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黄蓓  陈晓辉 《政治与法律》2007,2(3):133-137
近年来,我国警察在执法活动中遭受对抗甚至暴力袭击致伤亡的人数很高.袭警直接损害的是警察的身体,间接损害的却是国家法律的尊严.警察权力与警察权威的失衡,说明警察机关没有坚持和贯彻执行群众路线,警察队伍内部存在违法犯罪行为,社会的荣辱观念发生错位以及警察自身装备能力和警察机关维权意识等方面存在问题.我国应当在法律上明确规定袭警行为.  相似文献   

直面警察的心理健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
警察承受着的心理压力直接影响和危害警察的心理健康,也对社会和民众利益造成一定的威胁。加强对警察心理素质培养,建立完善的心理支援体系,为民警提供心理健康援助和心理教育已经迫在眉睫。当今中国警察心理健康现状不容乐观,来自社会各个方面的压力危害着警察的心理健康,社会群众的理解与支持是解决警察心理健康问题的根本对策。  相似文献   

李玫 《中国监狱学刊》2007,22(5):135-141
监狱警察是一个高风险、高压力的特殊职业群体,其心理健康状况不容乐观。监狱警察的心理压力来自职业、社会、监狱内部人际环境与警察自身的压力,压力过度会对心理、工作、生活造成不利影响,需从社会维护、组织维护和个体维护三方面进行心理压力调控。  相似文献   

为维护社会秩序和增进公共福利,赋予警察在社会管理方面一定的公权力是必须的,这种权力就是警察行政权。警察行政权涉及社会的各个方面,对公民的生活影响极大,没有完善的法律责任及监督机制的制约极易给公民的合法权益造成侵害。在实践中,确实大量存在着警察行政权违法行使的情况,因此,应进一步明确警察行政权行使的法律责任并完善其监督机制。  相似文献   

法治视野下的警察执法违法行为规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭勃 《河北法学》2005,23(10):32-35
近年来,新闻媒体不断披露的有关公安机关或人民警察违法犯罪案件,引起人们对公安机关及人民警察的极大关注。不仅对警民关系的健康发展造成影响,而且带来“法律信仰”危机。“执法者违法”现象的形成固然有执法者自身素质不高等原因,但其根源在于我国现有警察制度自身的缺陷。通过分析我国警察制度的现状,从制度层面上分析“执法者违法”现象的产生原因,探析现有警察制度存在的不足,进而提出制度改革的若干意见。  相似文献   

警察职务犯罪是一种典型的司法腐败。党中央、国务院一直高度重视我国公安队伍建设,本着“依法从严治警”的方针,对警察职务犯罪发现一起,查处一起,在很大程度上挽回了警察职务犯罪所造成的社会负面影响。但在司法实践中,对警察职务犯罪惩治的程序却有颇多方面值得进一步探讨。由于对警察权力的监督有内部监督、外部监督、司法监督,而现行法律对于如何惩治警察职务犯罪程序上却未作出统一规定,因而对这一问题在理论上存在争议,在司法实践中作法也不一致。实践中,对警察职务犯罪的惩治在程序上大体有以下几种模式:  相似文献   

周君 《法制与社会》2015,(9):128-129
随着社会法治进程的不断深入,警察作为证人出庭作证制度逐渐被确立并完善.与此同时,在具体实务中警察作证也存在着种种问题有待进一步研究完善.本文以警察作证为视角,从警察作证的身份、内容、方式、程序、效力和法律责任等问题出发,分析了如何加强警察作证相关问题的立法完善.  相似文献   

警察出庭作证问题一直都是法学理论研究和司法实务界讨论的热点问题。我国警察出庭作证之所以存在障碍,一方面是由于刑事诉讼法对警察出庭作证问题规定的不够明确,另一方面是缺乏保障警察出庭作证的程序规则,从而造成警察不出庭理所当然的错误观念。在有关警察出庭作证的程序保障方面,立法比较成熟的美国可以给我们提供一个学习、借鉴的蓝本,特别是《波士顿警察局规则与程序规则320》。  相似文献   

警察现象产生、存在和发展的社会意义是什么?警察群体及其成员的人生意义何在?人们依据何种尺度认识评价警察工作的善恶?凡此等等,无不涉及到警察价值问题.本文试以马克思主义哲学关于价值问题的一般理论为依据,以警察实践为基础,对有关警察价值的一系列问题加以系统探讨.  相似文献   

近几年,舆论宣传和理论研究都特别关注罪犯权利,对监狱警察的权利关注明显不够。在囚犯权利日益得到保护的同时,警察的权利受到了其行政管理相对人——罪犯的挑战。一段时期以来,涉黑涉毒型罪犯呈逐年上升趋势,狱内暴力、非暴力袭警现象层出不穷,警察生命权和人格权频频受侵,休息权、健康权更是得不到应有保障。在当今法制社会中,监狱警察与公民一样,有权得到法制文明带来的公平与正义,监狱警察在严密看守罪犯,精心矫治"顽劣",为人民群众守护一方平安的同时,自身的权益也应当得到切实保护。本文立足于监狱工作的客观实践,深入剖析了监狱警察的权益保障现状中存在的突出问题,并提出了革新与改善的建议。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the transformation of private troubles into social and legal problems. It is argued that this transformation process involves a micro-and macro-politics of claims-making. Data are presented on police certification and state compensation of sexual assault claims in a mid western state. The largest urban area in this state is distinguished by the collective claims-making of antirape activists, and by the resulting presence of a sexual assault treatment center, which we expected would reduce the influence of racial characteristics on police certifications of innocence, while correspondingly increasing the influence of police certifications on the success of compensation claims. Our results confirm the above expectations. An implication of our findings is that black victims of intraracial sexual assaults are more likely to see their compensation claims succeed, and to see their troubles recognized as social and legal problems in those settings where macro-level antirape efforts have been institutionalized in treatment and/or advocacy centers. More generally, our findings suggest that the transformation of private troubles into social and legal problems can be contingent on collective claims-making in the context considered.  相似文献   

