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宿迁市局认真做好《法学天地》的征订工作。该市所辖4县均超额完成任务,预计均突破千份大关,为在经济、文化欠发达的地区做好法制宣传工作奠定了良好的基础。 泰州市从市局到各县区局都十分重视《法学天地》征订的组织、发动工作,并且扎扎实实把这项工作落到实处,不留死角。 至11月11日,阜宁县征订2000年度《法学天地》已达1200份,征订经费同时到位。至此,该县局已连续3年征订《法学天地》超千份。 该局为做好《法学天地》发行工作,召开县司法行政系统全体人员会议,广泛宣传发动,并将10月份定为《法学天地》“征订发行月”,采取“条块结合,分片包于”的办法,任务分解到人头。同时将征订情况列入股室处所的年终责任制考核,出台了奖励办法,对按时足量完成任务的给予10%的奖励,并每周通报征订进度,县局对征订进度后5名的通报批评。  相似文献   

“天地有方圆,方圆写公平。正义不分贫和富,法律伴你同行。”这源于《法律援助之歌》的歌词,体现了我国法律援助制度的“慈爱之心,援助之手,保护之盾”。  相似文献   

本文从马克思《黑格尔法哲学批判》时期的市民社会理论出发,通过对马克思《黑格尔法哲学批判》和黑格尔《法哲学原理》的对比研究,从三个方面对马克思和黑格尔的市民社会思想进行了比较分析,希望可以借此理清马克思与黑格尔在市民社会概念之间的根本区别。  相似文献   

<正>一、共同法的世界观基础在中国文化中,人们是讲"天"的。中国人的天有两重含义:一是自然,一是世界,前者讲人与自然的关系,基本上由道家思想予以体现;后者讲人与人的关系,基本上由儒家思想予以体现。就人与自然的关系看,中国文化认为:人生于天地之间,出于自然,属于自然,存于自然,化于自然,人就是自然的组成部分。此庄子所谓,"天地与我并生,而万物〔1〕  相似文献   

正【本刊讯】近期,天地伟业超星光摄像机再度出现在央视荧屏,《新闻联播》播出了题为《天地伟业:人无我有"创新"赢得未来》的专题报道。《新闻联播》把全球观众的视角对准了天地伟业视频实验室,这是安防视频监控领域首个国家级工程实验室,再次让观众们领略了超星光摄像机的神奇。记者向观众们介  相似文献   

"不用直接向街头流浪乞讨人员施舍钱物."前不久,北京市海淀救助工作人员走上街头,向市民宣传流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法,同时发放《致全体市民公开信》.  相似文献   

近日,深圳市人大召开《深圳经济特区市民文明行为促进条例》立法论证会,组织市民代表、人大代表与政协委员对该条例的草案论证稿进行讨论。这部有可能成为全国首部市民行为规范法规的条例.明确授权城管可以对十项不文明行为给予处罚。(8月15目《中国青年报》)中华民族曾以"文明古国"和"礼仪之邦"而引以为豪.但如今诸多有悖伦理、有违道德的不文明行为.却让国民情以何堪。在深圳市就"何种不文明行为应进行处罚"的第一轮民  相似文献   

上海:首次电视直播立法听证会上海市人大常委会日前举行《上海市消费者权益保护条例修正案(草案)》立法听证会,上海广播电视台法治天地频道进行了长达3小时的全程直播。这是上海市举办立法听证会以来的首次电视直播,在全国尚属首例。本次听证会围绕7天无理由退货、消费者个人信息保护及行政管理部门和消保委处理消费投诉的职责等三方面内容展开。来自上海市各行各业的18名听证陈述人及15名市民旁听代表参加了听证会。  相似文献   

谢弥丽 《法制与社会》2011,(19):269-269
《非物质文化遗产法》在高度呼吁文化安全的环境中适时而生,该法条款中从国家文化安全发展战略的高度体现了我国非物质文化遗产保护的理念及意义。本文指出《非物质文化遗产法》的颂布实施,将进一步增强中华儿女的文化认同,有效地维护国家文化身份和文化主权。  相似文献   

