department, were included in the archival dataset used in this study. Self-efficacy beliefs were found to be significantly and positively correlated with family supportiveness and social support from peers. The results have implications for preventative treatment and policy approaches for youth and families at risk for incarceration and confirm self-efficacy models with a multicultural adolescent population.  相似文献   

中国于 1978年开始推行市场经济以来 ,社会开始转型 ,由原来单一的再分配经济转入混合经济时代 ,即再分配经济与市场经济并存的局面。那么转型后的国家政府 ,其地位和作用是否受到冲击 ?地位是否下降 ?通过对职业获得的研究 ,我们得出一个结论 :政府的地位没有下降。  相似文献   


The lives of young middle-class men in India are greatly different to their parents and older generations. As India economically liberalizes, there is a generational gap that has developed. Young men begin to start bridging this gap by living their lives through various negotiations and performances of appropriate masculinities in the contexts that surround them. Social developments in India mean that processes of consumption, urbanization and new practices of romantic and sexual expression have to be managed alongside older gendered expectations and responsibilities on young men. Through an ethnographic approach, this paper explores the social and cultural realities of young Indian men to understand how they are caught in-between and creatively manage their lives and relationships.  相似文献   

Sport is shifting from being hegemonically masculine but it is unclear how sports are viewed as gender segregated or gender integrated. Previous quantitative studies of gendertyping sports have reported mixed findings. Gendertyping constructs social representations that shape institutional and individual sport activities. This study examined how particular sports are represented as masculine, feminine and/or neither-gendered in one sample of 310 students at a US university. Qualitative open-ended recall questions asked students to name three masculine, feminine and neither masculine nor feminine sports. Results revealed that most students were aware of and used hegemonic gendertyped terms to describe sports. Recall questions elicited 2515 namings of 80 different sports that were arrayed as a spectrum of social representations of gendertyped sports ranging from masculine to neither-gendered to feminine. Some representations were hegemonic segregated masculine sports, many were integrated neither-gendered sports, and fewer were segregated feminine sports. Gendertyped social representations of sports offer cultural toolkits for calibrating the practices of doing and redoing gender in sport.  相似文献   

社会保障制度建设是一个长期历史任务,不可能一蹴而就.中国是个人口大国,社会结构复杂.因此,要解决这些问题,需要考虑方方面面的情况.《社会保险法》的颁布,确立了我国社会保险制度的框架、方针、目标和任务,标志着社会保险制度建设已从长期改革探索走向了定型、稳定、可持续发展的新阶段,也为解决上述问题指明了方向,提供了法律保障.  相似文献   

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