In disadvantaged neighborhoods, prior research has found reduced social cohesion and less willingness among residents to address disruptive behaviors and violations of social norms. This deficiency is commonly associated with higher levels of disorder and crime. Therefore, recent scholarship has begun to consider whether police can help foster collective efficacy, especially in places struggling with serious crime problems. Early results are somewhat mixed. Yet the cooperation hypothesis asserts that when neighborhood residents see police as a more viable and reliable resource, residents will be emboldened to exert informal social control to address problems. Over the last two decades, hot spots policing has been recognized as an effective method to reduce crime. At the same time, there have been few rigorous studies of whether this approach impacts collective efficacy at hot spots. To investigate this question, we conducted an experiment in 71 crime hot spots, comparing a collaborative problem solving versus a directed patrol (police presence) approach versus standard policing practices. Over time, a substantial increase in police presence did appear to promote modest improvements in collective efficacy. We attribute this finding to the cooperation hypothesis.  相似文献   

警队核心价值观是警察文化软实力的灵魂,是警察文化软实力建设的重点。香港警队自1996年订立和实践其核心价值观以来,在实践理念、教学模式、社会协同、职业价值观测评等方面都有显著的先进性,回顾和总结香港警队在培育和践行核心价值观及其核心价值体系构建中取得的宝贵经验,有助于我们认识广东警队培育和践行核心价值观的现状、特点及成因,并为今后推进广东警队核心价值体系构建提出对策建议。  相似文献   

张连举  马睿 《政法学刊》2003,20(5):53-55
入世不仅使广东公安工作拥有了更为广泛的服务空间,而且推动了广东公安机关自身改革的进程,也拓展广东公安机关与国际间司法交往与合作的机会。但入世在带来巨大利益的同时也带来了风险和挑战,社会治安更加波动,犯罪活动更加突出,文化侵袭更加严重,公安任务更加繁重。广东公安机关应采取积极主动的针对性措施,加强公安思想建设,全力维护社会政治稳定;加强公安队伍建设,全面提高公安民警素质;加强公安法制建设,确保严格公正文明执法;加强公安作风建设,积极大力推行警务公开。从而更好地服从服务于经济建设,确保社会治安的持续稳定。  相似文献   

Research on the relationship between police and crime, like many criminological topics, is subject to uncertain causal direction and omitted controls. We recommend procedures that mitigate these problems: the Granger causality test, proxies for missing variables, robustness checks, and making data available to other researchers. Because specification problems are common in the social sciences, this strategy has applicability beyond the issue of police and crime. We analyze yearly police data and UCR crime rates, at the state and city levels, pooled over two decades. We find Granger causation in both directions. The impact of crime on the number of police is slight, but the impact of police on most crime types is substantial. The latter result is more robust at the city level.  相似文献   

In this paper, the bodies of male rape victims as the ‘other’ are problematized. The social and cultural constructions of male rape within a policing context are examined since the police play a major role in impeding the progress of male rape cases. The author draws on police data, generated from interviews and qualitative questionnaires with the police, to illustrate the problems with policing male rape in England, UK. While the author provides empirical data, sociological, cultural, and post-structural theoretical frameworks largely inform it. It is argued that the bodies of male rape victims are positioned in inferior positions, whereby their bodies are metaphorically and symbolically marked as ‘abnormal’, ‘deviant’, and the ‘other’. Through social and power relations, their bodies are tainted, which reinforces gender and social norms.  相似文献   

张莉斌  杨宁  黄渴 《政法学刊》2010,27(2):118-121
依法使用武器是法律赋予警察的权力,是维护社会治安、惩治违法犯罪、保护人民群众和警察生命安全的有力武器。而警察武器使用的训练是一个技能与法律法规密切结合的实战训练,也是一个不断发现问题和解决问题,熟能生巧的、有制度的、严格规范的、长期的、永恒的训练过程。香港警队的警务实战训练代表了世界最先进、最科学、最实用的训练水平,他们的枪械训练为内地警察武器使用的训练提供了很好的训练思路和训练方向。在目前形势下,我们应借鉴香港警队先进的训练理念和训练模式,开拓我们的思路,促使我们的警察武器使用训练发生质的变化,走上一个崭新的台阶,使训练与实际执法真正的结合起来。  相似文献   

TOM R. TYLER 《Law & policy》1984,6(3):329-338
This study examines the influence of citizen satisfaction with police behavior in citizen-police encounters upon citizen support for increases in the authority granted to the police. The results suggest that satisfaction has no influence upon support for increases in police authority. Instead, views about police authority are related to political/social values.  相似文献   

In an effort to assess the correlates of the variations in the rate of crime aggregated at a city level, data are analyzed using multiple correlation analysis that includes indicators of socioeconomic and social control (police) characteristics of the cities The results indicate that the rate of police and money budgeted to police contributes little to the explained variation in rates of crime. In addition, these indicators of social control variations do not correlate with variations in clearance rates The data are interpreted in terms of their implications for public policy, evaluation of police, and deterrence theory.  相似文献   

李若菊 《政法学刊》2007,24(6):102-104
社会热点问题是复杂的社会问题,也是新形势下影响社会稳定的突出问题,公安机关是维护社会稳定的职能部门,只有密切关注社会热点问题,把握社会热点问题与社会稳定的关联性,明确社会热点问题预警工作的重要性,落实社会热点问题预警的各项工作措施,才能有效完成维护社会稳定、保卫和谐社会建设战略目标实现的历史重任。  相似文献   

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