编者按:为更准确地体现“148”的动态性,特将连载性专题《“148”为您服务》改名为《“148”在行动》。因本刊第7期已刊登过一篇《“148”在行动》,故本期从“之二”接续1广州市各区(市)“148”法律服务专用电话6月18日全面开通后,广大市民反映热烈。截至8月底,全市...  相似文献   

城市公用事业民营化法律路径的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫海 《行政与法》2005,(9):53-55
传统观念认为城市公用事业应当由政府所有和经营以维护公共利益,但是20世纪80年代以来,世界各国纷纷进行城市公用事业民营化的改革。当前,在我国,城市公用事业旧的经营模式的弊端已经暴露,越来越多的人开始认识到政府在城市公用事业供应中应承担责任并不等于政府直接生产产品或服务,实际上,私人生产和政府安排的有机结合更有效率。公私合资经营、合同外包和特许权经营都是实现城市公用事业民营化的有效法律路径,但是应依据具体项目的特征慎重选择甚至混合使用。  相似文献   

国家与市民社会的严重隔离与分化,成为中国法治现代化的严重障碍。我们把现代法治理解为国家权力的理性外化,主张以国家为主导,将法治作为一种政府主导的理性构建行为,一种国家促成的法治状态。  相似文献   

Ottoman urban reform policies not only targeted the rehabilitation and rebuilding of provinces, cities, streets, and squares; they also aspired to refashion the inhabitants of urban spaces. Vocational orphanages (?slâhhanes) of the latter half of the nineteenth century were, in that respect, instrumental in removing minor vagrants, beggars, and street children from urban areas according to redefined borders of urban security and visibility and in reintegrating them into society through training and employment in arts and crafts. As much as this initiative was a significant step on the part of the state to intervene in family life and child-rearing practices, the research also points to the agency of poor parents in demanding and benefiting from state welfare policies.  相似文献   

全球化进程与我国社区犯罪防控体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国社区犯罪防控体系的运行一直采取以政府特别是警察治安行政为主体的社区治安管理模式。20世纪70年代末期和80年代初期,随着全球化的兴起,我国政府提出了社会治安综合治理的方针,并由此构成中国社区犯罪防控体系规划与执行的决策背景和基本的策略原则,但社区犯罪防控体系规划与执行的政治过程、行政过程、经济过程和文化过程产生的偏差以及由此引起的社区犯罪防控体系的设计、构建和运行问题并未达到预期的设计目标。解决这一问题的关键是重新审视和构建社区犯罪防控理论范式及与之相应的社区治安治理模式,建立起以社会治安综合治理方针为指导的一种新的社区犯罪防控理论范式、认知框架和与之相应的社区治安、治理制度创新体系及运行模式。  相似文献   


Since the nineteenth and twentieth century, information has been pivotal both in the cultural tradition and then in the economic tradition. While the Fordism economic model and its specialisation requirements originated a simplistic zoning and single-use development approach to the design of a city. It, however, determined a fragmented growth of cities. Inevitably, the zoning as an urban strategy affected the architectural scale. Nevertheless, the idea of information, commercial goods and thereby people freely able to flow through the city allowed architects and urban designer to conceive new types of urban infrastructures. For example, trains, which were designed on the model of urban “arteries and veins.” Over time, the persistence of urban and architectural segmentation has strengthened social and economic inequalities among urban society. In addition, information has played a more vital role in this strengthening process. The technological achievements of the twenty-first century such as information technologies have significantly affected cities. The new informational patterns have provided new ways of designing, and in turn how societies experience cities. These “quantified cities” consist of digital data that dynamically interacts with “quantified human beings.” Consequently, a renewed urban semiotics is established, which is built around an alternate sociological comprehension. Is this new urban semiotics able to heal an ill and divided urban body? The paper will investigate a new concept of “quantified city” based on the notion of “Hyper-Reality,” and its inhabitants who are entering in a “post-human” condition while living in a dynamic urban environment. In particular, the critical analysis will be used as a “tool” for redefining the perception of the city (i.e., the image of the Hyper City) through inhabitants’ (post-humans’) relational patterns which are technologically mediated (i.e., Google Maps, Uber, Instagram, etc.). The more traditional notion of urbanisation is questioned with a focus on how the an urban society is embedded within the digital condition and the notion of a city.


