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叶姗 《政法论丛》2012,(4):3-12
民生性事权是指政府从事民生性事务的职权和职责,而民生性事权的分配则是指民生性事权在中央政府和地方政府之间以及同一级政府的不同职能部门之间的划分和配置。通过考察民生性事权在中央和地方之间分配失衡的实际情况,可以确立其在中央和地方合理分配的原则,进而进行规范上的构造。基本公共服务的事权应当尽可能由较高层级的政府承担,或者有能够与之匹配的地方财力支应,而非基本公共服务的事权则可以由较低层级的政府承担。  相似文献   

世界主要反倾销法分析与我国反倾销立法的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在“以‘替代国’价格作为非市场经济国家出口产品‘正常价值’”、“对公共利益的考虑”、“对出口商替进口商交纳反倾销税的作弊行为的制裁”、“反规避的措施”和“对中止反倾销调查的态度、做法”五个问题上,WTO、美国、欧盟反倾销法律中有着明显的或微妙的差异。比较这些差异的客观性、合理性会给中国反倾销立法的完善以启益。  相似文献   

形式解释论与实质解释论:事实与理念之展开   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国目前的刑事司法实践完全没有深深陷入法律形式主义的泥坑,因而需要采用实质解释论加以拯救,而恰恰是深深陷入了法律实质主义的泥坑,由此逾越了罪刑法定原则的樊篱,因而需要引入形式解释论加以纠正。在某种意义上,形式解释论与实质解释论之争不仅是构成要件论之争,甚至是刑法机能论之争、刑法观之争。在我国当下社会中,法治规则意识尚未完全建立。在这种前法治时代,我国应该大力弘扬规则功利主义。  相似文献   

离婚损害赔偿诉讼是近年来才出现的诉讼形态,如何真正地保护在离婚诉讼中无过错方的合法权益,实现惩治过错方的立法目的,必须把握好证据这一关。但在司法实践中,往往面临无过错方举证难的问题,从而制约了离婚损害赔偿制度的有效实现。为此,笔者认为,要解决离婚损害赔偿诉讼中举证难的问题,一是针对隐秘的婚外同居,要着重运用证人证言来连环证明事实,也可根据民诉讼法有关规定,申请由法院负责收集;二是针对受害者身受的家庭暴力,要强化各种证据证明力;三是针对虐待遗弃行为,应充分运用证人证言来证明事实。而从根本上说,要解决举证难问题,立法上应对无过错一方举证问题有特别的考虑,对举证责任要求不能过于苛刻,从而更好地保护无过错方的合法权益。  相似文献   

Correctional staff job burnout is costly to all involved. As such, it has generated a growing body of research. This study reviewed 53 empirical studies of correctional staff burnout and two review articles published between 1981 and 2014. The majority of studies focused on staff working in a variety of institutional positions, fewer studies focused exclusively on the subgroup of correctional officers, and even fewer focused on a different subgroup. The majority of studies also involved staff at US government-run adult prisons. Most but not all studies utilized Maslach’s Burnout Inventory. Research on the antecedents of job burnout among correctional staff is more common than research on the possible consequences or outcomes of job burnout. Interestingly, despite the empirical emphasis on antecedents of burnout, there has been almost no research on effective interventions designed to deal with correctional staff burnout. Based on this narrative review, significant gaps remain in the research on correctional staff burnout.  相似文献   

The current study examines the contextual effects of community structural characteristics on adolescent delinquency in Iceland, focusing on how specific individual‐level mechanisms work to mediate the contextual effects. Using multilevel data on 68 school communities and 6,458 adolescents, we find a contextual effect of community social instability (residential mobility, family disruption) on delinquency. Moreover, the findings indicate that specific individual‐level social control mechanisms (Coleman, 1988) explain a part of this effect, namely, embeddedness in community‐based social ties linking parents and adolescents and normlessness. Also, the findings indicate that the individual‐level effect of unsupervised peer activity on delinquency is contingent on embeddedness in social ties as well as on community social instability. The findings have bearing on the cross‐societal generalizability of social disorganization theory.  相似文献   

