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沈子华 《河北法学》2020,38(1):68-79
条约是公认的国际法,许多国家在司法实践中都将条约作为法院裁判案件的适用依据。但在我国,宪法并未规定条约在其中的地位,条约主要是立法转化适用而不是吸纳适用,其也不是行政诉讼案件的适用和参照依据。因此,有必要构建法院解释条约的机制,明确法院解释条约发生的条件,同时建立参照条约的个案解释方法,法院在个案审理中可以直接以非人权条约为适用依据来裁判案件,援引人权条约或者参照条约进行论证和说明理由。  相似文献   

预防性行政诉讼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
解志勇 《法学研究》2010,(4):172-180
现行行政诉讼法规定的事后救济型行政诉讼,常常无法排除或修复行政活动对原告造成的严重损害后果,导致原告合法权益得不到有效保护,直接威胁到行政诉讼救济的有效性和社会稳定与和谐。应尽快弥补这个法律缺失,建立以事前和事中救济为特征,旨在对抗威胁性行政行为和事实行为的预防性行政诉讼制度,真正实现权利有效保障。  相似文献   

This article analyzes trends in litigation brought against corporate actors regarding human rights information. Such information includes, but is not limited to, statements on packaging claiming that products are “ethically sourced” and investor-facing disclosures representing that an issuer's operations are environmentally friendly. It proceeds by outlining the sources of human rights-related disclosures as they arise under both legal and voluntary regimes. The article then addresses the case law. Recent years have seen an increase in lawsuits involving human rights information, or lack thereof, imparted by companies. Consumer protection or consumer fraud cases are being filed, alleging that companies have either provided false and misleading information or omitted information about corporate human rights impacts and mitigation efforts. Investors are filing similar claims. The article examines the trend and considers the role of this litigation both in holding companies to their word and in providing corporate accountability for the underlying human rights abuses that false or misleading human rights information may mask. It ultimately argues that, although success at trial in such cases remains elusive, litigation is a useful and potentially growing tool for holding companies to their word regarding human rights claims. It contextualizes this litigation, arguing that other means by which companies can be held to their word should be strengthened, including public enforcement and—potentially—new disclosure and due diligence laws.  相似文献   

江伟  苏文卿 《政法学刊》2009,26(1):65-68
公益诉讼的社会功能,决定了它能否成功实现制度的变迁、达致制度良好运作的总体成效。相较于以调整个人之间利害冲突为基本对象的传统民事诉讼,公益诉讼不仅具有纠纷解决、实体权利保护、不当行为纠正等基本的诉讼功能,而且基于其特有的目标、结构和运行机制,还具有形成社会公共政策、创设或扩展权利、制约公权以及促进社会变革这四大特殊功能。  相似文献   

《刑事诉讼法修正案(草案)》的功能性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
叶青  谭志鹏 《法学杂志》2012,33(2):105-112
诉讼功能认识的偏差影响人们对诉讼的运用及诉讼理论、诉讼制度的建构。我国《刑事诉讼法》修改一方面不应削弱惩罚犯罪的功能,另一方面也应进一步强化人权保障的功能。本文试图在对《中华人民共和国刑诉法修正案(草案)》作功能性分析的基础上,围绕我国《刑事诉讼法》修改中的几个争议问题,提出以强化与完善相关制度与程序予以解决的方法和建议。  相似文献   

The premise of Russia's 2012 “Foreign Agents” Law, one of the first such laws restricting foreign funding for non-governmental organizations (NGOs), is that foreign monies equal foreign agendas. Since then, over 50 countries have adopted similar laws using a similar justification. This paper interrogates this claim of foreign donor influence through examining legal mobilization by human rights NGOs at the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). We track donor support for litigation by providing an overview of all foundation grant flows relating to strategic litigation for 2013–2014, and then matching the granting activities of two major U.S. foundations over 14 years to human rights NGO participation in cases before the ECtHR. Further, through case studies of Russian NGOs, we assess the causal role that donor support has played in facilitating their increased involvement in ECtHR litigation. The combined analysis indicates broad patterns of private foundation support to litigating NGOs, but uncovers no evidence that foreign donors were “pushing” NGOs toward litigation as a strategy, but instead more evidence suggesting that NGOs convinced donors to support human rights litigation. Despite the inaccuracy of the justification underpinning Russia's foreign agent law, the law threatens the survival of human rights organizations.  相似文献   