While the urban area was increasingly filled with middle- and low-status residents, the rural area was dominated by high-status settlers whose number increased because of migration from the city and natural growth. Remarkable differences existed between urban and rural marriage features such as marriage age and rate of remarriage. The more sincere adoption of the high-status marriage culture in the rural area may be attributed to its occupational homogeneity. In the rural agrarian settings, landlords, self-cultivators and tenants shared a similar living pattern and value system based on the agricultural cycle. The urban area, however, exhibited a variety of work patterns of local functionaries, artisans and merchants. Many middle- and low-status people might well have found the high-status culture of the rural area incompatible with their own.  相似文献   

While the urban area was increasingly filled with middle- and low-status residents, the rural area was dominated by high-status settlers whose number increased because of migration from the city and natural growth. Remarkable differences existed between urban and rural marriage features such as marriage age and rate of remarriage. The more sincere adoption of the high-status marriage culture in the rural area may be attributed to its occupational homogeneity. In the rural agrarian settings, landlords, self-cultivators and tenants shared a similar living pattern and value system based on the agricultural cycle. The urban area, however, exhibited a variety of work patterns of local functionaries, artisans and merchants. Many middle- and low-status people might well have found the high-status culture of the rural area incompatible with their own.  相似文献   

新农村建设中土地流转的现实问题及其对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
韩松 《中国法学》2012,(1):19-32
新农村建设中的农地流转和土地利用,要尊重农民的权利和意愿,在农地流转中要节制资本,将资本下乡和合作社限定在为农民和农业生产服务的领域内,防止资本对农民土地的兼并导致农民失业破产。应当采取严格的问责制度和严厉的责任追究制,以制止地方政府权力对农民权益的侵害。同时要建立完善其他法律制度,允许集体建设用地使用权直接入市,改革城乡建设用地挂钩的政策,建立耕地复垦和耕地保护补偿制度。在此基础上,完善关于农民房屋转让的规定,允许房屋所有人与本集体共同对房屋和宅基作出处分,包括向城市人出卖房屋和宅基地,由集体取得建设用地(宅基地)的出让价值,由房屋所有人取得房屋的市场交换价值。  相似文献   

This article addresses the current focus within urban cultural policy on using art as a tool in urban development. Based on theories of participation, democracy, and public art, the article sets out to investigate critically the concept of placemaking. The discussion is based on an analysis of the public art project Placemaking, which took place during 2015 in eight municipalities around Copenhagen in Denmark. I argue that, when used as a tool in urban development, participatory public art engenders contradictory encounters. These encounters challenge the cultural political effort to democratize art and culture.  相似文献   

This article points to a largely neglected theme in the maritime history: the important role of sailors' families in urban seafaring communities during the Early Modern Period. At the end of the seventeenth century and during the first decades of the eighteenth century, about 20% of the crewmembers of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) were married. Accordingly, in the towns in Holland where the VOC was present, many women had to run a household by themselves for a long period of time. The sailors' families were often confronted by emotional and financial distress, which to some extent affected the financial expenses of VOC towns as well. Many of these families were however able to cope because they received material support from various urban institutions. The Company created a system that encouraged sailors to send their money home during voyages, while urban poor relief often temporarily complemented the family's budget. Contrary to other married women, wives of sailors could obtain the legal power to engage in financial transactions, or to have access to inheritances. Town councils, civil courts, church councils, charity institutions and the East India Company were all willing to help the seamen's families. Their motives were twofold: while urban communities benefited from financially stable families, and the VOC compensated for their low pay by offering their employees fringe benefits, the attitudes towards seamen's wives also indicate that the urban elites genuinely wanted to provide some assistance to these needy families.  相似文献   

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