我国现行立法仅对优先购买权所适用的法律关系作了原则性规定,但对其法律性质、法律效力、适用条件、实现方式、行使期限、侵权救济等未作明确规定。应在法理分析的基础上,对优先购买权在民事执行逐环节上的法律适用和法律救济给出可操作的具体方案。  相似文献   

骆小春  董新凯 《现代法学》2003,25(6):158-161
促进中小企业的发展从根本上在于依靠反垄断法建立有利于中小企业参与竞争的良好的竞争机制。从西方国家反垄断法的情况来看 ,其对企业合并的控制、对滥用市场支配地位行为的禁止、对限制竞争协议的规制以及其他一些反垄断法规范无一不对中小企业的发展起着直接或间接的作用。我国目前对促进中小企业发展的措施在认识上存在偏差 ,应当以反垄断法为重点 ,并尽早出台有利于中小企业发展的《反垄断法》。  相似文献   

紧急状态是特定语境下的法律概念,只有在紧急状态宣布之后,行政紧急权力的行使才具有正当性。从权力特性、权利保护、法律价值、社会秩序的角度看,行政紧急权力应当法治化。通过对行政紧急权力来源正当性之赋予、运作过程性之追踪、结果有效性之考量,使其得到事前、事中、事后的法律规制,从而实现法治化。  相似文献   

白慧林 《法学论坛》2004,19(4):90-96
为抑制信用证欺诈、维护诚实信用的国际贸易环境 ,信用证欺诈例外原则的运用需突破信用证的独立性 ,将信用证交易与基础合同交易联系起来考查。这是对信用证独立原则的例外。加拿大最高法院于 1 987年审结一起有关信用证欺诈例外原则的著名案例BankofNovaScodiaappellantv .Angelica -WhitewearLTD .andAngelicaCorpo rationRespondents,成功地总结了英美法国家处理信用证欺诈问题的立法、判例。本文从介绍该案入手 ,结合国际公约和现有立法、判例、法学理论 ,分析信用证欺诈例外原则确立的必要性及适用条件 ,以期为我国在新形势下完善有关信用证欺诈的立法、司法作理论上的探讨  相似文献   

"两个人权公约"与我国人权宪政体制的整合   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
加入"两个人权公约"使我国面临着人权宪政体制与"两个人权公约"的整合问题.在人权宪政理念上,需要对关于人权的传统主流观念重新审视;在人权宪政规范上,以加入"两个人权公约"为契机,修正我国宪法公民基本权利的某些条款,重构我国的人权宪政体制;在人权宪政的运作上,对两个人权公约采取保留、克减措施,发挥我国宪法解释机制的功能,同时,以宪法的司法化为前提,以"两个人权公约"作为我国司法审判的直接依据并建立宪法判例制度.可以预见,21世纪经济全球化趋势必将促进我国宪政人权制度国际化的进一步发展.  相似文献   

刑事案件精神病鉴定实施情况调研报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈卫东  程雷  孙皓  潘侠  杨剑炜 《证据科学》2011,19(2):193-215
本文以法律职业群体和司法精神病学鉴定专家为调研对象,就刑事程序中的精神病鉴定及相关问题进行了调研,通过运用访谈、问卷、阅卷、调取司法统计数据等实证研究方法对目前我国刑事程序中精神病鉴定的现状、问题及成因展开了研究.研究的主要问题包括司法精神病鉴定主体与鉴定管理体制,鉴定程序的启动,公安司法人员对鉴定意见的审查、判断,对...  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(3):364-368
The stamp markings on wooden surfaces, which are placed on trees and products including antiques, indicate the status of trees and involve identifying data regarding the products. Such markings are obliterated either to facilitate illegal logging or to conceal product information. Despite the wide literature on the restoration of obliterated characters on metal and polymer surfaces, the recovery of defaced characters on wooden surfaces appears to be understudied. Several reference texts in the forensic marks’ examination literature suggest that water, water vapor, and alkaline solutions are useful in restoring the abraded markings on the wood. Since there does not seem to be any experimental study proving such success, this study aimed to fill this gap. This study conducted experimental research by using water, ethanol, ammonia, and chloroform to recover the scraped characters on samples obtained from walnut, beech, spruce, oak, and cedar trees. The cold-stamped characters, which were defaced at varying depths, were restored using vapor and liquid phases of four solvents. While the vapor phases of water, ethanol, and ammonia yielded good outcomes on all types of wooden surfaces, the liquid phases did not seem to be useful in the revisualization process. The response of the vapors, which varied between 62 and 220 s, depended on the type of wood. The restoration technique developed in this research offers the possibility of on-site usage, easy application, utilization of low-cost solvents, rapid recovery, and effectiveness on various wooden surfaces. Overall, the restoration methodology used in this research appears to be fruitful in retrieving identifying information on wooden samples.  相似文献   