This article provides a critical next step in scholarship on climate change litigation's regulatory role. It creates a model for understanding the direct and indirect regulatory roles of this litigation. It then applies this model to the United States and Australia, two key jurisdictions for climate change lawsuits, in order to explore the regulatory pathways that this litigation has taken, is taking, and likely will take. This analysis helps to illuminate the ways in which litigation influences regulation and forms part of climate change governance.  相似文献   

周翠 《北方法学》2014,8(5):90-104
民事公益诉讼的原告资格问题不属于诉讼担当,而属于实体适格问题。为此,立法者应当在实体法律规范中赋予"法定机关和有关组织"具体的实体请求权。而且,为了避免金钱损害赔偿带来的证明与分配上的困难,以及保证有关组织的独立地位,我国民事公益诉讼的请求权内容未来应当限定在"非金钱损害赔偿请求权"之上;仅例外情形才允许通过民事公益诉讼的途径主张"没收不当收益"请求权并上缴基金,这对于纠正市场失灵亦具有重要意义。此外,为了实现高水准的公益保护,我国还有必要增设有关既判力扩张与禁止滥诉的规定。总体而言,民事公益诉讼承担着"预防保护与监督"的功能,其与任意的诉讼担当、代表人诉讼、债权让与等制度共同存在,并分别在实现不确定人群的集合利益、少量确定人群的个体权利、大量不确定人群的大规模损害赔偿请求权以及大量不确定人群的小额损害赔偿请求权等领域发挥作用。  相似文献   

Civil rights litigation undertaken by lawyers associated with interest groups, particularly the NAACP and the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF), is of ten described as planned" litigation. This article examines litigation by these organizations from the late 1960s through the early 1980s to explore the extent to which "planned litigation" is planned. The author interviewed both staff attorneys for organizations participating in race relations litigation and "cooperating attorneys" associated with such organizations.
Elements of planned litigation discussed are litigating organizations' choices—of areas of law on which to focus, of cases, of federal or state courts, and of amicus curiae participation—and the dynamics of litigation—including relations between staff and cooperating attorneys, litigators' control of cases, and the effect of Supreme Court decisions on litigation strategy.
The interviews reveal that much interest-group civil rights litigation is not selected deductively on the basis of previously developed criteria but instead develops inductively from cases that come to the organizations and is affected by pressure and circumstance. Counter to the view, stemming from Brown v. Board of Education, that civil rights litigation is undertaken as planned "campaigns" based on "blueprints," it appears that much about "planned" litigation is problematic, with many constraints imposed by the actions of others and by resource problems, with the result that many deviations from litigation strategy occur. Thus much "planned" litigation b responsive and reflexive and beyond litigators' control.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):253-276

Despite the increase in prisoner civil rights litigation in the past decades, we know relatively little about the bases of such suits, let alone the differences between male and female litigants. Judging from existing literature, we would expect women to join male litigants in challenging the conditions of their confinement. But it seems that there has been a remarkable quiescence among women prisoners in civil rights litigation. Despite such factors as poor living conditions, overcrowding, internal disciplinary problems, lack of job training programs, and unbalanced racial composition (all positively associated with high civil rights litigation rates), it would seem that women are filing proportionally far fewer suits than their male counterparts. Further, women sue for somewhat different reasons. Using data from one federal district in Illinois and two Illinois prisons, we will argue that, compared to their male counterparts, women do not choose litigation for problem resolution, and we will suggest that gender and organizational constraints may account for much of this quiescence.  相似文献   

人权保障与我国民诉法的修改   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
廖中洪 《现代法学》2004,26(3):53-61
以人权保障为我国民事诉讼法修改的基本指导思想,既是中国民诉法现代化和履行国际公约义务的需要,也是现实中国人权保障和民诉法自身完善的需要。而在民诉法的修改完善中要全面贯穿人权保障的思想,就应当从立法规定上适当扩大民事诉讼的受案范围;充分保障当事人诉权的正当行使;以及扩大当事人在诉讼中的合意选择权。  相似文献   

This article examines the domestic impact of supranational human rights litigation on acknowledgment of state violence in the context of macroprocesses of global governance. The article's argument is that the impact of supranational human rights litigation on the process of acknowledgment must be seen through counternarratives on state violence. The article undertakes a detailed textual analysis of the truth claims and denial strategies that emerged from the European Court of Human Rights proceedings on state violence during Turkey's struggle against the armed group the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). It assesses these in the context of the human rights reforms that were created following pressure from European-level governance processes. The article argues that attention must be paid to agency in acknowledgment and truth-telling processes, and points to the limits of technical-bureaucratic forms of human rights reform interventions in the context of state violence.  相似文献   

行政诉讼中对必要参加诉讼第三人的权利救济,虽然在修改前后的《行政诉讼法》及其相应司法解释中都有涉及,但是无论在实体还是在程序方面,均存在较多的问题。这不仅给必要参加诉讼第三人的权利救济带来一定的困难,也成为许多行政案件案结事未了,甚至行政案件申诉、上访、信访率高的重要原因之一。要建立起一套完整的行政诉讼必要参加诉讼第三人权利救济制度体系,以下几个问题值得关注:必要参加诉讼第三人申请参加诉讼未获准,应当赋予其上诉权;没有申请参加诉讼,法院应当通知其参加;遗漏必要参加诉讼第三人的案件,二审法院并非一律发回重审;应赋予被遗漏的必要参加诉讼第三人提起再审之诉的权利;应当赋予必要参加诉讼第三人管辖异议权;必要参加诉讼第三人在终审前都可以参与诉讼程序;参照原被告举证责任完善必要参加诉讼第三人的举证责任制度;强化行政诉讼生效裁判执行中必要参加诉讼第三人的权利保障。  相似文献   

我国刑事强制措施的功能回归与制度完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
诉讼保障和人权保障是我国刑事强制措施的双重功能,惩罚教育、刑罚预支、证据发现以及犯罪预防等强制措施功能异化或者泛化的现象应当予以规范。未来我国强制措施的制度完善,应当以实现诉讼保障和人权保障功能回归为主线,秉持宪政视野、实践视野和国际视野,从整体上将强制措施区分为羁押措施和非羁押措施,实现逮捕与羁押相分离,设置独立的羁押程序,强化羁押的审查与救济,丰富羁押替代措施的种类并对其加以权利化改造,完善监视居住制度等。  相似文献   

在现行强制医疗司法实践中,由于各省(市)对肇祸的精神病人多采取集中医疗,而司法机关则分散于各区县,导致司法机关为节约司法成本而有意无意地缩略了部分诉讼程序,使得被强制医疗人及其法定代理人的诉讼权利和实体权利均受到侵害。为改变此种现状,应借鉴行政案件、知识产权案件和特殊刑事案件的集中管辖制度,建立与集中医疗相对应的集中管辖制度即将全省(市)的强制医疗案件集中到接受医疗地的司法机关管辖,从而实现司法资源优化配置,降低司法成本;强化诉讼权利保障,体现程序公正;实现同案同判,维护实体公正;实现效率提升,确保及时审判;实现专业化审判,确保案件质量。为确保特殊案件得以公正处理,应设置集中管辖的例外制度;为保障当事人及其法定代理人对集中管辖的异议权,应赋予其上诉权。  相似文献   

章恒筑 《现代法学》2005,27(6):86-92
以诉讼行为为主线的大陆法系民事诉讼结构理论,是一种凸显人的价值和意义的理想类型。我国形成中的当事人主导型民事诉讼结构理论,借鉴了大陆法系民事诉讼结构理论的许多内容。在此基础上,适应保障人权、社会主义市场经济和司法体制改革需要,应建构弘扬人文精神,证明———判断为基本范畴的民事诉讼结构理论。  相似文献   

When nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) encounter state resistance to human rights accountability, how do NGOs use international courts for their human rights advocacy strategies? Considering the overlapping phenomena of shrinking civic space within authoritarian, hybrid, and democratically backsliding regimes, and state backlash against international courts, NGOs navigate two potential levels of state backlash against human rights accountability. Building on the interdisciplinary scholarship on legal mobilization, we develop an integrated framework for explaining how states' two-level (domestic and international) backlash tactics can both promote and deter NGOs' strategic litigation at international human rights courts (IHRCs). States' backlash tactics can influence NGOs' opportunities, capacities, and goals for their human rights advocacy, and thus affect whether and how they pursue strategic litigation at IHRCs. We elucidate the value of this framework through case studies of NGOs' litigation against Tanzania at the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, an understudied IHRC. Drawing on an original data set, interviews, and documentation, we process-trace how Tanzania's various backlash tactics influenced whether and how NGOs litigated at the Court. Our framework and analysis show how state backlash against human rights accountability affects NGOs' mobilization at IHRCs and, relatedly, IHRCs' opportunities for influence.  相似文献   

诉讼监督价值目标的实现是检验立法、司法、执法、守法效果的标尺。诉讼监督的价值目标主要有保障人权、公平正义、诉讼效率等,诉讼监督的目的即保证立案、侦查、审判、执行过程中公权力为实现上述价值而正确施用,诉讼监督的价值目标间存在博弈。因此,巩固并拓展检察机关诉讼监督职能,细化诉讼监督程序、明确诉讼监督责任,同时对检察机关诉讼监督进行二次监督,有助于化解诉讼监督价值目标间的冲突,推动诉讼监督价值目标的最大化实现,推进法治社会与和谐社会的全面建设。  相似文献   

从行政诉讼到宪法诉讼——中国法治建设的瓶颈之治   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
胡肖华 《中国法学》2007,(1):100-110
法治乃现代社会之理想治理模式,诉讼乃法治实现的必然选择。在现行诉讼体制中,行政诉讼作为一种“权利对权力说‘不’的游戏”,标志着中国法治理念的本土生成;但由于其“先天缺陷”与“后天失调”所共同导致的运行不济,使得该机制在中国法治实践中未能彰显其应有价值。宪法诉讼作为域外法治实践的成功典范,因诸多因素在中国内地难以实证化,但其所蕴涵的民主、法治、人权与程序正义理念可为中国行政诉讼体制改革提供精神支撑。从行政诉讼到宪法诉讼,实现行政诉讼与宪法诉讼的内在契合与外在趋同,即为中国法治建设进程中的瓶颈之治。  相似文献   

Legal context. The impact of human rights on intellectual property("IP"), particularly in the light of the Human Rights Act 1998and growing criticism of IP by civil society. Key points. There can be a greater legal, as well as political,role for human rights in the development of IP. The place ofhuman rights in IP litigation is established: see decisionsin Levi v Tesco, Ashdown v Telegraph and ITP v Coflexip. However,the impact of human rights has been limited to extreme peripheralcases, without challenging the central priority accorded tothe interests of IP owners. After considering practical applicationsin "non commercial", "hybrid" and "commercial" fields, thisarticle argues for a more pervasive and central role for humanrights, by greater reference to the Human Rights Act 1998, theEU Charter, international human rights instruments, TRIPS anddecisions of other jurisdictions. This should enable a morebalanced outcome to be reached in many, but not all, cases. Practical significance. IP owners, those challenging IP rights,and those advising them should all consider greater use of humanrights in IP litigation—not just in exceptional cases.Those resisting infringement may increase their prospect ofsuccess; those arguing for infringement will be better placedto counter arguments which may be raised. However, revisionof national, regional and international IP legislation wouldbe required to address all perceived social difficulties withIP.  相似文献   

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