经济法学的基本假设   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张守文 《现代法学》2001,23(6):46-55
法学研究之深入 ,端赖于范式转换 ,经济法学研究更是如此。以往之法学研究 ,较为偏重权利 -义务结构分析 ,这固然重要 ,但已显不足。本文基于对“复杂性问题”进行多维审视的需要 ,运用法与经济学的理论对经济法研究的几个基本假设进行了探讨。  相似文献   

网上证券交易是伴随计算机网络技术被引入证券市场而发展起来的新兴证券交易方式,随着其在世界各国证券市场的广泛应用,对网上证券交易的监管也成为各国监管机构越来越需要重视的问题之一。美国是最早发展网上证券交易的国家,其对网上证券交易的监管机制相对比较完善和有效,其推出的一些监管措施经过一些国际组织的推荐为世界其他国家所效仿,取得了比较好的效果。本文在探究美国的网上证券交易监管机制的基础上,结合中国的实际,就中国的网上证券交易监管的发展提出了建议,以期对建立健全中国的网上证券交易监管机制有所帮助。  相似文献   

冀诚 《北方法学》2012,6(4):45-53
在我国合同法上,强制性规定包括效力性规定和管理性规定。如何妥善地对二者进行区分,是一个无法在立法技术层面通过改进合同法的规范配置来解决的问题。此问题的解决有赖于案例法体系的建立。在法律论证的过程中,只有以现行法上的规则为依托,以比较法上的研究为参照,在体系思考和案例思考相结合的基础上,对应当参照的各类因素给予充分的关注,才能对违反强制性规定的法律效果作出合理的判断。  相似文献   

Recent works emphasize the role of the family in migration decisions. They particularly insist on the specific schedule of mobility that depends not only on an individual life cycle but also on the situation of the whole family at a given time. French military registers provide us with very detailed longitudinal information on migrations, scarcely available in other sources. We consider the smallest family group, male siblings, and focus on their migration behaviours. We start by testing the simplest family indicator, birth rank, and we show that, by itself, it has no effect on migration decisions. We then study whether or not there is competition among siblings and, in particular, if the migration of one of them encourages or prevents mobility of the others. Comparing the chances for an individual to move before and after the migration of his brother, we show that brother mobility did have a positive influence on someone's own mobility. However, we find little evidence of the use of networks when looking at migrants' place of destination. Sons are more prone to move in a given family than in another but they don't go to the same places. Therefore, we argue that mobility appears as a collective decision that depends on family strategies. This approach sheds new light on the migration process while insisting on its family component.  相似文献   

WTO与环保有关的贸易条款评析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
WTO《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定》、GATT1 994、《技术性贸易壁垒协定》、《实施卫生与植物卫生措施协定》、《补贴与反补贴措施协定》、《农业协定》、《服务贸易总协定》和《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》以及《政府采购协定》中均含有与环境保护有关的贸易条款。如何应对与运用这些条款并推动它们的进一步完善 ,是我们面临的重要问题 ,而这一问题的解决必须建立在对它们的深刻理解的基础上。  相似文献   

条约冲突一方面表明了当代国际法旺盛的生命力,另一方面也会对国际法的进一步发展产生消极影响,因此研究条约冲突及其解决对国际法治建设有着积极意义。条约冲突的产生与国际法不成体系有着密切的因果联系。在各种类型的冲突中,有的可以采用诸如特别法优先原则来处理,有的可以通过条约解释规则加以消弭,有的则可以设置明确的冲突条款来避免。国际法的不成体系,使得解决条约冲突的方法也可能是不成体系的。综合运用各种冲突解决方法,是国际法对解决条约冲突的必然要求。  相似文献   

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